今天6个美国人在阿富汗因为恐怖分子自杀式炸弹而丢掉性命,O8有说一句话么? 相反,他最后一次发推,是两天前,为了他的黑同胞,那个帮girl挡子弹的football player。 还有,Hillary有说一句么? 但是,Trump在第一时间关于此事发推。 到底谁更care about this country,不要太明显。
今天6个美国人在阿富汗因为恐怖分子自杀式炸弹而丢掉性命,O8有说一句话么? 相反,他最后一次发推,是两天前,为了他的黑同胞,那个帮girl挡子弹的football player。 还有,Hillary有说一句么? 但是,Trump在第一时间关于此事发推。 到底谁更care about this country,不要太明显。 PositiveVibe 发表于 12/23/2015 2:36:06 AM
Don Lemon: CNN Anchor Ends Interview After Guest's Comments About Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Kurt Schlichter was invited on Lemon's show to discuss Donald Trump's comments about Hillary Clinton. Schlichter began referencing former President Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky. 果然,媒体炒这个只会backfire Hilary, 人类八卦本性。。。 Don Lemon had a pair of guests on his CNN program Tuesday to discuss Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Barack Obama back in the 2008 Democratic primary. He was hoping to have a conversation as to whether it was presidential for Trump to say, “[Clinton] was going to beat [Obama,] she was favored to win, and she got schlonged.”
However, his guest Kurt Schlichter instead was determined to bring up President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. “t’s gonna take a lot more for me to get upset at a woman who enabled a guy who turned the Oval Office into a frat house and his intern into a humidor,” he quipped. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/frustrated-don-lemon-cuts-segment-short-after-070117557.html
Don Lemon: CNN Anchor Ends Interview After Guest's Comments About Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky Kurt Schlichter was invited on Lemon's show to discuss Donald Trump's comments about Hillary Clinton. Schlichter began referencing former President Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky. 果然,媒体炒这个只会backfire Hilary, 人类八卦本性。。。 Don Lemon had a pair of guests on his CNN program Tuesday to discuss Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Barack Obama back in the 2008 Democratic primary. He was hoping to have a conversation as to whether it was presidential for Trump to say, “[Clinton] was going to beat [Obama,] she was favored to win, and she got schlonged.”
However, his guest Kurt Schlichter instead was determined to bring up President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. “t’s gonna take a lot more for me to get upset at a woman who enabled a guy who turned the Oval Office into a frat house and his intern into a humidor,” he quipped. https://www.yahoo.com/tv/frustrated-don-lemon-cuts-segment-short-after-070117557.html
昨天那个小女孩的event果然被call out了: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump The Hillary Clinton staged event yesterday was pathetic. Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.
Trump's tweet: The @washingtonpost, which is the lobbyist (power) for not imposing taxes on #Amazon, today did a nasty cartoon attacking @tedcruz kids. Bad
连Bernie都在谈这个,太欢乐了: Watch as Bernie Sanders mocks Donald J. Trump's comment about Hillary Clinton using the restroom during the most recent #DemDebate... "I also went to the bathroom...!" http://cnn.it/1QHRUIV
Trump's tweet: The @washingtonpost, which is the lobbyist (power) for not imposing taxes on #Amazon, today did a nasty cartoon attacking @tedcruz kids. Bad
小蜜蜂说:Whether you agree w him, 1 reason I respect Trump: he doesnt pretend w his principles or change his message depending on location/audience. PositiveVibe 发表于 12/23/2015 12:54:56 PM
在法国恐袭前,公开展示法国国旗都会被认为是极右的行为。一个国家太左了,就连基本的patriotic都会被忽视。极左的逻辑是why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong. 他们说不定觉得这几个士兵是自找的,是活该。
小蜜蜂说:Whether you agree w him, 1 reason I respect Trump: he doesnt pretend w his principles or change his message depending on location/audience. PositiveVibe 发表于 12/23/2015 12:54:56 PM 小蜜蜂当副总统的了。
在法国恐袭前,公开展示法国国旗都会被认为是极右的行为。一个国家太左了,就连基本的patriotic都会被忽视。极左的逻辑是why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong. 他们说不定觉得这几个士兵是自找的,是活该。
一个左逼的评论: spitthemintheface 1 hour ago If they had stayed at home,they would have been alive.Instead of work in a factory,they chose to make living killing men,women and children in a foreign country.No use crying now.Pull out others while they are alive,or you will,probably, be crying after them too.
一个左逼的评论: spitthemintheface 1 hour ago If they had stayed at home,they would have been alive.Instead of work in a factory,they chose to make living killing men,women and children in a foreign country.No use crying now.Pull out others while they are alive,or you will,probably, be crying after them too. luckyso 发表于 12/23/2015 2:29:55 PM
一个左逼的评论: spitthemintheface 1 hour ago If they had stayed at home,they would have been alive.Instead of work in a factory,they chose to make living killing men,women and children in a foreign country.No use crying now.Pull out others while they are alive,or you will,probably, be crying after them too. luckyso 发表于 12/23/2015 2:29:55 PM
David Cameron: UK Prime Minister Asked to Intervene After Muslim Family Stopped From Disneyland Trip Member of Parliament Stella Creasy wrote to Cameron asking him to press U.S. officials for an explanation for refusing to allow a British Muslim family of 11 to board a flight to visit Disneyland. UK小清新又发病了,美国DHS你英国管的着吗?还要国家干什么?每年在机场turn away的不知道有多少,也不知道有多少穆斯林进入了美国没问题。又拿出children来说事,干涉别国内政啊?
