6. 再增加一条,6个月弄出疫苗。之前一直以为他在吹牛,为选票。他还真在11月弄出来了。之前正常需要2年。他整合支援,干事情的执行力惊人。呼吸机就展示了,逼着ford, ge 来生产,美国很快就不缺货了。 ------------------------------------------- 下面是引用的。 Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years. ecko 发表于 2020-11-07 12:04 川普最大的作用是帮助GOP转型,把neocon扔进历史垃圾桶,re-align锈带工人,任命了三个大法官和一大批保守派联邦法官,这个遗产会持续很长很长时间 little_racoon 发表于 2020-11-07 11:56 公平的讲川普最重要的贡献就是把美国那些隐藏的大问题一次全暴露出来。而且他真的打算去解决。 1, 铁锈带的工人长期得不到照顾。 2,与中国和世界的贸易不平等问题。 3,种族矛盾。 4,医药行业的垄断与暴利。 5, 移民问题。 qwerty_sun 发表于 2020-11-07 12:38:53
6. 再增加一条,6个月弄出疫苗。之前一直以为他在吹牛,为选票。他还真在11月弄出来了。之前正常需要2年。他整合支援,干事情的执行力惊人。呼吸机就展示了,逼着ford, ge 来生产,美国很快就不缺货了。 ------------------------------------------- 下面是引用的。 Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years. ecko 发表于 2020-11-07 12:04 川普最大的作用是帮助GOP转型,把neocon扔进历史垃圾桶,re-align锈带工人,任命了三个大法官和一大批保守派联邦法官,这个遗产会持续很长很长时间 little_racoon 发表于 2020-11-07 11:56 公平的讲川普最重要的贡献就是把美国那些隐藏的大问题一次全暴露出来。而且他真的打算去解决。 1, 铁锈带的工人长期得不到照顾。 2,与中国和世界的贸易不平等问题。 3,种族矛盾。 4,医药行业的垄断与暴利。 5, 移民问题。 qwerty_sun 发表于 2020-11-07 12:38:53 Daysun2 发表于 2020-11-07 11:20
by grace: 我也说一条,帮助亚裔起诉大学招生歧视,起诉了哈佛,耶鲁,哈佛的官司还赢了. 拜登上台后估计不太可能了 他颁布的医药公司在同样的药,美国的药价不能高于国外。 美国当了多少年冤大头,大药厂不能在美国卖高价,去补贴别的国家了
by somuch: 是的,作为一个讨厌川普的人,我同意你说的这些。尤其在以色列问题上,简直可以说干得漂亮! 我愿意用理性思维来看待一个人,不会全盘否定一个人 by happy3001: 他对黑人社区帮助也很大,用税收优惠吸引很多投资。我觉得疫情之前他的业绩还是不错的,我也不觉得拜登会做的更好。
修了多长? 十几miles? What the administration has mostly done is replace old and outdated designs with new and improved barriers. Of 187 miles, 172 miles have a border barrier that replaced dilapidated or outdated designs. The other 15 miles have a barrier for the first time. Before Trump became president, 654 miles had primary barriers. During Trump’s presidency, that has increased by 3 miles, to 657 miles of primary barriers.
帮你加一个,疫情前,美国失业率达到了过去50年最低。 US unemployment now at 50-year low The U.S. unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in 50 years and 136,000 jobs were added in September, the Department of Labor said Friday. The unemployment rate, now at 3.5%, fell by . 2% since August. Some experts say this should help quell fears of an upcoming recession.Oct 4, 2019 Unemployment rate falls to its lowest level in 50 years - ABC News
wsj一篇文章的总结: Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years.
wsj一篇文章的总结: Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years. ecko 发表于 2020-11-07 12:04
这就是他不是政客,说话不够圆滑的地方。 他应该只要求recount, 不该jump to conclusion about fraud. 但是只要要求recount, 大家都明白这意味着一方有疑问。 ReesWitherspoon 发表于 2020-11-07 12:17
呵呵。这个叫做不够圆滑? 首先有疑问=真的作弊/真的犯罪吗?如果是的话,那么要那些刑事法院也不用开了,也不用审理了。law and order在哪里? 我上面难道不是很清楚的说了有疑问当然可以,可是证明之前就直接说fraud或者作弊才是被反感的原因。 另外各州都有一定规定,在2方差距很接近的时候,都可以要求recount,那这就是意味着另外一方有问题吗? 还有关于recount要求,这是川老板上次在别人要求recount后说的 “"The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, 'We must accept this result and then look to the future.'”
