Rubio也在扁Cruz: "I think, to me, it’s an indication of a campaign that’s willing to say or do anything in order to win, and it’s troubling and unfortunate. I think Ben deserves more than that."
"CNN got it correct. Miracles happen. But that is part of the democratic process to let Iowa caucusers know, here is the news that is breaking. And it is relevant," Cruz told a man who asked what happened on Monday evening.
CNN reported Monday night that Carson would go home to Florida following the Iowa caucuses instead of flying directly to the early voting states New Hampshire and South Carolina. The network added that he planned to stay in the race.
Some Cruz allies shared that news widely on the night of the caucuses, including to Carson supporters, but did not include the part about Carson remaining in the race.
I disagree with Bush on many issues, but he's at least an honest person. So disappointed in Cruz this time, I thought highly of him for quite a while.
luckyso 发表于 2/4/2016 12:40:40 AM
Bush is a good guy. He is just incompetent. Same, I put Cruz second to Trump before. It turns out he is the worst kind of politician. Now I would rather to have Bush instead of Rubio or Cruz, if Trump can't win.
Cruz was too eager to win and lose control of himself. I believe NH voters will show him some cost of cheating. Instead, Trump is doing a fair competition with others. He will not attack others unless he is being attacked. For that I have a lot of respect for him.
Bush is a good guy. He is just incompetent. Same, I put Cruz second to Trump before. It turns out he is the worst kind of politician. Now I would rather to have Bush instead of Rubio or Cruz, if Trump can't win.
goldengate 发表于 2/4/2016 12:43:55 AM
Bush is too weak on immigration and is a neo-con... no good choice for me other than Trump, sigh.
Cruz was too eager to win and lose control of himself. I believe NH voters will show him some cost of cheating. Instead, Trump is doing a fair competition with others. He will not attack others unless he is being attacked. For that I have a lot of respect for him.
Speaking to a crowd at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border during his final stop of the day, Mr. Bush finished a fiery riff about protecting the country as commander in chief – “I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said – and was met with total silence. “Please clap,” he said, sounded defeated.
Bush is a good guy. He is just incompetent. Same, I put Cruz second to Trump before. It turns out he is the worst kind of politician. Now I would rather to have Bush instead of Rubio or Cruz, if Trump can't win.goldengate 发表于 2016-02-04 00:21 AM
I disagree with Bush on many issues, but he's at least an honest person. So disappointed in Cruz this time, I thought highly of him for quite a while.luckyso 发表于 2016-02-04 00:24 AM
Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz argued that both fellow candidates Florida Senator Sen. Marco Rubio and Donald Trump will “continue the cronyism” and are viewed as dealmakers by the Washington cartel, which is “divided” between the two on Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”
Cruz said, “The Washington cartel, they’re divided between Marco and Donald. They want one or the other. They view both of them as dealmakers. They’ll both continue the status quo. They both will continue the cronyism. They both will continue the corporate welfare. So, for example, both Donald and Marco Rubio promised the governor of Iowa, ‘Hey, we’ll keep the ethanol mandate. We’ll keep the cronyism.’ I said, ‘No. We’ll stand with the American taxpayers and end the favoritism, and have no subsidies for anyone.’ And so the media is doing everything they can to spin Marco’s third place finish into something more than it is.”
he has global vision, he knows how to manage, he respects the legal system, he uses people well, he has national pride, he tries to get along with other countries, and he values family, the most important unit of a healthy society. He is real presidential materials. His only problem is that he is not sugar coated and down to the earth, which some people doesn't like. They want to see sugar coated politician like Obama.
他是想说自己女儿很优秀,说的有些不妥,被媒体放大了。不觉得他好色,除了第二个老婆外,没见什么别的丑闻,第三个老婆也是照着第一个老婆的感觉找的,原配是真爱啊。男克才是真好色。Trump不该和他第一个老婆分开是真的,估计两人都后悔了,年轻气盛啊luckyso 发表于 2016-02-04 01:49 AM
he has global vision, he knows how to manage, he respects the legal system, he uses people well, he has national pride, he tries to get along with other countries, and he values family, the most important unit of a healthy society. He is real presidential materials. His only problem is that he is not sugar coated and down to the earth, which some people doesn't like. They want to see sugar coated politician like Obama.goldengate 发表于 2016-02-04 01:52 AM
A reader in South Carolina was the recipient of a telephone poll today. Knowing the machinations of politics she identified the push polling method used.
