North Cascades公园秋季之旅~

楼主 (未名空间)
奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄了bush的移民法案,

选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。

bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,jeb 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑 gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。

所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金主 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。

trump 竞选时是对非移最严厉的,上台后,Southern border和遣返都做得不错。

dACA的确是个很难处理的议题,trump 想用daca换来些什么,来推自己政策,其实也是无奈之举,尤其两党建制派都希望他 失败。

这个讨价还价才开始,我们还是先静观其变吧,光说气话改变不了现实。 我个人觉得
要是daca 最后bill 出来,一 需要 earn long patg to citizenship;二 间断亲属移民path; 三 同时换来 fund for border security。

2 楼

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄
: 了bush的移民法案,
: 那个法案具体细节不清楚,但据说非常favor民主党的理念,加上麦肯支持,也是为了
: 选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。
: bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,
: 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑
: gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。
: 所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制
: 。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金

: 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。
: ...................
3 楼
Illegals must not have path to citizenship and they must leave. All of
You give them Amnesty, you lose next election.

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄
: 了bush的移民法案,
: 那个法案具体细节不清楚,但据说非常favor民主党的理念,加上麦肯支持,也是为了
: 选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。
: bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,
: 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑
: gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。
: 所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制
: 。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金

: 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。
: ...................
4 楼
path to citizenship 就无法阻断亲属移民。法律不可能创造出两个公民等级。


【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄
: 了bush的移民法案,
: 那个法案具体细节不清楚,但据说非常favor民主党的理念,加上麦肯支持,也是为了
: 选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。
: bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,
: 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑
: gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。
: 所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制
: 。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金

: 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。
: ...................
5 楼
哈哈,过不了,Koch brothers 反对。民主党政客知道过不了还凑上去就是想给自己沽名钓誉。

【 在 arber (arber) 的大作中提到: 】
: path to citizenship 就无法阻断亲属移民。法律不可能创造出两个公民等级。
: 永久绿卡也不行。你今天给了永久绿卡,明天就会有民主党出来说不公平,必须给公民
: 。参考奥健保。刚刚repeal失败,三的死马上就提公费医疗。十几个民猪党大佬co-
: sponsor.
: jeb
: 主
6 楼

【在 TeddyBear001(TeddyBear001)的大作中提到:】
:Those idiots have no clue what our Constitution is about.
:Illegals must leave. Period. No deportation, No votes.
7 楼
"We either have a country or we don't have a country"

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 祝愿你理想能成,到时候为你鼓掌!
: :Those idiots have no clue what our Constitution is about.
: :Illegals must leave. Period. No deportation, No votes.
8 楼
你理会它做甚? 丫就一病人,给点同情心吧

【在 cellcycle(vacoule)的大作中提到:】
9 楼
The Constitution does not allow for a second class citizen. The tweet of no-chain immigration for DACA amnesty is clearly Constitution -illiterate and only slow-wit people will believe it is possible.

It is a fact.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: 你理会它做甚? 丫就一病人,给点同情心吧
: :祝愿你理想能成,到时候为你鼓掌!
: :
10 楼
DACA == Chain Immigration

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: The Constitution does not allow for a second class citizen. The tweet of no
: -chain immigration for DACA amnesty is clearly Constitution -illiterate or
: just a ploy to con slow-wit people who believe it is possible.
: It is a fact.
11 楼
"所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭"

You have no clue. A trump who pursue the agenda of Hillary and JEB is far
more lethal than Hillary and JEB.

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄
: 了bush的移民法案,
: 那个法案具体细节不清楚,但据说非常favor民主党的理念,加上麦肯支持,也是为了
: 选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。
: bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,
: 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑
: gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。
: 所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制
: 。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金

: 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。
: ...................
12 楼

【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: "所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭"
: You have no clue. A trump who pursue the agenda of Hillary and JEB is far : more lethal than Hillary and JEB.
: jeb
: 主
13 楼

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 奥巴要竞选总统,移民是个打击gop候选人的大议题,就和 当时的参议院领袖Reed搞黄
: 了bush的移民法案,
: 那个法案具体细节不清楚,但据说非常favor民主党的理念,加上麦肯支持,也是为了
: 选总统,要是民主党团结,gop里几个hard line 议员跟本没法阻止通过。
: bush等建制派其实一直favor 大移民改革,想把gop所谓 “反移民”的帽子 摘了,
: 更甚,说过 非移是 act of love。 因为jeb当时的金主最多,钱最多,所以严重怀疑
: gop 的大金主们 都支持移民改革,而不是先执行law再说。
: 所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭,因为这些人都很难摆脱金主的控制
: 。 从trump 上台后,gop 领导层的阴奉阳唯来看,搞得trump 很难推政策,这些金

: 阶层和选民的认知有很大的不同。
: ...................
14 楼

是你吧,带领几十个顶族床粉振臂高呼“废除DACA!驱逐非移!”。痛骂支持DACA的左逼,感谢川爷敢冒天下政治不正确之大不韪。 声震十大之首,绕梁三日不绝啊。



【 在 CoolTeeth (小石头) 的大作中提到: 】
: 是的,其他人肯定更不能选。到现在连这个都看不明白的也是无可救药了。
: jeb
: 主
15 楼

【 在 Westout (西外胖三) 的大作中提到: 】
: 咦?就前几天,你不是还发雄文《该是让DACA恶法寿终正寝的时候了!》? 带领几十
: 个顶族床粉振臂高呼“废除DACA!驱逐非移!”声震十大之首,绕梁三日不绝。
: 这会怎么转弯这么快? 这就都看明白了?同意“给daca合法化,大家就该试着去接
: 了?
16 楼

【 在 Westout (西外胖三) 的大作中提到: 】
: 咦?就前几天,你不是还发雄文《该是让DACA恶法寿终正寝的时候了!》?
: 是你吧,带领几十个顶族床粉振臂高呼“废除DACA!驱逐非移!”。痛骂支持DACA的左
: 逼,感谢川爷敢冒天下政治不正确之大不韪。 声震十大之首,绕梁三日不绝啊。
: 这会儿怎么转弯这么快?比因为川爷好好干就不添乱的HARVEY飓风转弯还快。。。
: 这就都看明白了?同意“给daca合法化,大家就该试着去接受"了?
17 楼
Too 拜托, 打人不打脸!

【 在 Westout (西外胖三) 的大作中提到: 】
: 咦?就前几天,你不是还发雄文《该是让DACA恶法寿终正寝的时候了!》?
: 是你吧,带领几十个顶族床粉振臂高呼“废除DACA!驱逐非移!”。痛骂支持DACA的左
: 逼,感谢川爷敢冒天下政治不正确之大不韪。 声震十大之首,绕梁三日不绝啊。
: 这会儿怎么转弯这么快?比因为川爷好好干就不添乱的HARVEY飓风转弯还快。。。
: 这就都看明白了?同意“给daca合法化,大家就该试着去接受"了?
18 楼
19 楼
也不要扯啥chain immigration,人都会得寸进尺的
20 楼
The Court would have struck it down already if he did not choose to
give the DACA illegals another extra 8 months and bring this issue for a
Congressional action.

【 在 hansenak48 (47的马甲) 的大作中提到: 】
: DACA应该deport,如果trump做不到,很难找到其他人做得到,啥莱茵泰德都不用想
: 美国完蛋,trump应该承担责任
21 楼

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: The Court would have struck it down already if he did not choose to
: give the DACA illegals another extra 8 months and bring this issue for a
: Congressional action.
22 楼
那你 这么有远见的 人,给展开说说,别一副 你 最 牛逼,别人 都 have no clue,
你的预言就是 天。还H 和 Jeb,也不问问 DACA 最初 是谁搞出来的,trump 就不得不应对。

说到底,美国的移民 问题,就没有 clean solution,在算上两党政治,各阶层的 经
济角力,都三,四十年了,负责的政府只能尽可能的 manage 在可控范围内。

现在面对最大的问题,由于在民主党尤其奥巴当政时对 非移 无理纵容,让大部分合法和公民非常反感,几乎倒过来,合法和公民快要被逼躲到 shadow 里,这些非移到堂而皇之,牛逼哄哄到处要 好处和权力。

你觉得 H 或 Jeb 之流上来,和trump 比 谁会 扭转这个。

【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: "所以要是其它gop 候选人上台,只会比trump 更遭"
: You have no clue. A trump who pursue the agenda of Hillary and JEB is far : more lethal than Hillary and JEB.
: jeb
: 主
23 楼
: 别太早下结论,老床现在在谈判。谈判么,总有虚晃一枪的时候。

24 楼
如果用DACA换Raise Act,或者说把dreamers放RAISE pool里,可以接受。
25 楼
Deport or lose next election.

