11/6 更新, USPS承认,超过15万张选票没有Deliver, 其中1万2000张选票在那几个关键摇摆州 The Postal Service failed to deliver 150,000 completed ballots to polling stations before Election Day, including 12,000 in five of the states where the U.S. still eagerly awaits a final count. The number of mailed ballots the Postal Service did not deliver by Election Day is expected to grow as more data is released in the coming days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/05/usps-late-ballots-election/ 再提醒一下,在30个州,选举日没收到的选票自动作废!
补充几点: 选举开始前几个月,民主党开始讨论在covid期间in person选举的安全性。毕竟covid还是来势汹汹,我们也需要保证选举工作者和志愿者的安全。很多选举志愿者都是老年人,他们自己也担心健康问题。 于是民主党提到,可以采用mail in投票方式。减少covid风险。 川普立刻就跳了,大骂mail in ballot会造成fraud。完全无视几点实事: 第一,mail in ballot已经存在几十年了。海外军人都是用mail in ballot方式投票。 第二,川普家人自己也是用mail in ballot方式从纽约投票。 第三,川普在喷absentee ballot没事,但是mail in ballot是fraud。但是事实是mail in ballot和absentee ballot根本就是同一回事。 记得,川普的白人base是不怕不相信covid的。所以他们会采用in person voting。 于是乎,共和党开始疯狂压制mail in ballot因为他们知道mail in ballot大部分是民主党。 于是乎lz提到的各种usps闹剧出现了。 于是乎,在某些州,民主党上诉阻止mail in ballot在election date开始之前提前数票。在某些州,民主党上诉阻止mail in ballot在election date之后被数票。 基本上尽可能阻止mail in ballot 被数票。 以Florida为例,虽然是摇摆州,FL允许mail in ballot提前数。这就是为什么FL结果出的那么早。FL并且规定mail in ballot必须在election date下午收到。过期不收。 宾州政策是mail in ballot截止日期是election date之后三天(不对请指正)。 这个rule和党派啊根本无关,多年来都是这么要求的。现在川普的base狂跳,说好的law and order呢。 最后再加一点,现在狂热的川普base在川普已经领先的地方大喊:stop counting!在川普落后的地方大喊:keep counting! 真是一言难尽啊! DonutNoodle 发表于 2020-11-05 14:49
回复 3楼bingmi的帖子 You may request an absentee ballot at any time before the deadlines, but ballots will be mailed out beginning on or about September 18, 2020https://www.ny.gov/early-voting-and-absentee-voting-mail-or-dropbox 纽约州邮寄选票9月底就开始寄出去了,到11月份选举,中间隔了多久? 几百上千万选民基数,其中有些人在寄出选票后因为种种原因死了,这难道不可能?不正常? 除了脑子进水的川粉,真有人会相信民主党需要在纽约那种深蓝地方作弊吗? Namama 发表于 2020-11-05 14:43
11/6 更新, USPS承认,超过15万张选票没有Deliver, 其中1万2000张选票在那几个关键摇摆州 The Postal Service failed to deliver 150,000 completed ballots to polling stations before Election Day, including 12,000 in five of the states where the U.S. still eagerly awaits a final count. The number of mailed ballots the Postal Service did not deliver by Election Day is expected to grow as more data is released in the coming days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/05/usps-late-ballots-election/ 再提醒一下,在30个州,选举日没收到的选票自动作废! =============================== 旁边那个贴太乱了,我做了点research,整理了一下时间线,尽量加上具体新闻的链接,帮助大家了解查证整件事件的流程。。 零时做的research,肯定还漏掉了不少,欢迎大家补充 今年6月份,大选前几个月,川普任命Louis DeJoy为新的postmaster,主管邮政系统。这家伙是川普竞选的大金主 (mega donor) Louis DeJoy is a longtime Republican megadonor, and Trump ally (https://www.npr.org/2020/08/21/904346060/postmaster-general-faces-intense-scrutiny-amid-allegations-of-political-motives ) 他上台后干嘛了呢?以节约经费为名,开始大规模缩减员工工作时间和路线,并拆除邮政系统中的自动拣选机 https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7wk9z/the-post-office-is-deactivating-mail-sorting-machines-ahead-of-the-election he announced an "organizational realignment" at the agency, These changes included a reduction in employee overtime hours and the elimination of postal-sorting machines. The United States Postal Service isremoving mail sorting machines from facilities around the country without any official explanation or reason given, In many cases, these are the same machines that would be tasked with sorting ballots, 虽然之后被人举报国会紧急叫停,但他短短几个月里拆了多少台机器呢? “USPS had only 4,824 mail sorting machines in October 2019” “USPS removed 711 sorting machines this year, new court documents show” https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/09/politics/usps-removed-711-sorting-machines/index.html全国4800多台自动拣选机中的700多台被拆除。。。而这些机器每台都可以分拣“36,000 pieces of mail per hour, 24/7,” 当面对国会听证问讯的时候,Louis极其强硬表示不会把已经拆除的机器重新装回去 “There''s no intention to do that, they''re not needed, sir,” DeJoy said when asked by Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., whether the machines removed under his watch would be brought back.” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/21/usps-chief-dejoy-no-intention-to-bring-back-removed-mail-sorting-machines.html 除了大规模拆自动分拣机,Louis开始减少邮政员工的整体工作时间。。包括减少收取邮件的频率,减少late trips,缩短营业时间,关停网点,强迫到点下班/不许加班, Among the specifics are major changes to operations, such as leaving mail at delivery centers if it might delay carriers, ending extra and late trips (which help ensure all mail moves swiftly) and limiting “park points” where carriers park their vehicles and walk to make deliveries. USPS加快了拆除/减少邮箱的工作 USPS removes mail collection boxes and reduces post office hours as critics accuse Trump administration of voter suppression https://www.abc57.com/news/usps-removes-mail-collection-boxes-and-reduces-post-office-hours-as-critics-accuse-trump-administration-of-voter-suppression被媒体曝光后,USPS被迫宣布将暂停在西部各州拆除邮箱。(但貌似东部,中部的拆除继续?没找到后续报导) USPS will stop removing letter collection boxes in Western states until after the election https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/14/politics/usps-removes-letter-collection-boxes-reduces-post-office-operating-hours/index.html 随着员工工作时间缩减和机器的拆除,USPS邮件准点率开始下降。。DeJoy, a major donor to Republicans and committees supporting Trump’s reelection, admitted in the hearing that “certainly there was a slowdownin the mail when our production did not meet the schedule.” USPS自己承认,有46个州,邮寄选票在选举日可能无法按时送到 USPS warned 46 states that it can''''''''''''''''t guarantee that all mail-in-ballots would arrive on time to be counted https://www.businessinsider.com/usps-warned-states-mail-ballots-may-not-arrive-time-2020-8
面对这个问题,民主党众议院通过提案,紧急拨款250亿美元给美国邮政,以应对即将到来的美国大选。。https://www.wsj.com/articles/house-set-to-vote-on-bill-barring-postal-service-cuts-11598088602 但川普强烈反对拨款 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/white-house-rejects-house-bill-for-emergency-postal-service-aid-2020-08-23 White House chief of staff Mark Meadows rejected the legislation the House passed late Saturday to provide $25 billion and block operational changes by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Trump on Thursday again came out against that proposal on the grounds that it would help the USPS handle mail-in ballots, which he wrongfully believes would lead to voter fraud. 250亿美元的紧急拨款最终被卡在了共和党控制的参议院 https://www.vox.com/2020/9/10/21429678/senate-stimulus-vote 这次大选有6500万张邮寄选票 (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/03/us/elections/mail-ballot-counting-vote.html) 大选当天的准时率才80% (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/usps-postal-service-delivery-rates-slower/) 在一些关键摇摆州,邮件准时率更是低的令人发指 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/2020-presidential-election-postal-data-shows-ballot-delivery-rate.html in South Florida, just 85.12% of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Election Day. In central Pennsylvania, just 61.3% of the mail-ballots in the postal system were delivered on time In Philadelphia, slightly more than 66% of the mail-in ballots had been delivered on Election Day. In Atlanta 82.2% percent of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Election Day, the court filing shows. Detroit postal facilities reported less than 79% percent of mail-in ballots delivered that day. In Greensboro, North Carolina, 72.9% percent of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Tuesday. And in Lakeland, Wisconsin, slightly less than 77% of such ballots were delivered, the filing revealed. 