Widow of San Bernardino shooting victim files $58M in claims
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — The widow of a man killed in last month's mass shooting in San Bernardino has filed four claims against the county and is seeking damages totaling $58 million, according to a newspaper report.The claims were filed in late December on behalf of Renee Wetzel, whose 37-year-old husband Michael Wetzel was one of 14 people killed in the attack at the Inland Regional Center, the San Bernardino Sun reported Tuesday (http://huaren.us/1mVweMp).
No other claims stemming from the shootings have been filed against San Bernardino County, spokeswoman Felisa Cardona told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Michael Wetzel, of Lake Arrowhead, worked as a supervising environmental health specialist for the county. He was killed while attending a holiday luncheon and training session for the county health department.
His widow is seeking $3 million from San Bernardino County for loss of wages and $25 million in general damages. She is also seeking $10 million in general damages for each of her three minor children.
The claims, which list the county and 25 unidentified individuals as respondents, alleges Wetzel's death was preventable and caused by negligent, careless actions of the respondents.
Andrew J. Nissen, one of two attorneys representing Renee Wetzel and her children, told the Sun that county officials had yet to respond to the claims. He declined to elaborate about the negligence claims.
County spokesman David Wert said in a statement that the county will carefully consider each claim and act in the best interests of everyone involved.
The FBI called the Dec. 2 shooting the deadliest terror strike on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
The two shooters — county environmental health specialist Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik — were killed in a gun battle with police.
Sanctuary city is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States or Canada that have policies designed to not prosecute illegal aliens. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.[1]
Trump: United States looks more and more like a paper tiger. Won't be that way if I win! 纸老虎,毛泽东也用这个词形容美国,Trump是怎么想起这个词的 PositiveVibe 发表于 1/14/2016 11:39:29 AM
Widow of San Bernardino shooting victim files $58M in claims
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — The widow of a man killed in last month's mass shooting in San Bernardino has filed four claims against the county and is seeking damages totaling $58 million, according to a newspaper report.The claims were filed in late December on behalf of Renee Wetzel, whose 37-year-old husband Michael Wetzel was one of 14 people killed in the attack at the Inland Regional Center, the San Bernardino Sun reported Tuesday (http://huaren.us/1mVweMp).
No other claims stemming from the shootings have been filed against San Bernardino County, spokeswoman Felisa Cardona told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Michael Wetzel, of Lake Arrowhead, worked as a supervising environmental health specialist for the county. He was killed while attending a holiday luncheon and training session for the county health department.
His widow is seeking $3 million from San Bernardino County for loss of wages and $25 million in general damages. She is also seeking $10 million in general damages for each of her three minor children.
The claims, which list the county and 25 unidentified individuals as respondents, alleges Wetzel's death was preventable and caused by negligent, careless actions of the respondents.
Andrew J. Nissen, one of two attorneys representing Renee Wetzel and her children, told the Sun that county officials had yet to respond to the claims. He declined to elaborate about the negligence claims.
County spokesman David Wert said in a statement that the county will carefully consider each claim and act in the best interests of everyone involved.
The FBI called the Dec. 2 shooting the deadliest terror strike on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
The two shooters — county environmental health specialist Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik — were killed in a gun battle with police.
告联邦政府政府可以印钱啊,根本没有作用。县政府还有budget,破产了大家受影响。我们加州很多本地政府非常的liberal。搞什么类似 sanctuary city 这些政策,联邦都管不了。联邦让他们抓人他们放人。当然SB县政府是倒霉了,当地人也倒霉了,但是如果不这样,这些左派长期洗脑的地方没有办法回到中间来。
告联邦政府政府可以印钱啊,根本没有作用。县政府还有budget,破产了大家受影响。我们加州很多本地政府非常的liberal。搞什么类似 sanctuary city 这些政策,联邦都管不了。联邦让他们抓人他们放人。当然SB县政府是倒霉了,当地人也倒霉了,但是如果不这样,这些左派长期洗脑的地方没有办法回到中间来。
哈哈哈,讲Cruz的eligibility的问题了,Cruz说,能不能focus on important issue啊 Eligibility当然是重要问题了,不eligible,idea再好,也不能run啊 好比中国的政治家,再思维敏捷,观点正确,也不能run美国总统啊PositiveVibe 发表于 2016-01-14 21:53 PM
Trump说得好,针对Cruz说的Trump只不过是代表typical New York values,Trump说Cruz这是在insult整个New York市民,想想世贸倒塌后,是这些New Yorkers清理废墟,救助伤员,这就是typical New York values PositiveVibe 发表于 1/14/2016 10:07:06 PM
Trump's use of 9/11 was effective, and he actually was down at the site in the days after the attacks, according to clips from that time. Compare it to Clinton saying she took Wall Street money because she represented the district during 9/11.
IMO, Bloomberg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trump=cruz>>>>>clinton=sanders
恩,已经dump 她了,本来以为她的身份能帮trump助把力,太天真了,猪党选出来共和党讲话的人一定是亲猪党的,妥妥的甩了。
SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) — The widow of a man killed in last month's mass shooting in San Bernardino has filed four claims against the county and is seeking damages totaling $58 million, according to a newspaper report.The claims were filed in late December on behalf of Renee Wetzel, whose 37-year-old husband Michael Wetzel was one of 14 people killed in the attack at the Inland Regional Center, the San Bernardino Sun reported Tuesday (http://huaren.us/1mVweMp).
No other claims stemming from the shootings have been filed against San Bernardino County, spokeswoman Felisa Cardona told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
Michael Wetzel, of Lake Arrowhead, worked as a supervising environmental health specialist for the county. He was killed while attending a holiday luncheon and training session for the county health department.
His widow is seeking $3 million from San Bernardino County for loss of wages and $25 million in general damages. She is also seeking $10 million in general damages for each of her three minor children.
The claims, which list the county and 25 unidentified individuals as respondents, alleges Wetzel's death was preventable and caused by negligent, careless actions of the respondents.
Andrew J. Nissen, one of two attorneys representing Renee Wetzel and her children, told the Sun that county officials had yet to respond to the claims. He declined to elaborate about the negligence claims.
County spokesman David Wert said in a statement that the county will carefully consider each claim and act in the best interests of everyone involved.
The FBI called the Dec. 2 shooting the deadliest terror strike on U.S. soil since Sept. 11, 2001.
The two shooters — county environmental health specialist Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik — were killed in a gun battle with police.
这个link work, 上面那个link应该是MM签完的,打不开,还有下面这个是congress 的请愿,
kate's law有一点我觉得不合适的是:干嘛要将遣返后再次入境的罪犯在联邦监狱关5年啊?应该永远禁止入境才对,关美国监狱还要花纳税人的钱,而且美国监狱现在根本就不够用,过段时间没人知道又被放出来了不是更麻烦? 虽然我很反对非法移民,尤其罪犯,这个请愿的本身提供请愿方式根本不能解决问题啊。
Sanctuary city is a term that is applied by some to cities in the United States or Canada that have policies designed to not prosecute illegal aliens. These practices can be by law (de jure) or they can be by habit (de facto). The term generally applies to cities that do not allow municipal funds or resources to be used to enforce federal immigration laws, usually by not allowing police or municipal employees to inquire about an individual's immigration status. The designation has no legal meaning.[1]
哈哈 他读过毛选吧
Actually right.
Look how funning the gun shop pattern is around the area.
1) 如果美国请中国出面解决,相当于美国承认了中国在亚洲的领导地位,就好比大老板在大家面前说,小老板小王在这方面特别在行,这个问题就交给小老板去解决了吧,小王听了,心里乐滋滋的,相当于在大家面前受到大老板的认可了,然后为了证明自己确实在行,肯定会加倍努力地去把问题给解决了,好证明给大家看。
2) 如果中国确实把北韩问题给解决了,也巩固了中国的政治地位和形象。
3) 中国可以利用解决北韩问题,跟美国在其他问题上讨价还价,相当于手上多了一个筹码。
4) 北韩确实是个需要解决的问题,而且又跟中国离得那么近,除了南韩,最受影响的就是中国,这个反正也要中国来解决的问题,在解决的过程中,能从美国得到些deals,又何乐而不为呢。
5) 中国利用解决北韩问题,增强了国际上的正面形象,属于给自己的加分的行为,如果唯唯诺诺,解决不利,就是大大的减分,所以为了自己,也得把北韩问题给解决了。
恩,trump这个切入点是对的,中国确实是这六方中最关键的角色。就看到时他会怎么做了,他现在是竞选中,话说得满强硬,实际中他是个商人 ,应该知道"deal"的,中国可不像一般的美国小弟那么容易支使,不是一点点小利就请的动的
I think I will go back building buildings if it doesn't work out," Trump says, after Cruz jokes about picking Trump as his vice president.有志气。
Trump's use of 9/11 was effective, and he actually was down at the site in the days after the attacks, according to clips from that time. Compare it to Clinton saying she took Wall Street money because she represented the district during 9/11.