【 在 RightRight99 () 的大作中提到: 】
: 如果用DACA换Raise Act,或者说把dreamers放RAISE pool里,可以接受。
26 楼

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: No.
: Deport or lose next election.
27 楼

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: No.
: Deport or lose next election.
28 楼
DACA amnesty is speculation at this point, not fact.

Speaking of fact, a law that ACTUALLY fucked up the constitution is

When it got passed, where was your outrage?

When the supreme court failed to rule it as unconstitutional due to a GOP-
nominated judge's vote, where was your outrage?

When the chance finally came to end it and the GOP in the senate screwed up miserably, where was your outrage?

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: The Constitution does not allow for a second class citizen. The tweet of no
: -chain immigration for DACA amnesty is clearly Constitution -illiterate
: only slow-wit people will believe it is possible.
: It is a fact.
29 楼

【 在 CoolTeeth(小石头) 的大作中提到: 】

: 是的,其他人肯定更不能选。到现在连这个都看不明白的也是无可救药了。

: jeb

: 主
30 楼
Many lawyers think Affordable Care Act is un-constitutional. Then SCOTUS
handed down its verdict upholding its Constitutionality. Tricky part was
individual mandate. By its wording in plain meaning, it was un-
constitutional. BUT, is was a big BUT, Justice Roberts twisted the words and called it a Tax and the rest was history. I don't like it, but the
Constitution did give the power of interrelation to the Court. What owe can do is to elect Conservative Senate and POTUS to Change that. So far, both the GOP Senators and POTUS has done their job in moving the Court to the
right direction.

Activist Court takes time to change. We live by the Constitution, we die by the Constitution. We are proud of being Americans because we have a
Constitution with no match in human history.

Now on DACA bill, creating two classes of Citizens is beyond any possibility of passing the muster of SCOTUS, especially under a Conservative Court.
Anyone who entertains even a tiny shred of such thinking does not deserve to be called an American.

Principles are Principle.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: DACA amnesty is speculation at this point, not fact.
: Speaking of fact, a law that ACTUALLY fucked up the constitution is
: ObamaCare.
: When it got passed, where was your outrage?
: When the supreme court failed to rule it as unconstitutional due to a GOP-: nominated judge's vote, where was your outrage?
: When the chance finally came to end it and the GOP in the senate screwed
: miserably, where was your outrage?
: no
: and
31 楼
I am glad you brought up "principle".

Let's say the Senate somehow managed to pass the DACA amnesty law. Then it
would be the Senate that fucked the Constitute. Why put the blame on

Last time I checked, the POTUS cannot pass a law. Did I miss anything here, dear ivy league graduate with a law degree almighty righteous convervative?

【在 TeddyBear001(TeddyBear001)的大作中提到:】
:The Court would have struck it down already if he did not choose to
:give the DACA illegals another extra 8 months and bring this issue for a
32 楼
Looks like you are a constitution fighter. Great!

Let's up the ante. Here is an assignment for you. ANTIFA is fucking the
first amendment of the constitution RIGHT NOW. I haven't seen you, the
righteous deserving American who would die for the constitution do anything about it yet. Why don't you start your mission of saving the Constitution
RIGHT NOW before we lose free speech?

Oh wait, the man who you accused of breaking the constitution was ACTUALLY
the FIRST one among GOP who called out ANTIFA several weeks ago. You know
what he faced afterwards? Criticism from GOP. Where was your outrage then?
Why don't you have some honor to give the brave man the credit he deserved
if you care the constitution so much?

I loathe pathetic hypocrites like you. You want to defend the constitution? Great, go DO it. If you are not strong/smart enough to do so, go fuck
yourself. DO NOT stab your allies in the back.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: Many lawyers think Affordable Care Act is un-constitutional. Then SCOTUS : handed down its verdict upholding its Constitutionality. Tricky part was : individual mandate. By its wording in plain meaning, it was un-
: constitutional. BUT, is was a big BUT, Justice Roberts twisted the words
: called it a Tax and the rest was history. I don't like it, but the
: Constitution did give the power of interrelation to the Court. What owe
: do is to elect Conservative Senate and POTUS to Change that. So far,
: the GOP Senators and POTUS has done their job in moving the Court to the
: right direction.
: Activist Court takes time to change. We live by the Constitution, we die by
: ...................
33 楼
Senate is not saying they want to pass a law that creates 2 class citizens.
Trump is saying that.
If a amnesty bill is passed and signed into law by POTUS, SCOTUS will
certainly strike the two class citizen provision with 9:0 votes, while
keeping the amnesty part. Any first year law student will tell this with a 100% certainty.
Very unlikely the Senate will ever pass a law that creates two classes of

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: I am glad you brought up "principle".
: Let's say the Senate somehow managed to pass the DACA amnesty law. Then it
: would be the Senate that fucked the Constitute. Why put the blame on
: Trump?
: Last time I checked, the POTUS cannot pass a law. Did I miss anything here,
: dear ivy league graduate with a law degree almighty righteous convervative?
: :The Court would have struck it down already if he did not choose to
: :give the DACA illegals another extra 8 months and bring this issue for a
34 楼
对这个是关键。 我和别人说的时候也是这样。 你放了一个,后面会来100个, 然后你怎么办? 当然如果有法案通过说只是给永久绿卡而且没有亲属移民,那还可以接受, 但实际情况肯定不会这样。

【 在 arber (arber) 的大作中提到: 】
: path to citizenship 就无法阻断亲属移民。法律不可能创造出两个公民等级。
: 永久绿卡也不行。你今天给了永久绿卡,明天就会有民主党出来说不公平,必须给公民
: 。参考奥健保。刚刚repeal失败,三的死马上就提公费医疗。十几个民猪党大佬co-
: sponsor.
: jeb
: 主
35 楼
"ANTIFA is fucking the first amendment of the constitution RIGHT NOW" is not a Constitution Law issue.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Looks like you are a constitution fighter. Great!
: Let's up the ante. Here is an assignment for you. ANTIFA is fucking the
: first amendment of the constitution RIGHT NOW. I haven't seen you, the
: righteous deserving American who would die for the constitution do
: about it yet. Why don't you start your mission of saving the Constitution : RIGHT NOW before we lose free speech?
: Oh wait, the man who you accused of breaking the constitution was ACTUALLY
: the FIRST one among GOP who called out ANTIFA several weeks ago? You know : what he faced afterwards? Criticism from GOP. Where was your outrage then?
: Why don't you have some honor to give the brave man the credit he deserved
: ...................
36 楼
Too many hypothetical situations. We have a bigger fish to fry right now:

Looks like you are a constitution fighter. Great!

Let's up the ante. Here is an assignment for you. ANTIFA is fucking the
first amendment of the constitution RIGHT NOW. I haven't seen you, the
righteous deserving American who would die for the constitution do anything
about it yet. Why don't you start your mission of saving the Constitution
RIGHT NOW before we lose free speech?

Oh wait, the man who you accused of breaking the constitution was ACTUALLY
the FIRST one among GOP who called out ANTIFA several weeks ago. You know
what he faced afterwards? Criticism from GOP. Where was your outrage then?
Why don't you have some honor to give the brave man the credit he deserved
if you care the constitution so much?

I loathe pathetic hypocrites like you. You want to defend the constitution?
Great, go DO it. If you are not strong/smart enough to do so, go fuck
yourself. DO NOT stab your allies in the back.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: Senate is not saying they want to pass a law that creates 2 class citizens.
: Trump is saying that.
: If a amnesty bill is passed and signed into law by POTUS, SCOTUS will
: certainly strike the two class citizen provision with 9:0 votes, while
: keeping the amnesty part. Any first year law student will tell this with a
: 100% certainty.
: Very unlikely the Senate will ever pass a law that creates two classes of
: citizens.
: ,
37 楼

【在 idong360(bull)的大作中提到:】
:Too many hypothetical situations. We have a bigger fish to fry right now:
38 楼
Wow, how convenient! If this is the way you handle an argument, I wish the best luck to your clients (if there is any).

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: "ANTIFA is fucking the first amendment of the constitution RIGHT NOW" is
: a Constitution Law issue.
: anything
39 楼
It is a local criminal law enforcement issue.
Different problems different solutions.
Screwing with the Constitution is never a good idea.
You spend too much time on Fox news. Reading the Constitution is better
time spent.
I am almost certain you never have sit down and read the Declaration of
Independence and the full text of the Constitution. what a pity.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Wow, how convenient! If this is the way how you handle an argument, I wish
: the best luck to your clients (if there is any).
: not
40 楼
If you say so.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: It is a local criminal law enforcement issue.
41 楼
Since you mentioned "local law enforcement" issue, how about Sanctuary city? Is that against the constitution? If so, is that a more imminent
constitutional crisis than the remotely likely DACA amnesty?

You don't need to answer. I know your answer.

