然后他还说new York value本来就没什么价值,整个纽约基本上都很 liberal , 说trump把这个价值观跟911连在一起就是放屁没逻辑。 我发现trump 吸引到的确实大部分是蓝领老百姓呢, 我同事这种传统的保守派都不接招。 ginger227 发表于 1/15/2016 4:24:35 PM
这种所谓传统保守派脑子也很进水的,Romney那时很多也不出来选,Romney总比O8强吧?这次选举too much at stake, 共和党出谁都得选, 要不以后非移大赦,高法换人,以后也不用选了,民主党时代独裁,和欧洲一样。你等Trump出线后再去劝他好了。对这种人多提提子女有才上进,Trump好心帮助别人的事迹可能更管用。new york value Trump通过强调的是self sacrifice和resilience, 这也是基督教传统价值观鼓励的。 其实共和党加强voter turn out,不用去讨好老墨之类的也能赢。
其实他的角度还可以:"I apologize to the millions of New Yorkers who have been let down by the liberal politicians in that state."痛批liberal是可以的,纽约现在在共产市长领导下的确越来越糟,回到九十年代初那时的犯罪可就好日忘头了。。。 不过Cruz还是丢分了,挖地域坑总是板起石头砸自己的脚,这个apologize又是有点耍小聪明的感觉。。。
去翻了下trump的情史八卦,他以后那段出轨的婚姻肯定会又被翻出来八的。他当时不想离婚ivana的,不过Ivana是个有骨气的女人最后还是离了, 看了下第二个老婆maples真是个gold digger,当年在雪山直接对峙大老婆"are you in love with your husband? because I am!!" 后来生孩子也是“unplanned pregnancy”, 看到个八卦说有个reporter还是什么的在trump的聚会里私底下问过trump到底是不是真爱过maples,后不后悔和第一任离婚,trump沉默了几秒钟说他对maples的感情更多的可能是lust,如果他能重新来一次,他不会离开他的family (第一任)。然后后来Tiffany的出生也是,trump没打算跟第二任再生孩子的,但是第二任“不小心”怀孕了。 近几年第二任跑出来参加各种节目,说自己经历了万人瞩目的生活,后来也过过口袋里没钱的生活,说《学徒》上演的时候,看到donald 还会掉眼泪,说和trump结婚的6年是她人生中可能最重要的几年。 他们离婚是因为96年她和她的保镖厮混被trump发现了。 不过trump和第三任开始好像也不是白莲花, 好像和第二任离之前,第三任就频繁被trump提拔,第三任做了好几次plastic surgery, 当然也包括ivanka。 不过trump前3个孩子都很有出息,Tiffany感觉和trump不是特别亲。 感觉trump真不应该和第一任离婚,第一任多能干呀
八个题外话 去翻了下trump的情史八卦,他以后那段出轨的婚姻肯定会又被翻出来八的。他当时不想离婚ivana的,不过Ivana是个有骨气的女人最后还是离了, 看了下第二个老婆maples真是个gold digger,当年在雪山直接对峙大老婆"are you in love with your husband? because I am!!" 后来生孩子也是“unplanned pregnancy”, 看到个八卦说有个reporter还是什么的在trump的聚会里私底下问过trump到底是不是真爱过maples,后不后悔和第一任离婚,trump沉默了几秒钟说他对maples的感情更多的可能是lust,如果他能重新来一次,他不会离开他的family (第一任)。然后后来Tiffany的出生也是,trump没打算跟第二任再生孩子的,但是第二任“不小心”怀孕了。 近几年第二任跑出来参加各种节目,说自己经历了万人瞩目的生活,后来也过过口袋里没钱的生活,说《学徒》上演的时候,看到donald 还会掉眼泪,说和trump结婚的6年是她人生中可能最重要的几年。 他们离婚是因为96年她和她的保镖厮混被trump发现了。 不过trump和第三任开始好像也不是白莲花, 好像和第二任离之前,第三任就频繁被trump提拔,第三任做了好ginger227 发表于 2016-01-16 14:42 PM
去翻了下trump的情史八卦,他以后那段出轨的婚姻肯定会又被翻出来八的。他当时不想离婚ivana的,不过Ivana是个有骨气的女人最后还是离了, 看了下第二个老婆maples真是个gold digger,当年在雪山直接对峙大老婆"are you in love with your husband? because I am!!" 后来生孩子也是“unplanned pregnancy”, 看到个八卦说有个reporter还是什么的在trump的聚会里私底下问过trump到底是不是真爱过maples,后不后悔和第一任离婚,trump沉默了几秒钟说他对maples的感情更多的可能是lust,如果他能重新来一次,他不会离开他的family (第一任)。然后后来Tiffany的出生也是,trump没打算跟第二任再生孩子的,但是第二任“不小心”怀孕了。 近几年第二任跑出来参加各种节目,说自己经历了万人瞩目的生活,后来也过过口袋里没钱的生活,说《学徒》上演的时候,看到donald 还会掉眼泪,说和trump结婚的6年是她人生中可能最重要的几年。 他们离婚是因为96年她和她的保镖厮混被trump发现了。 不过trump和第三任开始好像也不是白莲花, 好像和第二任离之前,第三任就频繁被trump提拔,第三任做了好几次plastic surgery, 当然也包括ivanka。 不过trump前3个孩子都很有出息,Tiffany感觉和trump不是特别亲。 感觉trump真不应该和第一任离婚,第一任多能干呀 ginger227 发表于 1/16/2016 2:36:51 PM
周四辩论的poll:Trump Leading Big in Newsmax Debate Poll, Donald Trump was the clear favorite of participants in a Newsmax poll following Thursday's Republican presidential debate.
Here are the results as of Thursday night: Donald Trump: 80.62 percent Ted Cruz: 12.63 percent Marco Rubio: 3.19 percent Ben Carson: 1.57 percent John Kasich: 0.79 percent Chris Christie: 0.65 percent Jeb Bush: 0.56 percent To cast your vote click here.
今天的poll:Donald Trump just huaren.used to his highest point yet in a new poll,The poll found that Trump was the top choice of 33% of Republican primary voters. That gave him a 13-point lead over the No. 2. Republican, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who had 20% support. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said Friday he thinks Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president.
关于纽约conservative看到的一些美国人的评论: As a New Yorker myself, I can confirm what Trump said about conservatives in NY. There are many, many great conservatives up here.
There are a lot of people in NYC who are not flaming liberals. Many of us are becoming more conservative as we see the BS the PC left is doing. By the way, this includes gay people. Plenty of closeted gay conservatives up here, terrified of what the liberals will do to them if it ever comes out that their politics lean right. This is not a joke. Liberals will ostracize them if it comes out.
True. There are many gays who are not "march in line" PC liberals. Many are very patriotic, and want border security, which are 2 very un-PC things. I've met gays like that. Friend of mine is a former Navy guy who is gay. He is one of the most patriotic people I've ever known.
Maher: Idea That Syrian Refugees Will Come To America And Fit In Is A "Fantasy;" Obama Won't Say "Islamic Terror" Bill Maher criticizes proponents of allowing Syrian refugees to seek asylum in the United States and Europe on his HBO show Real Time. Maher returned Friday night after a 2 month hiatus. Cornel West, a guest on his panel, and Maher sparred over the threat with West saying the refugees only represent a 'slice' of Muslims in Europe.
Maher said he was opposed to Syrian refugees leaving the region since the beginning and believes "a lot of people are coming around to that position."
When Maher was accused of "indicting" all Muslims as not "peace loving," he responded the problem isn't him indicting some Muslims, it's that no one is indicting any Muslims.
