以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言: 我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all. KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does.
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does. 改腰才收20块?男士西裤也是吗?
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 22:52:00的发言: 以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言: 我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all. KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does. 改腰才收20块?男士西裤也是吗? 改裤长10-20。我上次送了一大堆衣服去,他说给便宜些,改腰(就是从裤裆改道腰,而且那条裤子还有waist band,他还说要在家两条dart要不然我屁股那里不会合适)总之工程很大,但是他才收了15。另外一条balenciaga的裙子,要从两边整个拆开了再缝上,旁边还有一道拉索,受了35块钱的样子。老师傅人好,收钱比美国人少多了。还督促我老公学中文来者。
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 21:27:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:15:00的发言: 以下是引用thenewgirl在2006-10-23 20:45:00的发言: speaking of material things....报纸上看到说当今的教皇喜欢gucci的拖鞋,prada的墨镜
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言: 以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 22:52:00的发言: 以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言: 我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all. KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。 你这么解释当然可以理解. 不过原文说的assets and liabilities给我比较冷冰冰的感觉. 好象什么都要算个清楚一样. 走题了. 打住吧.
我刚工作的时候换车,不知道那根劲不对就是不想要honda和toyato...想到如果买个civic,accord什么的没两年肯定想换车,觉得自己买不起也称不起benz,beemer什么的,就买了还算affordable的车,估计比accord多贵15K样子.当然我再想也是,可以换算成不少包包,鞋了..呵呵...后来遇到几个中国人朋友,都觉得我不savvy,他们的房子很大,算appreciation算得很开心,但不厚道的说,他们的house,no color scheme, no decor, no style.几乎感觉不到一点 personal touch,觉得没什么意思,大了几岁后意识到secure finanial future也是挺重要的就是了...所以一个人,也考虑买房了,想法是在变的.但我只打算买个小house,decent location,每个月的payment不至于影响我现在的消费习惯.花些力气和钱打点一个home. 还想起,我有个同事有很钱,开的车很旧,穿得很一般,当然男生嘛,但有几处不错的房子,到他吃饭,发觉他很考究,生活很精致.还有一个同事,有5个孩子,孩子们很有出息,大学都是ivy league的... 我的point就是,自己挣钱不就爱怎么花怎么花.没什么对错的.
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言: 我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服还苁裁矗灰切碌模蓟岷芸摹O衷谝丫吹煤艿恕R路吹南苍迷恫患吧钪斜鸬氖虑椤?lt;font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f7f709;">1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all. KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. LZ如果早点把这个说出来,很多讨论就免了。因为大家的价值观和出发点相差太远了,因此即使是同样的处境,对待同样的事物,观点也不会一样。 非engineer的mm也不用压力太大了,it might not a big deal,即使你一件"一线"品牌都没有。
讨论的真热烈啊, you girls really get it rolling 我还想说两句,前面说的也都是我的preference.这些都是觉得很个人的东西,我并不想把自己的标准甚至审美标准推销给别人。只在于present自己的idea. 一直认为讨论的目的并不一定是说服and占领至高点,而是communicate,了解有那么多scenario。这样也会去appreciate别人的想法和style. 听者呢,也不要在意,别人的不同看法并不是对你的看法的offence. (Sometimes the line is really thin though.....) No need to defend yourself by all means.
说到高档手表,我也来点Input. 大家还不要看不起Rolex, 行内人事说,Rolex是唯一可以在全球迅速抵押现金的牌字,就好象随身带的last security一样。虽然好象爆发户牌子,但是在欧洲它的牌子还是口碑top10的。因为Rolex也是幸存的几家自己做movements的瑞士表了。其他的牌子IWC,cartier,panerai,Tag.基本上都是买components,然后assemble到一起。手表的心脏是movement,精髓在于craftmanship,这个传统是机械表的传统和他们能够claim high price的reason. No watch brand will ever menthion that they purchase their movements from supplier, though we do know there are only a few last strongholds strongholds : including philip patrick, Rolex, A Lange & Soehne. 老牌philip patrick可以独占香港手表拍卖会上的75%以上,可见其功力。 Watch like Omega, Panarei, Tag etc. are rather a sucessful story of marketing campaigns. Except their limited limited editions, a watch collector might not take a glance at their products. 说了这么多,云山雾罩的,我自己其实啥好表都没有,都是耳熏目?lt;/font> 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 4:45:37编辑过]
以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 3:47:00的发言: 讨论的真热烈啊, you girls really get it rolling 我还想说两句,前面说的也都是我的preference.这些都是觉得很个人的东西,我并不想把自己的标准甚至审美标准推销给别人。只在于present自己的idea. 一直认为讨论的目的并不一定是说服and占领至高点,而是communicate,了解有那么多scenario。这样也会去appreciate别人的想法和style. 听者呢,也不要在意,别人的不同看法并不是对你的看法的offence. (Sometimes the line is really thin though.....) No need to defend yourself by all means. 大半夜出来狂顶一下!说得太好了,本来就应该这样。天下没有完全一样的人,就算是克隆人也要看后天成长环境是否完全相同呐,不可能人人都和你想得一样。讨论本来就是为了交流沟通,知道: “oh,人家是这样看待这个问题的”就够了。想通过针尖对麦芒似的雄辩非要分出个高低对错是不可能的,因为根本就没有高低没有对错。另外,注意说话语气口吻,让人读出酸酸气哼哼的味道就不好了。 Sleeper你下面那个贴结巴哈,看你改了改还是不成,电脑问题?问好,我去睡觉了。
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's why many of us don't want kids I'll probably have one eventually, but not until I have enough money so that a kid doesn't reduce my living standard. I need to be able to send the kid to a good day care and still afford my fashion hobby easily.
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 23:26:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言: 以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 22:52:00的发言: 以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言: 以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言: 我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all. KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。 你这么解释当然可以理解. 不过原文说的assets and liabilities给我比较冷冰冰的感觉. 好象什么都要算个清楚一样. 走题了. 打住吧. it's actually a quite popular way to say it among many people. you are a parent, so you probably don't get it...I guess it's almost like an inside language to us who are not interested in kids.
以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 4:15:00的发言: 说到高档手表,我也来点Input. 大家还不要看不起Rolex, 行内人事说,Rolex是唯一可以在全球迅速抵押现金的牌字,就好象随身带的last security一样。虽然好象爆发户牌子,但是在欧洲它的牌子还是口碑top10的。因为Rolex也是幸存的几家自己做movements的瑞士表了。其他的牌子IWC,cartier,panerai,Tag.基本上都是买components,然后assemble到一起。手表的心脏是movement,精髓在于craftmanship,这个传统是机械表的传统和他们能够claim high price的reason. No watch brand will ever menthion that they purchase their movements from supplier, though we do know there are only a few last strongholds strongholds : including philip patrick, Rolex, A Lange & Soehne. 老牌philip patrick可以独占香港手表拍卖会上的75%以上,可见其功力。 Watch like Omega, Panarei, Tag etc. are rather a sucessful story of marketing campaigns. Except their limited limited editions, a watch collector might not take a glance at their products. 说了这么多,云山雾罩的,我自己其实啥好表都没有,都是耳熏目?lt;/font> 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学 Ps. Panarei is a Italian brand, managed by Swiss company. One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richemont and Swatch's annual reports. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 11:09:29编辑过]
One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richmond and Swatch's annual reports. I do read Richmond regularly. hehe.... nevertheless, those are not insider information for me.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-24 9:37:00的发言: sleeper, your fonds are huge. and there are repeating words...something must be wrong with your IE setting and such. Thanks, I did realize the problem. Tried to fix it a few times then gave it up. It occurred to me the very first time. I blame Huaren for the bug.
One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richemont and Swatch's annual reports. I do read Richemont regularly. hehe.... nevertheless, those are not insider information for me. No question about that: no public information is "insider" information. I just think Richemont's report is a good short-cut to understand the world of luxury watches. Swatch e.g. will also list in detail in its annual report all the brand-names that outsource movements manufacturing to them, which is a LONG list! [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 11:09:06编辑过]
No question about that: no public information is "insider" information. I just think Richemont's report is a good short-cut to understand the world of luxury watches. Swatch e.g. will also list in detail in its annual report all the brand-names that outsource movements manufacturing to them, which is a LONG list! just read through richemont's annual report. I didn't know that Chloe was owned by Richemont. I'm curious to see what the new creative director brings...hopefully they do'nt look like Marni too much
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them 咖啡MM如果你现在是这么觉得,那就不要把妈妈的话放在心上, 你那么年轻,还有好几年可以完全不去想孩子的事.几年之后,也许想法会变,也许不会变, 那时候再决定也不迟... 现在想怎么过就怎么过吧
to sum up different people have different utility functions one person can have different utility functions at different point in time... [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 14:20:16编辑过]
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. haha, this can definitely bring up another topic. kids vs. no kids.............. :) but i thinks it's bettter go to the career board.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 21:56:00的发言: 以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:52:00的发言: 袖子到还好,可是裤子肯定长。我腿短。 贸易还好,jacket的袖子总要改。裤子好办,穿高跟鞋就行了。当然我的裤子多数都是改过的,腰和库昌都要改。不是你腿短。美国人也改的。都作35的裤场模特才不用改。 i almost alter everything, jacket, pants, skirts..i have a really really good tailor..
Style Vs. Age Lable Vs non Label classic Vs. Trendy Basic Vs. Classic Materialim Vs. Kids & family Life Style Vs. Purchasing Power and of course........ Jcrew Vs. Anti Jcrew Outfit Vs. Profession On the street Vs. Engineering
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. My friends in medical school told me after women have kids, the hermone would change . one specific change is to make you love the kids and dislike your hubby. (or maybe other things too )
以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言: 以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. My friends in medical school told me after women have kids, the hermone would change . one specific change is to make you love the kids and dislike your hubby. (or maybe other things too ) That's true. At least for a period of time. One basic function for women is to breed. Our body is designed for that.
以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-24 14:31:00的发言: Style Vs. Age Lable Vs non Label classic Vs. Trendy Basic Vs. Classic Materialim Vs. Kids & family Life Style Vs. Purchasing Power and of course........ Jcrew Vs. Anti Jcrew Outfit Vs. Profession On the street Vs. Engineering Good summery. But most is personal preferences. There is no conclusion. There is no right or wrong. Exception one thing- STYLE. Have seen many people armed with name brands but lack of style. So if I can choose only one (style vs. name brand) , I'd choose stylish high street clothes. Not name brands. Because after all, clothing is just a tool that helps you express yourself-your personality, your aesthetics, your mood. A person's style is what counts ultimately.
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 14:58:00的发言: 以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言: 以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. My friends in medical school told me after women have kids, the hermone would change . one specific change is to make you love the kids and dislike your hubby. (or maybe other things too ) That's true. At least for a period of time. One basic function for women is to breed. Our body is designed for that. I did not feel that. I feel I love my husband more after having the kid.
