你们当地议员的联系方式在此: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative#:~:text=If%20you%20know%20who%20your,the%20U.S.%20House%20switchboard%20operator. https://www.senate.gov/senators/contact 模板: Date The Honorable ________ Office Address United States House of Representatives/United State Senate City, State, Zip Dear Representative/Senator ______________: As a resident in your congressional district, I ask you to support thorough investigations reguarding possible voting irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election. Fair and fraud-free elections are of fundamental importance to the people of the United States. We must fight with all we have to prevent the political system from becoming corrupted. Thank you for your consideration, and please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this issue further. Sincerely, Your Name Your Title Your Address Your City, State, Zip Your Phone Number
So much misinformation. I quote "It's called ballot duplication. It's done by two officials and is supervised. Happens in every county of every state, red or blue."
有Twitter账户的自己搜“ #StopTheSteal" 上面有大量fraud的录像,照片,请帮忙retweet,让更多的人看到!
模板: Date The Honorable ________ Office Address United States House of Representatives/United State Senate City, State, Zip Dear Representative/Senator ______________: As a resident in your congressional district, I ask you to support thorough investigations reguarding possible voting irregularities in the 2020 Presidential Election. Fair and fraud-free elections are of fundamental importance to the people of the United States. We must fight with all we have to prevent the political system from becoming corrupted. Thank you for your consideration, and please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss this issue further. Sincerely, Your Name Your Title Your Address Your City, State, Zip Your Phone Number
这个楼是给支持川普讨回大选公道的姐妹们开的,现在全国都在 #StopTheSteal 的protest。我们不想上街的,如果想了解情况,为此做一点自己的努力,基本上就这几点可以做:
1.在Twitter上搜 #StopTheSteal 看到证据,retweet, Twitter一直在删证据,主流媒体避而不谈,要转了让更多人知道真相,不能让这事就这么糊过去了,这也是我转华人的一个重要原因。 2.写信给地方议员,施压采取行动 3.捐款支持查到底,上诉到底
我也很希望看到她手里的票到底是什么!实际情况是,法率规定计票必须有observer, 他们不让人在边上检查,只让在20-50feet 外observe, 结果就只能拍到这样的录像。如果监票人能拍到特写,就没有这次 vote fraud了
So much misinformation. I quote "It's called ballot duplication. It's done by two officials and is supervised. Happens in every county of every state, red or blue."
赞!川普为国为民,“我们不远万里来移民” 发现民主制度不让他当选,这还是民主么?大家快点行动起来,给defense fund捐钱!
从来不关心政治的川粉?也是,川粉从来只关心聚聚,呵呵 这次大选最爽的就是看到川粉们被shock傻了,在那里痛苦流涕,你们真不知道谁才是大多数,呵呵
因为目前一看到帮川普说话的贴 就会被移政治版,
很可悲,仅仅因为一个Chinese virus蒙蔽了双眼