#BasketOfDeplorables最热tag,反响强烈。看到有gay在说:I support Trump just don't want my throat slit, am I in the basket of deplorable? 还有军人家属说自己儿子老兵没有得到好的医疗而支持川普,am I in the basket of deplorable? 希拉里这下是犯了大忌了,47% moment will kill her luckyso 发表于 9/10/2016 10:48:24 AM
At the LGBT event in New York, Clinton urged the crowd to volunteer for her campaign, saying: "If you know anybody who's even thinking of voting for Trump, stage an intervention."
She joked: "That may be one conversion therapy I endorse. Just remember: friends don't let friends vote for Trump."
At the LGBT event in New York, Clinton urged the crowd to volunteer for her campaign, saying: "If you know anybody who's even thinking of voting for Trump, stage an intervention."
She joked: "That may be one conversion therapy I endorse. Just remember: friends don't let friends vote for Trump."
lol. Don't trump fans know Pence is famous for curing LGBT people by " conversion therapy"? that he thinks gays can be converted back to straight by "conversion therapy"?
Gov. Mike Huckabee @GovMikeHuckabee 47m47 minutes ago Hillary shows contempt for people in her "basket". I think she blew a gasket. Her campaign headed for a casket.
“The American people — the millions of Americans — that are supporting my running mate were described in the most deplorable of terms,” Pence stated, saying that “it’s extraordinary to think of it.”
“I campaign on a regular basis with Donald Trump… Hillary Clinton’s low opinion of the people that support this campaign should be denounced in the strongest possible terms,” he declared, adding that Trump supporters are hard-working Americans and farmers, “coalminers, teachers, veterans, members of our law enforcement community, members of every class of this country that know we can make America great again.”
“Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”
Airbnb Adopts Rules in Effort to Fight Discrimination by Its Hosts [url=http://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/airbnb-adopts-rules-in-effort-to-fight-discrimination-by-its-hosts/ar-AAiEzcO?OCID=ansm...... ScottishFold 发表于 9/9/2016 12:17:49 PM
"Isn't it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American voters, she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults used in her failing campaign? For the first time in a long while, her true feelings came out, showing bigotry and hatred for millions of Americans. How can she be President of our country when she has such contempt and disdain for so many great Americans? Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself, and this proves beyond a doubt that she is unfit and incapable to serve as President of the United States. I will be President for all of the people, and together we will Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump
“By referring to millions of Americans as ‘deplorables’ and ‘ irredeemable,’ Hillary Clinton is showing her outright contempt for ordinary people and proving yet again why Americans overwhelmingly regard her as dishonest and untrustworthy. Insulting everyday Americans to a group of wealthy donors shows whose priorities Clinton really has in mind and exposes the hypocrisy of a candidate whose stated desire to unite the country is clearly all for show. Millions of Americans are supporting Donald Trump because they are sick of corrupt career politicians like Hillary Clinton who regard what voters think as an afterthought. The truly deplorable thing in this race is the shameful level of condescension and disrespect Hillary Clinton is showing to her fellow citizens.”
Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: You know what's #deplorable? Letting 4 Americans die in #Benghazi, ignoring hundreds of requests for help that day and in the months before!
Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: You know what's #deplorable? Letting 4 Americans die in #Benghazi, ignoring hundreds of requests for help that day and in the months before!
It is deplorable to undermine the credibility of a federal judge based on his Mexican heritage. It is deplorable to demean a Gold Star family and propose to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.
It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers. It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the first time.
It is deplorable to play footsie with David Duke, to repeatedly retweet white nationalists and false stats about black men and crime, to praise the enthusiasm of supporters who beat a homeless Hispanic man in Boston and punch a black man at rally, to say black people have a lazy trait and have them ushered off the casino floor when you show up.
It is deplorable to rise to national political prominence on the bigotry that is "birtherism," even more deplorable to have neither the character nor the courage either publicly to renounce or repeat that assertion while touting your supposed toughness as a primary reason to vote for you.
It is deplorable that the list of deplorable things done and said by the Republican nominee for president is so long it's hard and exhausting to try to remember them all. It is deplorable that a sizable percentage of his supporters love him because of those awful things -- deplorable that they now feel it is OK to express those views in public. That is not excusable -- no matter how much economic pain they've contended with these past few decades.
距离希婆讲话只有半个小时,只有少数白袍非洲兄弟们和非白袍兄弟们捧场?这打脸啪啪的 Brian AbelVerified account @BrianAbelTV LOTS of empty seats w/ half hour before @HillaryClinton expected to speak at National Baptist Convention here in KC
But what's most deplorable is the knee-jerk pushback against anyone who dares point out this reality, as though exposing the deplorable is worse than the deplorable things themselves. Maybe the best way to avoid being labeled deplorable is to stop doing and saying and standing for deplorable things?
It is deplorable that the list of deplorable things done and said by the Republican nominee for president is so long it's hard and exhausting to try to remember them all. It is deplorable ...... lengxi1981 发表于 9/10/2016 10:17:35 PM
距离希婆讲话只有半个小时,只有少数白袍非洲兄弟们和非白袍兄弟们捧场?这打脸啪啪的 Brian AbelVerified account @BrianAbelTV LOTS of empty seats w/ half hour before @HillaryClinton expected to speak at National Baptist Convention here in KC [attachimg]3981883[/attachimg]
稀拉拉脑子确实是BRAIN DAMAGED。我本来以为外国人不了解美国人,原来稀拉拉和它的团队也是不了解美国人。不过想想也难怪,它的团队喜欢非法移民吗,喜欢伊朗吗,喜欢极端伊斯兰恐怖分子难民吗,这些都是反美的,这种脑子怎么会懂美国人。
带上冲浪板!恐慌指数飙升40% 市场波动性又回来了
黑色星期五来袭!不安情绪骤然升温 平静的夏天结束了
(从文学城看来的)中国房贷负担已超次贷危机时美国 崩盘后有多严重?
At the LGBT event in New York, Clinton urged the crowd to volunteer for her campaign, saying: "If you know anybody who's even thinking of voting for Trump, stage an intervention."
She joked: "That may be one conversion therapy I endorse. Just remember: friends don't let friends vote for Trump."
At the LGBT event in New York, Clinton urged the crowd to volunteer for her campaign, saying: "If you know anybody who's even thinking of voting for Trump, stage an intervention."
She joked: "That may be one conversion therapy I endorse. Just remember: friends don't let friends vote for Trump."
lol. Don't trump fans know Pence is famous for curing LGBT people by " conversion therapy"? that he thinks gays can be converted back to straight by "conversion therapy"?
Hillary shows contempt for people in her "basket". I think she blew a
gasket. Her campaign headed for a casket.
“The American people — the millions of Americans — that are supporting my running mate were described in the most deplorable of terms,” Pence stated, saying that “it’s extraordinary to think of it.”
“I campaign on a regular basis with Donald Trump… Hillary Clinton’s low opinion of the people that support this campaign should be denounced in the strongest possible terms,” he declared, adding that Trump supporters are hard-working Americans and farmers, “coalminers, teachers, veterans, members of our law enforcement community, members of every class of this country that know we can make America great again.”
“Hillary, they are not a basket of anything — they are Americans and they deserve your respect,” he stressed. “No one with a record of failure at home and abroad, no one with her avalanche of dishonesty and corruption and no one with that low of an opinion of the American people should ever be elected president of the United States of America.”
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
- September 10, 2016 -
Donald J. Trump Statement
"Isn't it disgraceful that Hillary Clinton makes the worst mistake of the political season and instead of owning up to this grotesque attack on American voters, she tries to turn it around with a pathetic rehash of the words and insults used in her failing campaign? For the first time in a long while, her true feelings came out, showing bigotry and hatred for millions of Americans. How can she be President of our country when she has such contempt and disdain for so many great Americans? Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself, and this proves beyond a doubt that she is unfit and incapable to serve as President of the United States. I will be President for all of the people, and together we will Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump
Embarrassing Turnout For Hillary Clinton Keynote Speech At Baptist Convention
Obama’s U.S. Military Academy Investigating West Point Football Team for Postgame Prayer
Stronger to get her. Lock her up.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.08
Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection
Priebus’ statement:
“By referring to millions of Americans as ‘deplorables’ and ‘
irredeemable,’ Hillary Clinton is showing her outright contempt for
ordinary people and proving yet again why Americans overwhelmingly regard
her as dishonest and untrustworthy. Insulting everyday Americans to a group
of wealthy donors shows whose priorities Clinton really has in mind and
exposes the hypocrisy of a candidate whose stated desire to unite the
country is clearly all for show. Millions of Americans are supporting Donald
Trump because they are sick of corrupt career politicians like Hillary
Clinton who regard what voters think as an afterthought. The truly
deplorable thing in this race is the shameful level of condescension and
disrespect Hillary Clinton is showing to her fellow citizens.”
只能私下讨论,不能公开专业分析和评论总结。根据著名医生Dr. Drew的分析,希拉里的脑部受损,还患有其他病症,医护也存在问题。很
快Dr. Drew在CNN的健康栏目被取消,相关谈论病情的网页也被删除。鉴于希拉里邮件门等事件里躺倒的一串尸体,人们说Dr. Drew只是被
新选民别忘了提前注册。下面link是中文的注册投票简易教程。大家行动起来, 投票选Trump!
It is deplorable to demean a Gold Star family and propose to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.
It is deplorable for a candidate for president of a major party to kick off his campaign by labeling most Mexicans as rapists and murderers.
It is deplorable when the Justice Department feels it has to sue you a second time for racial discrimination because you didn't get the hint the first time.
It is deplorable that a sizable percentage of his supporters love him because of those awful things -- deplorable that they now feel it is OK to express those views in public. That is not excusable -- no matter how much economic pain they've contended with these past few decades.
Brian AbelVerified account
LOTS of empty seats w/ half hour before @HillaryClinton expected to speak at National Baptist Convention here in KC
说实话,H 还真不如就 一直 躲着,这样 poll 掉的 慢;也许 trump 又叫媒体 挑出什么毛病。这家伙,刚出来 一周多,就现这么大的 眼 !回头看看:
第一天 出来,就 一顿 咳嗽,rally 也咳,是 飞机 也咳;
再去 大统领 town hall后,气急败坏 大骂 主持人不 帮忙;
现在又有 开骂 选民 不选 我;
但,一看 苗头不对,不能把心里话说这么白,赶紧 低头道歉。
还是 回去 躲着吧。