以下是引用rufers在2006-10-24 15:23:00的发言: 以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 14:58:00的发言: 以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言: 以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. My friends in medical school told me after women have kids, the hermone would change . one specific change is to make you love the kids and dislike your hubby. (or maybe other things too ) That's true. At least for a period of time. One basic function for women is to breed. Our body is designed for that. I did not feel that. I feel I love my husband more after having the kid. good to hear some true case. :) otherwise, i would be even more scared to have kids
以下是引用roseprimrose在2006-10-24 4:50:00的发言: 以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 3:47:00的发言: 讨论的真热烈啊, you girls really get it rolling 我还想说两句,前面说的也都是我的preference.这些都是觉得很个人的东西,我并不想把自己的标准甚至审美标准推销给别人。只在于present自己的idea. 一直认为讨论的目的并不一定是说服and占领至高点,而是communicate,了解有那么多scenario。这样也会去appreciate别人的想法和style. 听者呢,也不要在意,别人的不同看法并不是对你的看法的offence. (Sometimes the line is really thin though.....) No need to defend yourself by all means. 大半夜出来狂顶一下!说得太好了,本来就应该这样。天下没有完全一样的人,就算是克隆人也要看后天成长环境是否完全相同呐,不可能人人都和你想得一样。讨论本来就是为了交流沟通,知道: “oh,人家是这样看待这个问题的”就够了。想通过针尖对麦芒似的雄辩非要分出个高低对错是不可能的,因为根本就没有高低没有对错。另外,注意说话语气口吻,让人读出酸酸气哼哼的味道就不好了。 Sleeper你下面那个贴结巴哈,看你改了改还是不成,电脑问题?问好,我去睡觉了。
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 15:15:00的发言: Good summery. But most is personal preferences. There is no conclusion. There is no right or wrong. Exception one thing- STYLE. Have seen many people armed with name brands but lack of style. So if I can choose only one (style vs. name brand) , I'd choose stylish high street clothes. Not name brands. Because after all, clothing is just a tool that helps you express yourself-your personality, your aesthetics, your mood. A person's style is what counts ultimately. 这个坑可真大啊, 俺跳下去一天才爬上来. 非常同意SHLVR MM, 衣服是要看什么人穿, 不能盲从.
以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:20:00的发言: to sum up different people have different utility functions one person can have different utility functions at different point in time... yeah I love this summary.
以下是引用rufers在2006-10-24 15:23:00的发言: 以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 14:58:00的发言: 以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言: 以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言: 以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言: 以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言: 我家孩子每个月的费用,不夸张地说,就可以买两个lv了。 所以我现在还没有lv啊。还是年轻mm好,刚开始工作,负担不大,尽情潇洒吧。等到孩子,房子压上来,就没有太多的时间,精力,金钱在这上面了。 that's what my mom warned me about that, so i hate to think of the idea having kids or buying a big house, it's really a burden, to be honest. life is so short, if kids or house cannot bring me happiness, i would rather not having them A lot of my friends, including me, used to think so. Most have changed their ideas now. And some I talked to, now regret why not have the baby when we were younger and more energetic. Yet I still have a very small group of female friends who are in very special situiations, don't plan to have kids. Only is married but just simply don't want kids with the exact same reason above. THe other 2 are widowed or divoirced so kids are not on their plans. And it could be surprising how a woman would change her thoughts after having a baby, sometimes it's ironic. My friends in medical school told me after women have kids, the hermone would change . one specific change is to make you love the kids and dislike your hubby. (or maybe other things too ) That's true. At least for a period of time. One basic function for women is to breed. Our body is designed for that. I did not feel that. I feel I love my husband more after having the kid. Sweet! The feeling that there is someone in this world caring and related to you and sharing everything with you is really great!
以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-24 14:31:00的发言: Style Vs. Age Lable Vs non Label classic Vs. Trendy Basic Vs. Classic Materialim Vs. Kids & family Life Style Vs. Purchasing Power and of course........ Jcrew Vs. Anti Jcrew Outfit Vs. Profession On the street Vs. Engineering 这一个坑都生出来很多未来的坑了
keep watering here: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-23 23:18:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言: LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。 光ASSET LIABITY 肯定不BALANCE, 还有 OWNER'S EQUITY 呢,那孩子可是自个儿的,生命的延续。 owner's equity is the residual of asset-liabilities. when L is > A as lz said, the owner equity will be negative. Therefore here comes lz's conclusion.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 11:56:00的发言: keep watering here: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-23 23:18:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言: LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。 光ASSET LIABITY 肯定不BALANCE, 还有 OWNER'S EQUITY 呢,那孩子可是自个儿的,生命的延续。 owner's equity is the residual of asset-liabilities. when L is > A as lz said, the owner equity will be negative. Therefore here comes lz's conclusion. 我认为不想生孩子或者犹豫生孩子的MM都把生孩子后的责任想得过大了,愉悦想得小了。当然反着说愿意生孩子(但还没生)的MM也成立。这就是为什么大家都是最优化却有了不同的选择。 可是对没有孩子的MM来说,这责任和愉悦毕竟是未知的有不确定性的,所以已经有孩子的人的看法和现实近一些,尤其那些计划外有了孩子的MM的意见是比较客观的。 我还没有见过后悔要孩子的(婚姻本身有问题的就不考虑了),倒是有后悔没早生的。当然样本里可能都是本来就想要孩子的? 美丽的野猪MM所说的生命的延续可以算在asset里,和愉悦不太一样。 随着自身年龄的增长事业的稳定家庭经济的好转和孩子的长大,愉悦的时间值会大大超过责任。生命的延续也有时间值 除了简单的比较,还有一个生理恢复的问题,这个是没办法量化的。
以下是引用maffeelll在2006-10-25 14:22:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 11:56:00的发言: keep watering here: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-23 23:18:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言: LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了. 也不能算量化吧! 孩子带来的是愉悦(对有的人)-asset,可是父母要付出很多。这个就是liabilities. 愉悦不如付出多,就不想生孩子倍。很简单的。 光ASSET LIABITY 肯定不BALANCE, 还有 OWNER'S EQUITY 呢,那孩子可是自个儿的,生命的延续。 owner's equity is the residual of asset-liabilities. when L is > A as lz said, the owner equity will be negative. Therefore here comes lz's conclusion. 我还没有见过后悔要孩子的(婚姻本身有问题的就不考虑了), i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it.
I guess it's just a personality difference. I will normally take the more expensive one to gain the 15 points of happiness/satisfaction as long as I can afford it. If one item is only at the 65% level, no matter how good a deal it is or how cheap it is, I won't spend the money for. agleeeeeeee this. and also this: '另外,有人说拿着一个LV或MJ什么的,也没有什么人CARE.我个人来讲,我才不在意别人CARE不CARE,我自己拿着感觉好就行'
以下是引用maffeelll在2006-10-25 11:37:00的发言: 喜欢美丽的野猪MM的话。还有上面几个回复里的。 em11] Thank you hehe... actually i am not so into kids either, but people's mind could change from one stage of life to the next. one of my coworkers just quit the job last week, she wanted to stay home relax and work on getting pregnant because she's already 34 yrs old and doc said it's hard for her to get pregnant at this age because of other problems associated with age. when she was young, she decided not to have kids even though she's married for more than 10 yrs. now she regrets. so from her case, i learned never say never, and never say i dont' like kids, say i dont' feel like having kids for now
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret. caffine mm, since you are very into fashion, I have some questions to ask you. I watched "women us are greatest" the tw show which disucess fashion trends. They said for fall and witner 2006, the style of rock star is IN. so must have is metalic belt, metalic bags, shoes. I am a little confused. I feel they are kinda last year coz patent leather and red color seem more popular here on the street. So is US behind or what?
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. Sorry I don't mean I have regretted having kids. I mean I have met or heard of people who regret having kids. But to be honest, though I personally don't regret having my son, I'm also not so convinced that it's a right choice. My attitude right now is kind of neutral. The fundamental question that has been haunting me is: is is a good thing to do to bring one more life to this world? And I always think adoption is a better choice if I want a kid. I really don't give a damn about 我的生命延续 or leaving my genes behind me when I die. Sorry gals for discussing something not related to fashion at all.
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 19:40:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. Sorry I don't mean I have regretted having kids. I mean I have met or heard of people who regret having kids. But to be honest, though I personally don't regret having my son, I'm also not so convinced that it's a right choice. My attitude right now is kind of neutral. The fundamental question that has been haunting me is: is is a good thing to do to bring one more life to this world? And I always think adoption is a better choice if I want a kid. I really don't give a damn about 我的生命延续 or leaving my genes behind me when I die. Sorry gals for discussing something not related to fashion at all. 这也是我的想法. 我也不太明白,很多人为什么觉得自己的孩子就是自己生命的延续. 孩子终究是个独立的个体,他们长大终究有他们的生活,思想和价值观,除了血缘和基因,在我看来,和自己并没有太大关系. 所谓生命的延续,只是父母一厢情愿的想法,作为孩子又有几个认同呢? 所以,在我看来,很多人爱孩子,只是爱自己的孩子而已. 如果真正爱孩子,所有的孩子都是应该是一样的. 我觉得在这点上,西方人比国人心态开放很多,也宽容很多(也许是宗教的影响). 所以他们能够接受一个血缘上和自己完全没有关联的孩子,对他们视如己出. 我N年前就决定不要孩子,以为随着时间,我会改变. 现在发现,我依然不想要孩子. 因为看到听到的太多了,孩子会彻底改变一个人的生活. 当然很多时候,这是一种好的改变. 但是我现在这样生活很好,我不需要任何改变,即使那是一个好的改变. 如果将来我的想法变了(这种可能性很小),想要一个孩子,我想我会选择领养. 曾经有人告诉我,帮助一个生命改变或提高的他(她)的生活,是一个很美好的事情. 有那么多被大人抛弃的孩子等待人们关爱,就象楼上的MM说的, is it a good thing to to bring one more life to this world? [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 5:29:26编辑过]
以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-25 17:03:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret. caffine mm, since you are very into fashion, I have some questions to ask you. I watched "women us are greatest" the tw show which disucess fashion trends. They said for fall and witner 2006, the style of rock star is IN. so must have is metalic belt, metalic bags, shoes. I am a little confused. I feel they are kinda last year coz patent leather and red color seem more popular here on the street. So is US behind or what? haha..glad to say something meaningful here I think that they are trying to give the trend a name by saying rock star...rock star is always in, no? what they are really saying about the new "trend" is the metalic colors. Many designers presented metallic material knited with natual fabric and even metallic looking material made of regular fabric with creative treatment (for instance,Balenciaga). Red and Patent leather are different from metallic as you know....Red and patent leather are for this fall, or they are natually fall/winter and more festival looking. Metallic though, is different depending on what the color tone is. IMHO, you need red, patent leather, and metallic in your wardrobe to add some shine or stand out factor to your outfits. From that standpoint, the trend doesn't matter. Those are all good "basics" to have on styling...does it make sense to you?