David Cameron: UK Prime Minister Asked to Intervene After Muslim Family Stopped From Disneyland Trip Member of Parliament Stella Creasy wrote to Cameron asking him to press U.S. officials for an explanation for refusing to allow a British Muslim family of 11 to board a flight to visit Disneyland. UK小清新又发病了,美国DHS你英国管的着吗?还要国家干什么?每年在机场turn away的不知道有多少,也不知道有多少穆斯林进入了美国没问题。又拿出children来说事,干涉别国内政啊?luckyso 发表于 2015-12-23 16:43 PM
David Cameron: UK Prime Minister Asked to Intervene After Muslim Family Stopped From Disneyland Trip Member of Parliament Stella Creasy wrote to Cameron asking him to press U.S. officials for an explanation for refusing to allow a British Muslim family of 11 to board a flight to visit Disneyland. UK小清新又发病了,美国DHS你英国管的着吗?还要国家干什么?每年在机场turn away的不知道有多少,也不知道有多少穆斯林进入了美国没问题。又拿出children来说事,干涉别国内政啊? luckyso 发表于 12/23/2015 4:34:42 PM 这些国家就是被美国惯出毛病来了,这事搁中国人身上,估计啥话也不敢说,看看每年多少签证被拒的,还用的着给你啥理由?想去人家国家,人家当然有权利决定让不让你去
Trump第一次说穆斯林庆祝9/11,是在11-21-15在Birmingham, AL的speech,那场因为刚提出来,没有说很多,说的是,他要在某些清真寺进行监视,因为他说他看见在Jersey City, NJ,有thousands of people were cheering。 然后11-22-15在This Week的电话访谈里,他说,it was on TV. 11-23-15的Ohio的speech,他说people in fairly large number celebrating in NJ,然后拿出了9-18-01的华盛顿邮报记录,上面刊登了关于事发当天庆祝的新闻,并且文章里说警察抓了一些人,所以这和一些站出来的警察所说的证词相符,关于警察所说的之前我已经发过链接了,你自己翻帖吧。并且,他说,在媒体说找不到证据以后,很多人都在twitter上站出来说证实亲眼看到有穆斯林庆祝。 11-28-15在Sarasota, FL的speech,他说了,不仅NJ,而且worldwide的一些穆斯林。 之后的speech他也说了同样的,就不一一列举了。
小蜜蜂说:Whether you agree w him, 1 reason I respect Trump: he doesnt pretend w his principles or change his message depending on location/audience. PositiveVibe 发表于 12/23/2015 12:54:56 PM
8个是被逮捕的,但报道里面用的词描绘的是“Swarms”。这只是一个来源,还有其他的若干报道,You have to add up all of the contemporaneous news reports. You are Donald Trump. You are taking in all the news during that awful week. Trump simply put this together. And it's 14 years ago. New York Post:
Here in New York, it was easy to get angry listening to Egyptians, Palestinians and the Arabs of nearby Paterson, N.J., celebrate as they received word of the murderous attack in New York and Washington. But Mayor Giuliani (who has been tireless and magnificent in this crisis) rightly warned New Yorker-ers that is would be wrong to take their anger our on the city’s Arab and Muslim residents. Attacks on Arab-Americans in Paterson or elsewhere are utterly indefensible.
You hear radio news reports about Muslims celebrations. MTV runs a news report about Muslim celebrations. Retired police captain, Peter Gallagher, said he cleared a rooftop celebration of 20 to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with an unobstructed view of Lower Manhattan, in the hours after the second tower fell. … Knight was one of two Tonnele Avenue residents who said they witnessed a crowd celebrating on John F. Kennedy Boulevard not far from Masjid Al-Salam, the mosque where Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the “blind sheikh,” preached before the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. … Numerous people called police to report an exultant crowd on the roof of 2801 John F. Kennedy Blvd., a distinctive, five-story apartment building at the intersection of Sip Avenue, said retired officer Arthur Teeter, who worked in the radio room at police headquarters on Sept. 11. … Three additional officers who remain on the Jersey City force said they witnessed small groups of Muslim celebrants on Sept. 11, but they would not speak for attribution, citing a department policy that prohibits media interviews. … Eleven other officers claimed to have been witnesses to celebrations in postings on Facebook after Trump resurrected the issue, but they either declined to speak for attribution or did not return calls seeking comment. From all of those news reports, it is perfectly reasonable and nothing close to lying to put together a picture of “thousands”. 最后一次反驳了,如果你还认为Trump是撒谎胡编,那就随你了。你如果认为基本事实正确,不排除有所夸大,那你和很多人想法一致。
嘿嘿, Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Hillary said "I really deplore the tone and inflammatory rhetoric of his campaign." I deplore the death and destruction she caused-stupidity
那个英国穆斯林去迪斯尼不让入境的真相了? The officials said they are concerned at the way the denied boarding is being portrayed as an anti-Muslim move, and they denied that religion played any part in the decision.