You self-righteous "conservatives" only dare to bully Trump because you
would not face consequence. You would rather being fucked by the democraps.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: It is a local criminal law enforcement issue.
: Different problems different solutions.
: Screwing with the Constitution is never a good idea.
: You spend too much time on Fox news. Reading the Constitution is better
: time spent.
: I am almost certain you never have sit down and read the Declaration of
: Independence and the full text of the Constitution. what a pity.
42 楼
the root cause is that rich nation does not produce enough babies and big
business need illegals as slave labors and We the People need cheap services. But who want to be slave any longer if being granted citizenship? this is why Amnesty is difficult.

Reagan signed the first Amnesty 20 years after 1965 immigration reform.
Since then Cooperate American become more greedy so now it is 30 years since Reagan Amnesty. It is getting tougher but it is about time...

【 在 cellcycle (vacoule) 的大作中提到: 】
: 那你 这么有远见的 人,给展开说说,别一副 你 最 牛逼,别人 都 have no clue,
: 你的预言就是 天。还H 和 Jeb,也不问问 DACA 最初 是谁搞出来的,trump 就不得不
: 应对。
: 说到底,美国的移民 问题,就没有 clean solution,在算上两党政治,各阶层的 经
: 济角力,都三,四十年了,负责的政府只能尽可能的 manage 在可控范围内。
: 现在面对最大的问题,由于在民主党尤其奥巴当政时对 非移 无理纵容,让大部分合法
: 和公民非常反感,几乎倒过来,合法和公民快要被逼躲到 shadow 里,这些非移到堂而
: 皇之,牛逼哄哄到处要 好处和权力。
: 你觉得 H 或 Jeb 之流上来,和trump 比 谁会 扭转这个。
43 楼
It is not unconstitutional.
Too much time you spend on Fox News.
There is no Constitutional crisis here.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Since you mentioned "local law enforcement" issue, how about Sanctuary
: Is that against the constitution? If so, is that a more imminent
: constitutional crisis than the remotely likely DACA amnesty?
: You don't need to answer. I know your answer.
: You self-righteous "conservatives" only dare to bully Trump because you
: would not face consequence. You would rather being fucked by the democraps.
44 楼
Again, if YOU say so. Don't give me the academic BS. You would wish the
world is that simple.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: It is not unconstitutional.
: city?
45 楼
USA is a Constitutional Republic.
The Constitution is the supreme law of this Land.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Again, if YOU say so. Don't give me the academic BS. You would wish the
: world is that simple.
46 楼

我可能大概读懂了,难得你说了你的实话,Cooperate American,美国大财团吧, 要的 就附和我们屁民的利益吗?

如果你是个亿万富翁也不会跑的这个论坛里跟我们辩论。现在很明显 精英阶层和 大众脱轨了,这要是过去,就有农民起义了。富豪利益和我们不一样。他们要的不是我们现在大部分人要的。

资助,就没法选了。trump 还算自己有俩钱,支撑到大选,就有钱了,但和前几个 GOP 总统候选人还是差不少。


【 在 comeandgo (春困秋乏夏打盹) 的大作中提到: 】
: the root cause is that rich nation does not produce enough babies and big : business need illegals as slave labors and We the People need cheap
: . But who want to be slave any longer if being granted citizenship? this
: why Amnesty is difficult.
: Reagan signed the first Amnesty 20 years after 1965 immigration reform.
: Since then Cooperate American become more greedy so now it is 30 years
: Reagan Amnesty. It is getting tougher but it is about time...
47 楼
You think the USA will automatically keep it this way by people like you
just singing hallelujah to the constitution?

Wake up. The democraps is doing everything to undermine it. Hypocrites like you are not helping.

ANTIFA is jeopardizing the 1st Amendment. On the surface, it looks like
local criminal law enforcement issue. But you know damn well there is more
to it. Yet, you chose to put your head in the sand downplaying its impact
with legal technicality. Why? Very simple, you do not have the guts to face the democraps fine-tuned political machine. Better yet, you attacked an easy target to find an opportunity to label yourself as a constitution fighter. You must feel soooo good that the constitution will be saved by you
enlightening the shepherd on the delicate legal finesse.

You think you can defeat democraps by claiming the supremacy of the
constitution? Too naive. You know damn well they don't play by the rules.
What's worse? You don't have the guts to call it out and defend your
precious constitution when the moment comes.