After hanging up, she did some research and identified the Ted Cruz campaign . “I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling today– a push poll against Trump. I looked up TPC, and it’s owned by Kellyanne Conway, who works for Cruz”.
The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They ( recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “ was that a good idea”?
Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.
A reader in South Carolina was the recipient of a telephone poll today. Knowing the machinations of politics she identified the push polling method used.
After hanging up, she did some research and identified the Ted Cruz campaign . “I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling today– a push poll against Trump. I looked up TPC, and it’s owned by Kellyanne Conway, who works for Cruz”.
The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They ( recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “ was that a good idea”?
Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad, and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.
After that, the call disconnected. " whyhere 发表于 2/4/2016 8:59:34 AM
I hope Trump and Bush do a good job in NH. If Bush rises a little more he will stay there longer. Rubio will fade. goldengate 发表于 2/4/2016 12:41:03 AM
Same here. I feel Bush might be a good person, but he will not be a good leader. I prefer him to Cruz or Rubio who are morally degraded. In general I do feel all these three are typical politicians, i.e. all talking no actions.
The polling company PPP hates Trump as some tweets identified, and they are not honest with their poll numbers. All other major polls still have Trump with double-digit lead.
作为一个establishment, 怎样把宝座从另一个更强大的establishment手中夺走呢, 于是Rubio把自己打扮成激进的tea party人物,在移民问题上立场激进,甚至被纽约时 报称为the first tea party senator.
胜选后他又摇身一变,积极挤进establishment,拒绝加入参院所谓的tea party caucus ,使得这个caucus只有两个半成员:cruz, mike lee和rand paul。他自认为自己的优势 在于共和党内为数不多的移民改革人物,古巴移民家庭,西班牙语倍儿溜。
机会终于在2012来到, Romney大选中仅的27%hispanic votes, 共和党全国委员会发表 自我解剖书,宣布党未来的方向在于移民改革争取hispanic选票,lindsey graham说“ If we keep playing this game that self deportation is the only answer for the Republican Party, we will have destroyed our chances in 2016 and dealt a death blow to our party because by 2050 the majority of the country is going to be African American, Hispanic and Asian”,这种观点被共和党当权派深 以为然。
作为一个establishment, 怎样把宝座从另一个更强大的establishment手中夺走呢, 于是Rubio把自己打扮成激进的tea party人物,在移民问题上立场激进,甚至被纽约时 报称为the first tea party senator.
胜选后他又摇身一变,积极挤进establishment,拒绝加入参院所谓的tea party caucus ,使得这个caucus只有两个半成员:cruz, mike lee和rand paul。他自认为自己的优势 在于共和党内为数不多的移民改革人物,古巴移民家庭,西班牙语倍儿溜。
机会终于在2012来到, Romney大选中仅的27%hispanic votes, 共和党全国委员会发表 自我解剖书,宣布党未来的方向在于移民改革争取hispanic选票,lindsey graham说“ If we keep playing this game that self deportation is the only answer for the Republican Party, we will have destroyed our chances in 2016 and dealt a death blow to our party because by 2050 the majority of the country is going to be African American, Hispanic and Asian”,这种观点被共和党当权派深 以为然。
”Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday drew a stark distinction between legal and illegal immigrants, saying it was legal immigrants who made America great. Trump responded after a questioner at an Exeter, N.H., rally said illegal immigrants are the “backbone” of America.
“Oh, illegal immigrants are the backbone of our country? I don’t think so, darling,” Trump replied. “I don’t think so. I don’t think so. No, I don ’t think so. They’re not the backbone. “Let me just tell you something. Let me just tell you something,” he added . “You know what the backbone of our country [is]? People that came here, and they came here legally — people that came here to this country legally, and they worked their ass off, and they made this country great.”
Trump suggested the questioner was planted at his rally by Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who favors a more lenient policy on immigration.“
The drop is mostly due to media manipulation. Think about it : all those special interest groups, lobbyists and globalist billionaires. Will they watch Trump win without making any efforts to stop him?
.@pdoocy: "Illegal immigrants make up 3.5% of the population but account for 13.6% of federal convictions..." PositiveVibe 发表于 2/4/2016 7:06:22 PM
They will say this is unfair. Let's do an AA in the jail.
The drop is mostly due to media manipulation. Think about it : all those special interest groups, lobbyists and globalist billionaires. Will they watch Trump win without making any efforts to stop him?
myteeth 发表于 2/4/2016 7:04:58 PM
It is right. I guess all the interest parties are trying to do the same thing. Cruz, establishments... all trying to steal the election. You can be nice to people, but has to be tough to invisible hands.
"I think, to me, it’s an indication of a campaign that’s willing to say or do anything in order to win, and it’s troubling and unfortunate. I think Ben deserves more than that."
Bush 14%
Carson 3%
Christie 6%
Cruz 9%
Fiorina 5%
Gilmore 0%
Huckabee 0%
Kasich 12%
Paul 3%
Rubio 10%
Santorum 0%
Trump 31%
As Trump would say, Cruz made a HUGE mistake.
虽然小布什做的很糟糕,但是还是糟糕的美国,obama 这个黑人穆斯林真是牛掰,彻底把美国变了天,今天的美国已经不是8年前的美国。
Trump go 2016!
He is doomed. Bush even has a higher chance than he does.
Harper poll
CNN reported Monday night that Carson would go home to Florida following the Iowa caucuses instead of flying directly to the early voting states New Hampshire and South Carolina. The network added that he planned to stay in the race.
Some Cruz allies shared that news widely on the night of the caucuses, including to Carson supporters, but did not include the part about Carson remaining in the race.
我觉的对我们华人来说,第一是不能选和中国开战的总统,Rubio,clinton 还有cruz 都是战争狂,如果一旦开战,大家趁早卷铺盖走人,和美国byebye了,否则死都不明白自己怎么死的!
Bush is too weak on immigration and is a neo-con... no good choice for me other than Trump, sigh.
The New York Times Reports:
Speaking to a crowd at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border during his final stop of the day, Mr. Bush finished a fiery riff about protecting the country as commander in chief – “I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said – and was met with total silence. “Please clap,” he said, sounded defeated.
Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz
argued that both fellow candidates Florida Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
and Donald Trump will “continue the cronyism” and are viewed as dealmakers by the Washington cartel, which is “divided” between the two on Wednesday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”
Cruz said, “The Washington cartel, they’re divided between Marco and Donald. They want one or the other. They view both of them as dealmakers. They’ll both continue the status quo. They both will continue the cronyism. They both will continue the corporate welfare. So, for example, both Donald and Marco Rubio promised the governor of Iowa, ‘Hey, we’ll keep the ethanol mandate. We’ll keep the cronyism.’ I said, ‘No. We’ll stand with the American taxpayers and end the favoritism, and have no subsidies for anyone.’ And so the media is doing everything they can to spin Marco’s third place finish into something more than it is.”
同时rubio又是明珠当的那套,继续扩大aa,非移,然后银钱高福利,收不到wealth的税(这些人是他的金主),他是the worst,没有一点自己的主心骨,混日子然后投机为主,哪里有机会就往哪里去山呼,缺乏vision
其实Trump人缘没那么差,好多人说他好话。而且他的攻击都在明面上,别人不会那么记恨,过一阵也就算了。你看看他的辩论就知道了,每次都很有大将风度,他当面都是给人留面子的。就连那个Rosie O'Donnell, 他和她打了多年嘴仗以后,一次什么事他还支持了她。还有前两天给那个MSNBC的天天批评他的主持人捐款。他性格不完美,但离众叛亲离还差得远。
Cruz Campaign Push Polling In South Carolina…
A reader in South Carolina was the recipient of a telephone poll today.