邮件没有准时投递会有啥影响? There are 30 states that require absentee ballots be received by Election Day to be counted. 对于这30个州的选民来说,选举当天没受到的选票直接作废 因为担心邮寄delay,很多州都准备给邮寄选票多留点时间。比如说关键摇摆州WI 想多要求几天点票,结果直接被最高法院给否了。Last week, the Supreme Court quashed a Wisconsin court decision that would have given mail-in ballots an additional six days after Election Day to be counted. 最高法院5:3判的,这5票是哪方的法官投的?不用猜了吧?呵呵。。 这直接造成了,哪怕是选举日前1-2天寄出的选票,也会因为无法及时送到而被作废 "If you put your ballot in the mail yesterday or today and you live in a state where the deadline is tomorrow, your vote probably isn''t going to get counted," 法官要求邮局在选举日当天对一些地区进行额外的检查,提高选票投递准时率,被无视 USPS disregards judge''s order to sweep 12 postal districts https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/03/election-ballot-delays-usps/ 再看看几个摇摆州最终开票的差距,这是多大影响? 这时候川普在干嘛呢? “Trump says hopefully states won''t be allowed to count ballots after Election Day, which is a normal part of the electoral process” https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hopes-states-wont-allowed-count-ballots-after-election-day-2020-10不光延误的选票作废,按时寄到的选票,他也不希望点完。 这算不算是系统性舞弊? 现在川普这就叫是作弊了都赢不了!
这是密西根州的,各州具体方法不同,但都有类似的验证方式 Ballots of voters who have died are rejected in Michigan, even if the voter cast an absentee ballot and then died before Election Day. 解释了一下几种常见的原因: On rare occasions, a ballot received for a living voter may be recorded in a way that makes it appear as if the voter is dead. This can be because of voters with similar names, where the ballot is accidentally recorded as voted by John Smith Sr when it was actually voted by John Smith Jr; or because of inaccurately recorded birth dates in the qualified voter file; for example, someone born in 1990 accidentally recorded as born in 1890. In such scenarios, no one ineligible has actually voted, and there is no impact on the outcome of the election. Local clerks can correct the issue when it is brought to their attention.
这是密西根州的,各州具体方法不同,但都有类似的验证方式 Ballots of voters who have died are rejected in Michigan, even if the voter cast an absentee ballot and then died before Election Day. 解释了一下几种常见的原因: On rare occasions, a ballot received for a living voter may be recorded in a way that makes it appear as if the voter is dead. This can be because of voters with similar names, where the ballot is accidentally recorded as voted by John Smith Sr when it was actually voted by John Smith Jr; or because of inaccurately recorded birth dates in the qualified voter file; for example, someone born in 1990 accidentally recorded as born in 1890. In such scenarios, no one ineligible has actually voted, and there is no impact on the outcome of the election. Local clerks can correct the issue when it is brought to their attention. Namama 发表于 2020-11-06 15:21
Well , 你说的那些截图我从来没分享过(应该)。我会分享的是自己尽可能验证过后的,觉得证据充足的。 至于public statement, 在法律上有 多少weight 呢? 比起当初Obama 屡次在公开场合说you can keep your plan you can keep the doctor, 这两种在法律眼里是一样性质,还是前者更具有效力?
