单纯探讨一下美国的邮寄投票机制的漏洞,以后大家尽量还是亲自去投票并且积极参与监票,以维护我们的投票公正。Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots https://nypost.com/2020/08/29/political-insider-explains-voter-fraud-with-mail-in-ballots/amp/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons&__twitter_impression=true 这个fraud在选举前就被披露,所以GOP鼓励大家亲自投,民主党却dismissed it。呵呵。 ”Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded.” 有意思的是文章似乎早就预见了这次大选会出事。 “A Bernie Sanders die-hard with no horse in the presidential race, he said he felt compelled to come forward in the hope that states would act now to fix the glaring security problems present in mail-in ballots. “This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a f–king war coming November 3rd over this stuff … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.”
你自己怎么不去查查美国法院系统,如果local court不接受,案子可以appeal去高院,这个又不是中国。你自己的那套想法只适合中国。一切按照法律程序来,大戏才慢慢开始。 Appeals From Courts of Appeals Decisions By far the most common way cases reach the Supreme Court is as an appeal to a decision issued by one of the U.S. Courts of Appeal that sit below the Supreme Court. The 94 federal judicial districts are divided into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals. The appeals courts decide whether lower trial courts had applied the law correctly in their decisions. Three judges sit on the appeals courts and no juries are used. Parties wishing to appeal a circuit court’s decision file a petition for writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court as described above.
你自己怎么不去查查美国法院系统,如果local court不接受,案子可以appeal去高院,这个又不是中国。你自己的那套想法只适合中国。一切按照法律程序来,大戏才慢慢开始。 Appeals From Courts of Appeals Decisions By far the most common way cases reach the Supreme Court is as an appeal to a decision issued by one of the U.S. Courts of Appeal that sit below the Supreme Court. The 94 federal judicial districts are divided into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals. The appeals courts decide whether lower trial courts had applied the law correctly in their decisions. Three judges sit on the appeals courts and no juries are used. Parties wishing to appeal a circuit court’s decision file a petition for writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court as described above. catgoose 发表于 2020-11-07 14:13
不接受也算 decisions? 你贴的英文根本没说怎么对待 Tossed out cases . 还有大戏? Wake up! Trump is done!
没有人在阻止他重算,他符合要求了吗?他申请了吗?他付了重算的费用了吗?法官不受理难道又是有人迫害他了吗?连司法不占他这一边?? 为什么说川粉恶心?因为他们动摇了美国trust的根基,u r innocent until proven guilty. 而不是随便的散播谣言。 It is a hilarious joke that " give me some time to find evidence to prove the claims!"
So what? Do u forget that 7.5m vote against him. Although it is so sad 7m ppl supported him ( I hope dem will also learned lesson why this kind of shifty human being can get 7m), why u ignore another 7.5m against him?
我这是怎么了,忍不住又mean了一下 -_,-|||
这个fraud在选举前就被披露,所以GOP鼓励大家亲自投,民主党却dismissed it。呵呵。
”Mail-in ballots have become the latest flashpoint in the 2020 elections. While President Trump and the GOP warn of widespread manipulation of the absentee vote that will swell with COVID polling restrictions, many Democrats and their media allies have dismissed such concerns as unfounded.”
有意思的是文章似乎早就预见了这次大选会出事。 “A Bernie Sanders die-hard with no horse in the presidential race, he said he felt compelled to come forward in the hope that states would act now to fix the glaring security problems present in mail-in ballots.
“This is a real thing,” he said. “And there is going to be a f–king war coming November 3rd over this stuff … If they knew how the sausage was made, they could fix it.”
尤其是大城市里面的选票今年多了很多 民主党的选票很多是邮寄是情理之中吧?
为啥不是拜登真实的得票人数和川普弄虚佳作的假票人数,信口开河这套行不通了,2016年希拉里pizza gate骗了好多人,今年都有免疫力了
能不能去高院都是问题。诉讼最先要在州法院。目前高院只有宾州分开计票的诉讼。之前好些诉讼直接被州法院拒了。 别天天高院了。
你自己怎么不去查查美国法院系统,如果local court不接受,案子可以appeal去高院,这个又不是中国。你自己的那套想法只适合中国。一切按照法律程序来,大戏才慢慢开始。
Appeals From Courts of Appeals Decisions By far the most common way cases reach the Supreme Court is as an appeal to a decision issued by one of the U.S. Courts of Appeal that sit below the Supreme Court.
