That's why I am not surprised if Trump wins. Look at Star Wars. The dark side still rules the universe. USA, as many Trump supporters here said, is still predominantly a White country. And the global COVID pandemic is actually hurting people's confidence in globalization.
It is really unfortunate. Kinda reminds of me the Star Wars. Hope USA will not end up in a Civil War. May the force be with Biden. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:35
That's why I am not surprised if Trump wins. Look at Star Wars. The dark side still rules the universe. USA, as many Trump supporters here said, is still predominantly a White country. And the global COVID pandemic is actually hurting people's confidence in globalization. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:39
I think the electoral college system is also problematic. It basically says that the minority group in a state will never have a say in important matters. The winner takes all method makes it that much harder to shift the bad culture of a society. It essentially supports the Tyranny of the Majority as we see now.
I think the electoral college system is also problematic. It basically says that the minority group in a state will never have a say in important matters. The winner takes all method makes it that much harder to shift the bad culture of a society. It essentially supports the Tyranny of the Majority as we see now. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:46
That's why I am not surprised if Trump wins. Look at Star Wars. The dark side still rules the universe. USA, as many Trump supporters here said, is still predominantly a White country. And the global COVID pandemic is actually hurting people's confidence in globalization. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:39
童鞋们要有信心 Well, all that I am saying is that people need to vote Democrat at all levels in order to vote Trump or Trumpism out. I am a firm believer that at least ACB will endorse Trump no matter what.
I think the electoral college system is also problematic. It basically says that the minority group in a state will never have a say in important matters. The winner takes all method makes it that much harder to shift the bad culture of a society. It essentially supports the Tyranny of the Majority as we see now. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:46
It requires so much courage to choose the bright side. Darth vader turned to the dark side because of his fears. The COVID pandemic brings about a lot of fears in people. I will have so much more respect of the American society if Biden wins!
Not really. Look at Canada. It is a parliamentary system. In the parliament, you can have big parties like Conservatives and Liberal. You also have small parties like the Green party. Guess what, Green party can influence important issues too if the competition is so tight and one vote difference can make decision. I prefer a parliamentary system.
It requires so much courage to choose the bright side. Darth vader turned to the dark side because of his fears. The COVID pandemic brings about a lot of fears in people. I will have so much more respect of the American society if Biden wins! doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:59
Not really. Look at Canada. It is a parliamentary system. In the parliament, you can have big parties like Conservatives and Liberal. You also have small parties like the Green party. Guess what, Green party can influence important issues too if the competition is so tight and one vote difference can make decision. I prefer a parliamentary system. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 01:06
Canada has its problems too. I have yet to find a perfect system. But the American system is losing its check and balance now. It is very scary because USA is still the single super power.
It does not matter. Trump does speak to the fact that many people blame China for it. He is evil and feeds off negative energy. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 01:16
Canada has its problems too. I have yet to find a perfect system. But the American system is losing its check and balance now. It is very scary because USA is still the single super power. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 01:23
That's why I am not surprised if Trump wins. Look at Star Wars. The dark side still rules the universe. USA, as many Trump supporters here said, is still predominantly a White country. And the global COVID pandemic is actually hurting people's confidence in globalization. doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 00:39
你确定你看过 Star Wars? 里面 Senator Palpatine 可是慈眉善目解救危局出现的,长的都像拜登。
Not necessarily hate China. But many people instinctively blame others when things go wrong. Empathy and self awareness are the traits of a saint... doorsopen 发表于 2020-11-02 01:38
I feel the same way. Stay safe my friend. Hope the Chinese community thrives no matter what.
That's why I am not surprised if Trump wins. Look at Star Wars. The dark side still rules the universe. USA, as many Trump supporters here said, is still predominantly a White country. And the global COVID pandemic is actually hurting people's confidence in globalization.
我家属看到这个回复,一定会说:That’s a movie
这里看到楼主认真问预测 回答一个我自己的看法 看很多民调的crosstab和现在early voting的trend 今年民调可能还是不准 低估了有学位白人的turnout 总有人觉得民调不准一定是向民主党偏 其实2012和2018都是偏GOP这边了...
周二就知道结果了 没必要吵个没完
I think the electoral college system is also problematic. It basically says that the minority group in a state will never have a say in important matters. The winner takes all method makes it that much harder to shift the bad culture of a society. It essentially supports the Tyranny of the Majority as we see now.
I think movies pretty reflect the reality nowadays! I draw so much inspiration from the Purge and Star Wars!
哈哈哈哈538那个2018年中期选举就是,one of the most accurate poll,结果实际dems还beat了最高的那个预测
其实不难解决高院的问题。加个term limit就可以,大法官统一18年任期,每届总统提名两个,再公平不过。
他赢我也不惊讶。人类历史上,文明的存在时间,要比黑暗存在的时间短得多。因为文明需要自制和克制,但是黑暗只需要释放人性的恶,so easy!
减税大部分进了超级富豪腰包,回头让你子孙还,除非你断子绝孙。 中东哪和平了?你长眼睛了吗?
哈哈 作为同好的我忍不住要握个爪
Well, all that I am saying is that people need to vote Democrat at all levels in order to vote Trump or Trumpism out. I am a firm believer that at least ACB will endorse Trump no matter what.
Sending you a lot of love too!
佛州是个“小美国” 各种选民特点的county都有 老人多的 富庶郊区白领的 白人蓝领的 各种西语裔的 黑人的 等等 所以佛州一出结果 可以判断民调今年对各种group的turnout和D/R比例的预测准不准
2012当时民调偏罗姆尼 佛州一出结果 发现少数族裔的turnout比较高 FOX就开始认真讨论接下来四年咋整了 2016一样 老人村和蓝领郡一出来 CNN就虚了
今年就看老人村 现在的民调预测拜登胜利主要的根据是老人对比2016向拜登swing多个点 - 老人turnout一直高 其次就看看富庶郊区是否能保持2018年向DEM的swing幅度
其实能不能当晚出结果看的是是否提前数票 北卡佛州都是提前多天就开始数票 中西部不提前数票所以出结果才慢 和是不是邮寄选票其实关系不大
Hahaha, I think it is a good idea to hunker down for two weeks or so. Wine is a great idea for sure.
这还用说吗,性别歧视比种族歧视更广泛存在,那个分享里说racial slur的是个新奥尔良洲的印度裔我一点也不奇怪,印度的本土文化就有深植的男尊女卑,travel到新奥尔良州得到共鸣呗。 没办法,整个国家需要start healing,biden说的没错。
That's the innate problem of democracy. I prefer the parliamentary system. It allows smaller political parties to grow and have a say.
说起来,the twilight zone第一季里面讲小孩当总统那集,是不是讽刺川普的啊?
the Purge我看了一点点,没看完。这么多人讨论,打算再看看去。
It requires so much courage to choose the bright side. Darth vader turned to the dark side because of his fears. The COVID pandemic brings about a lot of fears in people. I will have so much more respect of the American society if Biden wins!
high five!
你说那个给情妇下堕胎药的SB混蛋么? 听他扯个屁 我的意思是看FL和NC就可以predict出票慢的州了 一调整模型就好 所以当晚就能心里有数 除非非常close否则大家都知道如何
他爱宣布宣布 就看FOX底线了
现在各路搞政治的人马就连记者什么的各种人都在冲向PA驻扎当地 PA当天投票会不会动家伙我看都悬
PA现在州政府控制住民主党手里 州秘书是民主党人 他说了到时候两个number都公布 已经点的 和还没有点的 美国人民也不都是傻子
回过头来说 我觉得大概率根本不需要PA 别的州就会定了 不过看着吧
6月份猪党鼓动Antifa和BLM全国范围的游行示威打砸抢,defund police,这么快就忘了?还好意思甩锅?!
Not really. Look at Canada. It is a parliamentary system. In the parliament, you can have big parties like Conservatives and Liberal. You also have small parties like the Green party. Guess what, Green party can influence important issues too if the competition is so tight and one vote difference can make decision. I prefer a parliamentary system.
I have not watched it yet... Sorry.
给大家梳理一下北卡的情况,稳了,躺赢,话放这。。。。。 军事天地 75/7225 yhd2008 2020-11-01 11:21 楼主
北卡总共的选票七百三十万。所以池子就这么大。投票率一般就是六成多。今年肯定是不止,算个75%。有个五百五十万。所以大概周二也就剩个一百万票最多了。先不说这 个无党派的,如果共和党要想填平这个25万的坑,周二就得要四六开朝上的比例才行。这个我没有北卡历年投票日当天的投票比例。这个共和党肯定多,但是多多少不知道,感觉这个坑不算浅。
至于说什么20%民主党去投川普的,这个就是瞎扯加意淫了。拜登这个人四平八稳,在 党内没有什么敌人。不象当年西粉和三粉恨不得能打起来。所以民主党的票跑不了多少。要真说跳船,尼玛川普把个国家搞得这么个鸡飞狗跳的,20%共和党这次去投民主党 还更可能一点,包括我。所以这个就不考虑了。不影响大局。
第二就是疫情的问题。这个问题上,川普完败。他现在已经对这个问题避而不谈了。就是甩锅。现在居然已经甩到医生多报死亡能多挣钱的份上了。普通人没有8克抗体的待 遇,得了就得自己扛。也许就是生死的区别。这个事情对川普是命门。当然不怕死或者不相信这事的也有,但是这个不会是主流。看看这里叫的震天响的川粉有几个敢去川普的拉力也就有数了。
fakestory 2020-11-01 11:47 6楼
写得好。我支持共和党的财政政策。反对高福利。 川铺搞种族分裂,就这一条,我坚决反对川普。 反正我的票也投了。现在周二拭目以待吧。
That's why we have Rey. She is female and comes from nowhere. But she is the last Jedi.
zan ~~~
It does not matter. Trump does speak to the fact that many people blame China for it. He is evil and feeds off negative energy.
Night night. Go to bed now. May the force be with us. :-)
之前说德州的biden/Harris bus被trump supporter的pickup truck弄得差点翻车什么的。今天看了视频,那bus自己占了2条道,走在白线中间,紧贴后面的白色van占道才导致车祸发生。幸亏有不同角度的2个视频,不然真是窦娥冤!可见现在黑白颠倒有多严重!
Canada has its problems too. I have yet to find a perfect system. But the American system is losing its check and balance now. It is very scary because USA is still the single super power.
Well said. I am gonna go night night now and go silent for a few days. May the force be with us!
I have been to some toxic work environments. Let me tell you, bad people are everywhere...
Likely. Wars nowadays can look very different.
你确定你看过 Star Wars?
里面 Senator Palpatine 可是慈眉善目解救危局出现的,长的都像拜登。
Not necessarily hate China. But many people instinctively blame others when things go wrong. Empathy and self awareness are the traits of a saint...
深蓝州大城市到底怕谁来砸? interesting question......
Of course not. You can believe in whatever you want to believe in. I do not give a damn.
NIght night!
这个规格,和当初黑命贵按提法打砸抢一摸一样,只不过这次是提前预防而不是事后补救。。蓝州川粉都是少数。。。city 住的都是人精,太明显不过了。。
移民,很多人已经计划了。不久美国就是pre 委内瑞拉状态。。
看的时候老船才0,38, 现在买也赢不了多少钱。。Trump 100% 赢,没有悬念