不要挑战美国宪法,高院驳回宾州共和党拒绝延期的诉讼,这几个律师是站在事实面前。得道多助 失道寡助,川普的政策肯定是对美国人好。他把自己当美国的总统不是世界的警察。川普已经在控告了,相信正义会来临。每场Rally 热情的支持者和Biden网站下超多的老美追问10% for big guy 都是事实。。早期邮寄的基本都数的差不多,选举那天开票,可以看到趋势是红色波浪,所以主党停止计票。Florida 怎么没有大批量的进票?白等只有一个原因被高院裁决失去总统候选人资格:那就是他违法宪法,腐败作恶。拭目以待吧!
今年是美国第59届总统选举,有45任总统 The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020, to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively.
The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020, to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively.