As a supporter for Mr. Trump on The MidAtlantic Team, you have two opportunities to Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) in New Hampshire.
1. Phone Bank from Home or at a Group Phone Bank. E-mail Dena@DonaldTrump. com to get started. A list of Group Phone Banks can be found at: https://
2. Visit New Hampshire & Be Boots on the Ground! The New Hampshire team is seeking volunteers to deploy to New Hampshire. Deployment Benefits:
Free Lodging and Meals Potential opportunities to be near Mr. Trump Travel expenses considered on a case-by-case basis Bragging Rights. You helped Make America Great Again!
For more details and to arrange your deployment, email Danny Tiso at [email protected].
Twenty-six years ago when Savvy Woman ran him on the cover, four of the eight people in Trump’s innermost circle were women, including his then wife Ivana, who was not in any of these particular photos but who was running the Plaza Hotel at the time. The others, all executive vice presidents, were: Barbara Res, who was in charge of construction of Trump Tower and then the Plaza; Blanche Sprague, head of project development; and Susan Heilbron, who was Trump’s chief lawyer.
Trump was initially set to hold two campaign events on Thursday. But late Wednesday, the campaign announced an additional three campaign stops, including the interview with CNN and a visit with local business leaders.
Trump told Cooper that he wasn't necessarily changing his strategy.
"I just feel very comfortable up here and I love being here," Trump said. "There's a great level of comfort for me in New Hampshire."
Twenty-six years ago when Savvy Woman ran him on the cover, four of the eight people in Trump’s innermost circle were women, including his then wife Ivana, who was not in any of these particular photos but who was running the Plaza Hotel at the time. The others, all executive vice presidents, were: Barbara Res, who was in charge of construction of Trump Tower and then the Plaza; Blanche Sprague, head of project development; and Susan Heilbron, who was Trump’s chief lawyer.
Trump's rally: Join us Monday, February 8th @ the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire! #FITN #NHPolitics #Trump2016
Trump's rally: Join us Monday, February 8th @ the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire! #FITN #NHPolitics #Trump2016
PositiveVibe 发表于 2/5/2016 11:30:56 AM
Capacity: 11,770, we can expect another big rally!
话说我也觉得trump很悬,因为很多人不懂他的理念,他自己又大嘴乱讲话。我觉得政治正确的话可以打破,让选民知道他主张。什么直挺挺人参公鸡这种实在是有点二 2016走好运 发表于 2/5/2016 11:38:58 AM 这个网站应该有帮助,MM可以看一下。只要你懂他的理念,至少可以贡献你的一票。另外对主流媒体的报道要有自己甄别的能力。例如昨天trump昨天在NH集会中回答了一个Bernie Sanders支持者的问题,"Darling, I don't think so, I don't think illegal immigrants are the backbone of America。 Those people who came in legally, who work their asses off to make this country great, they are the backbone of America。FOX在报道的时候,活生生的非法两个字去掉,说trump不认为移民是美国的脊梁。How misleading and dishonest could they be? Outrageous! 这个网站应该有帮助,MM可以看一下。只要你懂他的理念,至少可以贡献你的一票。另外对主流媒体的报道要有自己甄别的能力。例如昨天trump昨天在NH集会中回答了一个Bernie Sanders支持者的问题,"Darling, I don't think so, I don't think illegal immigrants are the backbone of America。 Those people who came in legally, who work their asses off to make this country great, they are the backbone of America。FOX在报道的时候,活生生的非法两个字去掉,说trump不认为移民是美国的脊梁。How misleading and dishonest could they be? Outrageous!
myteeth 发表于 2/5/2016 5:33:32 PM
“Those people who came in legally, who work their asses off to make this country great, they are the backbone of America!” Well said!
