回复 1楼cnp的帖子 这是一次拯救美国的革命! Trump is not only win, it will be one of the biggest landslide wins in history. The American people are the only poll that matters. On November 3rd, President Trump won’t just win, he will break records, shift turn out patterns, and crush his way to the biggest re-election victory since Ronald Reagan. https://twitter.com/wsteaks/status/1323006632356421632?s=20
回复 1楼cnp的帖子 这是一次拯救美国的革命! Trump is not only win, it will be one of the biggest landslide wins in history. The American people are the only poll that matters. On November 3rd, President Trump won’t just win, he will break records, shift turn out patterns, and crush his way to the biggest re-election victory since Ronald Reagan. https://twitter.com/wsteaks/status/1323006632356421632?s=20 air666 发表于 2020-11-01 18:04
一会儿买香槟去 🍾️🍾️🎉🎊
Stay tuned 😊
刚看了数据,D明显比R多7%,虚心的请教一下,怎么可以看出Trump赢得选举呢? 还有10%的无党派,怎么能证明他们投票给谁了呢?
川粉都是红卫兵性质的, 特别喜欢喊口号
re. 好酒好菜都屯好了,下周全家闷声大庆祝!Can't wait!
你口号喊得不错,来个50 cents
Trump is not only win, it will be one of the biggest landslide wins in history.
The American people are the only poll that matters. On November 3rd, President Trump won’t just win, he will break records, shift turn out patterns, and crush his way to the biggest re-election victory since Ronald Reagan.
因为70%的共和党选民还没投票,大部分等着选举日这一天去投,而民主党已经投了一大半,所以看early voting 拜登只领先7%的话就是输的可能性很大了! 当然要是共和党选民选举日不出来投票,那拜登还是有可能赢的,所以现在也很难说谁输谁赢。
Thanks! 我个人认为这次美国大选,是美国人民对美国向右转,还是向左转的一次公投.拭目以待吧. God bless America!!