Donald J. Trump raised nearly $6 million for veterans groups, he announced during an impromptu event he held in Des Moines in protest of the Fox News debates.
Donald J. Trump raised nearly $6 million for veterans groups, he announced during an impromptu event he held in Des Moines in protest of the Fox News debates.
Thursday night marked the second lowest rated GOP debate of the season. And Trump was the most-talked-about candidate without even being's Trump-less debate had 12.5 million viewers between 9 and 11 p.m., according to Nielsen.Fox averaged a record-smashing 25 million viewers last August during the first Trump-fueled debate of the season.
Thursday night marked the second lowest rated GOP debate of the season. And Trump was the most-talked-about candidate without even being's Trump-less debate had 12.5 million viewers between 9 and 11 p.m., according to Nielsen.Fox averaged a record-smashing 25 million viewers last August during the first Trump-fueled debate of the season.
给你看个前几次的record: Fox News Channel (23.997 million on Aug. 6) and CNN (23.056 million on Sept. 16). Viewership dropped off for debates on CNBC on Oct. 28 (14.005 million) and Fox Business Network on Nov. 10 (13.454 million)
所以我认为昨晚12.5m的收视其实受trump的影响是挺小的 By comparison, two of the cable channels that showed parts of Trump's fundraising event, CNN and MSNBC, had about 2.7 million viewers combined.
这个是上面说的那个文章。 About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair. I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day. “It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.
给你看个前几次的record: Fox News Channel (23.997 million on Aug. 6) and CNN (23.056 million on Sept. 16). Viewership dropped off for debates on CNBC on Oct. 28 (14.005 million) and Fox Business Network on Nov. 10 (13.454 million)
所以我认为昨晚12.5m的收视其实受trump的影响是挺小的 By comparison, two of the cable channels that showed parts of Trump's fundraising event, CNN and MSNBC, had about 2.7 million viewers combined. nonexistance 发表于 1/29/2016 6:05:45 PM
给你看个前几次的record: Fox News Channel (23.997 million on Aug. 6) and CNN (23.056 million on Sept. 16). Viewership dropped off for debates on CNBC on Oct. 28 (14.005 million) and Fox Business Network on Nov. 10 (13.454 million)
所以我认为昨晚12.5m的收视其实受trump的影响是挺小的 By comparison, two of the cable channels that showed parts of Trump's fundraising event, CNN and MSNBC, had about 2.7 million viewers combined. nonexistance 发表于 1/29/2016 6:05:45 PM
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Friday released a television spot in Iowa calling rival Marco Rubio the GOP’s answer to President Obama.
“Tax hikes, amnesty, the Republican Obama — that’s Marco Rubio,” the ad said, according to CMAG/Kantar Media, a company that monitors political advertising, as first reported by CNN.
Bill Clinton’s poll ratings are in free-fall, and that surprise crash undermines the conventional wisdom that Hillary Clinton has a lock on the Democrat nomination.
A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that just 39 percent of American voters have a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton.
This is down from a 50 percent approval rating just a few months ago. In 2012, when Bill Clinton was campaigning aggressively for President Obama’s reelection, 66 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Mr. Clinton.
The Iowa poll the political world has been eagerly awaiting is finally here — and it has great news for Donald Trump.
On Saturday evening, Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register released the results of their final Iowa caucus poll, which is conducted by by widely-respected pollster Ann Selzer and has been extremely accurate in recent years.
For the Republican race, the poll found Trump in first among likely caucusgoers with 28 percent, Ted Cruz in second with 23 percent, and Marco Rubio in third with 15 percent. Ben Carson is in fourth with 10 percent, and no other candidate gets more than 5 percent support.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is ahead with 45 percent among likely caucusgoers, followed by Bernie Sanders with 42 percent. Martin O'Malley is very far back, with just 3 percent.
The Iowa poll the political world has been eagerly awaiting is finally here — and it has great news for Donald Trump.
On Saturday evening, Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register released the results of their final Iowa caucus poll, which is conducted by by widely-respected pollster Ann Selzer and has been extremely accurate in recent years.
For the Republican race, the poll found Trump in first among likely caucusgoers with 28 percent, Ted Cruz in second with 23 percent, and Marco Rubio in third with 15 percent. Ben Carson is in fourth with 10 percent, and no other candidate gets more than 5 percent support.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is ahead with 45 percent among likely caucusgoers, followed by Bernie Sanders with 42 percent. Martin O'Malley is very far back, with just 3 percent.
HAMLIN, Iowa — Iowa’s secretary of state chastised the presidential campaign of Senator Ted Cruz on Saturday for sending a mailer that he said violated “the spirit of the Iowa caucuses” and misrepresented state election law.