Trump前天发的关于Cruz作弊,应该被撤销竞选资格, Iowa应该重选的tweet有上万人点赞,其中有一条高达17K个赞,群众的眼睛是雪亮的 PositiveVibe 发表于 2/5/2016 10:20:45 AM
trump 最近不怎么搞人身攻击了,你说的是最后一波,更喜欢这样的他,希望能坚持哈。
感觉讨厌他的人要不生活小康以上,道德感优越,要不烦恼很多,自卑敏感,所以特别介意trump某些言行。先不说这两组加起来是占人口大多数,一个优秀的领导人毕竟要鼓舞民众,要让人觉得他可以信任。虽然trump的攻击都on the point, 但我认为也是他支持率一直在30%上下起伏,没法更进一步的部分原因。
感觉讨厌他的人要不生活小康以上,道德感优越,要不烦恼很多,自卑敏感,所以特别介意trump某些言行。先不说这两组加起来是占人口大多数,一个优秀的领导人毕竟要鼓舞民众,要让人觉得他可以信任。虽然trump的攻击都on the point, 但我认为也是他支持率一直在30%上下起伏,没法更进一步的部分原因。
不过说实在的,alpha型也分两种,一种是踩着别人上去的alpha, 一种是让所有人跟着他一起好的alpha。看来看去,比起其他几个候选人,他更像后种(我还是觉得kasich人也挺不错,可惜不讨喜),至少竞选口号是"make america great again"。。。不过trump攻击别人的时候就不那么可亲了 :P
Mr. Moore, Your advice was right on the money until you injected your personal comments! To the person asking the question; Every candidate, being Democrat or Republican, are flawed, simply because they are human! Politicians, more often than not, renege on campaign promises because they are the puppets of their financial supporters. it's a question of whom you believe has the ability, fortitude, honesty and will, to follow through with the promises made. Political promises made by candidates that are not be sanctioned by their financial supporters (puppeteers), may not be kept. On the other hand, if a candidate has no strings attached, one can expect that such a candidate means what is said and will in turn, follow through! Politicians, for the most part, have their priorities reversed. They are primarily self serving and secondly, servant's to their constituents! This is why both parties in our country are totally disenchanted with both houses of Congress. So if you want real change for the betterment of your future, think very carefully about, in whose hands you wish to put power. Remember, as you sow, so shall you reap!
Donald Trump's address to supporters in Exeter, New Hampshire, was interrupted by a protester who shouted at him about illegal immigration.
"They're the backbone of our country!" the woman shouted.
"The backbone of our country? I don't think so, darling," he responded.
"You know what the backbone of our country is? People that came to this country legally and they worked their a** off and they've made the country great. That's the backbone," he said to cheers.
Polls among republic voters in NHTrump 29%,Rubio 18%,Cruz 13%
As a supporter for Mr. Trump on The MidAtlantic Team, you have two
opportunities to Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) in New Hampshire.
1. Phone Bank from Home or at a Group Phone Bank. E-mail Dena@DonaldTrump.
com to get started. A list of Group Phone Banks can be found at: https://
2. Visit New Hampshire & Be Boots on the Ground!
The New Hampshire team is seeking volunteers to deploy to New Hampshire.
Deployment Benefits:
Free Lodging and Meals
Potential opportunities to be near Mr. Trump
Travel expenses considered on a case-by-case basis
Bragging Rights. You helped Make America Great Again!
For more details and to arrange your deployment, email Danny Tiso at [email protected].
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump was initially set to hold two campaign events on Thursday. But late Wednesday, the campaign announced an additional three campaign stops, including the interview with CNN and a visit with local business leaders.
Trump told Cooper that he wasn't necessarily changing his strategy.
"I just feel very comfortable up here and I love being here," Trump said. "There's a great level of comfort for me in New Hampshire."
1月4日晚间7时许,这位华人正准备和妻子外出用餐,在住家前刚上车没多久,就遭到两名埋伏的非洲裔歹徒冲到车门旁抢劫,对着他说“This is robbery, give me your money and car”(这是抢劫,把钱和车子都交出来)。
华裔警官Michael Lee在枪枝讲座中也提到这个案例,并且表示拥有枪枝是给予人民保护自己的能力,也提醒民众要注意枪枝使用方式,并要经过训练,才能在危急时发挥枪枝的作用。
猜测是因为Trump不愿留在NH, 要到NY的家里睡觉。他在Iowa也是每晚回到NY。
Friday, February 5th
Event: Governor Bush to hold a town hall in Concord, NH
Abbot-Downing School
152 South Street
Concord, NH 03301
Start Time: 5:30 PM EST
Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting with Ted Cruz!