Knowing the machinations of politics she identified the push polling method
After hanging up, she did some research and identified the Ted Cruz campaign
“I live in SC, and I received a call from TPC Polling today– a push poll
against Trump. I looked up TPC, and it’s owned by Kellyanne Conway, who
works for Cruz”.
The last two questions came after I identified Trump as my candidate. They (
recording) asked something about how Trump wanted to work with Putin, and “
was that a good idea”?
Then they asked the slanderous question, saying that Trump wants to close
veteran-owned small businesses because they made the neighborhood look bad,
and does that make me very angry, a little angry, or not angry at all.
After that, the call disconnected.
Gowdy 怎么又出来审那个哄抬药价的CEO了,看这个Gowdy说话跟痴呆似的,怪不得被老巫婆耍得团团转,屁也查不出来,屁也问不出来。之前说,查不出来就是无罪,简直是屁话,只能怪审的人蠢。
他的理想 就是把 符合他情怀要照顾的人都接美国来,一起共产。
哭诉要对方关注heroin epidemic problem, 说很有效果。你看看sanders 吸引的,周围的都是些什么人。
自己abuse drugs, 非要说是流行病,要求社会救助关怀,什么都是社会的错,社会的责任。
怎么判断 真的假 的?
现在德国四处撒钱求人收遣返的难民,土耳其, 希腊,叙利亚,现在别的国家也要! 不拿钱不收人! 还四处碰壁。同时在给英国种种好处求他留在欧盟。唉。
唉,把好好的国家,祸害成这个样子,千古罪人阿!! Trump 说她的,一点没错!
大家看新的national poll了吗, trump 跌到25%了, 和cruz 21%, Rubio 20% 差不多了, 现在媒体和各种捧rubio啊
,属于立场温和的political establishment。 2010年共和党参议员辞职位置空出,当
时最有力的竞争者是时任州长charlie crist, establishment中坚,一度是08 McCain
作为一个establishment, 怎样把宝座从另一个更强大的establishment手中夺走呢,
于是Rubio把自己打扮成激进的tea party人物,在移民问题上立场激进,甚至被纽约时
报称为the first tea party senator.
胜选后他又摇身一变,积极挤进establishment,拒绝加入参院所谓的tea party caucus
,使得这个caucus只有两个半成员:cruz, mike lee和rand paul。他自认为自己的优势
机会终于在2012来到, Romney大选中仅的27%hispanic votes, 共和党全国委员会发表
自我解剖书,宣布党未来的方向在于移民改革争取hispanic选票,lindsey graham说“
If we keep playing this game that self deportation is the only answer for
the Republican Party, we will have destroyed our chances in 2016 and dealt a
death blow to our party because by 2050 the majority of the country is
going to be African American, Hispanic and Asian”,这种观点被共和党当权派深
于是rubio彻底脱下茶党外衣,和chuck schumer 等民主党组成8人帮,给非法移民合法
参院jeff session, 众院坑王stephen king, 使得rubio的8人帮法案破产, 这对rubio
对此RUBIO如何解释呢? 他对FOXNEWS 的说辞是,通过这样的失败,他痛苦地反思道到
Rubio, we found, is a world-class opportunist with an uncanny habit of being
in the right place at the right time.
”Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday drew a stark
distinction between legal and illegal immigrants, saying it was legal
immigrants who made America great. Trump responded after a questioner at an
Exeter, N.H., rally said illegal immigrants are the “backbone” of America.
“Oh, illegal immigrants are the backbone of our country? I don’t think so,
darling,” Trump replied. “I don’t think so. I don’t think so. No, I don
’t think so. They’re not the backbone.
“Let me just tell you something. Let me just tell you something,” he added
. “You know what the backbone of our country [is]? People that came here,
and they came here legally — people that came here to this country legally,
and they worked their ass off, and they made this country great.”
Trump suggested the questioner was planted at his rally by Democratic
presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who favors a more lenient policy on
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Sanders gets the support of 58 percent of likely Democratic primary voters, while Clinton gets 38 percent
They will say this is unfair. Let's do an AA in the jail.