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 19:40:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. And I always think adoption is a better choice if I want a kid. I really don't give a damn about 我的生命延续 or leaving my genes behind me when I die. Can't agree more about this. I don't believe in having kids for the sake of having kids. I fundamentally believe that one should be psychologically AND financially ready before having kids, even if it means "too late" by conventional standard. The truth is it's never too late, as one can always adopt. To be worried about regreting not having kids at all or earlier is really quite 杞人忧天 in my mind. [此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 10:26:38编辑过]
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-26 9:23:00的发言: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-25 17:03:00的发言: 以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言: 以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言: i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret. caffine mm, since you are very into fashion, I have some questions to ask you. I watched "women us are greatest" the tw show which disucess fashion trends. They said for fall and witner 2006, the style of rock star is IN. so must have is metalic belt, metalic bags, shoes. I am a little confused. I feel they are kinda last year coz patent leather and red color seem more popular here on the street. So is US behind or what? haha..glad to say something meaningful here I think that they are trying to give the trend a name by saying rock star...rock star is always in, no? what they are really saying about the new "trend" is the metalic colors. Many designers presented metallic material knited with natual fabric and even metallic looking material made of regular fabric with creative treatment (for instance,Balenciaga). Red and Patent leather are different from metallic as you know....Red and patent leather are for this fall, or they are natually fall/winter and more festival looking. Metallic though, is different depending on what the color tone is. IMHO, you need red, patent leather, and metallic in your wardrobe to add some shine or stand out factor to your outfits. From that standpoint, the trend doesn't matter. Those are all good "basics" to have on styling...does it make sense to you? I do understand the idea of metallic looking materials made from fabrics. To me, they are not really "metallic". The stuff they presented in the show was silver shiny belt and empahsized on golden shoes. They are very last year to me, everyone was buying golden sandals, copper color big bags last year and no one is carrying any more this yr. Or it's just me being outdated....
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:52:00的发言:
KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. 还是有消费能力的问题,那天与以女孩聊天,她说这个有人花几千块买包,神经病。俺说了,这人家买的这个包就想你去payless shoes 随便买双凉拖一样
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 21:56:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:52:00的发言:
其实穿的得体就行了,说的好象工作了就非得大牌才能体现身份似的,恐怕也是一种极端。 其实很多大公司的文化也未必在乎头头们是不是穿大牌的,职业上的发展,老板喜欢,会玩政治比较重要呵呵。一般的公司,如JCREW,BR,AT这样的档次,完全拿得出手,关键是裁减适合自己,质量做工还不错就好了。人的体型还个个不同了,大牌未必件件就适合,看上前也未必就高挡到哪里去。我看我们公司最大的头头也没怎么大牌。人BILL GATES,WARREN BUFFET也不见得在乎这个。什么都要大牌,一定程度上来说,也是心理满足的一种方式而已。反而让别人觉得自己比较HIGH maintenance。适合自己了,AT,BR都能穿的和大牌一般漂亮精神! 所以我的主张是自己喜欢的,适合自己的,适合周围环境的,管它大排与否,说白了,你的同事也好老板也好,谁CARE你今天提个MJ的包,明天带个TIFFANY的戒指呀! 这个mm说得很有道理. 要大牌的东西很大程度上是一种自我心理的满足.但是我觉得这种满足对当事人来说是非常重要的.我认识一个女孩子,订婚的时候一定要一个Tiffany的戒指, 说这辈子就想要它家的一件东西. 其实同样的价钱都可以买其他牌子好大的钻戒了.不过她一辈子看着这个钻戒,心理的满足感是什么也不可替代的呀...... (其实我还挺羡慕她,我没有什么东西特别想要的.....) 所以这些穿着打扮都是personal的事.你听楼主的话有道理,就他山之石,可以攻玉.你不理不睬,照样买old navy也可以.只要自己心里开心就行了.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-23 22:31:06编辑过]
caffeine, 你说的那个师傅是在nyc吗?我从来没改过裤腰,不知道改过的效果怎么样。
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-21 19:49:00的发言:
其实穿的得体就行了,说的好象工作了就非得大牌才能体现身份似的,恐怕也是一种极端。 其实很多大公司的文化也未必在乎头头们是不是穿大牌的,职业上的发展,老板喜欢,会玩政治比较重要呵呵。一般的公司,如JCREW,BR,AT这样的档次,完全拿得出手,关键是裁减适合自己,质量做工还不错就好了。人的体型还个个不同了,大牌未必件件就适合,看上前也未必就高挡到哪里去。我看我们公司最大的头头也没怎么大牌。人BILL GATES,WARREN BUFFET也不见得在乎这个。什么都要大牌,一定程度上来说,也是心理满足的一种方式而已。反而让别人觉得自己比较HIGH maintenance。适合自己了,AT,BR都能穿的和大牌一般漂亮精神! 所以我的主张是自己喜欢的,适合自己的,适合周围环境的,管它大排与否,说白了,你的同事也好老板也好,谁CARE你今天提个MJ的包,明天带个TIFFANY的戒指呀! 这个mm说得很有道理. 要大牌的东西很大程度上是一种自我心理的满足.但是我觉得这种满足对当事人来说是非常重要的.我认识一个女孩子,订婚的时候一定要一个Tiffany的戒指, 说这辈子就想要它家的一件东西. 其实同样的价钱都可以买其他牌子好大的钻戒了.不过她一辈子看着这个钻戒,心理的满足感是什么也不可替代的呀...... (其实我还挺羡慕她,我没有什么东西特别想要的.....) 所以这些穿着打扮都是personal的事.你听楼主的话有道理,就他山之石,可以攻玉.你不理不睬,照样买old navy也可以.只要自己心里开心就行了.