Well , 你说的那些截图我从来没分享过(应该)。我会分享的是自己尽可能验证过后的,觉得证据充足的。 至于public statement, 在法律上有 多少weight 呢? 比起当初Obama 屡次在公开场合说you can keep your plan you can keep the doctor, 这两种在法律眼里是一样性质,还是前者更具有效力?
urthur 发表于 2020-11-06 16:25
我估计一下可信度 总分10分 under oath 9分吧 政府发言人正式发言 6分吧 川普发推 2分吧
11/6 更新, USPS承认,超过15万张选票没有Deliver, 其中1万2000张选票在那几个关键摇摆州 The Postal Service failed to deliver 150,000 completed ballots to polling stations before Election Day, including 12,000 in five of the states where the U.S. still eagerly awaits a final count. The number of mailed ballots the Postal Service did not deliver by Election Day is expected to grow as more data is released in the coming days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/05/usps-late-ballots-election/ 再提醒一下,在30个州,选举日没收到的选票自动作废! =============================== 旁边那个贴太乱了,我做了点research,整理了一下时间线,尽量加上具体新闻的链接,帮助大家了解查证整件事件的流程。。 零时做的research,肯定还漏掉了不少,欢迎大家补充 今年6月份,大选前几个月,川普任命Louis DeJoy为新的postmaster,主管邮政系统。这家伙是川普竞选的大金主 (mega donor) Louis DeJoy is a longtime Republican megadonor, and Trump ally (https://www.npr.org/2020/08/21/904346060/postmaster-general-faces-intense-scrutiny-amid-allegations-of-political-motives ) 他上台后干嘛了呢?以节约经费为名,开始大规模缩减员工工作时间和路线,并拆除邮政系统中的自动拣选机 https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7wk9z/the-post-office-is-deactivating-mail-sorting-machines-ahead-of-the-election he announced an "organizational realignment" at the agency, These changes included a reduction in employee overtime hours and the elimination of postal-sorting machines. The United States Postal Service isremoving mail sorting machines from facilities around the country without any official explanation or reason given, In many cases, these are the same machines that would be tasked with sorting ballots, 虽然之后被人举报国会紧急叫停,但他短短几个月里拆了多少台机器呢? “USPS had only 4,824 mail sorting machines in October 2019” “USPS removed 711 sorting machines this year, new court documents show” https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/09/politics/usps-removed-711-sorting-machines/index.html全国4800多台自动拣选机中的700多台被拆除。。。而这些机器每台都可以分拣“36,000 pieces of mail per hour, 24/7,” 当面对国会听证问讯的时候,Louis极其强硬表示不会把已经拆除的机器重新装回去 “There''s no intention to do that, they''re not needed, sir,” DeJoy said when asked by Sen. Gary Peters, D-Mich., whether the machines removed under his watch would be brought back.” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/21/usps-chief-dejoy-no-intention-to-bring-back-removed-mail-sorting-machines.html 除了大规模拆自动分拣机,Louis开始减少邮政员工的整体工作时间。。包括减少收取邮件的频率,减少late trips,缩短营业时间,关停网点,强迫到点下班/不许加班, Among the specifics are major changes to operations, such as leaving mail at delivery centers if it might delay carriers, ending extra and late trips (which help ensure all mail moves swiftly) and limiting “park points” where carriers park their vehicles and walk to make deliveries. USPS加快了拆除/减少邮箱的工作 USPS removes mail collection boxes and reduces post office hours as critics accuse Trump administration of voter suppression https://www.abc57.com/news/usps-removes-mail-collection-boxes-and-reduces-post-office-hours-as-critics-accuse-trump-administration-of-voter-suppression被媒体曝光后,USPS被迫宣布将暂停在西部各州拆除邮箱。(但貌似东部,中部的拆除继续?没找到后续报导) USPS will stop removing letter collection boxes in Western states until after the election https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/14/politics/usps-removes-letter-collection-boxes-reduces-post-office-operating-hours/index.html 随着员工工作时间缩减和机器的拆除,USPS邮件准点率开始下降。。DeJoy, a major donor to Republicans and committees supporting Trump’s reelection, admitted in the hearing that “certainly there was a slowdownin the mail when our production did not meet the schedule.” USPS自己承认,有46个州,邮寄选票在选举日可能无法按时送到 USPS warned 46 states that it can''''''''''''''''t guarantee that all mail-in-ballots would arrive on time to be counted https://www.businessinsider.com/usps-warned-states-mail-ballots-may-not-arrive-time-2020-8