Maher, talking about Trump's ban on Muslim immigrants, acknowledged "this is the one issue that Democrats are going to lose the election on." Maher criticized Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and President Obama for not being able to say "Islamic terrorism."
BILL MAHER: I have to say this is a problem with American thinking, on both sides. It's noble that [Ambassador Christopher Stevens] didn't want a lot of people there because, 'Hi, I'm an American, I'm your friend.' But, insisting that people around the world who are not like us are going to be like us -- this was Bush's mistake in Iraq. Was it not?
'They want freedom.' Well, freedom may not be on the top of their list of what they really want. And I think we saw this recently in Cologne, Germany. When all of the Syrian refugees were going to Europe I wasn't for it. And I think a lot of people are coming around to that position...
If people don't know what happened New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany, and a number of other cities in Europe, some of these refugees, some of these Muslim men -- and of course we're talking about people who come from very misogynistic cultures. Their cultures are not like ours.
I don't understand why liberals don't stand up for liberal values...
It's not a criminal element unless you are willing to indict the entire society as criminals. There is polling on this. A great many Muslims around the world are for Sharia law. You know what is in Sharia laws. Cutting off the hands for thievery. Putting women to death for adultery. Putting people to death for leaving their religion. Women are not equal citizens. These are not criminal activities in Muslim society, these are activities.
Miloš Zeman: Czech President Says Integrating Muslims Into Europe Is 'Practically Impossible'
"The experience of Western European countries which have ghettos and excluded localities shows that the integration of the Muslim community is practically impossible," Zeman said in a televised interview.
这种所谓传统保守派脑子也很进水的,Romney那时很多也不出来选,Romney总比O8强吧?这次选举too much at stake, 共和党出谁都得选, 要不以后非移大赦,高法换人,以后也不用选了,民主党时代独裁,和欧洲一样。你等Trump出线后再去劝他好了。对这种人多提提子女有才上进,Trump好心帮助别人的事迹可能更管用。new york value Trump通过强调的是self sacrifice和resilience, 这也是基督教传统价值观鼓励的。
其实共和党加强voter turn out,不用去讨好老墨之类的也能赢。
不过他的道歉是比较"含蓄"的想挽回局面,说很多人被要求道歉过,都没有做,他愿意offer apology...
今天晚上跟几个微信的朋友谈选举 ,都是social认识的,有几个华人都是投票给猪党,一个认为华裔在美国属于弱势群体,还有一个认为自己是低收入的,所以一定要投给猪党,因为猪党是照顾弱势群体和低收入的。还有一个认为trump就是偏激主义,白人至上,上台了就会跟对付穆斯林一样对付我们亚裔,把自己归入非移和穆斯林一组,我也是醉了,这些人都是在国内读完大学来美国的,有个已经来美国很多年了,平时也都是善良的好人
我觉得很可怕的就是:这几个人的想法是不是代表了投票给猪党的大多数人的想法?到底是愚昧还是因为是深蓝州 彻底被洗脑了?
Cruz又忘了一个报告另一个 loan?他是不是故意的啊?
Trump说他的new york apology是wiseguy类型的,很精准,耍小聪明的感觉。
前两天偶然看MSNBC 的post lawrence “last words”,开始一直在讲他和trump之间的近几年的嘴战,trump在twitter上大骂过他,也曾威胁要起诉他,最后说刚收到trump的一封信,开始以为是警告信之类的,打开后,是一张给他的一万美元的个人支票,是捐给他的一个非洲孩子慈善基金的,大受感动,原来trump偶然看见他在节目里播放他的这个慈善基金,看见非洲小孩太可怜了。
trump自己说过,believe me, I have bigger heart than you thought.
