
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 16:26

主黨提倡?mail in ballot 一直是一個debate,但不是partisans debates. 民主黨跟共和黨在這個議題上的區別只是支持的人數。民主是80%, 共和黨是40%支持。但是有一個有趣的區分,共和黨中間派絕大多數支持,因為共和黨中間派是小政府主義。但是民主黨只有70%中間派支持。 全國註冊投票人統計上是64% 支持。
This is the proof that mail in voting without ID is open for fraud! 你自己看看Biden 和 Trump 谁支持谁反对邮寄选票?
This is the proof that mail in voting without ID is open for fraud! 你自己看看Biden 和 Trump 谁支持谁反对邮寄选票?
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 17:22

This is the proof that mail in voting without ID is open for fraud! 你自己看看Biden 和 Trump 谁支持谁反对邮寄选票?
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 17:22

Does it matter? Democracy is not about right or wrong, not even truth or false, it’s only about people’s opinions. Without seeing in one’s own eyes, everyone can decide to believe a fact or a proof based on their own opinions. I believe mail in voting without ID is open for fraud. But is that the only concern to decide if to employ the option? Is a medicine that can cure you is 100% good for you? Nope, there are side effect and may cause other problem, but it cure the disease that you concern the most. So it’s your own opinions to decide if you take that medicine or not. I am sure many American believe there is a proof that mail in ballot can have fraud. however there are other factors people concern. They will make the decision to support or against mail in ballot after they weight in all the factors based on their own priorities. Now, that’s opinions. You may want to argue some supporter have their political motive. Well everyone does! It’s often your way or mine, not always right or wrong. If you ideal system is that all decisions are made in right or wrong, truth or false, then democracy is not for you. No one can be 100% sure what they saw or what they heard is the truth. Democracy is not perfect but the best human can have for now, at the least the system is built to make most people’s opinions count.

Does it matter? Democracy is not about right or wrong, not even truth or false, it’s only about people’s opinions. Without seeing in one’s own eyes, everyone can decide to believe a fact or a proof based on their own opinions. I believe mail in voting without ID is open for fraud. But is that the only concern to decide if to employ the option? Is a medicine that can cure you is 100% good for you? Nope, there are side effect and may cause other problem, but it cure the disease that you concern the most. So it’s your own opinions to decide if you take that medicine or not. I am sure many American believe there is a proof that mail in ballot can have fraud. however there are other factors people concern. They will make the decision to support or against mail in ballot after they weight in all the factors based on their own priorities. Now, that’s opinions. You may want to argue some supporter have their political motive. Well everyone does! It’s often your way or mine, not always right or wrong. If you ideal system is that all decisions are made in right or wrong, truth or false, then democracy is not for you. No one can be 100% sure what they saw or what they heard is the truth. Democracy is not perfect but the best human can have for now, at the least the system is built to make most people’s opinions count.

nypapaya 发表于 2020-06-21 17:48

别混淆概念 这些措施是减少grey area 减少操作性舞弊 Not a single measure is 100% proof.
To be an active supporter, you shall use your energy to voice for higher voter turn out, push your local government to setup more polling places for the poor , sick and old to vote. That’s the best way to support what you believe.
Shall you believe in polls? “Believe” is the wrong word. Polls are also opinions. Do you read user’s reviews before you make a purchase? My opinion is a person shall only reference result of any polls in the same way.
To understand the impact of TikTok “alliance”, you need first to understand the groups behind it. To blindly believe it’s the opposition of Trump and the opposition is only the Dems, then you may miss the “enemy” next to you. Right side PAC is one of the groups behind it, who are behind RSP? The name Koch came to my mind.
Millions of people watched Trump’s rally online. Biden’s energy level is what some folks need to worry about.
Millions of people watched Trump’s rally online. Biden’s energy level is what some folks need to worry about.
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 18:53

Millions of people watched Trump’s rally online. Biden’s energy level is what some folks need to worry about.
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 18:53

I agree with what you said. And there are many other things to worry about on both candidates.
By the way, I don’t care to understand this “tik tok alliance” at all. They literally interfered with a campaign, with a foreign company. That’s troublesome and pathetic!
By the way, I don’t care to understand this “tik tok alliance” at all. They literally interfered with a campaign, with a foreign company. That’s troublesome and pathetic!
qingtuan2020 发表于 2020-06-21 19:04

It’s just a term I created by the medium that was used. I agree that people shall not care much about which communication medium is being used, because if it’s not TikTok, it could be Signal, Hangout, google meet. Personally, I think Signal is a better choice, it’s encrypted end to end.
回复 1楼huasheng88的帖子
第一美国主流都叫川普,特朗普是你们五毛的主流, 你但凡平时会说几句英文都知道把Trump翻成特朗普有多别扭。第二正常人都知道人生观有层次,第一层次就是不要做这种弄虚作假破坏规则的烂事,最后一层次才是替天行道,有人教你把这些层次反过来,那一定是别有用心,非蠢即坏。第三我也不是什么川粉,无非更反感liberal hypocrisy而已。

回复 6楼flamingest的帖子
人家订票 不去是自己的选择,这有什么?又不是教孩子们grab women ,你们家川大统领 睡porn Star 还花钱搞定这么下作的事都没见你们这么义愤填膺 ,这都什么三观 哪个更low?
回复 6楼flamingest的帖子
人家订票 不去是自己的选择,这有什么?又不是教孩子们grab women ,你们家川大统领 睡porn Star 还花钱搞定这么下作的事都没见你们这么义愤填膺 ,这都什么三观 哪个更low?
diandianmama 发表于 2020-06-22 00:48

瞧把五毛们和左棍们给高兴的。 丢人现眼。