Trump关于video回应的不错: Hillary Clinton lied last week when she said ISIS made a D.T. video. The video that ISIS made was about her husband being a degenerate. Al-Shabbab, not ISIS, just made a video on me - they all will as front-runner & if I speak out against them, which I must. Hillary lied!
这条消息有很多种回应方法,现在他的方式“I got to say what it is right.“回应非常强势,in fact, many world leaders are featured in various terror group videos, so what? 为了不上video和恐怖分子讲和吗?作为一个leader, 应该back down吗?
O’Hare & Midway Airport Police Told to ‘Run and Hide’ During Shootings Nearly 300 aviation police officers, from Chicago Police Department, are not permitted to carry guns at O'Hare and Midway airports. "We're nothing but casualties if you tell us to run and hide. And how can the public look at us if they see police officers running and hiding?"
Owen Kilmer, deputy communications director for the Chicago Aviation Department, said in a statement that with "the current security structure in place, violent crime incidents at O'Hare and Midway airports are extremely low - ensing that the millions of passengers who fly through Chicago each year feel secure at the airports". O'Hare - the third busiest airport in the US - has a budget for 175 armed police officers, around 260 unarmed aviation police and another 170 private security, according to Chicago city records.
蜜蜂很乖: CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked Huckabee to weigh in on the GOP front-runner's recent speech in which he said Democrat Hillary Clinton "got schlonged" in 2008's election. "Well, it's earthy, let's just be blunt," Huckabee said Wednesday morning on CNN's "New Day" when asked about Trump's remarks.
蜜蜂很乖: CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked Huckabee to weigh in on the GOP front-runner's recent speech in which he said Democrat Hillary Clinton "got schlonged" in 2008's election. "Well, it's earthy, let's just be blunt," Huckabee said Wednesday morning on CNN's "New Day" when asked about Trump's remarks.
BREAKING: USGS detects 5.1 magnitude seismic event in N Korea. Location near site of 2013 underground nuclear test 北朝鲜地震了,不是核震吧PositiveVibe 发表于 2016-01-05 23:05 PM
明天 去看trump rally 好鸡冻~~~~ 我们公司不少人从去年8月觉得trump是joke的,渐渐都改变看法了。我门部门头头典型的保守党,几个月前聊到trump的时候还在说trump got a big mouth,现在聊到 说他跟踪了很久trump的言论,要是现在投票,他会选trump了。ginger227 发表于 2016-01-07 11:34 AM
@realDonaldTrump: Massive crowd in VT tonight. Venue not big enough. Officials say NO to outside event and sound system. Arrive early!
明天 去看trump rally 好鸡冻~~~~ 我们公司不少人从去年8月觉得trump是joke的,渐渐都改变看法了。我门部门头头典型的保守党,几个月前聊到trump的时候还在说trump got a big mouth,现在聊到 说他跟踪了很久trump的言论,要是现在投票,他会选trump了。ginger227 发表于 2016-01-07 11:35 AM
我们公司不少人从去年8月觉得trump是joke的,渐渐都改变看法了。我门部门头头典型的保守党,几个月前聊到trump的时候还在说trump got a big mouth,现在聊到 说他跟踪了很久trump的言论,要是现在投票,他会选trump了。 ginger227 发表于 1/7/2016 10:48:10 AM
我们公司不少人从去年8月觉得trump是joke的,渐渐都改变看法了。我门部门头头典型的保守党,几个月前聊到trump的时候还在说trump got a big mouth,现在聊到 说他跟踪了很久trump的言论,要是现在投票,他会选trump了。 ginger227 发表于 1/7/2016 10:48:10 AM 早点进去,好站前排,否则被一堆大脑袋挡着 :)
这个老头真讨厌啊,还嫌非移进来的太少了怎么滴?猪党都是猪脑吃多了 还 " I urge you to immediately cease these raids and not deport families back to countries where a death sentence awaits." 真把自己当非移他妈了。非移自己没有country吗?选的是美国总统不是非移总统?这么为非移着想干脆搬到墨西哥跟非移共建快乐家园吧
这个老头真讨厌啊,还嫌非移进来的太少了怎么滴?猪党都是猪脑吃多了 还 " I urge you to immediately cease these raids and not deport families back to countries where a death sentence awaits." 真把自己当非移他妈了。非移自己没有country吗?选的是美国总统不是非移总统?这么为非移着想干脆搬到墨西哥跟非移共建快乐家园吧
Supply-side economist Arthur Laffer is predicting Republicans will win the White House in a landslide this year, regardless of the nominee.
“I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50,” Laffer told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.“I mean, I think we’re going to landslide this election.”
Laffer, who served in various positions in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations, said he is bullish on the entire Republican primary field.
“When I look at these candidates, I don’t see one of them who wouldn’t do a great job as president,” he said.
“I think Donald Trump is phenomenal, I think Rand Paul has done a great job, I even like Jeb Bush — I think Jeb Bush is great, he did a wonderful job in Florida,” he added. “Chris Christie – phenomenal.”
He said Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton’s “day is over.”
“She would be defeated handily. I don’t think Hillary’s going to win this election no matter whom she runs against,” he said. “I mean, Hillary’s day is over.
“I think she’s a very impressive person, she’s very articulate, very well educated, got a great resume and all of that, but her policies are not good. And it’s about issues, not about people, and her day has gone,” he added.
额滴神,如果共和党能赢47个州,那OB和希拉里是多不得人心啊? Economist: GOP may win 47 states in general election Supply-side economist Arthur Laffer is predicting Republicans will win the White House in a landslide this year, regardless of the nominee. “I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50,” Laffer told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.“I mean, I think we’re going to landslidemangooo26 发表于 2016-01-10 13:24 PM
额滴神,如果共和党能赢47个州,那OB和希拉里是多不得人心啊? Economist: GOP may win 47 states in general election Supply-side economist Arthur Laffer is predicting Republicans will win the White House in a landslide this year, regardless of the nominee. “I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50,” Laffer told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.“I mean, I think we’re going to landslidemangooo26 发表于 2016-01-10 13:26 PM
Hillary Clinton lied last week when she said ISIS made a D.T. video. The video that ISIS made was about her husband being a degenerate.
Al-Shabbab, not ISIS, just made a video on me - they all will as front-runner & if I speak out against them, which I must. Hillary lied!
这条消息有很多种回应方法,现在他的方式“I got to say what it is right.“回应非常强势,in fact, many world leaders are featured in various terror group videos, so what? 为了不上video和恐怖分子讲和吗?作为一个leader, 应该back down吗?
OMG, 捐了好多,除了武器的贸易,还有10万难民的交易呢!
一般工作两三年的都要步入senior了吧,你是初级的程序员 , 那么你周围就算有几个白人玛公,也是刚刚出来学校的了,正符合我提到的第二类。
Read more:
Nearly 300 aviation police officers, from Chicago Police Department, are not permitted to carry guns at O'Hare and Midway airports.
"We're nothing but casualties if you tell us to run and hide. And how can the public look at us if they see police officers running and hiding?"
Owen Kilmer, deputy communications director for the Chicago Aviation Department, said in a statement that with "the current security structure in place, violent crime incidents at O'Hare and Midway airports are extremely low - ensing that the millions of passengers who fly through Chicago each year feel secure at the airports".
O'Hare - the third busiest airport in the US - has a budget for 175 armed police officers, around 260 unarmed aviation police and another 170 private security, according to Chicago city records.
vote 其实并不是选个最好的,更是vote against 最烂的。民主党就是最烂的毒瘤,共和党不是最好,但是今年有了床铺,无脑选他!!!
对于我这种辛苦工作的纳税人来说,不要脸的就是那纳税人血汗钱养非法移民和福利票仓. 不要脸的是那种SCA5来剥夺华人后代受教育的民主党。
Approve: 33%
Disapprove: 62%
哈哈,戒Trump难戒,而且一般new year resolution都是想办但办不成的事
CNN's Alisyn Camerota asked Huckabee to weigh in on the GOP front-runner's recent speech in which he said Democrat Hillary Clinton "got schlonged" in 2008's election.
"Well, it's earthy, let's just be blunt," Huckabee said Wednesday morning on CNN's "New Day" when asked about Trump's remarks.