The 94 federal judicial districts are divided into 12 regional circuits, each of which has a court of appeals. The appeals courts decide whether lower trial courts had applied the law correctly in their decisions. Three judges sit on the appeals courts and no juries are used. Parties wishing to appeal a circuit court’s decision file a petition for writ of certiorari with the Supreme Court as described above.
说的真好 可是热爱美国的不多 喜欢占中美两边便宜的多 这就是为什么投拜登的多
不接受也算 decisions? 你贴的英文根本没说怎么对待 Tossed out cases .
还有大戏? Wake up! Trump is done!
媒体今天可以封杀川的声音 以后可以封杀任何人的声音 所有政见不同的声音都会封杀掉 以后只有一个政党的声音, 这个路数听起来多么熟悉...
就是想和你说:复制粘帖,很简单! 表示赞同这个说法!
隔壁帖子说了 像你这种散布谣言抹黑污蔑美国选举制度司法公正媒体自由的人 应该是中共软实力工程队伍 的重要组成部分
不用说那么多废话!把证据拿出来再来挑战!川普到处上诉全都让法院给驳回了!联邦选举委员会主席也出面说了: 选举不存在任何舞弊行为,还什么假民主,没有言论自由,别的我不知道,川普封禁微信抖音那才是封杀我们的言论自由,你们怎么不提啊?说句不好听的,在国内都没有人敢这么约束老百姓!川普太不像话了!
州法院不受理,才可以到高院。 总统选举和参院选举相同程序 都是宪法保护的
妹子不要那么激动 我们大家都用微信
一看到“输不起”,就知道是不讲理的人,就不需要往下看了。 你去买东西,质疑一下老板是不是算错钱,要求重算一下,老板是不是也可以骂你买不起滚啊?
哈哈😄 告诉你,你就是告到阎王那里也是需要证据,没证据!该干嘛干嘛去,懒得和你们废话!
为什么说川粉恶心?因为他们动摇了美国trust的根基,u r innocent until proven guilty. 而不是随便的散播谣言。
It is a hilarious joke that " give me some time to find evidence to prove the claims!"
So what? Do u forget that 7.5m vote against him.
Although it is so sad 7m ppl supported him ( I hope dem will also learned lesson why this kind of shifty human being can get 7m), why u ignore another 7.5m against him?
川粉以为高院会判决是以为今天跟2000 bush vs gore 一样只有1个佛州
他们不知道, 今天的情况是有7个当年的佛州, 而且每个州的差距都是当年佛州差距的百倍以上
天啊,简直不可理喻,还理直气壮要吵架的样子, 好了,你赢了。
我真不明白,你那么高兴干嘛? 我一个中立,都没有你那么高兴。 说说看呗 让我也高兴一下 快乐的理由要分享啊 妹子
川粉这几天的meltdown 就是这个 pastor
Flight with u? Where? When? Which part I flight with you? I don't disagree with you which means I flight with u??
高院如果判决 这次估计不会以州判 会以计票时间判了
让好奇的人也看看 高院到底怎么个说法 太刺激了 增加经典列子
我们现在不管谁丢脸 吃瓜群众就想把这个大戏看到底 看看最后谁丢了个大大的脸
Trump allies喊再大声 courts不承认也没用 现实就是courts已经把绝大多数的cases dismissed 连Fox News都说这些官司没证据没希望
雙標... 反過來說,你怎麼證明川普沒有作弊?川普的票沒有灌水? 要查就大家一起查,這才是公平。 你這恰恰是典型的獨裁思維。 如果美國真的到了這種程度,司法都沒法介入追查真實舞弊,那趕緊離開吧,這個國家已經變成專制國家了。
可怜的 家里没钱吃饭了?