面对这个问题,民主党众议院通过提案,紧急拨款250亿美元给美国邮政,以应对即将到来的美国大选。。https://www.wsj.com/articles/house-set-to-vote-on-bill-barring-postal-service-cuts-11598088602 但川普强烈反对拨款 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/white-house-rejects-house-bill-for-emergency-postal-service-aid-2020-08-23 White House chief of staff Mark Meadows rejected the legislation the House passed late Saturday to provide $25 billion and block operational changes by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy. Trump on Thursday again came out against that proposal on the grounds that it would help the USPS handle mail-in ballots, which he wrongfully believes would lead to voter fraud. 250亿美元的紧急拨款最终被卡在了共和党控制的参议院 https://www.vox.com/2020/9/10/21429678/senate-stimulus-vote 这次大选有6500万张邮寄选票 (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/03/us/elections/mail-ballot-counting-vote.html) 大选当天的准时率才80% (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/usps-postal-service-delivery-rates-slower/) 在一些关键摇摆州,邮件准时率更是低的令人发指 https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/2020-presidential-election-postal-data-shows-ballot-delivery-rate.html in South Florida, just 85.12% of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Election Day. In central Pennsylvania, just 61.3% of the mail-ballots in the postal system were delivered on time In Philadelphia, slightly more than 66% of the mail-in ballots had been delivered on Election Day. In Atlanta 82.2% percent of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Election Day, the court filing shows. Detroit postal facilities reported less than 79% percent of mail-in ballots delivered that day. In Greensboro, North Carolina, 72.9% percent of the mail-in ballots were delivered on Tuesday. And in Lakeland, Wisconsin, slightly less than 77% of such ballots were delivered, the filing revealed. 邮件没有准时投递会有啥影响? There are 30 states that require absentee ballots be received by Election Day to be counted. 对于这30个州的选民来说,选举当天没受到的选票直接作废 因为担心邮寄delay,很多州都准备给邮寄选票多留点时间。比如说关键摇摆州WI 想多要求几天点票,结果直接被最高法院给否了。Last week, the Supreme Court quashed a Wisconsin court decision that would have given mail-in ballots an additional six days after Election Day to be counted. 最高法院5:3判的,这5票是哪方的法官投的?不用猜了吧?呵呵。。 这直接造成了,哪怕是选举日前1-2天寄出的选票,也会因为无法及时送到而被作废 "If you put your ballot in the mail yesterday or today and you live in a state where the deadline is tomorrow, your vote probably isn''t going to get counted," 法官要求邮局在选举日当天对一些地区进行额外的检查,提高选票投递准时率,被无视 USPS disregards judge''s order to sweep 12 postal districts https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/03/election-ballot-delays-usps/ 再看看几个摇摆州最终开票的差距,这是多大影响? 这时候川普在干嘛呢? “Trump says hopefully states won''t be allowed to count ballots after Election Day, which is a normal part of the electoral process” https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hopes-states-wont-allowed-count-ballots-after-election-day-2020-10不光延误的选票作废,按时寄到的选票,他也不希望点完。 这算不算是系统性舞弊? 现在川普这就叫是作弊了都赢不了!
From Donald Trump Twitter: 时间:NOV.12:43 AM We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed! 下面内容被推特遮蔽了,读不到: Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more 问题: 是怎样的事件,让川爷爷发这样一个推,在十一月三号凌晨 是怎样的内容,被推特遮蔽了?