感觉你在瞎扯。你贴的视频下面的第一个评论说,这段吹倒的是under construction的,你可以看到视频里的建筑工人,而且左边没有墙。 In September 2019, Trump said he planned to build 450–500 miles (720–800 km) of new wall by the end of 2020.[6] By October 29 2020, 400 miles (640 km) had been built, all but about nine miles being replacement of existing outdated or dilapidated barriers.[7][8][9] Additionally, a private organization called We Build the Wall constructed under 5 miles (8.0 km) [10] on private property near El Paso, Texas, with Trump''s encouragement. https://m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_wall
1. 海外住军,收到了军费。这是他2016年说的,当时都觉得他有病。因为一直以来都认为美国海外住军是美国占了别人国家的便宜,是帝国主义的侵略。他还真把钱收到了,而且改变了人们的思维方式,原来海外住军是美国在吃亏。trump在韩国收到了钱,日本也准备给,德国不给,但撤出的军队,东欧抢着给钱要。
2. 中东和平。这也是2016年说出来,没人相信的,而且美国没有费一枪一弹。这个要换任何其他总统办成了。各大媒体起码能吹半年。
3. 直接去翻朝鲜的牌,当然他还没有翻过来。美国总统以前想都没有想过可以直接去翻朝鲜,把朝鲜从中国手里翻走,这也是很牛的思维。
4. 墨西哥的墙还真修了很长很长了。有没有用不懂,但他真的说了就在干,这也是挺神奇的。
5. trump 的strategy去全球化。
去全球化的核心就是自己要有全面工业生产能力,向口罩这种,是很简单,你要自己不能生产就被别人卡住了。美国好在还有部分产能在美国。你看欧洲,关键时候只能祈求进口。 包括北方的那些铁锈州,他们产的铁确实可以进口中国的,但有一天这些工业全部没了,你就被别人控制死了。
trump 说的资源independent 基本也是这个意思。
这跟要不要当全职house wife 的思考是一样的。有时候不当全职housewife 坚持上班,不见得是经济的选折。但有其它牵制作用。这个大家能明白了吧
6. 再增加一条,6个月弄出疫苗。之前一直以为他在吹牛,为选票。他还真在11月弄出来了。之前正常需要2年。他整合支援,干事情的执行力惊人。呼吸机就展示了,逼着ford, ge 来生产,美国很快就不缺货了。
------------------------------------------- 下面是引用的。
Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years.
ecko 发表于 2020-11-07 12:04 川普最大的作用是帮助GOP转型,把neocon扔进历史垃圾桶,re-align锈带工人,任命了三个大法官和一大批保守派联邦法官,这个遗产会持续很长很长时间
little_racoon 发表于 2020-11-07 11:56 公平的讲川普最重要的贡献就是把美国那些隐藏的大问题一次全暴露出来。而且他真的打算去解决。 1, 铁锈带的工人长期得不到照顾。 2,与中国和世界的贸易不平等问题。 3,种族矛盾。 4,医药行业的垄断与暴利。 5, 移民问题。 qwerty_sun 发表于 2020-11-07 12:38:53
🔥 最新回帖
他搞癌症儿童慈善募捐,挪用了250万美元,全家被禁止搞这类活动的。Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2019/donald-j-trump-pays-court-ordered-2-million-illegally-using-trump-foundation
by grace: 我也说一条,帮助亚裔起诉大学招生歧视,起诉了哈佛,耶鲁,哈佛的官司还赢了. 拜登上台后估计不太可能了
他颁布的医药公司在同样的药,美国的药价不能高于国外。 美国当了多少年冤大头,大药厂不能在美国卖高价,去补贴别的国家了
by somuch: 是的,作为一个讨厌川普的人,我同意你说的这些。尤其在以色列问题上,简直可以说干得漂亮! 我愿意用理性思维来看待一个人,不会全盘否定一个人
by happy3001: 他对黑人社区帮助也很大,用税收优惠吸引很多投资。我觉得疫情之前他的业绩还是不错的,我也不觉得拜登会做的更好。
🛋️ 沙发板凳
修了多长? 十几miles?
