Cruz's tweet: USA should put Pres. Xi on notice - human rights are no longer ‘off the table.’ We are listening to the truth about communist #China. 它烦不烦啊,又来找习大的事儿了 PositiveVibe 发表于 2/2/2016 10:41:50 PM
" My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines. The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race . Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
" My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines. The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race . Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
我现在都不想他当VP了,他人品有问题啊 luckyso 发表于 2/3/2016 2:22:11 AM
" My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines. The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race . Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
我现在都不想他当VP了,他人品有问题啊 luckyso 发表于 2/3/2016 2:22:11 AM
Trump Twitter发力了: Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!
Trump tweet: Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified. 同意!这不是相当于考试作弊么
Trump Twitter发力了: Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad! PositiveVibe 发表于 2/3/2016 11:44:10 AM
" My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines. The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race . Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
我现在都不想他当VP了,他人品有问题啊 luckyso 发表于 2/3/2016 2:22:11 AM
你也太不了解美国人民了,如果一方哑了,就证明他弱,认了,不替自己说话的人,都被认为很weak,而且现在媒体,pundits和人民都想看Trump怎么面对这个setbacks,所以现在他comes back strong,大家会觉得,1,他伸张正义,2,只有身处强势的人,出来打抱不平才有人理,有人理了,也就从而证明了自己身处强势,这是一个正气场循环,3,改改媒体标题,不要老是什么Rubio得了第三确是赢家,Trump如何面对从winner变成了loser。
你也太不了解美国人民了,如果一方哑了,就证明他弱,认了,不替自己说话的人,都被认为很weak,而且现在媒体,pundits和人民都想看Trump怎么面对这个setbacks,所以现在他comes back strong,大家会觉得,1,他伸张正义,2,只有身处强势的人,出来打抱不平才有人理,有人理了,也就从而证明了自己身处强势,这是一个正气场循环,3,改改媒体标题,不要老是什么Rubio得了第三确是赢家,Trump如何面对从winner变成了loser。
他没啥好是因为他根本没啥record, 他绝对是受了奥巴马的启示,在国会时间越长,你的(代表的special interrest)立场就越明显, 被人攻击的地方就越多, 早早出来竞选,paper white的,别人就很难攻击你的过去了, 然后选民就不会judge you based on your past, but based on your 口号!
你也太不了解美国人民了,如果一方哑了,就证明他弱,认了,不替自己说话的人,都被认为很weak,而且现在媒体,pundits和人民都想看Trump怎么面对这个setbacks,所以现在他comes back strong,大家会觉得,1,他伸张正义,2,只有身处强势的人,出来打抱不平才有人理,有人理了,也就从而证明了自己身处强势,这是一个正气场循环,3,改改媒体标题,不要老是什么Rubio得了第三确是赢家,Trump如何面对从winner变成了loser。
你也太不了解美国人民了,如果一方哑了,就证明他弱,认了,不替自己说话的人,都被认为很weak,而且现在媒体,pundits和人民都想看Trump怎么面对这个setbacks,所以现在他comes back strong,大家会觉得,1,他伸张正义,2,只有身处强势的人,出来打抱不平才有人理,有人理了,也就从而证明了自己身处强势,这是一个正气场循环,3,改改媒体标题,不要老是什么Rubio得了第三确是赢家,Trump如何面对从winner变成了loser。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
stephenking 不是mit著名的坑王吗?也开始做政治评论了?
My wife and daughter attended our caucus in our town outside of Des Moines.
The speaker for Ted Cruz stated that CNN reported that Ben Carson was
dropping out of the race and they should consider voting for Ted Cruz, Ben
Carson's speaker protested and said this was not true and he was not
dropping out. Fifteen minutes later Ben Carson's wife shows up at this
caucus site and states this is not true, Ben is not dropping out of the race
. Ben Carson won at this caucus site:
Carson 38 votes
Trump 33 votes
Cruz 34 votes
Rubio 10 votes
You have to wonder how this affected Carson, Trump and Rubio at all of the
other caucus sites where no one refuted this lie, Cruz acknowledged the
emails were sent to all grassroots leaders. Cruz also acknowledged they
should have a sent a followup email once Carson clarified he was not
dropping out but they did not do this.
No other candidates speakers used this tactic and why should Ben Carson have
to clarify with the Cruz camp on whether or not he is still running?"
Really a low life and not a presidential material
您有zhei 功夫儿还是继续去写歌儿唱歌儿去吧,内方面儿您可能还稍稍有那么点儿才艺,就别跟这儿打嘴炮儿了
我觉的trump不应该揪这cruz打击, rubio才是有可能脱颖而出的候选人, trump这个打激发虽然粉丝不会动摇, 但是很难揽新的粉丝。
考试作弊,当然要严打,否则就victim Carson一个人势单力薄的软绵绵的抗议。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
绝对,reality show就喜欢mud fight
Shame on him, Carson可以起诉ted的,这样属于违反法律的欺诈竞争吗?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
还有trump不隶属任何一派的,以后也不会做这些少数利益的走狗,这才是这些人背后支持rubio ,bush的最大原因,trump代表的是真正的民意。
Rubio是最大的对手没错,不过他现在归establishment打击,Trump现在最好的机会是争取Carson的voter, 也提醒选民职业政客的黑暗
如果共和党最后提他,vs。 sanders,绝对选sanders了
r 上台,会挑起第三次世界的war