是我的理解能力太差还是表达能力太弱?我的说法能够证明你的观点?Let go over Again,凭记忆,爪机不想回去爬楼了,如果有误请纠错第一轮,你的观点是说Max了之后也有好多不Cover,我说你对out of pocket的理解有误。第二轮,你说我根本不懂基本健康保险,我承认,请你指教,你让我自己爬楼找你的论据。第三轮,你举了个手头Er的例子来说明你的论点是正确的,保险没Cover全部的费用。。我说你举的例子我可以理解因为本人有经历,但是你责怪保险不Cover不对,因为人家的规矩没变是你选择治疗的时候没有沟通保险或者主动选了保险不保的项目,保险不是慈善,嫌不好就要去找更好的,不能指望在麦当劳享受米其林大餐,我的例子是承认自己缺乏了解和跟保险正确沟通 你最后认为我说的证明你的观点是对的,我不这么认为,普通人是不会精研保险条款,但是出事了治疗过程跟保险沟通是你自己的责任,医院不管你保险包什么,只按最熟悉有效的方法治疗,如果是救命的,必须以及唯一的方式,保险是不能拒绝的,这个我专门问过,但是a 方法和B方法都行,可能B更好,但保险不保B,就是你自己选择承受B的金额还是A 的少花费。至于连医生都认为无效的治疗,保险不承担是可想而知的,病人想无论如何博一把就要自己承受,用不着责怪保险公司 孔雀翎 发表于 12/29/2015 3:09:55 PM
The most you’ll have to pay for covered services in a policy period (usually one year). After you reach this amount, your health plan will pay 100% for covered essential health benefits. It includes the yearly deductible and may also include any cost sharing you have after the deductible. It doesn’t have to count premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers and other out-of-network cost-sharing, or spending for non-essential health benefits. The maximum out-of-pocket limit for any individual Marketplace plan for 2016 is $6,850 for an individual plan and $13,700 for a family plan.
The most you’ll have to pay for covered services in a policy period (usually one year). After you reach this amount, your health plan will pay 100% for covered essential health benefits. It includes the yearly deductible and may also include any cost sharing you have after the deductible. It doesn’t have to count premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers and other out-of-network cost-sharing, or spending for non-essential health benefits. The maximum out-of-pocket limit for any individual Marketplace plan for 2016 is $6,850 for an individual plan and $13,700 for a family plan.
Healthcare reform, ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and HR3590 are all the same thing. Although ObamaCare was originally meant as a pejorative term, it has become a common shorthand way of saying “the new health care law”.
Healthcare reform, ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and HR3590 are all the same thing. Although ObamaCare was originally meant as a pejorative term, it has become a common shorthand way of saying “the new health care law”. wlnznl 发表于 12/29/2015 4:26:23 PM
你说的都是理论,事情发生了不是以你想象为主导。我就问你打电话问保险公司在账单发生前还是发生后?---绝大多数保险条例要求去ER之前需要先联系保险同意。突然的紧急事件,也要尽量早跟保险联系沟通。发生后,保险公司说不属于cover的项目,你交不交?--得交啊,不然医院就送讨债公司了,除非你不在乎Credits。但你有权要医院提供账单明细并逐条解释给你。同理你也可以要求保险公司解释为啥收你这么多钱。有人说之前要了解清楚,请问进ER前,谁能预料到自己会得什么病?医生会用什么检验,用什么药?现给保险公司打电话?病人头脑如果那么清楚还能说话,还进ER干嘛?---不是只有头脑不清楚的人才去ER的,失去意识的人去ER一定是别人送去的,这种状况肯定符合去ER,而ER给你的治疗就是努力保证没有挂了的风险。绝大多数情况下,他们并不负责治好你,只是控制住病情,而这种挽救生命的治疗,不存在选择A或者B,是维持生命必须的,无论何种方式或者药物,保险都是要包的,没有上限,也不算Deductible或者out of pocket。需要进一步治疗的, 会转去相关科目的专科治疗。到了这一步,医生无论做什么Test,治疗,都会跟你解释和沟通,如果没选择,保险包不包你都要治吧。有选择,你就需要跟医院(不是医生)要治疗项目的Code,询问保险公司包不包,如果不包,也可 设法跟保险沟通希望他们能Cover,或者跟医院沟通,降低费用。
而且我自己例证告诉你Max out of pocket也没有取消,你怎么就选择跳过这段。
前面姐妹指出取消的Max cover limit,就是你的保费超出一定的limit你如30万了,保险就不cover了。
之前也有mm是intel的保险,说的是没有Max cover limit。这些你都都不考虑,还问别人好不好理解,还质问其他人就捐三瓜两枣?
看清楚了哦,我可说的是100万的账单有些项目不保,可没说100万都不保!ER的例子跟out of pocket Max一点关系都没有,可不是跟out of pocket无关。我也败给你了。
我说的一直就是essential benefits,14年开始Max达到上限,就没有什么30万,100万的上限,但必须是essential 。也许我每次我回帖的时候不一定那么严谨,但一直都是这个观点.Out-of-pocket maximum/limit
The most you’ll have to pay for covered services in a policy period (usually one year). After you reach this amount, your health plan will pay 100% for covered essential health benefits. It includes the yearly deductible and may also include any cost sharing you have after the deductible. It doesn’t have to count premiums, balance billing amounts for non-network providers and other out-of-network cost-sharing, or spending for non-essential health benefits. The maximum out-of-pocket limit for any individual Marketplace plan for 2016 is $6,850 for an individual plan and $13,700 for a family plan.
那就别说了呗。你说再多,也不是安安的保险。具体情况没人知道。这个就是问题所在。 来网络募捐, 大众有知情权么? 我觉得有。来募捐发帖子,帖子有必要交代清楚保险如何,现在已经自付了多少么么?我觉得有必要。
+1 揣着明白装糊涂