Sanders said so?Should be all welcome? 我去看看他们的debate,这老头要在这方面拎不清楚,是有点crazy了
cindy2012 发表于 2/12/2016 1:49:40 PM 是的他不光说那些在美国的。包括那些还没来的。希拉里说我们要告诉那些南美的父母,不要让他们小孩长途跋涉来美国。三德子老头说,他不同意,这些人should be all welcome. 然后观众还鼓掌。我看不懂这个世界了。
secure border这个说法本身就不pc! 08这几年promote的就是country without border trump出来竞选就是因为他看到了这点,either you have a country or you don‘t. 加拿大还好,南美那些国家问题很大,贩毒和corruption, 必须要有border. 这点我很同意trump.
secure border这个说法本身就不pc! 08这几年promote的就是country without border trump出来竞选就是因为他看到了这点,either you have a country or you don‘t. 加拿大还好,南美那些国家问题很大,贩毒和corruption, 必须要有border. 这点我很同意trump.
The Senate also passed Cruz's legislation to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington after a Chinese dissident.
Cruz had tried to get a similar measure passed by the Senate but was blocked on the floor by Democrats, who argued that the measure would only antagonize the Chinese government.
The Texas Republican wants to name the street in front of the embassy "Liu Xiaobo Plaza" after Liu Xiaobo, a human rights activist currently imprisoned in China. He also wants to make the embassy's address "1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza."
The Senate also passed Cruz's legislation to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington after a Chinese dissident.
Cruz had tried to get a similar measure passed by the Senate but was blocked on the floor by Democrats, who argued that the measure would only antagonize the Chinese government.
The Texas Republican wants to name the street in front of the embassy "Liu Xiaobo Plaza" after Liu Xiaobo, a human rights activist currently imprisoned in China. He also wants to make the embassy's address "1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza."
The Senate also passed Cruz's legislation to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington after a Chinese dissident.
Cruz had tried to get a similar measure passed by the Senate but was blocked on the floor by Democrats, who argued that the measure would only antagonize the Chinese government.
The Texas Republican wants to name the street in front of the embassy "Liu Xiaobo Plaza" after Liu Xiaobo, a human rights activist currently imprisoned in China. He also wants to make the embassy's address "1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza."
The Senate also passed Cruz's legislation to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington after a Chinese dissident.
Cruz had tried to get a similar measure passed by the Senate but was blocked on the floor by Democrats, who argued that the measure would only antagonize the Chinese government.
The Texas Republican wants to name the street in front of the embassy "Liu Xiaobo Plaza" after Liu Xiaobo, a human rights activist currently imprisoned in China. He also wants to make the embassy's address "1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza."
luckyso 发表于 2/12/2016 4:33:46 PM
He is pussy,一点不错,尽干些娘们的事,耍耍手段,怎么恶心怎么来,改个路名有啥用?除了招人恨
Donald Trump on Friday threatened to sue Ted Cruz for "not being a natural born citizen" if the Texas senator "doesn't clean up his act" and stop running negative ads against him.
"If @TedCruz doesn't clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen," he tweeted.
Trump: Pope doesn't understand US-Mexico immigration issue Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has a message for Pope Francis: Stay in your lane.
Exit poll results from the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night showed deep discontent with the Republican Party and the federal government, and the candidate who railed hardest on those topics, Donald Trump, won with multiple groups of voters. He topped the rest of the field among both men and women, voters under age 64, voters without a college degree, and those who have a college degree but no postgraduate study. He won among conservatives and moderates, first-time voters and those who've voted before and registered Republicans and those who are undeclared. But New Hampshire also exposed a weakness for Trump: late-deciding voters, who made up almost half the Republican vote, broke evenly between Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Donald Trump on Friday threatened to sue Ted Cruz for "not being a natural born citizen" if the Texas senator "doesn't clean up his act" and stop running negative ads against him.
"If @TedCruz doesn't clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen," he tweeted.
Trump: Pope doesn't understand US-Mexico immigration issue Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has a message for Pope Francis: Stay in your lane.
Exit poll results from the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night showed deep discontent with the Republican Party and the federal government, and the candidate who railed hardest on those topics, Donald Trump, won with multiple groups of voters. He topped the rest of the field among both men and women, voters under age 64, voters without a college degree, and those who have a college degree but no postgraduate study. He won among conservatives and moderates, first-time voters and those who've voted before and registered Republicans and those who are undeclared. But New Hampshire also exposed a weakness for Trump: late-deciding voters, who made up almost half the Republican vote, broke evenly between Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich. PositiveVibe 发表于 2/12/2016 5:25:17 PM
Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.
The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will beginthe process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.
怪不得Trump campaign给每个打电话的volunteer都准备了script,一定要照着script说,不要自己瞎说,尤其是对方不想选Trump或不知道选谁的时候,不要劝说,也不要argue,直接就说,thanks for your time,然后就挂了,应该就是要避免劝选的嫌疑,我觉得很professional。
Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.
The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will beginthe process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.
是的他不光说那些在美国的。包括那些还没来的。希拉里说我们要告诉那些南美的父母,不要让他们小孩长途跋涉来美国。三德子老头说,他不同意,这些人should be all welcome. 然后观众还鼓掌。我看不懂这个世界了。
太圣母了,went to far...
08这几年promote的就是country without border
trump出来竞选就是因为他看到了这点,either you have a country or you don‘t. 加拿大还好,南美那些国家问题很大,贩毒和corruption, 必须要有border. 这点我很同意trump.
是的,看DEM debate太损伤脑神经,听一会儿就有砸电视的冲动,老头子谴责奥巴马遣返非移,要是真上了台不分种族贫富条件全部AA共产,税提高到8,90% ,可以想见民不聊生,血洗一片,小公司全部倒闭,大公司全部转移到国外,犯罪率升高,能走的富豪都走,不能走的暗无天日,垃圾遍地美国彻底沦落,(脑海中已经浮现出好莱坞大片灾难景观)就算那些为了吃白食投给他的millennials 后悔也为时已晚,只怕到时候逃都逃不掉,两项其害取其轻,那只能选老巫婆
他觉得他是leader of the free world. 先把非移请到他家去再让别人欢迎非移。
不合经济理论的高税的直接后果是把大公司逼走,不合经济理论的高工资的直接后果是把小公司全部逼破产,那还谈什么就业?最后大家一起死,这屁都不懂的空想社会主义的老头子应该直接送到精神病院,不是竞选总统,美国真是越来越low,就目前来看猪党还是请 Bloomberg参选吧,他还得尽快,再晚时间上就不合适了,虽然也不喜欢他,起码好过目前这两,本宝宝要被这两老头老太吓出心脏病了。
反映了,我说如果Trump能在climage change方面提出达成两党共识的合理建议以及自己的stands,,可能能赢得一些民主党技术婊的票
不觉得,Trump 支持clean air, clean energy, 支持climate change会损害基本盘的。而且我深深怀疑那些靠政府拿funding的人会支持共和党,饭碗在那摆着呢
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
他以前明确说过支持clean air , clean water. climate change 是不支持的,但大选时可以口气软化些,这个同意。现阶段不能再左了, 要不丢了初选
科学上有争议,不是top priority, hurt 经济。
不过对于DEM是top priority,如果大选两党对垒的时候,DEM肯定会提出这个问题来
因为他们不去解决更急迫的问题,而是用这个搪塞。奥巴上次去巴黎签了一个一点没有执行约束力的全球协定,回来吹嘘了好半天美国的“global leadership”,其实是一直空文。所以这不是一个简单的科学问题,掺杂了太多政治因素,变成了民主党执政无能的遮羞布。
The Senate also passed Cruz's legislation to rename the street in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington after a Chinese dissident.
Cruz had tried to get a similar measure passed by the Senate but was blocked on the floor by Democrats, who argued that the measure would only antagonize the Chinese government.
The Texas Republican wants to name the street in front of the embassy "Liu Xiaobo Plaza" after Liu Xiaobo, a human rights activist currently imprisoned in China. He also wants to make the embassy's address "1 Liu Xiaobo Plaza."
He is pussy,一点不错,尽干些娘们的事,耍耍手段,怎么恶心怎么来,改个路名有啥用?除了招人恨
Donald Trump on Friday threatened to sue Ted Cruz for "not being a natural born citizen" if the Texas senator "doesn't clean up his act" and stop running negative ads against him.
"If @TedCruz doesn't clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen," he tweeted.
Trump: Pope doesn't understand US-Mexico immigration issue
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has a message for Pope Francis: Stay in your lane.
Exit poll results from the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night showed deep discontent with the Republican Party and the federal government, and the candidate who railed hardest on those topics, Donald Trump, won with multiple groups of voters.
He topped the rest of the field among both men and women, voters under age 64, voters without a college degree, and those who have a college degree but no postgraduate study.
He won among conservatives and moderates, first-time voters and those who've voted before and registered Republicans and those who are undeclared.
But New Hampshire also exposed a weakness for Trump: late-deciding voters, who made up almost half the Republican vote, broke evenly between Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
希望以后立法改改,总统必须nature born,双国籍多年的不具备参选资格,把这种乱七八糟的从根子上斩掉,省心多了
就是,假如说对于NH已经决定的人中间(sample 1),他的poll是31%的话,那么NH剩下没决定的人中间(sample 2),他拿到的就是50%,这个比例已经比在第一个sampe 1中的支持比例高多了,但是确实是个悬疑就是了,不知道在以后的州里面是不是都是这个trend。
小蜜蜂也出来说话了,他是不是准备endorse Trump?
Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.
The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will beginthe process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.
Virgina啥时选?这么早就door to door啦?
早呢,3月1号。这个周末就要开始door to door,还专挑情人节,我都怀疑有没有人在家
我觉得Cruz用了porn star做广告没啥,但是知道是porn star了以后就伪君子似的把她的广告撤下来,还道歉说不知道她是porn star,这就有问题,一,她也没偷也没抢,那是她以前的职业,靠劳力靠本事吃饭,且比吃福利的强,二,porn star也有投票权,又不是罪犯,知道了她是porn star了,就以她为耻了,实在太不Christian了
完了,这下得罪Porn star们了