LA Times Tracking Poll: Clinton 44 Percent, Trump 43.4 Percent
川普最新民调已经反弹,奥巴马民调下滑,说明对川普的攻击都不起作用,川普打破了政治正确。看上面新闻里关于退欧公投前民调的分析,那川普会赢。 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 3 Clinton +2 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Reuters/Ipsos Clinton 39, Trump 35, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +4 President Obama Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 46, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +2
川普最新民调已经反弹,奥巴马民调下滑,说明对川普的攻击都不起作用,川普打破了政治正确。看上面新闻里关于退欧公投前民调的分析,那川普会赢。 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 3 Clinton +2 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Reuters/Ipsos Clinton 39, Trump 35, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +4 President Obama Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 46, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +2
In late June, opinion polling showed the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union (EU) down by as much as six points, with analysts claiming this number might even be larger when considering the “Don’t Know” voters and how they would likely break for the Remain campaign.
Mr. Trump appears to have learned the lessons from that incident, realising that not only are the methodologies of pollsters imperfect, but some of them are even changing their methodologies if Mr. Trump is shown to be anywhere close to Mrs. Clinton.
Major UK pollster alters methodology to squeeze out pro-#Brexit views… #euref — Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) June 4, 2016
仔细看看下面的。一些被川普点名的左煤,一些被DNCLEAK曝光造假的左煤的POLL OFF BY 9% TO 19%. 至少要给TRUMP加10%,至少至少。
In late June, opinion polling showed the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union (EU) down by as much as six points, with analysts claiming this number might even be larger when considering the “Don’t Know” voters and how they would likely break for the Remain campaign.
Mr. Trump appears to have learned the lessons from that incident, realising that not only are the methodologies of pollsters imperfect, but some of them are even changing their methodologies if Mr. Trump is shown to be anywhere close to Mrs. Clinton.
Major UK pollster alters methodology to squeeze out pro-#Brexit views… #euref — Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) June 4, 2016
TEL AVIV – Hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart Jerusalem has found.
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana — The mainstream media in Louisiana is finally calling out President Obama for vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard while the state experiences unprecedented flooding and cleanup.
But if there’s nothing to hide, why not release them – certainly those up to 2008, on which audits apparently have been closed? No, says the Trump camp; all the annual returns are “connected”.
Trump’s foes in his party and beyond, however, think they know why he’s being so obdurate. Take Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican nominee and an especially ferocious critic.
“There’s only one logical explanation: there’s a bombshell in them.” And Romney should know. Four years ago, he initially resisted similar pressure to release his returns, but in the end was forced to do so. They showed that Romney, with an estimated personal fortune of up to $250m, paid an effective income tax of only 14 per cent, and had investments in entities based in foreign tax havens such as the Cayman Islands.
All of which was fodder for the Obama campaign, as it portrayed Romney as a super-rich hedge fund operator hopelessly out of touch with ordinary Americans. Donald Trump's most controversial quotes
14 show all
So what might the returns conceal, that Trump doesn’t want to come out? The possibilities are many.
Maybe he’s paying little or even no tax. The US tax code offers many loopholes to property developers. The last batch of Trump tax returns we do know about were made public in 1981, when New Jersey’s gambling regulators were vetting a Trump application to open a casino-hotel complex in the state. They cover the period 1975 to 1979. In the last two years Trump paid no tax whatsoever.
Up to a point, of course, that’s fine: Trump is a businessman who, like all businessmen (and the rest of us for that matter), want to reduce their tax bill as much as they can, within the limits of the law. But it wouldn’t sit well for a populist whose appeal partly rests on rants against corporate titans, hedge fund operators and the like, who in his words “make a fortune and pay no taxes,” and “get away with murder.”
They could also show Trump has used elaborate tax shelters, maybe offshore ones. They would also throw light on Trump’s tax-deductible charitable contributions. Is he as generous a donor as he claims. Read more Why won't Bernie Sanders step down for the sake of the American Left?
More generally, they would provide some kind of gauge of his wealth – and could it be he’s nowhere near as rich as he brags (remember all those $10bn boasts)… and by extension maybe not quite the super-hotshot businessman he claims to be?
Whatever else, this issue – like the saga over Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails – won’t go away.
A Washington Post poll this week found that 60 per cent of independent voters (who Trump absolutely needs if he is to win in November) want him to release his returns. Almost all of them feel strongly about the matter. Almost half of Republicans believe Trump should do so – not to mention around 100 per cent, one presumes, of Democrats.
Clinton is already making hay with the Trump returns, and the pressure will only intensify as November approaches. Romney said he wouldn’t release his returns, but ultimately had no choice. It could be the same for Donald Trump.
U.S. Acknowledges Cash Payment to Iran Was ‘Leverage’ in Prisoner Release The Obama administration said for the first time on Thursday that its $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was used as “leverage” to gain the release of American prisoners, fueling criticism that the exchange amounted to a U.S. payment of ransom.
Hacked Memo: George Soros Lobbied Obama To Accept 100,000 Refugees Per Year — and Succeeded TEL AVIV – Hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart Jerusalem has found.
Taco Bowl 反水了! KC American TacoBowl@1Kimsey American TacoBowl I'm seeing Trump/Pence signs popping up in yards of my predominately Latino city. #MAGA @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
LA Times Tracking Poll: Clinton 44 Percent, Trump 43.4 Percent
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 3 Clinton +2
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Reuters/Ipsos Clinton 39, Trump 35, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +4
President Obama Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 46, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +2
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Rasmussen Reports Clinton 41, Trump 39, Johnson 9, Stein 3 Clinton +2
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein Reuters/Ipsos Clinton 39, Trump 35, Johnson 7, Stein 2 Clinton +4
President Obama Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 46, Disapprove 48 Disapprove +2
In late June, opinion polling showed the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union (EU) down by as much as six points, with analysts claiming this number might even be larger when considering the “Don’t Know” voters and how they would likely break for the Remain campaign.
Mr. Trump appears to have learned the lessons from that incident, realising that not only are the methodologies of pollsters imperfect, but some of them are even changing their methodologies if Mr. Trump is shown to be anywhere close to Mrs. Clinton.
Major UK pollster alters methodology to squeeze out pro-#Brexit views… #euref — Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) June 4, 2016
52%德国人反对移民政策 梅克尔:难民没有带来恐怖主义
Mexico president says he's willing to meet with Trump
‘Clinton Cash: A Graphic Novel’ to Debut #1 on the New York Times Graphic Novel Bestsellers List
====This is great news considering that Facebook is #0 in popularity with productive conservatives who have things to do. That means the slower people in this world are starting to figure things out!
Yippie yi ooohhh
Yippie yi yaaaay
fighter Scott is on my mind
神领、会意就好。 你继续~~~ 听说川普要和媒体开战,请简单介绍下这方面的情况。
现在理解了为什么mainstream media这么捧希同学了,财神呐。
NYT: Meet Stephen K. Bannon — U.S. Naval Officer, Harvard MBA, Investment Banker, Filmmaker, Media Mogul, Populist ‘Establishment Outsider’
Trump to Launch Campaign Ads in Key Swing States
Clinton Campaign Manager Mook Melts on Maddow Trump Campaign ‘Very Disturbing’
Target Adds Private Bathrooms to Quell Transgender Debate
仔细看看下面的。一些被川普点名的左煤,一些被DNCLEAK曝光造假的左煤的POLL OFF BY 9% TO 19%. 至少要给TRUMP加10%,至少至少。
In late June, opinion polling showed the Brexit campaign to leave the European Union (EU) down by as much as six points, with analysts claiming this number might even be larger when considering the “Don’t Know” voters and how they would likely break for the Remain campaign.
Mr. Trump appears to have learned the lessons from that incident, realising that not only are the methodologies of pollsters imperfect, but some of them are even changing their methodologies if Mr. Trump is shown to be anywhere close to Mrs. Clinton.
Major UK pollster alters methodology to squeeze out pro-#Brexit views… #euref — Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) June 4, 2016
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
呵呵,床铺就是个没有信用的机会主义者,等着 disillusion 那一天吧。
L.A. Times poll of African Americans.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
政府公职人员竞选公职当然有义务公布稅表,拿到都是纳税人的血汗钱。TRUMP 是个商人,而且是实业商人,民主党盯着人稅表就是因为没有啥好攻击了,只好找其他理由。
怎么没看见他们盯着克林顿基金会,那个可是洗钱和pay-to-play的典型啊,一查一个准。所以主流媒体就是double standard 的伪君子。不过也没办法,人希拉里有索罗斯撑腰,给人几十米 的广告费。MONEY TALKS !
老妖婆希拉拉不仅公布2015年的税表 还公布过前30年的所有报税表
民主党副总统人选Tim Kaine也公布了过去10年以来的报税记录
川普的副总统人选 (Mike Pence也宣布将公布自己的税单
一反大嘴指责常态 左右言它
哥认为 川普的丑陋将在税表下裸奔
由于报税单里含有的巨大信息量可以判断一个人的诚信 收入 经营 发展 婚姻等等
所以自1976年以来才有了总统候选人公布税表传统 自证财政清白
他在1978 1979 1984、 991和1993年中没有交过一分钱的税
如果这是假的 税表会揭穿他
川普没有自己吹嘘得那么富有 生意也没有那末成功
税表门 正逐渐一点点将川普身上刻意营造的敢说敢做的新衣服一件件剥光
TEL AVIV – Hacked documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute state that the billionaire and his foundation helped to successfully press the Obama administration into increasing to 100,000 the total number of refugees taken in by the U.S. annually, Breitbart Jerusalem has found.
Team Hillary Rattled: Keep Breitbart from ‘Levers of Power!’
BATON ROUGE, Louisiana — The mainstream media in Louisiana is finally calling out President Obama for vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard while the state experiences unprecedented flooding and cleanup.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
如果他的税表有问题 最想查出来的就是希拉里的民主党
FBI要查clinton foundation被奥巴马把持的DOJ驳回了。
Justice Dept. denied FBI requests to investigate Clinton Foundation
床铺是这个体系的获益者,他不过是再次play the system for his own gain。
But if there’s nothing to hide, why not release them – certainly those up to 2008, on which audits apparently have been closed? No, says the Trump camp; all the annual returns are “connected”.
Trump’s foes in his party and beyond, however, think they know why he’s being so obdurate. Take Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican nominee and an especially ferocious critic.
“There’s only one logical explanation: there’s a bombshell in them.” And Romney should know. Four years ago, he initially resisted similar pressure to release his returns, but in the end was forced to do so. They showed that Romney, with an estimated personal fortune of up to $250m, paid an effective income tax of only 14 per cent, and had investments in entities based in foreign tax havens such as the Cayman Islands.
All of which was fodder for the Obama campaign, as it portrayed Romney as a super-rich hedge fund operator hopelessly out of touch with ordinary Americans.
Donald Trump's most controversial quotes
14 show all
So what might the returns conceal, that Trump doesn’t want to come out? The possibilities are many.
Maybe he’s paying little or even no tax. The US tax code offers many loopholes to property developers. The last batch of Trump tax returns we do know about were made public in 1981, when New Jersey’s gambling regulators were vetting a Trump application to open a casino-hotel complex in the state. They cover the period 1975 to 1979. In the last two years Trump paid no tax whatsoever.
Up to a point, of course, that’s fine: Trump is a businessman who, like all businessmen (and the rest of us for that matter), want to reduce their tax bill as much as they can, within the limits of the law. But it wouldn’t sit well for a populist whose appeal partly rests on rants against corporate titans, hedge fund operators and the like, who in his words “make a fortune and pay no taxes,” and “get away with murder.”
They could also show Trump has used elaborate tax shelters, maybe offshore ones. They would also throw light on Trump’s tax-deductible charitable contributions. Is he as generous a donor as he claims.
Read more
Why won't Bernie Sanders step down for the sake of the American Left?
More generally, they would provide some kind of gauge of his wealth – and could it be he’s nowhere near as rich as he brags (remember all those $10bn boasts)… and by extension maybe not quite the super-hotshot businessman he claims to be?
Whatever else, this issue – like the saga over Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails – won’t go away.
A Washington Post poll this week found that 60 per cent of independent voters (who Trump absolutely needs if he is to win in November) want him to release his returns. Almost all of them feel strongly about the matter. Almost half of Republicans believe Trump should do so – not to mention around 100 per cent, one presumes, of Democrats.
Clinton is already making hay with the Trump returns, and the pressure will only intensify as November approaches. Romney said he wouldn’t release his returns, but ultimately had no choice. It could be the same for Donald Trump.
The Obama administration said for the first time on Thursday that its $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was used as “leverage” to gain the release of American prisoners, fueling criticism that the exchange amounted to a U.S. payment of ransom.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
A recent poll from Rasmussen Reports shows the NRA’s favorable rating is 54% and a Gallup poll shows that Hillary Clinton’s favorable rating is 41%.
KC American TacoBowl@1Kimsey American TacoBowl
I'm seeing Trump/Pence signs popping up in yards of my predominately Latino city. #MAGA @realDonaldTrump @EricTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr