Trump Says U.S. Should Get Slice of TikTok Sale Price President says he told Microsoft’s Nadella that U.S. should get a cut ‘because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen’ 川普说微软买TikTok的钱也要分给美国政府一部分,因为这个"deal"是他帮着搞定的。 编者按: 川粉说看到偶像这么流氓,我就放心了。 TikTok说, ”How about I pay double the price directly to you and your family, Godfather Don Trump? Let''s forget about Microsoft and China...“
WASHINGTON—President Trump confirmed Monday he is open to a deal in which Microsoft Corp. MSFT 5.62%or another U.S. company buys the video-sharing app TikTok, but said the government should receive payment for clearing a purchase. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr. Trump described the Sunday conversation he had with Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella over the company’s interest in buying TikTok from its Chinese owner, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd. “I said, ’Look it can’t be controlled for security reasons by China—too big, too invasive,’ ” Mr. Trump said. “Here’s the deal, I don’t mind whether it’s Microsoft or somebody else—a big company, a secure company, a very American company buy it.” But the president, who on Friday floated banning TikTok, also said there would be conditions to a sale and he did not see how only part of the company could be purchased. Microsoft has said it is interested in buying TikTok operations in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia, leaving other parts of the business in Chinese ownership. “I did say that ‘If you buy it…a very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States, because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen.’ Right now they don’t have any rights unless we give it to them.” Microsoft declined to comment beyond its statement released in a blog post Sunday night. In that post—after a conversation between Mr. Trump and the company’s CEO, Mr. Nadella—Microsoft said it is “committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury.” Mr. Trump, a former real-estate developer, compared his demand for a piece of the purchase price to the “key money” a tenant who wants a lease pays a landlord.“It’s a great asset,” Mr. Trump said of TikTok. “But it’s not a great asset in the United States unless they have the approval of the United States,” he said, reiterating that the Treasury should get “a lot of money.”The White House referred questions about how a payment would work to the Treasury Department. A Treasury spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request for comment. While the Treasury Department has in the past received financial compensation from companies, it is highly unusual and typically happens amid a financial crisis. For example, the government received warrants from struggling airlines earlier this year in exchange for coronavirus aid. Mr. Trump indicated a deadline of Sept. 15, after which TikTok would be banned in the U.S. Microsoft said Sunday that it would move quickly to pursue discussions with ByteDance and it aims to complete the negotiations by Sept. 15. TikTok says it has 100 million users in the U.S. In a statement posted on the company’s platform Saturday, TikTok U.S. general manager Vanessa Pappas assured users that it plans to continue operations.
Trump Says U.S. Should Get Slice of TikTok Sale Price President says he told Microsoft’s Nadella that U.S. should get a cut ‘because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen’ 川普说微软买TicToc的钱也要分给美国政府一部分,因为这个"deal"是他帮着搞定的。 编者按: 川粉说看到偶像这么流氓,我就放心了。 TicTok说, ”How about I pay double the price directly to you and your family, Godfather Don Trump? Let''s forget about Microsoft and China...“ WASHINGTON—President Trump confirmed Monday he is open to a deal in which Microsoft Corp. MSFT +6.04%or another U.S. company buys the video-sharing app TikTok, but said the government should receive payment for clearing a purchase. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr. Trump described the Sunday conversation he had with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella over the company’s interest in buying TikTok from its Chinese owner, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd. “I said, ’Look it can’t be controlled for security reasons by China,’” Mr. Trump said. “Here’s the deal, I don’t mind whether it’s Microsoft or somebody else—a big company, a secure company, a very American company buy it.” But the president, who on Friday floated banning TikTok, also said there would be conditions to a sale and he did not see how only part of the company could be purchased. Microsoft has said it is interested in buying TikTok operations in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia, leaving other parts of the business in Chinese ownership. “I did say that ‘If you buy it…a very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States, because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen.’ Right now they don’t have any rights unless we give it to them.” The White House didn’t immediately respond to a request for additional information about how that would work. Microsoft didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. Mr. Trump indicated a deadline of Sept. 15, after which TikTok would be banned in the U.S. Microsoft said Sunday that it would move quickly to pursue discussions with ByteDance and it aims to complete the negotiations by Sept. 15. TikTok says it has 100 million users in the U.S.
“Microsoft fully appreciates the importance of addressing the President’s concerns. It is committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury,” the blog post reads. It adds that the company expects to move “quickly to pursue discussions with TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, in a matter of weeks, and in any event completing these discussions no later than September 15, 2020.”
Trump Says U.S. Should Get Slice of TikTok Sale Price President says he told Microsoft’s Nadella that U.S. should get a cut ‘because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen’
川普说微软买TikTok的钱也要分给美国政府一部分,因为这个"deal"是他帮着搞定的。 编者按: 川粉说看到偶像这么流氓,我就放心了。 TikTok说, ”How about I pay double the price directly to you and your family, Godfather Don Trump? Let''s forget about Microsoft and China...“
WASHINGTON—President Trump confirmed Monday he is open to a deal in which Microsoft Corp. MSFT 5.62% or another U.S. company buys the video-sharing app TikTok, but said the government should receive payment for clearing a purchase. Speaking to reporters at the White House, Mr. Trump described the Sunday conversation he had with Microsoft Chief Executive Satya Nadella over the company’s interest in buying TikTok from its Chinese owner, Beijing-based ByteDance Ltd. “I said, ’Look it can’t be controlled for security reasons by China—too big, too invasive,’ ” Mr. Trump said. “Here’s the deal, I don’t mind whether it’s Microsoft or somebody else—a big company, a secure company, a very American company buy it.” But the president, who on Friday floated banning TikTok, also said there would be conditions to a sale and he did not see how only part of the company could be purchased. Microsoft has said it is interested in buying TikTok operations in the U.S., Canada, New Zealand and Australia, leaving other parts of the business in Chinese ownership.