From Donald Trump Twitter: 时间:NOV.12:43 AM We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed! 下面内容被推特遮蔽了,读不到: Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more 问题: 是怎样的事件,让川爷爷发这样一个推,在十一月三号凌晨 是怎样的内容,被推特遮蔽了? Jaelynleaf 发表于 2020-11-08 19:09
From Donald Trump Twitter: 时间:NOV.12:43 AM We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed! 下面内容被推特遮蔽了,读不到: Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more 问题: 是怎样的事件,让川爷爷发这样一个推,在十一月三号凌晨 是怎样的内容,被推特遮蔽了? Jaelynleaf 发表于 2020-11-08 19:09
The Postal Service failed to deliver 150,000 completed ballots to polling stations before Election Day, including 12,000 in five of the states where the U.S. still eagerly awaits a final count. The number of mailed ballots the Postal Service did not deliver by Election Day is expected to grow as more data is released in the coming days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/11/05/usps-late-ballots-election/
这次本来民主党是打算给USPS 2.5亿用于升级设备和增加人员的,但是共和党反对。邮局的头也说不需要。现在又出这种事就说不过去了。
對啊,你美特斯邦威不走尋常路啊 走別人的路,讓別人無路可走😂
如果没有搞错的话,你这个nama 系列很用功。不过提醒你,对大陆伪共的态度美国两党是一致的。事实上川普对习近平非常友好,从未用对美国国内对手那样粗鲁的字眼对他,相反今年拜登就骂习近平Thug. 你对美国如此用心,不会忘记这个新闻的。
“纽约州邮寄选票9月底就开始寄出去了,到11月份选举,中间隔了多久? 几百上千万选民基数,其中有些人在寄出选票后因为种种原因死了,这难道不可能?不正常?”
对于斩钉截铁说没影响的人,能拿出证据大家也会服气。说实在话虽然我觉得系统性作弊的概率不高,但我说这句话的时候是根据我的common sense, 对整个流程的理解,而不是100%根据数据。这意味着,我的定论可能因为无知,盲点,偏见出错。再直白点,如果要发毒誓投票系统完全不可能被操纵,就算有欺诈也不会影响到结果,不然我被天打雷劈永世不得好死,那么我是绝对没有这种信心发誓的。但1+1=2这种,我就可以。当然可能你对自己的结论没有半点疑惑,甚至强烈到可以发这种毒誓的程度吧。我只能根据自己的理解做判断--也就是既然有漏洞,就可能被操纵。
也就是教育程度低的Trump base趋之若鹜。
Ballots of voters who have died are rejected in Michigan, even if the voter cast an absentee ballot and then died before Election Day.
解释了一下几种常见的原因: On rare occasions, a ballot received for a living voter may be recorded in a way that makes it appear as if the voter is dead. This can be because of voters with similar names, where the ballot is accidentally recorded as voted by John Smith Sr when it was actually voted by John Smith Jr; or because of inaccurately recorded birth dates in the qualified voter file; for example, someone born in 1990 accidentally recorded as born in 1890.
In such scenarios, no one ineligible has actually voted, and there is no impact on the outcome of the election. Local clerks can correct the issue when it is brought to their attention.
如果有 reject 强烈建立mi 州提供可以被独立verified的paper trail和process flow,能减少疑虑维护系统integrity都是在做好事
Ps mi 自己公开的数据 并不能证实一个ballot 是否被计入总数。只能查到什么时候寄出什么时候收到。
原来我说的没有错,你被我活生生抓住,一个大陆nama 系列的特殊网军!我对川普的批判太多了,自己去找。你们这样的系列,是华人网的害虫。我们这里才有真正的选举,你们伪共敢不敢举办一个事先不能指定结果的“选举”?一个野蛮独裁党是决没有胆量的。
it's a public statement from Tracy Wimmer, director of media relations for Michigan's Secretary of State, 所以还是可信的
我知道呀。但她是在什么情况说这种话的? 如果是under oath at risk for perjury, 那才跟证据一样有说服力吧
政府这个方面的正规发言人,正儿八经在对外发布的public statement,当然可以作为证据。 这比川粉那边满天飞的twitter, 微信截图可信度高太多了。。。
任何系统都有漏洞 一个系统的安全措施要多严格 一个社会这种用于防漏洞内耗的成本要多高, 是由这个社会的人来决定的。
中国防漏咚措施最完美 刷指纹不够还可以刷脸 这不值得骄傲. 美国如果以后走到这一步也够悲哀的
Well , 你说的那些截图我从来没分享过(应该)。我会分享的是自己尽可能验证过后的,觉得证据充足的。
至于public statement, 在法律上有 多少weight 呢? 比起当初Obama 屡次在公开场合说you can keep your plan you can keep the doctor, 这两种在法律眼里是一样性质,还是前者更具有效力?
