Days after a winner was declared, Mike DeWine says Joe Biden won the presidential election
CLEVELAND, Ohio – For the first time since a winner was projected, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine acknowledged Democratic President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the election. To date, DeWine has resisted calling Biden the winner as Republican President Donald Trump continues to challenge the election results, largely with conspiracy theories – without any evidence – of massive voter fraud. On Monday, he issued a vague congratulations for Biden, though did not specify what he was congratulating his former U.S. Senate colleague for and did not call Biden the president-elect. 该州长是目前共和党内部高层中,第一个认可拜登的共和党员。及时跳川啊。 最搞笑的是还有一群文盲说没有说,但是拜托,您们要看看时间啊,说的是周一没有说拜登是president-elect, 但是周四说了拜登是president-elect
链接有视频 During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor. “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.”
你不要在这里混淆视听,根本没有承认。标题党,呵呵,真是迫不及待怕别人不承认啊。大家看看贺信原文吧,(五毛可能看不懂吧。LOL)根本没有说承认,只是非常的模糊的祝贺罢了,而且说“President''s lawyers have every right to present evidence in court on any legal issues or irregularities" 谁知道他背后真正的含义呢, 呵呵。而且Ohio Republicans 一样的态度, 并且明确支持Trump: “With many legal challenges to vote counts still to come, it was premature and irresponsible for the news media to declare Biden the winner of the presidential election. The president has every right to bring legal challenges where he thinks fraud has occurred, & we support him!”
你不要在这里混淆视听,根本没有承认。标题党,呵呵,真是迫不及待怕别人不承认啊。大家看看贺信原文吧,(五毛可能看不懂吧。LOL)根本没有说承认,只是非常的模糊的祝贺罢了,而且说“President''s lawyers have every right to present evidence in court on any legal issues or irregularities" 谁知道他背后真正的含义呢, 呵呵。而且Ohio Republicans 一样的态度, 并且明确支持Trump: “With many legal challenges to vote counts still to come, it was premature and irresponsible for the news media to declare Biden the winner of the presidential election. The president has every right to bring legal challenges where he thinks fraud has occurred, & we support him!” nihao9 发表于 2020-11-12 15:00
DeWine becomes the highest profile Republican to recognize Biden’s victory, with most elected officials maintaining a stance that Trump still has a chance at victory and entertaining the idea that widespread voter fraud occurred. Nobody, including the Trump campaign, has produced any evidence that widespread voter fraud exists. 你自己用你的阅读理解能力来读读把,文盲,法盲。
DeWine becomes the highest profile Republican to recognize Biden’s victory, with most elected officials maintaining a stance that Trump still has a chance at victory and entertaining the idea that widespread voter fraud occurred. Nobody, including the Trump campaign, has produced any evidence that widespread voter fraud exists. 你自己用你的阅读理解能力来读读把,文盲,法盲。 minqidev 发表于 2020-11-12 16:41
就用你主楼里引用的文章来反驳你自己的标题吧,这段话里哪个字是你标题里的结论:俄亥俄州长承认Biden当选 To date, DeWine has resisted calling Biden the winner as Republican President Donald Trump continues to challenge the election results, largely with conspiracy theories – without any evidence – of massive voter fraud. On Monday, he issued a vague congratulations for Biden, though did not specify what he was congratulating his former U.S. Senate colleague for and did not call Biden the president-elect.
就用你主楼里引用的文章来反驳你自己的标题吧,这段话里哪个字是你标题里的结论:俄亥俄州长承认Biden当选 To date, DeWine has resisted calling Biden the winner as Republican President Donald Trump continues to challenge the election results, largely with conspiracy theories – without any evidence – of massive voter fraud. On Monday, he issued a vague congratulations for Biden, though did not specify what he was congratulating his former U.S. Senate colleague for and did not call Biden the president-elect. Cherrychocolate 发表于 2020-11-12 16:51
During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor. “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.” 你是考的2级英语?
