不知道板上有多少同学看过这部剧,很想安利一下。单季获最多艾美奖记录的保持者~(9个艾美) netflix有全集,不论党派,里面科普了很多白宫和国会山互动的细节,还有很多基础政治知识~什么是lame duck session, chief of staff的职责 etc. 06年播完最后一季以后,没想到今年等到了一个特别的stage read :)就是大家都老了 每次到大选季就会想到里面的金句 里面的总统辩论有这段话挺有意思 "Give me the next 10 words, how are we going to do it? Give me 10 after that, I'll drop out of the race right now," he says. "Every once in a while, every once in a while, there's a day with an absolute right and an absolute wrong, but those days almost always include body counts. "Other than that there aren't very many un-nuanced moments in leading a country that's way too big for 10 words." how about 4 words :)
06年播完最后一季以后,没想到今年等到了一个特别的stage read :)就是大家都老了 每次到大选季就会想到里面的金句 里面的总统辩论有这段话挺有意思 "Give me the next 10 words, how are we going to do it? Give me 10 after that, I'll drop out of the race right now," he says. "Every once in a while, every once in a while, there's a day with an absolute right and an absolute wrong, but those days almost always include body counts. "Other than that there aren't very many un-nuanced moments in leading a country that's way too big for 10 words."
how about 4 words :)
哈哈>_< 除了我
West Wing 不知道, 不過版上倒是不少 Right Wing 的粉絲
虽然我也挺喜欢the newsroom,但是绝对the west wing综合分数高非常多~ 演技+人物形象~~~可以去看一下第一季试试看,很抓人
当年sorkin还是有理想的。。到了newsroom已经黑化,放弃了~嘲讽为主。。the west wing主要还是正能量。。
newsroom黑化吗?我咋觉得主旋律还是真善美阿。。。蛮多正能量的,不论是个人感情,还是同事情谊,还是做新闻的社会责任感。 west wing我就是觉得乏味,看不下去。。。
HBOMAX上这个月上了一个stage read,大家是真的都老了。。