这种时候就要很夸张的惊呼,oh my gosh, I can’t believe that you said that!That’s very rude!! 我有一次在超市自动结账台碰到问题,管自动结账的一个gay佬态度蛮横,走过来的时候撞了我一下胳膊,我立刻大叫why did you hit me!全部人盯着他看他就怂了,这招我也是观察黑人姐姐们学来的,他们这种人自己也知道自己mean,你点破了他反而不好意思了 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP aspirinlin 发表于 11/20/2019 1:14:38 AM
有的人就是情商低, 不会说话:))要是我就笑着说,Is that supposed to be a joke? Well, your humor doesn't come across as you meant to, quite the opposite, it makes the people around here really uncomfortable. bellamia 发表于 11/20/2019 10:32:16 AM
点赞,我也会这么说,轻松而诙谐回复,不卑不亢 ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP