哈哈哈,看来你是读不懂中文。我也可以给你解释一下,求你了基本就是please do something 。。。。只是语气更恳切。。。ask him to do..不等于说他没有做,也没有暗指他愿不愿意做。我因为不知道他有没有隔离。 但是我恳请他隔离。 你如果非要解读成我就说了他没有隔离,那只能说夏虫不可语冰,我们之间无话可谈,没什么可讨论的
哈哈哈,看来你是读不懂中文。我也可以给你解释一下,求你了基本就是please do something 。。。。只是语气更恳切。。。ask him to do..不等于说他没有做,也没有暗指他愿不愿意做。我因为不知道他有没有隔离。 但是我恳请他隔离。 你如果非要解读成我就说了他没有隔离,那只能说夏虫不可语冰,我们之间无话可谈,没什么可讨论的 superlove 发表于 2020-10-20 15:40
https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/18/politics/us-election-2020-week-ahead/index.html 1. How low can Trump go?: The most dangerous animal is a wounded and trapped one. That goes for humans, too -- specifically the President of the United States. Trump finds himself, with just over two weeks before the election, down in national and swing-state polling, being heavily out-raised and outspent by the Biden campaign and seeing signs everywhere of Republicans starting to jockey for what the party will look like when/if he loses. Trump's tweets -- and campaign rally speeches -- over the past few days suggest that he a) knows he is losing b) has no idea how to turn it around (see item No. 2) and c) is going to try to burn down, well, everything on his perceived way out the door. That reality makes Trump even more dangerous to Biden -- and the country -- than he has shown himself to be over the past almost four years. Trump will say and do absolutely anything between now and November 3 -- motivated roughly equally by a desire to win and a passion to make things as bad and ugly and awful as possible for Biden in the event he wins. Trump has already taken to trumpeting potentially hacked materials tied to the Bidens. He has repeatedly questioned Biden's mental health and acuity. He has encouraged the QAnon movement. He has suggested that the Navy Seal Team 6 killed an Osama bin Laden body double. And that's just in the last few weeks! How much lower can Trump go than that, you ask? I am not even sure what "lower" looks like but I am absolutely certain there is no bottom for this President. Never has been.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/18/politics/us-election-2020-week-ahead/index.html 1. How low can Trump go?: The most dangerous animal is a wounded and trapped one. That goes for humans, too -- specifically the President of the United States. Trump finds himself, with just over two weeks before the election, down in national and swing-state polling, being heavily out-raised and outspent by the Biden campaign and seeing signs everywhere of Republicans starting to jockey for what the party will look like when/if he loses. Trump's tweets -- and campaign rally speeches -- over the past few days suggest that he a) knows he is losing b) has no idea how to turn it around (see item No. 2) and c) is going to try to burn down, well, everything on his perceived way out the door. That reality makes Trump even more dangerous to Biden -- and the country -- than he has shown himself to be over the past almost four years. Trump will say and do absolutely anything between now and November 3 -- motivated roughly equally by a desire to win and a passion to make things as bad and ugly and awful as possible for Biden in the event he wins. Trump has already taken to trumpeting potentially hacked materials tied to the Bidens. He has repeatedly questioned Biden's mental health and acuity. He has encouraged the QAnon movement. He has suggested that the Navy Seal Team 6 killed an Osama bin Laden body double. And that's just in the last few weeks! How much lower can Trump go than that, you ask? I am not even sure what "lower" looks like but I am absolutely certain there is no bottom for this President. Never has been. superlove 发表于 2020-10-20 16:13
From Ben Shapiro: "I have been very clear on my feelings about Donald Trump''s character. I have serious reservations to say the least...," said Shapiro, but "you don''t have to like Trump''s character, you don''t have to love his Twitter account to vote for him. You don''t have to approve of the crazy or bad things that he says or the way he often acts." "But," Shapiro concluded, "if you care about the Constitution, and economic freedom, and the security of the United States, you really don''t have a whole hell of a lot of choice. You should vote for Trump."
From Ben Shapiro: "I have been very clear on my feelings about Donald Trump''''s character. I have serious reservations to say the least...," said Shapiro, but "you don''''t have to like Trump''''s character, you don''''t have to love his Twitter account to vote for him. You don''''t have to approve of the crazy or bad things that he says or the way he often acts." "But," Shapiro concluded, "if you care about the Constitution, and economic freedom, and the security of the United States, you really don''''t have a whole hell of a lot of choice. You should vote for Trump." mdhe 发表于 2020-10-20 17:47
你哪只眼睛看我说了楼主没有隔离? 我那句话说了他不遵守公德啊? 是不是中文读不懂了?
读得懂中文的人都能理解你这潜台词是什么 “求你了”是什么意思?求别人做一件事情不就是说别人不愿意做那件事情吗?你求楼主回来隔离,不就是说楼主没隔离吗? 说了还不承认,更让人鄙视
我就是看不惯你们这些说话恶毒的人 我本来没有华人ID,昨晚才注册的,就是为了来怼你们这些恶意推论别人的人
哈哈哈,看来你是读不懂中文。我也可以给你解释一下,求你了基本就是please do something 。。。。只是语气更恳切。。。ask him to do..不等于说他没有做,也没有暗指他愿不愿意做。我因为不知道他有没有隔离。 但是我恳请他隔离。 你如果非要解读成我就说了他没有隔离,那只能说夏虫不可语冰,我们之间无话可谈,没什么可讨论的
这素质?难道就是白痴中的高级黑!不是传说选败等的都是decent 的人吗?
lol 把里面的trump换成biden一点不违和
有这么多华人川份支持看来 川普赢定了,大家应该提前庆祝一下!
"I have been very clear on my feelings about Donald Trump''s character. I have serious reservations to say the least...," said Shapiro, but "you don''t have to like Trump''s character, you don''t have to love his Twitter account to vote for him. You don''t have to approve of the crazy or bad things that he says or the way he often acts."
"But," Shapiro concluded, "if you care about the Constitution, and economic freedom, and the security of the United States, you really don''t have a whole hell of a lot of choice. You should vote for Trump."
难说,民主党的最low. 是支持law and order的人们想都想不到的.
让他们上来发帖炫耀一下,保证把他们砸的找不到北🤣, 你要是说去现场劝人,我们又没疯,就和我们不敢去楼主的现场劝他们回去隔离一样啊。
呵呵哒。。。 在你引用“川粉口头禅“的那一刻开始,你就已经跟你口中的那些川粉没什么区别了。说得出这种话的,谁也不比谁高贵! 只允许自己双标随意给别人贴标签,谁才是精致的利己主义者一目了然!
日研究發現武漢肺炎重症化 恐和「尼安德塔人基因」有關
全世界 除了台灣
歐洲美國 帝 還有誰沒有受很大的影響嗎?
摳逼病毒 本來就是專門針對 菁英民主政治 設計的病毒
菁英民主政治是沒法對抗的 只有
全民菁英民主 才能對抗
川普代表的是全民菁英民主的初級階段 畢竟川普怎麼看都不是個傳統菁英
帝 還會繼續製造病毒散播病毒 美國 只有走向全民菁英民主 才能繼續抵抗 帝 的一波波病毒攻擊