Trump 我感觉他有点中国的侠士精神。侠骨柔肠。他ego 很大,但是绝不是恃强凌弱的人。
去翻了下trump的情史八卦,他以后那段出轨的婚姻肯定会又被翻出来八的。他当时不想离婚ivana的,不过Ivana是个有骨气的女人最后还是离了, 看了下第二个老婆maples真是个gold digger,当年在雪山直接对峙大老婆"are you in love with your husband? because I am!!" 后来生孩子也是“unplanned pregnancy”, 看到个八卦说有个reporter还是什么的在trump的聚会里私底下问过trump到底是不是真爱过maples,后不后悔和第一任离婚,trump沉默了几秒钟说他对maples的感情更多的可能是lust,如果他能重新来一次,他不会离开他的family (第一任)。然后后来Tiffany的出生也是,trump没打算跟第二任再生孩子的,但是第二任“不小心”怀孕了。 近几年第二任跑出来参加各种节目,说自己经历了万人瞩目的生活,后来也过过口袋里没钱的生活,说《学徒》上演的时候,看到donald 还会掉眼泪,说和trump结婚的6年是她人生中可能最重要的几年。 他们离婚是因为96年她和她的保镖厮混被trump发现了。 不过trump和第三任开始好像也不是白莲花, 好像和第二任离之前,第三任就频繁被trump提拔,第三任做了好几次plastic surgery, 当然也包括ivanka。 不过trump前3个孩子都很有出息,Tiffany感觉和trump不是特别亲。 感觉trump真不应该和第一任离婚,第一任多能干呀
Ted Cruz Is Guest of Two Gay Businessmen
老有人说Trump 富二代对他的努力很不公平的 !他本人和女儿都是沃顿的,他老姐是大法官,他叔叔是 mit 牛教授。
家族的教育和奋斗怎么那些人看不到, 就看到 100万启动资金了,国内的互联网随便一个天使基金不就有了。
Cruz 没品, 把99年的trump对同性恋的采访放出来证明new York values, 那段采访很得体, 估计伤了超级保守派的心, 但是世界不就是这样的嘛, 为啥女人打胎的权力都没有。
至今还没看过现任出面说话呢, 不过trump 一人目前没问题。 他原配居然结了4次婚, 结婚狂呀 哈哈。
是呀, 100万能到40亿居然很多人不服 。 有点算葡萄的感觉。
我没来美国之前也崇拜西方三权分立民主制度,但是OB的对美国民主的摧毁超越了恐怖分子,OB应该以叛国罪被弹劾并入监。虽然即使没有他,西方这种所谓的玉石珍珠泥沙平等理论也最终会让劣币驱逐良币,但是OB就是给自由落体加上火箭炮, 这次大选媒体极尽一切丑陋的手段抹黑trump,阻止真正爱国和有能力胜任的人领导美国的无耻行为也证明所谓公平就是个笑话。美国先驱建立的文明和民主被这些丑陋的政客利用并背叛,就此没落,真让人痛心,看看欧洲现在的样子和美国那些支持猪党的帮凶们,真的只能求GOD bless america.
周四辩论的poll:Trump Leading Big in Newsmax Debate Poll, Donald Trump was the clear favorite of participants in a Newsmax poll following Thursday's Republican presidential debate.
Here are the results as of Thursday night:
Donald Trump: 80.62 percent
Ted Cruz: 12.63 percent
Marco Rubio: 3.19 percent
Ben Carson: 1.57 percent
John Kasich: 0.79 percent
Chris Christie: 0.65 percent
Jeb Bush: 0.56 percent
To cast your vote click here.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/Donald-Trump-GOP-debate-Newsmax-poll/2016/01/15/id/709554/#ixzz3xOBpP0jF
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
今天的poll:Donald Trump just huaren.used to his highest point yet in a new poll,The poll found that Trump was the top choice of 33% of Republican primary voters. That gave him a 13-point lead over the No. 2. Republican, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who had 20% support. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said Friday he thinks Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president.
As a New Yorker myself, I can confirm what Trump said about conservatives in NY. There are many, many great conservatives up here.
