回复 4楼catgoose的帖子 你为什么不去多做些调研? CISA is a standalone United States federal agency, an operational component under Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversight. Its activities are a continuation of the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD).
回复 5楼Twenty20002020的帖子 如果那么大的问题,为什么不在homeland上面网站上面说明,在这种下面的一个相当于某个小部门的网站。你说是Homeland security大,还是这种什么CISA野鸡部门权力大?你那篇文章的发言人是 The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky 不是homeland security的发言人。你搞什么逻辑混淆!!!!!
回复 24楼Ghmw的帖子 哪里假了? The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works
回复 15楼Twenty20002020的帖子 转一段美女州长的话,这里是美国,不要老自以为是。 Governor Kristi Noem @govkristinoem We the People choose our government by consent of the governed. We need to ensure that our elections are fair, honest, and transparent. Al Gore got his day in court. President Trump and the 70 million Americans who voted for him should be afforded the same opportunity.
回复 27楼redwendy的帖子 有glitch, 但是马上被发现了,没有改变选票的统计。 The basis of Mr. Trump’s claim was an error made in a county in Michigan, which initially miscounted a vote total in Mr. Biden’s favor. It was a human error, and it was quickly caught and corrected.The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had experienced Election Day hiccups in Michigan and Georgia. In every instance, there was a detailed explanation for what happened, most of it human error. In none of the cases did software affect the vote counts.
回复 24楼Ghmw的帖子 哪里假了? The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works Twenty20002020 发表于 2020-11-13 00:20
回复 27楼redwendy的帖子 有glitch, 但是马上被发现了,没有改变选票的统计。 The basis of Mr. Trump’s claim was an error made in a county in Michigan, which initially miscounted a vote total in Mr. Biden’s favor. It was a human error, and it was quickly caught and corrected.The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had experienced Election Day hiccups in Michigan and Georgia. In every instance, there was a detailed explanation for what happened, most of it human error. In none of the cases did software affect the vote counts.
回复 45楼redwendy的帖子 这个软件总共就在两个county 用过。而且没有影响票数的统计。 The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had experienced Election Day hiccups in Michigan and Georgia. In every instance, there was a detailed explanation for what happened, most of it human error. In none of the cases did software affect the vote counts.
回复 5楼Twenty20002020的帖子 如果那么大的问题,为什么不在homeland上面网站上面说明,在这种下面的一个相当于某个小部门的网站。你说是Homeland security大,还是这种什么CISA野鸡部门权力大?你那篇文章的发言人是 The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky 不是homeland security的发言人。你搞什么逻辑混淆!!!!! catgoose 发表于 2020-11-12 23:45
不用我举报。已经被抓了。自己去搜:Robert Lynn. Lynn, a Republican and Trump supporter, is accused of requesting an absentee ballot for his mother Marie P. Hannigan, who died in 2015. The application noted Hannigan’s reason for the request as “visiting great-grandkids Oct. 24-Nov. 10,” the complaint states, according to the report
不用我举报。已经被抓了。自己去搜:Robert Lynn. Lynn, a Republican and Trump supporter, is accused of requesting an absentee ballot for his mother Marie P. Hannigan, who died in 2015. The application noted Hannigan’s reason for the request as “visiting great-grandkids Oct. 24-Nov. 10,” the complaint states, according to the report
你为什么不去多做些调研? CISA is a standalone United States federal agency, an operational component under Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversight. Its activities are a continuation of the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD).
如果那么大的问题,为什么不在homeland上面网站上面说明,在这种下面的一个相当于某个小部门的网站。你说是Homeland security大,还是这种什么CISA野鸡部门权力大?你那篇文章的发言人是 The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky 不是homeland security的发言人。你搞什么逻辑混淆!!!!!
你眼瞎了?自己说是homeland security开头,结果搞了个CISA这种部门的人发表。你州务卿可以是民主党,state senate可以是共和党,都是gov结尾的,有什么好证明的?民主党的州长,还有共和党的county,共和党的州长,还有民主党的county,司法部门都是如此,都是gov结尾,能够说明什么?什么都不能说明。我可以给你举很多这样的例子。
川粉真是 pathetic,官方与非官方网站都不知道如何分辨。。。
你以为这是中国?什么都需要cctv 说才算正式的?美国的做法一直是直接管事的部门发表声明。 CISA 就是管选举的,当然是他们发了。
在给你educate 一下:2016年大选的时候为什么有关Clinton 的邮件调查问题是James comey 宣布而不是当时的司法部长Loretta lynch 发布?fbi 可是隶属司法部的。照你的逻辑是不是应该是当时的司法部长lynch 发声明才算数?fbi的头算个屁?!
看的懂英文吗? The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee 这不是管选举的,难道是你管选举?
2000 bush v gore 和现在的情形没有任何可比性。不要妄想当初bush 赢了川普也可以一样赢。
你是高法?还是disctric court? 你怎么知道呢?你害怕什么?
你应该去看看Karl rove 在WSJ 写的社评。知道Karl rove 是谁吗?提示一下,他可是直接参与了bush v gore 。 This Election Result Won’t Be Overturned Recounts occasionally change margins in the hundreds, never in the tens of thousands. By Karl Rove https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/this-election-result-wont-be-overturned-11605134335
https://www.youtube.com/embed/TmgMu5sefzA 作者Karl Christian Rove (born December 25, 1950) is an American Republican political consultant, policy advisor and lobbyist. He was Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff during the George W. Bush administration until his resignation on August 31, 2007. 这个人是Bush家族的,写出来这种文章有什么好稀奇的。以前Cnn网站有一篇论文还说Trump继任第二期。
我给你看Karl rove 的文章,是因为你提到bush v gore. Karl rove 直接参与了bush v gore, 而且是bush 的人。他对bush v gore 和现在情形的了解不会比你我多?
参加过考试的人都知道,在true or false考题中,如果句子🀄️出现any,那这个句子肯定是false. 已经有证据有死人票了。回完才看到是你这个这么多2的ID, 估计没上过学吧。
我已经回答过你了,这个人是Bush家族的,Bush家族和其他两个家族直接参与了Lincoln project的家族。写出来的话就是个P。
对,有死人投票,还被抓了。是PA 的川粉, Robert Lynn
Authorities: Pennsylvania man tried to request ballot for deceased mother
哪里假了? The members of Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Executive Committee – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Assistant Director Bob Kolasky, U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Benjamin Hovland, National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) President Maggie Toulouse Oliver, National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) President Lori Augino, and Escambia County (Florida) Supervisor of Elections David Stafford – and the members of the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) – Chair Brian Hancock (Unisyn Voting Solutions), Vice Chair Sam Derheimer (Hart InterCivic), Chris Wlaschin (Election Systems & Software), Ericka Haas (Electronic Registration Information Center), and Maria Bianchi (Democracy Works
请阅读,有兴趣的妹子请耐心 Cisa.gov/rumorcontrol
Governor Kristi Noem @govkristinoem We the People choose our government by consent of the governed. We need to ensure that our elections are fair, honest, and transparent.
Al Gore got his day in court. President Trump and the 70 million Americans who voted for him should be afforded the same opportunity.
有glitch, 但是马上被发现了,没有改变选票的统计。
The basis of Mr. Trump’s claim was an error made in a county in Michigan, which initially miscounted a vote total in Mr. Biden’s favor. It was a human error, and it was quickly caught and corrected. The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had experienced Election Day hiccups in Michigan and Georgia. In every instance, there was a detailed explanation for what happened, most of it human error. In none of the cases did software affect the vote counts.
你脑子坏掉了,才只看川普和他粉丝的tweet。 不过你这样的人活该被洗脑
FBI 隶属司法部。那是不是fbi 发的就不算数了,只有司法部发才算?
所以说,你那个什么狗屁机关说得话就是fake news. 无论民主党还是共和党,谁提告我都支持,提交证据,让法院判决。
Biden 上周六就宣布是president-elect 了。你难道不知道?
对,所有政府机构的人说的都是fake news. 只有川普是唯一真理
Fake news有什么可看的?他们在我这儿没credit. 你没被洗脑?那你本质上不是蠢就是坏。
这个软件总共就在两个county 用过。而且没有影响票数的统计。
The Dominion software was used in only two of the five counties that had experienced Election Day hiccups in Michigan and Georgia. In every instance, there was a detailed explanation for what happened, most of it human error. In none of the cases did software affect the vote counts.
你那个狗屁机关说没发现任何vote problems, 你引用了并支持了它的说法。我说是fake news, 有死人票。你也承认了有死人票。那你说那个狗屁机关说得是对呢还是不对呢?NC.
死人票是Pennsylvania 川粉投的。投票作假是重罪, 等着坐监狱吧。
厉害,这都被你抓到了,快去给homeland security fbi 选举委员会举报!你不举报就是假民主党是骗子是小狗是红脖子没文化造谣种族歧视不懂英文吃福利五毛大纪元
zombie 等着白等王者归去,去地下组建大军。
一派胡言,是非颠倒是左棍的标志。和你讲话就是对智商的侮辱。找出一篇言论文章当真理,除了各州的electoral certify总统之外,你天皇老子说了都不算数!
又开始捏造事实了,只有7.7MM ,你们🐷党就喜欢自动给自己加票。你家主子多的几百万估计也是死人,非移,通过各种不正当行为搞出来的。
白粉心态崩了。。。 老板,再来一克白粉。。
人家明明是政府,.gov, 被你说成民间组织。脑子是个好东西,可惜你没有