没错儿,有钱难买我愿意。 赶明儿咱有钱了,可能也满身label, 但是现在沉浸在无限的捡便宜的喜悦中,让俺根深蒂固的小农意识无限的发扬光大。 记得paris hilton 在simpe life 里面去了趟walmart欢喜得很,说i love walmart, t shirt is only $5.当然可能是剧情需要。 以前在银行工作,那天天都是suit,其实干的都是低能活,上班穿什么衣服主要看环境所迫吧。不然就是爱穿什么就穿什么,爱多皱就多皱,爱穿多贵就多贵,我们公司的receptionist ,按理说赚的不多,每年给自己买好个名牌包,一年一个劳力士。
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言:
我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all.
dharma mm, 我们好象啊,我们也开二手车呢。前一段时间想换车,可是觉得感情上特舍不得,就好像对一个不会说话的老朋友似的。
caffeine, 你说的那个师傅是在nyc吗?我从来没改过裤腰,不知道改过的效果怎么样。
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does.
以下是引用begonia在2006-10-23 22:45:00的发言:
dharma mm, 我们好象啊,我们也开二手车呢。前一段时间想换车,可是觉得感情上特舍不得,就好像对一个不会说话的老朋友似的。
caffeine, 你说的那个师傅是在nyc吗?我从来没改过裤腰,不知道改过的效果怎么样。
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does. 改腰才收20块?男士西裤也是吗?
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言:
我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all.
KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. 汗。。。那我更不买了。
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:02:00的发言:
以下是引用begonia在2006-10-23 22:45:00的发言:
dharma mm, 我们好象啊,我们也开二手车呢。前一段时间想换车,可是觉得感情上特舍不得,就好像对一个不会说话的老朋友似的。
caffeine, 你说的那个师傅是在nyc吗?我从来没改过裤腰,不知道改过的效果怎么样。
yes. he is on 78th and 2nd. it looks so much better with fitted waist. now I can't stand any extra stuff on the waist. it's really good. he also altered some skirts such as Prada and Balenciaga, and I'm pretty happy with what he does. 改腰才收20块?男士西裤也是吗? 改裤长10-20。我上次送了一大堆衣服去,他说给便宜些,改腰(就是从裤裆改道腰,而且那条裤子还有waist band,他还说要在家两条dart要不然我屁股那里不会合适)总之工程很大,但是他才收了15。另外一条balenciaga的裙子,要从两边整个拆开了再缝上,旁边还有一道拉索,受了35块钱的样子。老师傅人好,收钱比美国人少多了。还督促我老公学中文来者。
LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:15:00的发言:
以下是引用thenewgirl在2006-10-23 20:45:00的发言:
speaking of material things....报纸上看到说当今的教皇喜欢gucci的拖鞋,prada的墨镜
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 22:52:00的发言:
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言:
我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all.
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言:
我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服还苁裁矗灰切碌模蓟岷芸摹O衷谝丫吹煤艿恕R路吹南苍迷恫患吧钪斜鸬氖虑椤?lt;font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f7f709;">1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all.
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言:
KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. 汗。。。那我更不买了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 3:06:16编辑过]
在国内几个朋友,月薪3W的样子,个个都是月月光,哎,手一松钱就没没了,也没见他们花到那里去了, 我还好,但就是不愿意放401K,因为是要到59.5岁后才能拿没有penalty,我就跟朋友说,30年后的事情谁知道呢,人在那都不好说,朋友说:是人就能活过60吧,然后批我是没有远虑的人...哎... mm, 401K, 如果你没有月光,备有急用,公司match的部分还是要放的。即使有penalty,也划算吧。否则,银行也是放,都一样啊。 我妈跟我说,真正划出去的钱(assume是在自己身上)才是自己的;存着的不是。
最好当然是自己喜欢什么就在什么上多花钱,喜欢旅游,买房/车,衣着,等等,都是个人选择. 但是实际上每个人还是在乎别人的看法,还是喜欢自己花费了金钱和精力换来的东西,能够得到别人的承认.所以很多人反复强调自己的选择,希望能有更多的人接受自己的看法.真的不在乎别人还是不可能. 一语中的。虽然很晚了,还忍不住支持一下。
大家还不要看不起Rolex, 行内人事说,Rolex是唯一可以在全球迅速抵押现金的牌字,就好象随身带的last security一样。虽然好象爆发户牌子,但是在欧洲它的牌子还是口碑top10的。因为Rolex也是幸存的几家自己做movements的瑞士表了。其他的牌子IWC,cartier,panerai,Tag.基本上都是买components,然后assemble到一起。手表的心脏是movement,精髓在于craftmanship,这个传统是机械表的传统和他们能够claim high price的reason. No watch brand will ever menthion that they purchase their movements from supplier, though we do know there are only a few last strongholds strongholds : including philip patrick, Rolex, A Lange & Soehne. 老牌philip patrick可以独占香港手表拍卖会上的75%以上,可见其功力。 Watch like Omega, Panarei, Tag etc. are rather a sucessful story of marketing campaigns. Except their limited limited editions, a watch collector might not take a glance at their products. 说了这么多,云山雾罩的,我自己其实啥好表都没有,都是耳熏目?lt;/font> 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 4:45:37编辑过]
讨论的真热烈啊, you girls really get it rolling
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言:
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-23 22:52:00的发言:
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 20:17:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 15:04:00的发言:
以下是引用tracy00在2006-10-23 9:20:00的发言:
我好象对大牌子不感冒。现在有那个能力我也不买。。连大家说的二线品牌我都只买了coach送人用。。。我周围的人穿得比我还简单的大把。。所以随大流了。拎个LV/prada去上班,比老板穿得还好,这个后果如何,还没有试过。 工作以后,欲望更多,衣服这些东西就着需求买。也没有很多时间去淘deal了。感觉淡漠了。养老保险里多放点钱,攒房子首期,买辆新的SUV,出去旅游一趟。回国,给父母朋友买东西。。。。身份绿卡律师医生打打交道。。。如果有小孩的话,day care, college fundation, 各种mortgage花钱的地方太多了。经济上比做学生的时候感觉没有太多的变化。钱越多的时候,欲望越多。时尚只是很小的一部分。 同意sleeper的,被物拖累真是一点意思也没有了。只要得体适宜,不影响市容,除了自己谁会在意你穿的是什么牌子呢 不光只有买衣服是物欲啊,房子,车,旅游,送人,甚至养老保险,身份绿卡律师,小孩都是物欲啊。也许你在乎房子,绿卡,我偏偏喜欢买衣服,旅游越穷的地方我越喜欢去,而且是backpack,省钱的不得了。都是个人选择而已。活在世上,有什么人不被物拖累啊? 同意这些都是物欲。。到某个阶段,接触的人群不同,心境不同,物欲不同。很小的时候,过年的时候有新衣服不管什么,只要是新的,都会很开心。现在已经看得很淡了。衣服带来的喜悦远不及生活中别的事情。1000多刀买LV/KELLY的包和把这些钱给父母,我会做后者。尽管他们不是很需要,但是存着是心意。 至于衣饰,i donot care designer brands at all. If I look good in a retailer brand, even it is just my own feeling, what is the point of spending hundreds or thousands more in a designer brand? I donot need big names to say about myself. 我只有一件值钱的东西,老公送的TIFFANY。In fact, to me, it is priceless. One is enough. One says all.
大家还不要看不起Rolex, 行内人事说,Rolex是唯一可以在全球迅速抵押现金的牌字,就好象随身带的last security一样。虽然好象爆发户牌子,但是在欧洲它的牌子还是口碑top10的。因为Rolex也是幸存的几家自己做movements的瑞士表了。其他的牌子IWC,cartier,panerai,Tag.基本上都是买components,然后assemble到一起。手表的心脏是movement,精髓在于craftmanship,这个传统是机械表的传统和他们能够claim high price的reason. No watch brand will ever menthion that they purchase their movements from supplier, though we do know there are only a few last strongholds strongholds : including philip patrick, Rolex, A Lange & Soehne. 老牌philip patrick可以独占香港手表拍卖会上的75%以上,可见其功力。 Watch like Omega, Panarei, Tag etc. are rather a sucessful story of marketing campaigns. Except their limited limited editions, a watch collector might not take a glance at their products. 说了这么多,云山雾罩的,我自己其实啥好表都没有,都是耳熏目?lt;/font> 这里以前有个很懂表的同学,不知道跑到那里去了,还是个男同学
One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richemont and Swatch's annual reports.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 11:09:29编辑过]
以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 4:15:00的发言:
One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richmond and Swatch's annual reports.
sleeper, your fonds are huge. and there are repeating words...something must be wrong with your IE setting and such. Thanks, I did realize the problem. Tried to fix it a few times then gave it up. It occurred to me the very first time.
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-24 10:01:00的发言:
以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 4:15:00的发言:
One can get a lot of insider information already simply by reading Richemont and Swatch's annual reports.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 11:09:06编辑过]
just read through richemont's annual report. I didn't know that Chloe was owned by Richemont. I'm curious to see what the new creative director brings...hopefully they do'nt look like Marni too much
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
农村美国,说衣服只为保暖遮体,好的东西都试过了,有什么意思呢。夏天,他就穿着costco的白tshirt说特舒服。 俺觉得这样臭屁的人找抽的成都相当与说“我穷的只剩下钱了”
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 14:20:16编辑过]
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:52:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
what's chinese name for Rolex?
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
农村美国,说衣服只为保暖遮体,好的东西都试过了,有什么意思呢。夏天,他就穿着costco的白tshirt说特舒服。 俺觉得这样臭屁的人找抽的成都相当与说“我穷的只剩下钱了”
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 15:31:11编辑过]
Style Vs. Age Lable Vs non Label classic Vs. Trendy Basic Vs. Classic Materialim Vs. Kids & family Life Style Vs. Purchasing Power and of course........ Jcrew Vs. Anti Jcrew Outfit Vs. Profession On the street Vs. Engineering
以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言:
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 14:58:00的发言:
以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言:
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
以下是引用sleeper在2006-10-24 3:47:00的发言:
讨论的真热烈啊, you girls really get it rolling
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-24 16:13:09编辑过]
Good summery. But most is personal preferences. There is no conclusion. There is no right or wrong. Exception one thing- STYLE. Have seen many people armed with name brands but lack of style. So if I can choose only one (style vs. name brand) , I'd choose stylish high street clothes. Not name brands. Because after all, clothing is just a tool that helps you express yourself-your personality, your aesthetics, your mood. A person's style is what counts ultimately. 这个坑可真大啊, 俺跳下去一天才爬上来.
to sum up different people have different utility functions one person can have different utility functions at different point in time...
yeah I love this summary.
