哎,说道这里我真是有点儿忍不住了。这位网友,你看看,怎么能说没有效果呢?她原来怎么说的?都绝望了,要冒险去做一个所有大医院都说不会有效果的手术,最后拼一把。然后那个所谓的手术之前披露的信息,那是整个肚子都要被掏空的节奏,七七八八的都割掉了啊啊啊啊啊。可是自信满满的医生当时就告诉了家属,家属亲友转告了网友“手术很成功,三个月之后就能恢复正常。” 人家说道做到了啊。人家都出去游玩合影留念了,人家都graceful and enjoy life了。你还要看到什么效果反馈?
"Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct."
“While the exact wording of fraud charges varies among state and federal laws. the essential elements needed to prove a fraud claim in general include: (1) a misrepresentation of a material fact; (2) by a person or entity who knows or believes it to be false; (3) to a person or entity who justifiably relies on the misrepresentation; and (4) actual injury or loss resulting from his or her reliance.“ ------http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/fraud.html
"Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or e...... 聚 发表于 9/19/2016 12:50:54 PM
** To respond directly to this message, simply click the 'Reply' button **
From: Anan Zhuang
NOTE: Links in the message below are not from GoFundMe. Do not enter login information on any site linked in the message below. GoFundMe will never ask for your password or payment info. Do not respond to solicitors or anyone claiming to offer a wire transfer. Forward all suspicious messages to [email protected]
Visitor Message from Anan Zhuang:
Hi xxx,
I just didm ysecond HIPEC surgery on 6/29. Will have my next scan this week. I am hoping that everything goes well. I don't want to report any good news or bad news now because my situation might change quickly. So far, I feel very well and enjoy my life. But the cancer could come back in 1 month or half year. I feel graceful to enjoy a peaceful time and will update if everything keeps going well which shows a stage success. My family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation. However, we truly feel thankful. Without the raising, I can't be alive now. I think people who trust me will always trust me and people who doubt me won't believe me anyway. However, I think it is my responsibility to show the society and people how wonderful they help me. I will keep my promise. But right now, I hope to concentrate on my recovery and fighting. Thank you for the remind. I appreciate.
Have a great day to you and your family.
On Monday, September 19, 2016, GoFundMe wrote:
-------- To unsubscribe from emails like these, please click this link: Unsubscribe
Sent from GoFundMe's Headquarters: 855 Jefferson Ave, PO Box 1329, Redwood City, CA 94063
加了哪些?说可能一个月或者半年会复发?家人和自己因为捐款事件suffer a lot? 如果按照承诺的早点行动公布一下怎么会suffer?
刚才发现庄一个小时前回复了我昨天晚上给她的信,和海参姐收到的差不多,加了几句话,typos也没改,应该是有个template的。别说我是notepad弄得哈,不信你们自己去试试。 看了这个吃瓜群众有些动摇 。。。。 ** To respond directly to this message, simply click the 'Reply' button ** From: Anan Zhuang NOTE: Links in the message below are not from GoFundMe. Do not enter login information on any site linked in the message below. GoFundMe will never ask for your password or payment info. Do not respond to solicitors or anyone claiming to offer a wire transfer. Forward all suspicious messages to [email protected] Visitor Message from Anan Zhuang: Hi xxx, I just didm ysecond HIPEC surgery on 6/29. Will have my next scan this week. I am hoping that everything goes well. I don't want to report any good news or bad news now because my situation might change quickly. So far, I feel very well and enjoy my life. But the cancer could come back in 1 month or half year. I feel graceful to enjoy a peaceful time and will update if everything keeps going well which shows a stage success. My family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation. However, we truly feel thankful. Without the raising, I can't be alive now. I think people who trust me will always trust me and people who doubt me won't believe me anyway. However, I think it is my responsibility to show the society and people how wonderful they help me. I will keep my promise. But right now, I hope to concentrate on my recovery and fighting. Thank you for the remind. I appreciate. Have a great day to you and your family. Anan On Monday, September 19, 2016, GoFundMe wrote: **END OF MESSAGE** -------- To unsubscribe from emails like these, please click this link: Unsubscribe Sent from GoFundMe's Headquarters: 855 Jefferson Ave, PO Box 1329, Redwood City, CA 94063
加了哪些?说可能一个月或者半年会复发?家人和自己因为捐款事件suffer a lot? 如果按照承诺的早点行动公布一下怎么会suffer?
白夜行 发表于 9/19/2016 2:55:41 PM
主要区别在这段吧: Sofar, I feel very well and enjoy my life. But the cancer could come back in 1 month or half year. I feel graceful to enjoy a peaceful time and will update if everything keeps going well which shows a stage success. My family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation.
捐款人就是贱,要什么update!问update就让受捐人suffer了,你们太过分了!”捐款“跟”疾病“相提并论的让受捐人suffer了!!!!! My family and myself do suffer a lot due to[/c...... Californiaa 发表于 9/19/2016 2:52:50 PM
每次想起这个事情就觉得自己好傻, 当时感动得一塌糊涂, 特别希望帮到她,自己捐了很多, 还跟朋友说希望大家捐钱帮她 结果竟然是这样。心寒.......
上次捐款就被你骂人傻钱多, 这次你又出来钓鱼, 等人家捐了款, 不过又是你嘴里的人傻钱多。你真缺德。
那天你说你今年迄今为止已经捐了相当于两个月的税后家庭收入, 怎么越想越可疑呢。别人都是挣钱make a living, 怎么感觉你是靠捐钱make a living呢。
写这个 不是为了追讨什么 是提示我自己 让你傻 活该被人骗
我给康妈和后面几个都捐过款,甚至比我给我们学校捐的还多。现在回想起来,真有可能是骗捐,因为连个e-mail的感谢都没回。最少的我都捐50刀以上,难道就连两个字thank you都没有么?真是可恨。
装安安之后我改都给学校捐了, 孩子乐队需要买个新tuba, 我捐个250这种。
肉包子同学,你声称知道skywell 2015 是nyc的hr,你也知道关喆的邮箱,你是比skywell 2015 更厉害的潜伏人员啊。更高明更不动声色的渗透啊。你都知道关喆了,不如自己直接联系好了,lz 捐了300刀,你现在让一个捐款人追着受捐人求更新,太过分了吧???
虽然你宣称没有收到回信,但是你却相信“她是设置好forwarding email的,能收到”,想引导大众,真厉害!还要求lz去找关喆,更厉害!
"Fraud is a broad term that refers to a variety of offenses involving dishonesty or "fraudulent acts". In essence, fraud is the intentional deception of a person or entity by another made for monetary or personal gain. Fraud offenses always include some sort of false statement, misrepresentation, or deceitful conduct."
“While the exact wording of fraud charges varies among state and federal laws. the essential elements needed to prove a fraud claim in general include:
(1) a misrepresentation of a material fact;
(2) by a person or entity who knows or believes it to be false;
(3) to a person or entity who justifiably relies on the misrepresentation; and
(4) actual injury or loss resulting from his or her reliance.“
我只不过是觉得lz设了deadline要告官,应该make sure庄关知道这deadline吧?人家以前可是说过华人素质低再也不来了,就像送传票得保证送到吧?如果今天庄关还是装死 no show,lz该干嘛干嘛。
现在越看越假……还能dispute credit card吗?
1) skywell 2015 是好人,大家要听她的指引!
2) 我认识skywell,我知道她在nyc
4)大家可以从gofundme 找到装家
1) https://www.gofundme.com/teeq2vw4
2) 那个,好像是可以发信,理不理你是另外回事 https://www.gofundme.com/teeq2vw4。-
3)我刚在https://www.gofundme.com/teeq2vw4 给庄发了信,请她出来澄清。看她是否出来澄清。
4) 更新一下,几小时前按skywell的方法从gofundme上给庄发信,至今无回复。汇报完毕。
关键不是你说skywell 是在ny,关键你直接给出结论!人的地理位置能否直接得出是否跟装安安有关系?你可以!因为你就是其中一个更高明的潜伏者。
看了这个吃瓜群众有些动摇 。。。。
** To respond directly to this message, simply click the 'Reply' button **
From: Anan Zhuang
NOTE: Links in the message below are not from GoFundMe. Do not enter login information on any site linked in the message below.
GoFundMe will never ask for your password or payment info. Do not respond to solicitors or anyone claiming to offer a wire transfer. Forward all suspicious messages to [email protected]
Visitor Message from Anan Zhuang:
Hi xxx,
I just didm ysecond HIPEC surgery on 6/29. Will have my next scan
this week. I am hoping that everything goes well. I don't want to report
any good news or bad news now because my situation might change quickly. So
far, I feel very well and enjoy my life. But the cancer could come back in
1 month or half year. I feel graceful to enjoy a peaceful time and will
update if everything keeps going well which shows a stage success. My
family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation.
However, we truly feel thankful. Without the raising, I can't be alive now.
I think people who trust me will always trust me and people who doubt me
won't believe me anyway. However, I think it is my responsibility to show
the society and people how wonderful they help me. I will keep my promise.
But right now, I hope to concentrate on my recovery and fighting. Thank you
for the remind. I appreciate.
Have a great day to you and your family.
On Monday, September 19, 2016, GoFundMe wrote:
To unsubscribe from emails like these, please click this link: Unsubscribe
Sent from GoFundMe's Headquarters:
855 Jefferson Ave, PO Box 1329, Redwood City, CA 94063
My family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation.
Sofar, I feel very well and enjoy my life. But the cancer could come back in
1 month or half year. I feel graceful to enjoy a peaceful time and will
update if everything keeps going well which shows a stage success. My
family and myself do suffer a lot due to my illness and the donation.
谁都不应该再为这个事情浪费时间 收集证据直接报警才是正道