"Now its sad to say its true but here if you want something down you need to know someone, well I don’t know any one so I am asking any one I can find to help us, to help two lovers have a chance. I have only hope and faith that someone who reads this might help us find a way." -------------- I'm really touched when reading this sentence!
莲妈,可不可以降到700? 我真得很想看唉,please
以下是引用season在2006-5-13 23:51:00的发言:
faint,我看成kiss his ass everyday 心想,这个流氓法官 汗一个 原谅我,刚刚换下隐形眼镜
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-2-24 16:11:33编辑过]
Best wishes to you and your family!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-19 13:39:47编辑过]
Touching...... Bless you and your 劳动人民!
等下当homework assign 给LG看,学学劳动人民的浪漫。