最近在约会一个男生,两周前刚exclusive,但是发现他的activity report的数据最近两个月每天都是一样的,包括“% of time Chat with Bagels ”一直是83%, “% of time Sends first message”一直是73%, “Usually replies within”一直是12+hr, 然后Active within 72 hr 也一直是Yes。这一般会有哪些原因呢?我猜是他put account on hold但是每天都有check the app?
我自己自从exclusive后就把account on hold了,on hold后每个chat line close后都会给我发个提醒信息,我就会登录上去看下,然后每次看到他的activity report都是一样的,并且Active within 72 hr 也一直是Yes。
From my experience, I think he did login to the app ( I don't know if he swiped or not) the same activity rate shows he doesn't have any recent activities.
From my experience, I think he did login to the app ( I don't know if he swiped or not) the same activity rate shows he doesn't have any recent activities. alice212 发表于 12/12/2017 7:46:31 PM
If you didn't login to the app within three days, it will show. This one I'm pretty sure.
我自己自从exclusive后就把account on hold了,on hold后每个chat line close后都会给我发个提醒信息,我就会登录上去看下,然后每次看到他的activity report都是一样的,并且Active within 72 hr 也一直是Yes。
只是他的账户有bug 吗?我看我自己的activity report一直都正常且准确的呢!
From my experience, I think he did login to the app ( I don't know if he swiped or not) the same activity rate shows he doesn't have any recent activities.
If you didn't login to the app within three days, it will show. This one I'm pretty sure.
If you wanna test it out, wait three days/72 hours and then log back in. Your own activity report will show that you were not active within 72 hours
你没有说啊,我又不知道。再说个位数都不变,可疑呗。而且,Statistic 是Feature set 里不太重要的,错了也不太容易被End user发现,我就按照Developer 的思路猜一下呗。
唉,现在dating app上的人,都很模糊啊
MM 说的应该是对的,我去看了下我自己的report,就是显示72小时内没有登录。我问他了,他说他很久没有用了。我觉得他应该是有每天登陆或者app一直在手机上开着,但最近一个多月都没有任何activity。
手機開着應該也不會顯示active... 因為每次我都是按home鍵退出. 從來沒有整個app 推上去關掉
那他应该是有每天登陆但最近一两个月都没有activity (没有和别人发信息)。 这又是什么心理呢?难道他纯粹喜欢看其他女生的profile? 或者还想着脚踏两只船? BTW,我们认识两个半月了,半个月前他提出希望我做他女朋友,我答应了。目前为止,除了他还每天登陆CMB有点bother到我之外,其他方面我都还蛮喜欢他的。