The mailer, flagged by a handful of Twitter users and confirmed as authentic by the Cruz campaign, included a warning of a “voting violation” in capital letters at the top of the page.
It informed voters they were receiving a notice “because of low expected voter turnout in your area.”
“Your individual voting history as well as your neighbors’ are public record,” the flier read. “Their scores are published below, and many of them will see your score as well. CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE and please encourage your neighbors to caucus as well. A follow-up notice may be issued following Monday’s caucuses.”
Below the text was a list of names, letter grades and percentage scores.
The secretary of state, Paul D. Pate, called the effort “misleading.”
“Accusing citizens of Iowa of a ‘voting violation’ based on Iowa caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act,” Mr. Pate said. “There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa caucuses.”
“His phone banks are working overtime. I’ve been getting three or four phone calls a day for the last week and a half from his phone center,” said Ken Crow, a prominent tea party activist in Iowa who is backing Mr. Trump.
Mr. Crow previously expressed doubts about the ground game in Iowa, which appeared to languish despite Mr. Trump hiring veteran Iowa GOP operative Chuck Laudner, who marshaled former Sen. Rick Santorum’s come-from-behind caucus win in 2012.
“Laudner has ramped up his ground game in Iowa dramatically,” said Mr. Crow. “He had such a massive phone center that he had to open up separate offices away from the campaign offices just for the phone center — and it is packed with volunteers.”
好歹弄点LGBT 吧。。。
MUSLIN 比LGBT 人口少多了。 再说无耻的DEM 不是两者的选票都要么。
所以FOX是跟他说好的? 演戏?
[color=#999999]luckyso 发表于 1/28/2016 11:50:07 PM [/color][url=][img][/img][/url][/quote]
认得一对拉拉couple就支持ted Cruze。不支持希拉里就算了,也不支持trump,我不理解。
昨天NPR 采访老兵协会的人说我们不需要施舍,他侮辱McCain 就是对老兵没尊重。
美国人ego 都大,每个人都当自己是回事。
真的,我也快被CNN给起晕了,Trump方请了Andy Dean跟一堆人一起辩论,不太给力,那人是apprentice里的,是个犹太人,被fired的哈佛辩论第一名,就是政治方面的背景知道的太少。
给你看个前几次的record: Fox News Channel (23.997 million on Aug. 6) and CNN (23.056 million on Sept. 16). Viewership dropped off for debates on CNBC on Oct. 28 (14.005 million) and Fox Business Network on Nov. 10 (13.454 million)
By comparison, two of the cable channels that showed parts of Trump's fundraising event, CNN and MSNBC, had about 2.7 million viewers combined.
About 15 years ago, I said something nasty on CNN about Donald Trump’s hair. I can’t now remember the context, assuming there was one. In any case, Trump saw it and left a message the next day.
“It’s true you have better hair than I do,” Trump said matter-of-factly. “But I get more pussy than you do.” Click.
Read more:
我觉得有影响。影响大概是3m-6m左右吧。因为这个是选前的选举,而且是fox的主频道。15m-18的viewship应该是有的。不能跟Fox Business这些找不到的频道比。而且说老实话,他不在,其他人怎么说他,说什么也算是一种吸引力。
我觉影响蛮大的,昨晚是Iowa 投票前最后一次辩论,就算不能跟8月第一次比,也是举足轻重的,CNN 12月15日的中期辩论也有18 米的观众呢,昨晚作为决赛前的最后一次辩论?fox绝对不会期望只有12.5米。
这次fox哑巴吃黄连憋出内伤,其实他们也有清楚的,要不然o reilly不会求着trump参加辩论,那段儿真是笑死我了
o reilly 软磨硬缠的闹了半天,trump就噘着嘴不让步,o reilly 最后一怒说,别忘了我还给你买了那么多次的香草奶昔,你欠我的!
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Friday released a television spot in Iowa calling rival Marco Rubio the GOP’s answer to President Obama.
“Tax hikes, amnesty, the Republican Obama — that’s Marco Rubio,” the ad said, according to CMAG/Kantar Media, a company that monitors political advertising, as first reported by CNN.
A new CBS/New York Times poll shows that just 39 percent of American voters have a favorable opinion of Bill Clinton.
This is down from a 50 percent approval rating just a few months ago. In 2012, when Bill Clinton was campaigning aggressively for President Obama’s reelection, 66 percent of voters had a favorable opinion of Mr. Clinton.