以下是引用SHLVR在2006-10-24 14:58:00的发言:
以下是引用Chic在2006-10-24 14:33:00的发言:
以下是引用understandme在2006-10-24 14:01:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-10-24 13:43:00的发言:
以下是引用elly在2006-10-24 4:20:00的发言:
The feeling that there is someone in this world caring and related to you and sharing everything with you is really great!
Style Vs. Age Lable Vs non Label classic Vs. Trendy Basic Vs. Classic Materialim Vs. Kids & family Life Style Vs. Purchasing Power and of course........ Jcrew Vs. Anti Jcrew Outfit Vs. Profession On the street Vs. Engineering
以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-24 14:15:00的发言:
农村美国,说衣服只为保暖遮体,好的东西都试过了,有什么意思呢。夏天,他就穿着costco的白tshirt说特舒服。 俺觉得这样臭屁的人找抽的成都相当与说“我穷的只剩下钱了”
说的竟然有一些伤感, 叹息一下........ 生命短促
以下是引用Dharma在2006-10-23 22:07:00的发言:
KELLY 一千多可买不来,起码6 - 7000以上,这个价还是欧洲的价,美国得更贵. 每个人每个阶段的PRIORITY不一样. 有的人到一定时候愿意花钱住好房子大房子,有的人愿意养好几个小孩,花钱送他们学这个那个,最好个个上哈佛,有的人愿意吃糠咽菜买个好车,这些都是PERSONAL CHOICE. 就我个人而言,我对车没太大兴趣,开的是个96年的LEXUS(99年买的二手车),也不愿意养孩子,这辈子一个都不想要,对于我孩子带来的LIABLITY 多过ASSET. 至于房子呢,好在住在半乡下的地方,房子也不贵,负担很轻松. 我对大房子好房子也没什么兴趣,就和LG两个人,那么大的空间是浪费,我也不需要别人的羡慕. 见过或知道不少人为了房子节衣缩食,买得起大房子,买不起家具(或不舍得买家具),如果是那样的话,我宁可租房子. 我是绝对不会为了房子牺牲我对度假,购物和美食的享受的. 至于父母,我觉得我比周围的很多人做得已经很好了. 5年里让他们来了两次,从美东到美西,他们也玩了很多地方. 给他们也买了房子,一次付清的,我自己的房子现在还是一屁股债呢. 过去10年里,给他们的花在他们身上的怎么也有40万RMB了. 所以当我为自己买个1000多包包,我的心理非常平衡. 汗。。。那我更不买了。
帖子又出问题了,上面那个又废了。 回ROSE的话。 你睡起来了没有,好久不见,水也够深的。 我本打算相忘于江湖呢,结果看到有意思的帖子,有飘上来了,道行太浅啊。 咣铛,太阳都要下山了,打工之人哪敢不起来!其实我昨天早上八点半就到班儿上了。
老公比较正式的衣服鞋子基本上都是欧洲牌子的,可能是他身材的原因,美国牌子的衣服都不太合适。象t-shirt, sweater,这些休闲的款式买j.crew, br的多些,但是衬衫,西裤什么的,我比较迷信大牌的,真的差很多。平时看到别人的suit,上衣可能分不太出好坏,看裤子,看衬衫,基本上就不会猜错的。还有我发现男人对鞋子好在意的,要舒服,要漂亮,还要质量一级棒(因为恋旧),所以尽量买好的了。
还有在现实生活里,很少人会注意我穿什么的,更不会关心什么牌子的,顶多说,good shirt, good sweater之类的话。穿好穿坏很多时候是自己的feeling,只要别出格就行了。
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言:
LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言:
LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 21:27:00的发言:
以下是引用sassygirl在2006-10-23 21:15:00的发言:
以下是引用thenewgirl在2006-10-23 20:45:00的发言:
speaking of material things....报纸上看到说当今的教皇喜欢gucci的拖鞋,prada的墨镜
keep watering here: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-23 23:18:00的发言:
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言:
LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 11:56:00的发言:
keep watering here: 以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-23 23:18:00的发言:
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-23 23:06:00的发言:
LZ 好厉害好专业. 养孩子也量化了.
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret.
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret.
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言:
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 5:29:26编辑过]
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言:
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret.
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言:
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. And I always think adoption is a better choice if I want a kid. I really don't give a damn about 我的生命延续 or leaving my genes behind me when I die. Can't agree more about this. I don't believe in having kids for the sake of having kids. I fundamentally believe that one should be psychologically AND financially ready before having kids, even if it means "too late" by conventional standard. The truth is it's never too late, as one can always adopt. To be worried about regreting not having kids at all or earlier is really quite 杞人忧天 in my mind.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-26 10:26:38编辑过]
以下是引用美丽的野猪在2006-10-25 17:03:00的发言:
以下是引用Caffeine在2006-10-25 16:55:00的发言:
以下是引用蝶歌在2006-10-25 14:29:00的发言:
i have. and i think there's always the possibility that those who regret having kids feel too guilty to admit it. This reads really honest. I think that many people might think that way a couple of times in their lives (including you), but since the kids are there, it doesn't help to regret, then don't regret. For the people who think that they have the kids too late, they probably didn't have the resources to take care of the kids back then, so they shouldn't regret either. I never regret on my own choices, so I know no matter when or wether I have a kid, I won't regret.
this post is really great...... 都说了些啥啊?谁总结一下?