Usually I don't give a shit about the idiocy coming from any purely
ideological arguments. But the hypocrisy in the name of Constitution is
beyond sickening.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: USA is a Constitutional Republic.
: The Constitution is the supreme law of this Land.
48 楼
you get me wrong.
all criminal activities should be stopped and punished,, no-one should have special treatment. All law breakers should be tried and punished
accordingly. All illegals aliens should be deported with no exceptions. no compromises. because compromises for some law breakers is a comprise of
others' rights under the protection of the Constitution.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: You think the USA will automatically keep it this way by people like you
: just singing hallelujah to the constitution?
: Wake up. The democraps is doing everything to undermine it. Hypocrites
: you are not helping.
: ANTIFA is jeopardizing the 1st Amendment. On the surface, it looks like
: local criminal law enforcement issue. But you know damn well there is more
: to it. Yet, you chose to put your head in the sand downplaying its impact : with legal technicality. Why? Very simple, you do not have the guts to
: the democraps fine-tuned political machine. Better yet, you attacked an
: target to find an opportunity to label yourself as a constitution fighter.
: ...................
49 楼
Tell this to democraps. They are the ones who keep breaking laws (including the constitution). If you don't have the guts to do so, don't pretend you
are a warior.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: you get me wrong.
: all criminal activities should be stopped and punished,, no-one should
: special treatment. All law breakers should be tried and punished
: accordingly. All illegals aliens should be deported with no exceptions. no
: compromises. because compromises for some law breakers is a comprise of : others' rights under the protection of the Constitution.
: like
: face
: easy
: .
50 楼
Of course. We voted them out, right? But we don't want to have a GOP House GOP Senate and GOP WH but get a Democrat Amnesty Bill. Am I wrong

Now we ve got the Federal Level sorted out. The local issues are for the
local citizens. If you don't like your place now, move.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Tell this to democraps. They are the ones who keep breaking laws (
: the constitution). If you don't have the guts to do so, don't pretend you : are a warior.
: have
: no
51 楼
You are dead wrong choosing the wrong battle to fight in the name of
Constitution. For what? To show off your law degree and a little bit
knowledge about the constitution? That is disgusting.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: Of course. We voted them out, right? But we don't want to have a GOP
: GOP Senate and GOP WH but get a Democrat Amnesty Bill. Am I wrong
: somewhere?
: including
52 楼
Why do you want to keep illegal aliens? Why do you want to live in Brazil or Mexico?

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: You are dead wrong choosing the wrong battle to fight in the name of
: Constitution. That disgusted me up-side-down.
: House
53 楼
Haha, this is your come back? How pathetic!

Did I ever say I am against deportation? On the contrary, you are the one
who downplay the problem of Sanctuary cities.

Try to win an argument by putting words into other people's mouth? I wonder how you got your law degree.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: Why do you want to keep illegal aliens? Why do you want to live in Brazil or
: Mexico?
54 楼
Deportation is a Federal issue. Local police have no obligation to take it on. Why do you think Sessions can cut federal funding but nothing else he
can do. The guy is the chief prosecutor.

The Federal government has plenty resource to do it job. They just need to
do it. We fracking won the election. Why compromise on DACA, kick them out now. Kick all of them out now.

【 在 idong360 (bull) 的大作中提到: 】
: Haha, this is your come back? How pathetic!
: Did I ever say I am against deportation? On the contrary, you are the one : who downplay the problem of Sanctuary cities.
: Try to win an argument by putting words into other people's mouth? I
: how you got your law degree.
: or
55 楼
This is so you, spinning back to the legal technicality again. That is
exactly why you morons are fucked by democraps so miserably.

In effect, Sanctuary is the most imminent hindrance of deportation of
illegal immigrants (more dangerous ones). You can be an ostrich as long as
you want. The simple truth is that you don't have the guts to confront the
tough challenge. You are happy hiding in the ivory tower passing judgement
to people who is fighting with the enemy trying to solve problems.

By the way, since you tried to put words in my mouth, I'd say technically,
you already lost the argument. And I hope my kids do not end up going to
the law school you went to. Apparently, they let go an unqualified graduate.

【 在 TeddyBear001 (TeddyBear001) 的大作中提到: 】
: Deportation is a Federal issue. Local police have no obligation to take
: on. Why do you think Sessions can cut federal funding but nothing else he
: can do. The guy is the chief prosecutor.
: The Federal government has plenty resource to do it job. They just need to
: do it. We fracking won the election. Why compromise on DACA, kick them
: now. Kick all of them out now.
: wonder
56 楼