What the administration has mostly done is replace old and outdated designs with new and improved barriers. Of 187 miles, 172 miles have a border barrier that replaced dilapidated or outdated designs. The other 15 miles have a barrier for the first time. Before Trump became president, 654 miles had primary barriers. During Trump’s presidency, that has increased by 3 miles, to 657 miles of primary barriers.
US unemployment now at 50-year low
The U.S. unemployment rate fell to its lowest level in 50 years and 136,000 jobs were added in September, the Department of Labor said Friday. The unemployment rate, now at 3.5%, fell by . 2% since August. Some experts say this should help quell fears of an upcoming recession.Oct 4, 2019
Unemployment rate falls to its lowest level in 50 years - ABC News
我就惋惜那些late night show 吉米崔娃肥伦扣扣熊等等脱口秀,这四年还是很欢乐的,以后没这些料了。
我从不是川粉,你可以看看我的主张。 我只是喜欢客观看问题。 你很狭隘,不会再回你。 所有候选人里我只支持杨安泽。
这种偏执狂,不能理性思维的的人不少。 所以我只喜欢不左不右向前看的杨安泽。
明明一堆川粉 现在竟然说讨厌他lol
我刚想说这个。修了3miles也成了总统的政绩。这叫打通西藏高铁的习博士情何以堪? 原来本来好好的墙,经过翻修以后,直接被上帝收了。
Mr. Trump can rightly say that he helped the GOP save its Senate majority, gain seats in the House, and save the country from a radical progressive agenda. The election results show he has also broadened the GOP appeal to minorities and across middle-class America. His policies broadened prosperity to a forgotten group of Americans, and his willingness to buck conventional wisdom led to a diplomatic breakthrough in the Middle East. His judicial appointments have reshaped the federal courts and will echo through the law for years.
对。同时,所有国人现在统称在美华人“美狗”,congrats to you 美狗。
美国的药价 好象 比 德国法国贵几十倍啊
他团结的是白人至上,WI MI 全兰就是证据。OH FL作为竞选标杆这次居然反指,是不是真的代表民意?
RECOUNT没有问题,可以要求任何一个。但直接说FRAUD, 而且是说整个选举被STEAL,这个绝对过线了
unisex bathroom 有什么问题吗?
呵呵。这个叫做不够圆滑? 首先有疑问=真的作弊/真的犯罪吗?如果是的话,那么要那些刑事法院也不用开了,也不用审理了。law and order在哪里? 我上面难道不是很清楚的说了有疑问当然可以,可是证明之前就直接说fraud或者作弊才是被反感的原因。
还有关于recount要求,这是川老板上次在别人要求recount后说的 “"The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, 'We must accept this result and then look to the future.'”
真正可以这么说的应该是ron paul吧
Well said
Deductible 是你们公司和保险公司之间的决定,公司想省钱选cheap的plan,deductible就高了,coverage 也不好了。一般来说保费会年年涨
unisex bathroom是歧视,你要是公开说早就被打到批臭了。
NYT的exit poll。对比2016年,他的黑人支持率增加4%,拉丁裔增加3%,亚裔增加2%,其他少数族裔增加3%. 还有LGBT支持率竟然从14%增加到28%。
他从一开始就不招媒体和建制派的喜欢,一直孤军奋战 后来执政也是处处掣肘 他被选上实在是个意外,真是草根们投票投出来的
光从字面上,你不了解这其中的意思。就直接举个例子说下,假如你是男生,但你心里又一直觉得你是个女孩。OK,那你就可以直接去女卫生间上厕所。 这样讲你明白了吗?
那是O8 care导致的,川普刚上台就要废除来着,被否决了
是的 其实就好比一个年轻人刚出校门 经验为零想做出成绩 但往往四处碰壁。等他各方面都成熟,把这一套规则都搞定,不定就混成了老油条 再没有改变什么不合理的心气儿
感觉你在瞎扯。你贴的视频下面的第一个评论说,这段吹倒的是under construction的,你可以看到视频里的建筑工人,而且左边没有墙。
In September 2019, Trump said he planned to build 450–500 miles (720–800 km) of new wall by the end of 2020.[6] By October 29 2020, 400 miles (640 km) had been built, all but about nine miles being replacement of existing outdated or dilapidated barriers.[7][8][9] Additionally, a private organization called We Build the Wall constructed under 5 miles (8.0 km) [10] on private property near El Paso, Texas, with Trump''s encouragement. https://m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_wall