DeWine becomes the highest profile Republican to recognize Biden’s victory, with most elected officials maintaining a stance that Trump still has a chance at victory and entertaining the idea that widespread voter fraud occurred. Nobody, including the Trump campaign, has produced any evidence that widespread voter fraud exists. 你自己用你的阅读理解能力来读读把,文盲,法盲。 minqidev 发表于 2020-11-12 16:41
During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor. “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.” 你是考的2级英语? minqidev 发表于 2020-11-12 16:56
CLEVELAND, Ohio – For the first time since a winner was projected, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine acknowledged Democratic President-elect Joe Biden as the winner of the election. To date, DeWine has resisted calling Biden the winner as Republican President Donald Trump continues to challenge the election results, largely with conspiracy theories – without any evidence – of massive voter fraud. On Monday, he issued a vague congratulations for Biden, though did not specify what he was congratulating his former U.S. Senate colleague for and did not call Biden the president-elect.
最搞笑的是还有一群文盲说没有说,但是拜托,您们要看看时间啊,说的是周一没有说拜登是president-elect, 但是周四说了拜登是president-elect
During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor. “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.”
不谈政治观点派系 这次抗疫 这个州长很早就lockdown 号召戴口罩 真是时势造英雄
有农业部长么 我觉得老Kasich比较适合去种地 LOL
拜托,你有看过我11月3号的观点吗? 没有瘟疫,川普赢面很大,但是川普瘟疫表现太差,输了活该。
我从2016年论坛上就开始支持民主党。因为反对川普,被很多人骂是五毛 你没来过这个网站把,以前有个斯科特猫,我经常和它对峙的
请看看目前共和党的重量级人物简历吧。 Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Jim Bridenstine 就举三个我崇拜的文武科学兼修 其他的,不说了。
DeWine becomes the highest profile Republican to recognize Biden’s victory, with most elected officials maintaining a stance that Trump still has a chance at victory and entertaining the idea that widespread voter fraud occurred. Nobody, including the Trump campaign, has produced any evidence that widespread voter fraud exists.
就用你主楼里引用的文章来反驳你自己的标题吧,这段话里哪个字是你标题里的结论:俄亥俄州长承认Biden当选 To date, DeWine has resisted calling Biden the winner as Republican President Donald Trump continues to challenge the election results, largely with conspiracy theories – without any evidence – of massive voter fraud. On Monday, he issued a vague congratulations for Biden, though did not specify what he was congratulating his former U.S. Senate colleague for and did not call Biden the president-elect.
哈哈,只是支持Trump上诉啊。但是他本人都承认拜登是 President-elect 也许你不知道是傻意思把。
是星期一还没说,但是星期四说了拜登是 President-elect. 我的天,你们英语怎么学的?? 你们考的是三级吗?
During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor. “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.”
黑体字都给你标出来了,哪个字承认Biden是so called的president elect?哪怕是初级英语,也应该看得懂did not吧?!
During a Thursday interview with CNN’s John Berman, DeWine – a co-chair of Trump’s Ohio campaign – said Biden was the victor.
“I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the president-elect,” DeWine said. “Joe Biden is the president-elect.”
呵呵,又是fake news。来,我给你贴全乎了,全文link,不谢。看看fake news的标题啊各位,"a winner was declared",什么时候declared了, 是说fake news declared吗?跟你科普很多次了,媒体declared的不算数,美国是民主法制国家。这样的fake news一点credit都没有,你们川黑就只看fake news吗?刚刚看到你又贴了CNN,果然川黑的信息来源全是fake news。 Days after a winner was declared, Mike DeWine says Joe Biden won the presidential election
哦,你也一句透露了你的教育背景,呵呵。 弯弯,大陆本科毕业需要四级,专科,高职是三级,高中生,大专有个类似的二级,但不是强制性
deep state要搞腐败,这些摇摆州的政客肯定要首先攻下啊。 没啥奇怪的,屁股下面不干净,当然都希望拜登赢,以后一起分赃。
那不是号称,我一直支持拜登,我只是当时能够接受拜登输,得ohio得天下,是好多年得传统, 拜登给了我们惊喜而已。没有德州,没有佛罗里达,没有ohio,照样赢。