When: Friday, February 5, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (EST)
Where: Lancaster School - 54 Millville St Salem, NH
Friday, February 5, 2016 - 4:30pm
Rally with Marco Rubio at Hood Middle School in Derry, New Hampshire on Friday, February 5, 2016
这个网站应该有帮助,MM可以看一下。只要你懂他的理念,至少可以贡献你的一票。另外对主流媒体的报道要有自己甄别的能力。例如昨天trump昨天在NH集会中回答了一个Bernie Sanders支持者的问题,"Darling, I don't think so, I don't think illegal immigrants are the backbone of America。 Those people who came in legally, who work their asses off to make this country great, they are the backbone of America。FOX在报道的时候,活生生的非法两个字去掉,说trump不认为移民是美国的脊梁。How misleading and dishonest could they be? Outrageous!
“Those people who came in legally, who work their asses off to make this country great, they are the backbone of America!”
Well said!
Jeb 把90岁的老妈都搬出来了。。妈宝啊
想起那个Stephen Baldwin,给他妈的cancer foundation赢了一笔钱,交给他妈,说Trump给的,本来想让他妈说点官话,感谢celebrity of apprentice这个节目,这个机会,感谢Trump,结果他妈开始犯花痴,哈哈哈哈,说,哎呀,那个Trump,太帅了啊,如果她要是年轻几岁,肯定就投怀送抱去了,听得她儿子那叫一个面红耳赤啊,我笑死了
trump 最近不怎么搞人身攻击了,你说的是最后一波,更喜欢这样的他,希望能坚持哈。
感觉讨厌他的人要不生活小康以上,道德感优越,要不烦恼很多,自卑敏感,所以特别介意trump某些言行。先不说这两组加起来是占人口大多数,一个优秀的领导人毕竟要鼓舞民众,要让人觉得他可以信任。虽然trump的攻击都on the point, 但我认为也是他支持率一直在30%上下起伏,没法更进一步的部分原因。
trump这种人非常聪明,直觉敏锐,面临问题可以同时思考多重角度,但是价值取向会引导他们的思维模式。就像trump针对healthcare的回答,对于obamacare的问题所在着墨少,也没怎么安慰那个提问的人,对于自己的不公平待遇却长篇大论,其实说明这个人的本位主义意识特别重。。。这导致笨蛋get 不到他的重点,更不会有共鸣。聪明人也许get 到他的重点,但是可能有他们自己的私心。
他确实是alpha型,不要怎么那么多女人喜欢他呢 lol
不过说实在的,alpha型也分两种,一种是踩着别人上去的alpha, 一种是让所有人跟着他一起好的alpha。看来看去,比起其他几个候选人,他更像后种(我还是觉得kasich人也挺不错,可惜不讨喜),至少竞选口号是"make america great again"。。。不过trump攻击别人的时候就不那么可亲了 :P
To some extent, right.
Unfavorable rate 这么高,说明其他选手被淘汰了以后,那些人的支持者转变为支撑Trump的可能性就很小。
你的观点我们都清楚, 这楼里其实没人比你更关注Trump
你的观点我们都清楚, 这楼里其实没人比你更关注Trump
Mr. Moore, Your advice was right on the money until you injected your personal comments! To the person asking the question; Every candidate, being Democrat or Republican, are flawed, simply because they are human! Politicians, more often than not, renege on campaign promises because they are the puppets of their financial supporters. it's a question of whom you believe has the ability, fortitude, honesty and will, to follow through with the promises made. Political promises made by candidates that are not be sanctioned by their financial supporters (puppeteers), may not be kept. On the other hand, if a candidate has no strings attached, one can expect that such a candidate means what is said and will in turn, follow through! Politicians, for the most part, have their priorities reversed. They are primarily self serving and secondly, servant's to their constituents! This is why both parties in our country are totally disenchanted with both houses of Congress. So if you want real change for the betterment of your future, think very carefully about, in whose hands you wish to put power. Remember, as you sow, so shall you reap!
Little Jebby受了委屈,回家找妈了。。呜呜呜,他们欺负我,然后老妈出来替他叫屈,骂别人。。
"They're the backbone of our country!" the woman shouted.
"The backbone of our country? I don't think so, darling," he responded.
"You know what the backbone of our country is? People that came to this country legally and they worked their a** off and they've made the country great. That's the backbone," he said to cheers.