原来如此。。这次不是邮局弄了好多个专门放mail-in ballots的邮筒在路边么,那如果11月3号投到这种邮筒里的,是不是就全算符合条件了?如果是5点以后投的也算吧?邮局肯定不是所有的街头mail-in ballots邮筒同一个时间回收吧?虽然5点投入和6点投入实际上没什么差别,但是rule is a rule. 既然投票站肉身投票有时间截止,邮寄的截止时间其实是很flexible的了吧?每个州都不同,反正感觉很有操作的可能性啊
回复 5楼ChristinaW的帖子 The Supreme Court will allow Pennsylvania to count mailed-in ballots received up to three days after the Nov. 3 election, rejecting a Republican plea in the presidential battleground state. The justices divided 4-4 on Monday, an outcome that upholds a state Supreme Court ruling that required county election officials to receive and count mailed-in ballots that arrive up until Nov. 6, even if they don't have a clear postmark, as long as there is not proof it was mailed after the polls closed. 看各州规定啊滨州是11/3寄出就行 如果没mark默认也算
回复 32楼Beau的帖子 To finish its count, North Carolina is waiting to see if 116,000 outstanding requested absentee ballots are returned by November 12. In North Carolina, an Election Day-postmarked ballot can be counted if it is received by 5 p.m. ET on November 12 Nevada It's hard to determine how many ballots are outstanding in Nevada because the state is one of a handful that mailed ballots to all active registered voters. Election officials will count mail-in ballots received through November 10, as long as they are postmarked by Election Day.-cnn
FL 96%, TX 97%。这两个州的票并没有点完。
德州不知道,佛州今年没跟大流。mail-in ballot 跟以前是一样的要求。registered voter request之后,核实以后provide mail-in ballot。很多州今年都免了request和verify,直接每个voter都寄。
是的,不是老人或在海外必须肉身投票。选票最晚postmarked在11月3日当天,实际上如果你真的11月3日去邮寄,你的票基本就是废票,因为收票截止日期4号。别说3号邮寄,哪怕你10月30号就把票寄出了,因为邮局原因4号没寄到,你的选票都自动作废不再被计入。 欢迎来了解严于律己的共和党州
這有什麼問題嗎? 本來開票就是要兩邊都在的看,也看到得記給誰了
FL的EV大量的票早就点好了。PA 共和党议会根本不让提前统计。
事实上WI 的统计速度是非常快的,WI是真的第二天早上就统计完了。FL按照cnn的数据至今还没统计完,只不过结果已定。
原来如此。。这次不是邮局弄了好多个专门放mail-in ballots的邮筒在路边么,那如果11月3号投到这种邮筒里的,是不是就全算符合条件了?如果是5点以后投的也算吧?邮局肯定不是所有的街头mail-in ballots邮筒同一个时间回收吧?虽然5点投入和6点投入实际上没什么差别,但是rule is a rule. 既然投票站肉身投票有时间截止,邮寄的截止时间其实是很flexible的了吧?每个州都不同,反正感觉很有操作的可能性啊
815 Mail-in Ballots Found in Texas Postal Service Sweeps
今天晚上刚看的local news,又发现了几百张,明天还会继续找。 有了judge的order,其他州应该也在查。 这些票虽然废了,希望最后也能统计一下。
哦,那干嘛订个3号postmarked deadline呢?直接跟选民说4号寄不到你活该不就完了
扯什么保税,报税你缺钱IRS会放过你? 选票不投递,共和党烧高香来不及。没见我说了他们随便扔掉12万票吗?你是真无知还是装清纯
The Supreme Court will allow Pennsylvania to count mailed-in ballots received up to three days after the Nov. 3 election, rejecting a Republican plea in the presidential battleground state. The justices divided 4-4 on Monday, an outcome that upholds a state Supreme Court ruling that required county election officials to receive and count mailed-in ballots that arrive up until Nov. 6, even if they don't have a clear postmark, as long as there is not proof it was mailed after the polls closed.
看各州规定啊滨州是11/3寄出就行 如果没mark默认也算
To finish its count, North Carolina is waiting to see if 116,000 outstanding requested absentee ballots are returned by November 12. In North Carolina, an Election Day-postmarked ballot can be counted if it is received by 5 p.m. ET on November 12
Nevada It's hard to determine how many ballots are outstanding in Nevada because the state is one of a handful that mailed ballots to all active registered voters. Election officials will count mail-in ballots received through November 10, as long as they are postmarked by Election Day.-cnn
铁锈带有的郡把选票印错了 又重新印刷。。。。于是寄给选民就晚了 很多都是10月最后一两周才收到的
还有说dropbox的 有些大学生 或者海外票 没办法肉身回家用dropbox啊! 我知道有人就用了最贵的service把票寄回老家朋友那里 然后让朋友drop off 但不是每个人都有这个钱