
我就是赶快入籍然后把trump选下去,anyone else is better than him....希望在下一个pandemic来之前来得及,不要再像这次这样了……
对呀,要学会enjoy life,我们这代国人延迟享受的教育深入骨髓,要用理性打破这种禁锢
Safari臭不臭?那么多野生动物 感觉不臭不太可能
这有什么典故吗?我们去过非洲safari,还爬了乞力马扎罗山,很好玩啊 椰丝球 发表于 3/26/2020 5:32:00 PM
Safari臭不臭?那么多野生动物 感觉不臭不太可能

Amberh 发表于 3/26/2020 10:27:03 PM

不会很近的所以不太臭。我现在特别庆幸上次危机的时候做了很多想做的事情,比如safari, 比如去西藏发呆。现在有小娃怎么都潇洒不起来了。

girlinblack 发表于 3/26/2020 2:27:24 PM

有了疫苗和特效药以后 想去意大利
阡陌豪猪 发表于 3/26/2020 5:29:35 PM

准备升级家里装饰,好好搞搞home landscape,多和朋友们聚会。放飞一下自己的心情。
Safari臭不臭?那么多野生动物 感觉不臭不太可能

Amberh 发表于 3/26/2020 10:27:03 PM

莫斯科国家大剧院3月27到4月10日改网上直播,大家可以在youtube看。看第一场天鹅湖的cast,明星首席,Olga Smirnova。 The Bolshoi Theatre will broadcast operas and ballet performances on YouTube 27.03.2020 For the first time in history, Russia’s Bolshoi Theater is going digital. On Friday, it will begin to livestream several of its most popular opera and ballet performances, also known as the “Golden Collection,” on its official YouTube channel, allowing viewers around the world to tune in. This announcement also coincides with World Theatre Day. A total of six performances will be livestreamed, from the 27th of March to the 10th of April. The first broadcast will be the legendary ballet Swan Lake. While all performances have been prerecorded, fans will feel the excitement and feeling of opening night by tuning in to watch each broadcast using YouTube’s Premiere feature. For fans who are unable to watch in real time, each performance will be available on demand for 24 hours after its initial broadcast. “Our country, like the rest of the world, is experiencing a very difficult time” said Vladmir Urin, General Director of the Bolshoi Theatre.“ We’ve never faced this type of situation before and since we had to close the theater we didn’t want to lose our connection with our audience. Theatre is deeply moving and is a rich experience, and although we cannot perform in front of live audiences, we’re excited to share our performances digitally. It’s been a lot of hard work on our part to make this happen, but we hope these performances will lift peoples spirits and support the well-being of all who tune into the Bolshoi.” Each performance will premiere at 7 p.m. Moscow time. Viewers who subscribe to the channel will receive an alert and will be able to participate in a live chat for the performance. The comments section will also remain open after each performance so viewers can discuss upcoming shows. In addition, the first Premiere - Swan Lake - will be preceded by a 30 min live discussion between the Bolshoi theater artists Denis Rodkin (principal dancer) and Igor Tsvirko (leading solist) and the audience (in Russian). “Google and the Bolshoi Theatre are longtime partners. Millions of viewers around the world have visited the Theatre’s YouTube channel since it launched 15 years ago. We’re honored that YouTube can support the Bolshoi as they engage with fans in new ways during these challenging times.” said Julia Solovieva, Head of Google in Russia. “As producer and worldwide distributor of the Bolshoi Ballet in cinema series, Pathé Live, in association with Bel Air Media, is enthusiastic about the Theatre’s initiative. These 4 ballets are some of the Bolshoi's most emblematic productions, and are among the greatest successes of our broadcasts in cinemas. We feel this is the best way to remain in touch with ballet lovers as cinemas are forced to close all over the world. We hope this opportunity will bring comfort to our audiences during these challenging times, and look forward to meeting everyone again in cinemas once this is behind us” said Thierry Fontaine, president of Pathé Live. “For a few years already, Mezzo is very proud to be the partner of Bolshoi Theater, one of the greatest historical institutions in the musical world. We’re presenting regularly great opera productions, mostly live, and we have the honor to share them with viewers in more than 60 countries, spreading the best of Russian culture all over the world. We deeply thank Maestro Sokhiev and Mr Urin for their talent, loyalty and trust. During this unprecedented crisis, we are more than ever decided to support the complete Bolshoi Theater's team and his amazing artists. See you soon on Mezzo and Mezzo Live HD and take care!” added Herve Boissiere, CEO of Mezzo. Among its digital partners, The Bolshoi Theatre is working with Pathe Live and Mezzo to support its online presence. Broadcast Schedule: 7pm CET 27 March Swan Lake (2015), ballet in two acts 28 March The Sleeping Beauty (2011), ballet in two acts 1 April The Tsar’s Bride (2018), opera in four acts 4 April Marco Spada (2014), ballet in three acts 7 April Boris Godunov (2019), opera in four acts 10 April The Nutcracker (2011), ballet in two acts
回复 71楼Bunervous的帖子 差不多,能下馆子,看看电影,午后咖啡馆坐坐,偶尔朋友聚聚就比现在好很多了
莫斯科国家大剧院3月27到4月10日改网上直播,大家可以在youtube看。看第一场天鹅湖的cast,明星首席,Olga Smirnova。
The Bolshoi Theatre will broadcast operas and ballet performances on YouTube
For the first time in history, Russia’s Bolshoi Theater is going digital. On Friday, it will begin to livestream several of its most popular opera and ballet performances, also known as the “Golden Collection,” on its official YouTube channel, allowing viewers around the world to tune in. This announcement also coincides with World Theatre Day.

A total of six performances will be livestreamed, from the 27th of March to the 10th of April. The first broadcast will be the legendary ballet Swan Lake. While all performances have been prerecorded, fans will feel the excitement and feeling of opening night by tuning in to watch each broadcast using YouTube’s Premiere feature. For fans who are unable to watch in real time, each performance will be available on demand for 24 hours after its initial broadcast.

“Our country, like the rest of the world, is experiencing a very difficult time” said Vladmir Urin, General Director of the Bolshoi Theatre.“ We’ve never faced this type of situation before and since we had to close the theater we didn’t want to lose our connection with our audience. Theatre is deeply moving and is a rich experience, and although we cannot perform in front of live audiences, we’re excited to share our performances digitally. It’s been a lot of hard work on our part to make this happen, but we hope these performances will lift peoples spirits and support the well-being of all who tune into the Bolshoi.”

Each performance will premiere at 7 p.m. Moscow time. Viewers who subscribe to the channel will receive an alert and will be able to participate in a live chat for the performance. The comments section will also remain open after each performance so viewers can discuss upcoming shows. In addition, the first Premiere - Swan Lake - will be preceded by a 30 min live discussion between the Bolshoi theater artists Denis Rodkin (principal dancer) and Igor Tsvirko (leading solist) and the audience (in Russian).

“Google and the Bolshoi Theatre are longtime partners. Millions of viewers around the world have visited the Theatre’s YouTube channel since it launched 15 years ago. We’re honored that YouTube can support the Bolshoi as they engage with fans in new ways during these challenging times.” said Julia Solovieva, Head of Google in Russia.

“As producer and worldwide distributor of the Bolshoi Ballet in cinema series, Pathé Live, in association with Bel Air Media, is enthusiastic about the Theatre’s initiative. These 4 ballets are some of the Bolshoi's most emblematic productions, and are among the greatest successes of our broadcasts in cinemas. We feel this is the best way to remain in touch with ballet lovers as cinemas are forced to close all over the world. We hope this opportunity will bring comfort to our audiences during these challenging times, and look forward to meeting everyone again in cinemas once this is behind us” said Thierry Fontaine, president of Pathé Live.

“For a few years already, Mezzo is very proud to be the partner of Bolshoi Theater, one of the greatest historical institutions in the musical world. We’re presenting regularly great opera productions, mostly live, and we have the honor to share them with viewers in more than 60 countries, spreading the best of Russian culture all over the world. We deeply thank Maestro Sokhiev and Mr Urin for their talent, loyalty and trust. During this unprecedented crisis, we are more than ever decided to support the complete Bolshoi Theater's team and his amazing artists. See you soon on Mezzo and Mezzo Live HD and take care!” added Herve Boissiere, CEO of Mezzo. Among its digital partners, The Bolshoi Theatre is working with Pathe Live and Mezzo to support its online presence.

Broadcast Schedule: 7pm CET

27 March
Swan Lake (2015), ballet in two acts

28 March
The Sleeping Beauty (2011), ballet in two acts

1 April
The Tsar’s Bride (2018), opera in four acts

4 April
Marco Spada (2014), ballet in three acts

7 April
Boris Godunov (2019), opera in four acts

10 April
The Nutcracker (2011), ballet in two acts
小壳 发表于 3/27/2020 4:17:35 AM

啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 可惜就是东部时间凌晨
回复 112楼小壳的帖子 谢谢! 感动⭐️
莫斯科国家大剧院3月27到4月10日改网上直播,大家可以在youtube看。看第一场天鹅湖的cast,明星首席,Olga Smirnova。
The Bolshoi Theatre will broadcast operas and ballet performances on YouTube
For the first time in history, Russia’s Bolshoi Theater is going digital. On Friday, it will begin to livestream several of its most popular opera and ballet performances, also known as the “Golden Collection,” on its official YouTube channel, allowing viewers around the world to tune in. This announcement also coincides with World Theatre Day.

A total of six performances will be livestreamed, from the 27th of March to the 10th of April. The first broadcast will be the legendary ballet Swan Lake. While all performances have been prerecorded, fans will feel the excitement and feeling of opening night by tuning in to watch each broadcast using YouTube’s Premiere feature. For fans who are unable to watch in real time, each performance will be available on demand for 24 hours after its initial broadcast.

“Our country, like the rest of the world, is experiencing a very difficult time” said Vladmir Urin, General Director of the Bolshoi Theatre.“ We’ve never faced this type of situation before and since we had to close the theater we didn’t want to lose our connection with our audience. Theatre is deeply moving and is a rich experience, and although we cannot perform in front of live audiences, we’re excited to share our performances digitally. It’s been a lot of hard work on our part to make this happen, but we hope these performances will lift peoples spirits and support the well-being of all who tune into the Bolshoi.”

Each performance will premiere at 7 p.m. Moscow time. Viewers who subscribe to the channel will receive an alert and will be able to participate in a live chat for the performance. The comments section will also remain open after each performance so viewers can discuss upcoming shows. In addition, the first Premiere - Swan Lake - will be preceded by a 30 min live discussion between the Bolshoi theater artists Denis Rodkin (principal dancer) and Igor Tsvirko (leading solist) and the audience (in Russian).

“Google and the Bolshoi Theatre are longtime partners. Millions of viewers around the world have visited the Theatre’s YouTube channel since it launched 15 years ago. We’re honored that YouTube can support the Bolshoi as they engage with fans in new ways during these challenging times.” said Julia Solovieva, Head of Google in Russia.

“As producer and worldwide distributor of the Bolshoi Ballet in cinema series, Pathé Live, in association with Bel Air Media, is enthusiastic about the Theatre’s initiative. These 4 ballets are some of the Bolshoi's most emblematic productions, and are among the greatest successes of our broadcasts in cinemas. We feel this is the best way to remain in touch with ballet lovers as cinemas are forced to close all over the world. We hope this opportunity will bring comfort to our audiences during these challenging times, and look forward to meeting everyone again in cinemas once this is behind us” said Thierry Fontaine, president of Pathé Live.

“For a few years already, Mezzo is very proud to be the partner of Bolshoi Theater, one of the greatest historical institutions in the musical world. We’re presenting regularly great opera productions, mostly live, and we have the honor to share them with viewers in more than 60 countries, spreading the best of Russian culture all over the world. We deeply thank Maestro Sokhiev and Mr Urin for their talent, loyalty and trust. During this unprecedented crisis, we are more than ever decided to support the complete Bolshoi Theater's team and his amazing artists. See you soon on Mezzo and Mezzo Live HD and take care!” added Herve Boissiere, CEO of Mezzo. Among its digital partners, The Bolshoi Theatre is working with Pathe Live and Mezzo to support its online presence.

Broadcast Schedule: 7pm CET

27 March
Swan Lake (2015), ballet in two acts

28 March
The Sleeping Beauty (2011), ballet in two acts

1 April
The Tsar’s Bride (2018), opera in four acts

4 April
Marco Spada (2014), ballet in three acts

7 April
Boris Godunov (2019), opera in four acts

10 April
The Nutcracker (2011), ballet in two acts
小壳 发表于 3/27/2020 4:17:35 AM
