被恶心到了,14岁不小了,面对记者镜头侃侃而LIE, 把自己没做的事说成自己做的,前途无量啊!!!!!!!

先去问问他爸做这种事的时候有没有想过会毁了这个孩子吧 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
凡 发表于 3/26/2020 6:46:22 PM

这件事能反转成这样,最大的原因是群里同样做贡献的人的 孩子 没有得到曝光的机会,从而失去了可能助攻申请藤校的加分的机会。换句话说,要是群里所有捐东西的人的孩子都露脸了了,被点名了,就不会有反转了,就是个皆大欢喜的事儿了。说到这儿,各个家长为了自己的孩子多长点心吧,前两天就看到有帖子说家有该申请大学的孩子,现在是很好的机会,找机会让孩子脱颖而出,估计没多少人上心,结果被这家人摘桃子了。
Cherrychocolate 发表于 3/26/2020 6:48:20 PM

这件事能反转成这样,最大的原因是群里同样做贡献的人的 孩子 没有得到曝光的机会,从而失去了可能助攻申请藤校的加分的机会。换句话说,要是群里所有捐东西的人的孩子都露脸了了,被点名了,就不会有反转了,就是个皆大欢喜的事儿了。说到这儿,各个家长为了自己的孩子多长点心吧,前两天就看到有帖子说家有该申请大学的孩子,现在是很好的机会,找机会让孩子脱颖而出,估计没多少人上心,结果被这家人摘桃子了。
Cherrychocolate 发表于 3/26/2020 6:48:20 PM


大家可以去看一下那个YouTube底下Harry ding的回复,Harry称自己发了邮件给他爸爸,所以 。。。。。。
Fiona Wang 估计是组织者之一 ========================================================= Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago Would like to clear up that Harry is not the one to initial and lead this project. The donation is organized by a few Chinese volunteers in Great Charleston area, aiming to help local hospitals supply shortage. I believe Harry’s dad is among one of the volunteers. Harry himself is not involved at early stage, not to mention his friends request. But he did help to deliver all supplies to MUSC. He did come up with the idea of media exposure and then reach out to local medias. We really appreciate Harry and his family’s contribution, and also value our volunteers efforts and kindness. 48 Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago (edited) Hi Fiona, I believe I forwarded my swim club’s president’s message about a need of masks in the very beginning to my dad, which is why it says “started”; his post on WeChat attracted a lot of users to donate and thus led to the donation drive, if we want to get technical. Without my swim team’s cry for help, I don’t know if the drive would’ve still happened as there would be no information that MUSC needs help. However, it is true I wasn’t the one essentially “leading” the project and I wish I had cleared that up. This being said, much of the donation process was started by Chinese community and I wish I had highlighted that more in the video; I truly do wish that I had explained more in depth your help and contributions to the donation drive. This was my first time doing an interview, so I was a little bit inexperienced, but in future releases, I was sure to recognize your hard work! If you look at the Post and Courier article, the article does mention quite a few times your contributions to the project. I do agree that the bulk of the donation process was made by our committee and devoted volunteers at the Chinese Charleston community! I truly do wish that I had cleared things up during this interview. This drive couldn’t be possible without y’all. Furthermore, you guys were the true leaders of this project, and, once again, I wish I had talked about y’all more in the interview. I cannot thank you guys enough for your support and thank you Count on 2 for having me. Please note that I never wanted to betray you guys! Everyone makes mistakes; your help is greatly appreciated and I would never deliberately deny that. Thank you for clearing that up!!!! Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Harry Ding Hi Harry, Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately, your dad didn’t forward your swim team message in CACG Wechat group, from where the donation starts. I do hope he had, so that our community could connect to those who are sharing the same goal. People all over the country are trying to help. Again, even you didn’t start the donation, we feel proud of you and your swim team kids, because our young generation are rolling up their sleeves. 8 Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Jessica Lee Harry involved, but he didn't START it! But he is portrayed as a leader. Definitely not comfort the facts. 6 Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Bob Flee Harry is not in the volunteer group till last night. Going through all meeting minutes, he is not there. After watching this interview, he suddenly became a project leader. Members questioned his dad, then we learnt that Harry helped on delivery and reached out to local medias. Initially, volunteer were trying to be low profile because this was suppose to be a group event, then we got here. 8 Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Harry Ding But all the donation came from CACG group, where he didn't share with. So you guys scored it? 4 Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Harry Ding It's someone else start it in CACG group, but not your dad. 4 Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago (edited) Fiona Wang It was "started" by me. I got the email from my swim coach president from MUSC. I forwarded it to my dad because I wanted to help. My dad posted the email on his WeChat account. Then we started a drive 1 Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago Fiona Wang we organized and communicated with the community about donation drop-offs at our house. 1 Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago Fiona Wang The reason I didn’t join was because I didn’t have WeChat. I felt like I had to thank the kind people who joined so I created an account. I was there working on the drive since 3/18. 1 Fiona Wang Fiona Wang 1 day ago @Harry Ding So you started it !? 2 Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago Fiona Wang however, although the email triggered this event, the Chinese community in Charleston has shown amazing support! I have been volunteering for this project actively since 3/21. I’d like to thank the Chinese community, however, for making this whole thing possible Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago Fiona Wang I was notified of a potential project on 3/18 and the swim team email was sent on 3/18. From there on, the Chinese community immediately dived in and showed so much love to the idea! Once again, if you are skeptical of my comments, please email me Harry Ding Harry Ding 1 day ago (edited) Fiona Wang I full heartedly believe that the Chinese community is very passionate about helping the Charleston community; this drive helped showcase that. I’d also like to mention an organization named “Heroes Need Masks” who are also working to donate PPE to hospitals. They have also helped coordinate with us to donate the supplies!
华人这次真是让人大开眼界 包括楼主的最后补充 到美国这么多年这么鄙视中国人弄虚作假欺瞒拐骗 居然还能觉得给华人长脸不是靠坦荡做人而是要靠做假挣虚名 果然是曾经是中国人一辈子都摆脱不了shithole国民的劣根性 请问一个包庇造假骗子加小偷的团体的脸究竟在哪里? 能教出什么样的二代?
回复 197楼pplshope的帖子


zxjm 发表于 3/28/2020 2:14:24 AM

所以看下来就是, 这孩子还是认为他是发起人以及leader。但这是个500人微信群的捐款活动, 这孩子一直到3/18号才建立了一个微信账号。 201#贴出来的对话看上去好乱, 要仔细分别到底是哪一方的对话。所以简而言之到底time line是什么? 这个募捐是那一天开始发起的? 小孩说通过他爸爸转的Email到底有没有, 有的话是那一天 群里到底有人知道这孩子的Project吗? 孩子自己, 而不是他爸爸,在群里或者其他地方,联络了多少人来募捐, 木到了多少? 最后, 如果采访的话,特别是这种有计划的采访, 事先应该是有大纲的, 至少这种代表群体去的, 代表出去讲话的人, 应该是有个大概的内容, 給整个群体的人来看和讨论说什么不说什么,至少群体里的骨干是需要看到并参与。然后记者在发表之前, 也肯定是需要被采访者签字同意采访内容发表,那么这个内容, 除了丁家人, 有没有其他人看到?