“I did say that ‘If you buy it…a very substantial portion of that price is going to have to come into the Treasury of the United States, because we’re making it possible for this deal to happen.’ Right now they don’t have any rights unless we give it to them.” Microsoft declined to comment beyond its statement released in a blog post Sunday night.
In that post—after a conversation between Mr. Trump and the company’s CEO, Mr. Nadella—Microsoft said it is “committed to acquiring TikTok subject to a complete security review and providing proper economic benefits to the United States, including the United States Treasury.” Mr. Trump, a former real-estate developer, compared his demand for a piece of the purchase price to the “key money” a tenant who wants a lease pays a landlord. “It’s a great asset,” Mr. Trump said of TikTok. “But it’s not a great asset in the United States unless they have the approval of the United States,” he said, reiterating that the Treasury should get “a lot of money.” The White House referred questions about how a payment would work to the Treasury Department. A Treasury spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request for comment. While the Treasury Department has in the past received financial compensation from companies, it is highly unusual and typically happens amid a financial crisis. For example, the government received warrants from struggling airlines earlier this year in exchange for coronavirus aid. Mr. Trump indicated a deadline of Sept. 15, after which TikTok would be banned in the U.S. Microsoft said Sunday that it would move quickly to pursue discussions with ByteDance and it aims to complete the negotiations by Sept. 15. TikTok says it has 100 million users in the U.S. In a statement posted on the company’s platform Saturday, TikTok U.S. general manager Vanessa Pappas assured users that it plans to continue operations.
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🛋️ 沙发板凳
以后总统看谁不顺眼,就命令微软,FB APPLE什么的出售,政府就分一SLICE了!LOL.好日子无边
一边玩抖音,一边说数学是种族歧视, 将来满地傻逼猪头横行。 美国好日子望不到边啊。
LOL. 感觉世界进入新时代了
没错。要对美国的制度有信心。 几百年来小错误不断,大错误不犯。 这才是美国最伟大的地方。
另外,BTW, 我不反任何人,我只反他们做的不对的事情。问题是,对的好少,SIGH.
芬太尼在中国都不属于毒品,中国人也根本没有人用。不懂为什么美国成了热销货。 另外,中国卖的美国的,好象也都是制药的配料,不是成品。我记得是这样。
两个嘴一张就撒谎,Fake News
美国作为超级大国,最强大的就是软实力,也是收割全球最有效的方式。。 名声败光,下次再想打着自由贸易的幌子收割别人就没那么容易了。。
哈哈,耿直boy。 换别人,有这心思也要掖着藏着吧!
其实,美国一直是TIKTOK, 在欧洲攻城掠地,所向披靡。这样一弄,以后欧洲也会有样学样吧。
现在为什么微信说话大家很小心,就是因为会留尾巴被某国攥在手里,Tik Tok 其实是一样的性质,老美和民主国家的人较傻,所有发言都让某国攥在手里还不知危险...
Fake News。
太有区别了,段位太低, 给包帝提鞋都不配,换成包帝就直接禁了,下面还一片谢主龙恩。
一方面,中国芬太尼不是毒品,哪来严格控制?川普访问中国后,特意中国为讨好 TRUMP列为毒品管控的 另一方面,美国订购的是从非法企业定购的,非法的你如何控制?云南制毒中国一直就管不了
国情不同芬太尼对中国威胁不大所以中国明知道药物的毒性以前也不怎么管。类比中国卖血曾经造成艾滋病大流行,美国就没这个问题,因为美国的blood drive没有钱拿。
如果欧洲有样学样,同样用各种方法搞美国高科技企业,那美国失去的会更多。。。 不能靠高科技收割全球,美国还能干嘛?
因为蠢,所以没有常识,没有战略思维,没有大局观。。 因为蠢,所以完全驾驭不了手下的那些鹰派,被他们牵着鼻子走。自以为让他们唱红脸,自己唱白脸能换个好deal,却不知道国家谈判中很多红脸/威胁一旦发出去了就再也收不回来了,是有严重的长期影响的,这和开发房地产不一样。。
我只能说,在贸易战初期,中国内部是有很多支持者的。。 特别是大量的改革派,希望能借助外部力量推行一些触及既得利益阶层/这些年很难推动的深层次改革。。
但是华为那事一出。。整件事情的性质变了,这不再是普通贸易谈判而是全面科技冷战,那还怎么谈? 所以贸易战谈到一半能明显感觉到中方态度的变化。。
川普或许是想借助手下鹰派进行所谓极限施压。。但他对产业链没啥概念。。 他不清楚这种施压一旦提出来,是收不回去的,damage is done,no going back。 从此中国所有高科技企业将会疯狂寻找美国产品的替代品/降低对美国的依赖,不管之后再谈出什么结果都不会改变这点。。
川普手下鹰派多半明白这点,但这就是他们需要的结果。他们纯粹忽悠川普,牵着川普鼻子走。。 来回几次后,川普多半也回过味来了,所以手下打小算盘的鹰派炒掉了好几个。。 但川普这性格,绝不可能公开认错,一旦逼入墙角只会立场更强硬。。。 所以被手下鹰派吃得死死的,一步步走到今天这种全面冷战,美国企业利益丧尽的地步。。
当过总统,就等于有免死金牌了,只要下台就不会翻旧账了。 要不然美国的民主就倒退到台湾韩国的水平了。