解释了啊!网站上写了啊 It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
这不正好证实了隔壁没说谎啊,可怜被砸得那么狠。他们家没小孩,奶票的事没个影还真编不出来,果然没有空穴来风的事儿。这国内亲戚心可真大,这份上了还惦着奶粉代购,小姨也真热心,还能抽空帮个忙,到底失踪的不是自己女儿。目标提到50万的锅果然又甩学校头上了,反正也没个实体正好当块砖,哪里需要哪里搬。不过理由不用过段时间放出来了,gofundme上说得很清楚了,是yingying's will,要support her family,大家要ensure her dream come true
解释了啊!网站上写了啊 It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
不是啊,说得非常明白了 It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
“捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途”,学校能写出那种中式英文我也是满服的。。。。 This fund was created to assist the family of missing U of I scholar Yingying Zhang with expenses incurred as the search for her continues. The case against the suspect who admitted to kidnapping her continues to move through the legal system, and her family needs support and kindness more than ever.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
no body,no case。人没了,如果连尸体都找不到,定罪的难度可想而知。警方不会一直搜索,甚至很多案子还需要受害人家属一直施压才能不变成冷案,毕竟他们手上的case太多了。过去很多案例,受害人遗体都是在家属积极配合,甚至自己出钱出力的情况下找到的(悬赏发动群众,请私家侦探、民间组织等),这次绝大多数人捐款的初衷也是为了找人,无论生死。
不是啊,说得非常明白了 It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
“捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途”,学校能写出那种中式英文我也是满服的。。。。 This fund was created to assist the family of missing U of I scholar Yingying Zhang with expenses incurred as the search for her continues. The case against the suspect who admitted to kidnapping her continues to move through the legal system, and her family needs support and kindness more than ever.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
“捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途”,学校能写出那种中式英文我也是满服的。。。。 This fund was created to assist the family of missing U of I scholar Yingying Zhang with expenses incurred as the search for her continues. The case against the suspect who admitted to kidnapping her continues to move through the legal system, and her family needs support and kindness more than ever.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
“捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途”,学校能写出那种中式英文我也是满服的。。。。 This fund was created to assist the family of missing U of I scholar Yingying Zhang with expenses incurred as the search for her continues. The case against the suspect who admitted to kidnapping her continues to move through the legal system, and her family needs support and kindness more than ever.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
1. gofundme捐款:gofundme捐款是学校为家人发起的,所有的钱都会给家人。据了解,其中一些钱已经被用于租房,网费等日常开销。 gofundme捐款中,有5W美金是用于悬赏提供案件线索相关人士的。
2. 捐款目标提高:捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途(目
3. 家人香槟日常生活:家人在日常生活上受到当地华人志愿者们的大力帮助。特别这两个月教会的志愿者帮助非常大。他们不辞辛苦每天排班给家人送餐并经常去看望家人,还帮家人找房子搬家。此外,家人没有什么华人司机,出行也都是依靠志愿者人帮忙,去法院时候有学校给安排老师去接。
4. 关于莹颖小姨求奶票。这完全是一场误会,不是帖子描述上那样。现了解到情况如下:小姨国内有亲属请她帮忙买些奶粉寄回国。于是她向一位志愿者询问哪里买奶粉,这位热心志愿者不仅告诉了,还说她自己有一些用不完的奶票可以优惠(25刀)过期不用浪费了就送给了她。小姨去超市就买了一次用到这个票,之后就自己买了。同时,热心志愿者又想要多帮忙,于是向自己朋友询问有没有多余奶票可以给家人,结果朋友不小心把消息扩散到奶娃圈,说收集到奶票放到亚洲超市给家人。。。于是最终就造成了好像是莹颖家人在四处搜集奶票的印象,完全是一场误会。。。该志愿者也是出于好心,根本没想到会造成这样的结果带来这么多问题,也十分内疚。
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
This fund was created to assist the family of missing U of I scholar Yingying Zhang with expenses incurred as the search for her continues. The case against the suspect who admitted to kidnapping her continues to move through the legal system, and her family needs support and kindness more than ever.
It was Yingying’s will to complete her education and return to China to become a university professor, support her family. At this time, we are asking your support to fulfill YingYing’s wish to help her family.
Thank you for helping ensure that Yingying’s dream comes true.
另外募捐团队对于奶票的解释已经这么尴尬了,倒是很好奇50万这个问题募捐团队会怎样解释…… ---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP
2. 捐款目标提高:捐款目标近期由学校从15W提高到50W并在页面上更新了用途(目
小姨这个时候还有心情帮国内朋友带奶粉???!!!! 还要蹭奶票的便宜 (奶票是有名字的,只能本人使用)???
no body,no case。人没了,如果连尸体都找不到,定罪的难度可想而知。警方不会一直搜索,甚至很多案子还需要受害人家属一直施压才能不变成冷案,毕竟他们手上的case太多了。过去很多案例,受害人遗体都是在家属积极配合,甚至自己出钱出力的情况下找到的(悬赏发动群众,请私家侦探、民间组织等),这次绝大多数人捐款的初衷也是为了找人,无论生死。
Right, Forensic Files 看多了,很多 cold case 都是在家属的坚持下最后才破的。
lz是一片好心来解释 jms千万别把这个mm也骂进去了啊
这是当时的发布会上说的 如果说错了 请jms指正
华人和志愿者是自费打印传单, 用自己的车自己的油钱去寻找章莹颖。 投入到facebook 的广告finding Ying-Ying zhang 6000多刀 也是大家捐款的, 和godfundme 捐的钱毫无关系。
上次删了的也是内部消息对不? 哪个是真的?