希拉里的邮件事件也是左派拼命护着,过了初选再公布。昨天听FOX NEWS 一帮人在那谈,说事情一开始,奥巴就出来说邮件肯定不涉及什么机密啦,说这总统真奇怪,调查还没开始,就知道里面有没有机密了
法国,三大原创民主国家之一,自由、人权和博爱的发源地,自己享受包容、多元不过瘾了,对北非、中东穆斯林敞开移民的大门。但据说不久之后,法国总统很可能会是一位并不一定认同法国式自由和人权,也不那么包容的穆斯林。而这位穆斯林一定是借助人权和博爱的法国移民政策从中东进入的难民的后代。在穆斯林生育率远远高于当地白人的情况下,卧薪尝胆生孩子,终于在人口上超过白人,加上他们的宗教,让相当一部分即便进入法国成了法国公民,也不接受法国推崇的那种“普世价值”的人拥有了民主选举权 ……最终在法国的民主制度下,通过多数人的投票,使穆斯林成为法国总统。而更可怕的是,这位总统再经过议会里多数穆斯林之手,修改法国宪法,让民主法国通过民主的手段堂而皇之变成一个穆斯林国家,回到真主怀抱。那时,我们将会见证法国民主制度的“历史终结” 。
杨恒均 2016年1月 29日 “2016美、台等全球大选观察系列”之六
On Saturday evening, Bloomberg Politics and the Des Moines Register released the results of their final Iowa caucus poll, which is conducted by by widely-respected pollster Ann Selzer and has been extremely accurate in recent years.
For the Republican race, the poll found Trump in first among likely caucusgoers with 28 percent, Ted Cruz in second with 23 percent, and Marco Rubio in third with 15 percent. Ben Carson is in fourth with 10 percent, and no other candidate gets more than 5 percent support.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is ahead with 45 percent among likely caucusgoers, followed by Bernie Sanders with 42 percent. Martin O'Malley is very far back, with just 3 percent.
In a live event announcing the poll results, Selzer said there was no indication that Thursday night's GOP debate (and Trump's failure to attend it) led to any serious movement in the numbers.
从来没有这样关注过选举,第一次这样不安的等待Iowa的消息, 希望Iowa州每一个支持共和党的,支持trump的都去投票。
这报纸是最反Trump的那个是不是?就是Trump 说有偏见的那个?他如果这么说我就放心些了
希望二 月一号 一切顺利!
Trump 2016!
看这篇文,如果福音派turn out比这个poll预想的高,会有利于Cruz。当然这个poll也有能低估了first time caucus goer的比例。总之不好说,好紧张啊
尽管我看各种super hero已经看烦了,但冲着这个捐款,以后还要多看Marvel的各种man的电影。
HAMLIN, Iowa — Iowa’s secretary of state chastised the presidential campaign of Senator Ted Cruz on Saturday for sending a mailer that he said violated “the spirit of the Iowa caucuses” and misrepresented state election law.
The mailer, flagged by a handful of Twitter users and confirmed as authentic by the Cruz campaign, included a warning of a “voting violation” in capital letters at the top of the page.
It informed voters they were receiving a notice “because of low expected voter turnout in your area.”
“Your individual voting history as well as your neighbors’ are public record,” the flier read. “Their scores are published below, and many of them will see your score as well. CAUCUS ON MONDAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE and please encourage your neighbors to caucus as well. A follow-up notice may be issued following Monday’s caucuses.”
Below the text was a list of names, letter grades and percentage scores.
The secretary of state, Paul D. Pate, called the effort “misleading.”
“Accusing citizens of Iowa of a ‘voting violation’ based on Iowa caucus participation, or lack thereof, is false representation of an official act,” Mr. Pate said. “There is no such thing as an election violation related to frequency of voting. Any insinuation or statement to the contrary is wrong and I believe it is not in keeping in the spirit of the Iowa caucuses.”
Mr. Crow previously expressed doubts about the ground game in Iowa, which appeared to languish despite Mr. Trump hiring veteran Iowa GOP operative Chuck Laudner, who marshaled former Sen. Rick Santorum’s come-from-behind caucus win in 2012.
“Laudner has ramped up his ground game in Iowa dramatically,” said Mr. Crow. “He had such a massive phone center that he had to open up separate offices away from the campaign offices just for the phone center — and it is packed with volunteers.”
纽约本来就是民主党的,Trump说是有希望,但其实还是很困难的,要不赢了一个纽约,顶4,5个摇摆州,整个大选就变样了,就和Texas选了民主党差不多的效果。。。再说那些mm可能年轻,不知道Giuliani, 他才是扭转乾坤的功臣,Bloomberg干过啥?只不过比现在的猪头强就是了,到时这些信息都会出去的,到时Giuliani肯定站在Trump这边。不用特别担心。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06