同意,这个是个过程嘛。美国系统让人recount , 起诉就是修正的一种。
总分10分 under oath 9分吧 政府发言人正式发言 6分吧 川普发推 2分吧
川普最近的发推可信度是负的,连直接宣布抗疫胜利和宣布大选胜利这种事都干的出来,明明票还没点完,而且PA, MI, WI可是共和党要求后点邮寄的票,要是先点邮寄的票早就出结果了,结果川普不给这些州时间点完票,还要求他们不准再点了
6 分就是将近一半内容是假的啊。。。这种若是出版刊物我都拿来当草稿纸了。。。以前碰到此类还会花点时间筛选信息,现在觉得这种执着没意义。至于trump 的twitter 说实话我也很少看,看了难受。。。
couldn't agree more
没头没脑的一些模糊照片 不含任何信息量 算些什么证据
几天没来错过了这么敬业的技术贴 反观川粉 造谣都不走心只有数量没有质量
所以他一直不鼓励mail in ballot
昨天snl的weekend update还表扬了他呢
美国邮局的高额福利已经成为一个大负担,请不要无端把它和选举联系在一起。 当然我们也可以联系在一起,请出示联系的证据。 11月3号是截至日期,这是一直的惯例。 当然我们可以推催及时投票,这次选举有效选票是以截至日期以邮标寄出日期为准。 所以你的解释不成立。 请回答我,11月3号,诡异地要求停止数票的理由。 我至今没有那个妹子给我个信息。 那天没有看到信息太晚了。
大姐 你能不能 给个链接 证明 拜登11月3号要求停止计票
我也想找呢 新闻页面都没有了 那天我早休息了 但是 大家都知道的呀 川爷爷的推说不要被偷了选票 因为拜登爷爷叫停不承认继续数的选票 在十一月三日零点多 所以 我就想知道 这是为啥
大姐 你是版上我唯一看到的
你是律所的 怎么能 分不清事实和观点
哪里来的 大家都知道
那就是十一月三号凌晨一直数票到第二天没有停止,对吗? 有妹子说一说吧 我对这事情一直好奇呢
你们所办业务仅限traffic ticket?
From Donald Trump Twitter: 时间:NOV.12:43 AM We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!
下面内容被推特遮蔽了,读不到: Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process. Learn more
问题: 是怎样的事件,让川爷爷发这样一个推,在十一月三号凌晨 是怎样的内容,被推特遮蔽了?
低级的人开始人身攻击了。 你的逻辑水平我不是已经领教了
红卫兵同志 你好
是怎样的事件,让川爷爷发这样一个推,在十一月三号凌晨 是怎样的内容,被推特遮蔽了?
高法会个大家一个解释 犯不着你跳的那么高 吃像太难看
不明白红卫兵的意思吧 收集黑材料吧
我是中立 选谁现在不重要 司法要给个说法 我是读法律 我是给你普及过法律 所以你记得那么清楚 几十额贴子 你不是红卫兵是谁 所以我心有戚戚啊 我就是不明白 有些人吃相那么难看 目的是啥 前言不搭后语 心里真没有个敬畏的神灵
说句乌合之众 一点不过分