There are a lot of people in NYC who are not flaming liberals. Many of us are becoming more conservative as we see the BS the PC left is doing. By the way, this includes gay people. Plenty of closeted gay conservatives up here, terrified of what the liberals will do to them if it ever comes out that their politics lean right. This is not a joke. Liberals will ostracize them if it comes out.
True. There are many gays who are not "march in line" PC liberals. Many are very patriotic, and want border security, which are 2 very un-PC things. I've met gays like that. Friend of mine is a former Navy guy who is gay. He is one of the most patriotic people I've ever known.
gay里面也有conservative, 其实性取向和政治理念没有直接的联系。政治理念和地域更没直接联系。我还在深蓝的加州呢呢。尽可能团结更多的人,GOP才能取胜。
Trump Supporter Video - EP 4 "The Last Hope for America"
Bill Maher criticizes proponents of allowing Syrian refugees to seek asylum in the United States and Europe on his HBO show Real Time. Maher returned Friday night after a 2 month hiatus. Cornel West, a guest on his panel, and Maher sparred over the threat with West saying the refugees only represent a 'slice' of Muslims in Europe.
Maher said he was opposed to Syrian refugees leaving the region since the beginning and believes "a lot of people are coming around to that position."
When Maher was accused of "indicting" all Muslims as not "peace loving," he responded the problem isn't him indicting some Muslims, it's that no one is indicting any Muslims.
Maher, talking about Trump's ban on Muslim immigrants, acknowledged "this is the one issue that Democrats are going to lose the election on." Maher criticized Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and President Obama for not being able to say "Islamic terrorism."
BILL MAHER: I have to say this is a problem with American thinking, on both sides. It's noble that [Ambassador Christopher Stevens] didn't want a lot of people there because, 'Hi, I'm an American, I'm your friend.' But, insisting that people around the world who are not like us are going to be like us -- this was Bush's mistake in Iraq. Was it not?
'They want freedom.' Well, freedom may not be on the top of their list of what they really want. And I think we saw this recently in Cologne, Germany. When all of the Syrian refugees were going to Europe I wasn't for it. And I think a lot of people are coming around to that position...
If people don't know what happened New Year's Eve in Cologne, Germany, and a number of other cities in Europe, some of these refugees, some of these Muslim men -- and of course we're talking about people who come from very misogynistic cultures. Their cultures are not like ours.
I don't understand why liberals don't stand up for liberal values...
It's not a criminal element unless you are willing to indict the entire society as criminals. There is polling on this. A great many Muslims around the world are for Sharia law. You know what is in Sharia laws. Cutting off the hands for thievery. Putting women to death for adultery. Putting people to death for leaving their religion. Women are not equal citizens. These are not criminal activities in Muslim society, these are activities.
So the idea that when Syrian refugees come to European countries or to America that they are going to completely fit in is a fantasy.
绿教看内涵,是反liberal value的,特别是关于女性平等。liberal支持绿教真让人不解,批个宗教外衣就能蒙混过关了?不翻开里面看看?
[quote] trump的poll新高,昨天出来的他的周四debate poll也是最高 。
但是投票这事其实都是无计名进行的,谁也不知道谁投了谁,谈论归谈论。Trump并不完美,但他的优势在于他说出了白人内心的话,不是表面的话,谈论都是表面的 白人很擅长这套
周围混IT的,金融的。。。。同事,朋友,邻居,我问到的都是 选 Trump. 有意思。
有的两届都没选过了, 恐怖袭击以后决定出来要选他的。
我有一个 亚裔同事,他父母当年选了 08,老年人吗,可以理解,觉得会有更多照顾。 出了 SCA5 以后就决定选共和党了。
"The experience of Western European countries which have ghettos and excluded localities shows that the integration of the Muslim community is practically impossible," Zeman said in a televised interview.
Before Thursday's policy change, Muslim employees were allowed to take five-minute prayer breaks during work. With the new policy, employees cannot take unscheduled breaks in production.