特米斯科市(Temixco)33岁新科市长莫塔(Gisela Mota)在元旦就任后,次日即遭杀害,后来警方在阿尔普耶卡(Alpuyeca)发现这个埋尸地点。
莫瑞洛斯州(Morelos)资深官员季洛希(MatiasQuiroz Medina)表示,“这次由特米斯科憾事所启动的调查,让我们有新的发现。”
墨西哥当局怀疑,杀害莫塔的凶手为贩毒集团“Los Rojos”,因为她支持一项将州警与市警整合成统一指挥结构的计划。
我们公司不少人从去年8月觉得trump是joke的,渐渐都改变看法了。我门部门头头典型的保守党,几个月前聊到trump的时候还在说trump got a big mouth,现在聊到 说他跟踪了很久trump的言论,要是现在投票,他会选trump了。
明天 rock hill, SC。 7点钟开始,不知道5点到来得及不。
中国肯定有不少leverage, 朝鲜经济根本不能自给,吉林的核辐射是直接影响,更别说这么疯狂的邻居的不安感。唯一不确定的是三胖到底疯狂到什么程度
还 " I urge you to immediately cease these raids and not deport families back to countries where a death sentence awaits." 真把自己当非移他妈了。非移自己没有country吗?选的是美国总统不是非移总统?这么为非移着想干脆搬到墨西哥跟非移共建快乐家园吧
希拉里的邮件丑闻如果发生在天朝,估计早下台了,没准监狱呆着呢!胆大妄为无法无天了,涉及到国家机密,那些没有公布的邮件到底要掩盖些什么见不得光的?居然就由着她耗下去,还堂而皇之的竞选总统,觉得她就凭这一点就该disqualified. 真希望这种人品有问题的政治人物能被剥夺政治权利终生。
Slovakia vows to refuse entry to Muslim migrants
刚从rally 回来, 近距离看trump, 还和他合照了一张, 他还跟我说了两句话,给我签了名
我老公对着他喊能不能和他和他老婆合影, trump看到我了说我老公有个漂亮老婆当然可以, 然后合影后我把rally发的poster递给trump签名, 对他拍了下马屁说我们都爱他, 当时好多人挤啊挤着要签名, 跟他说话, 他跟我说谢谢, 把签名递给我的时候对我笑着说好好照顾我男人哦。。。。就这两句,现场太火爆了
合照就不放了, 嘿嘿, 7点开始, 4点半开门放人, 我们大概3点到的, , 去的时候可能前面有500人吧, 进去的时候都分散了, 很多人选了座位, 我们选了站在演讲台前, 因为离得近, 演讲完他就下来和前排的握手签名了。 一开始就注意到几天新闻报告的那个穆斯林女人, 她也是, 明明知道这个下场, 非要去搞抗议, 然后说群众mean, 人性本来就是这样的, 被激情起来后肯定会起哄的。 又不是每个人都是圣母。
话说我数了一下, 95% 都是白人, 有几个黑人家庭杯邀请到贵宾席针对着媒体, 亚洲人可能不到十来个, 没有见到劳模。
God bless you. Trump 2016
Economist: GOP may win 47 states in general election
Supply-side economist Arthur Laffer is predicting Republicans will win the White House in a landslide this year, regardless of the nominee.
“I would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states out of the 50,” Laffer told host John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on New York’s AM-970 on Sunday.“I mean, I think we’re going to landslide this election.”
Laffer, who served in various positions in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations, said he is bullish on the entire Republican primary field.
“When I look at these candidates, I don’t see one of them who wouldn’t do a great job as president,” he said.
“I think Donald Trump is phenomenal, I think Rand Paul has done a great job, I even like Jeb Bush — I think Jeb Bush is great, he did a wonderful job in Florida,” he added. “Chris Christie – phenomenal.”
He said Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton’s “day is over.”
“She would be defeated handily. I don’t think Hillary’s going to win this election no matter whom she runs against,” he said. “I mean, Hillary’s day is over.
“I think she’s a very impressive person, she’s very articulate, very well educated, got a great resume and all of that, but her policies are not good. And it’s about issues, not about people, and her day has gone,” he added.