A check by CNN on Wednesday of traveling family members on the UK Electoral Roll showed an email address associated with 18-year-old Hamza Mahmood that links to a suspicious Facebook page.
The page appears to belong to a Birmingham resident with a similar name, whose occupation is listed as Supervisor at Taliban and Leader at al-Qaeda.
When asked by reporters about the Facebook link, the family said the email listed on the electoral roll is incorrect, missing some characters, and that the son lives in London, not Birmingham.
Mohammad Mahmood confirmed his son Hamza was part of the trip, and he told CNN the family had no knowledge of the Facebook page until asked about it by a reporter.
那个英国穆斯林去迪斯尼不让入境的真相了? The officials said they are concerned at the way the denied boarding is being portrayed as an anti-Muslim move, and they denied that religion played any part in the decision.
A check by CNN on Wednesday of traveling family members on the UK Electoral Roll showed an email address associated with 18-year-old Hamza Mahmood that links to a suspicious Facebook page.
The page appears to belong to a Birmingham resident with a similar name, whose occupation is listed as Supervisor at Taliban and Leader at al-Qaeda.
When asked by reporters about the Facebook link, the family said the email listed on the electoral roll is incorrect, missing some characters, and that the son lives in London, not Birmingham.
Mohammad Mahmood confirmed his son Hamza was part of the trip, and he told CNN the family had no knowledge of the Facebook page until asked about it by a reporter.
Bernie人品比希拉里强,不过他的设想是不可能的。别人不知道,难道我们中国人不知道? 不过Bernie现在学乖了,发现说Trump能赢得媒体时间,最近一直在批评Trump,果然就上CNN了。以前CNN基本不报道Bernie Bernie Sanders says Donald J. Trump makes "bombastic" and "silly" remarks because they get media coverage. Hear his interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." More: http://cnn.it/1Se7hId
Bernie人品比希拉里强,不过他的设想是不可能的。别人不知道,难道我们中国人不知道? 不过Bernie现在学乖了,发现说Trump能赢得媒体时间,最近一直在批评Trump,果然就上CNN了。以前CNN基本不报道Bernie Bernie Sanders says Donald J. Trump makes "bombastic" and "silly" remarks because they get media coverage. Hear his interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." More: http://cnn.it/1Se7hId
我估计他们回家躺床上都想笑,又是翻历史,又是请专家,还要采访每个人的想法,就为了一个单词。。。这次是CNN发起,Washington post 接过大旗,最后Trump解释澄清,希拉里有苦难言,媒体自high一天,老百姓欢度圣诞
trump想让它们高潮就高潮。Trump没想让它们高潮他们也high 个半死。Trump只好说,怪我咯!?
我也只看了tweets, 你要不说我都不知道。媒体是避重就轻。我估计到普选时会好些,特别是fox
相反,他最后一次发推,是两天前,为了他的黑同胞,那个帮girl挡子弹的football player。
到底谁更care about this country,不要太明显。
Kurt Schlichter was invited on Lemon's show to discuss Donald Trump's comments about Hillary Clinton. Schlichter began referencing former President Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky.
果然,媒体炒这个只会backfire Hilary, 人类八卦本性。。。
Don Lemon had a pair of guests on his CNN program Tuesday to discuss Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s recent comments about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s loss to President Barack Obama back in the 2008 Democratic primary. He was hoping to have a conversation as to whether it was presidential for Trump to say, “[Clinton] was going to beat [Obama,] she was favored to win, and she got schlonged.”
However, his guest Kurt Schlichter instead was determined to bring up President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky. “t’s gonna take a lot more for me to get upset at a woman who enabled a guy who turned the Oval Office into a frat house and his intern into a humidor,” he quipped.
Bill O'Reilly @oreillyfactor
CNN's Lemon leaps to defend 'serial sexual abuser' Bill Clinton
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
The Hillary Clinton staged event yesterday was pathetic. Be careful Hillary as you play the war on women or women being degraded card.
说这话的那人还不是Trump supporter:
Watch as Bernie Sanders mocks Donald J. Trump's comment about Hillary Clinton using the restroom during the most recent #DemDebate... "I also went to the bathroom...!" http://cnn.it/1QHRUIV
在法国恐袭前,公开展示法国国旗都会被认为是极右的行为。一个国家太左了,就连基本的patriotic都会被忽视。极左的逻辑是why do we kill people who kill people to show killing people is wrong. 他们说不定觉得这几个士兵是自找的,是活该。
spitthemintheface 1 hour ago
If they had stayed at home,they would have been alive.Instead of work in a factory,they chose to make living killing men,women and children in a foreign country.No use crying now.Pull out others while they are alive,or you will,probably, be crying after them too.
Trump dominates GOP field heading into 2016
Member of Parliament Stella Creasy wrote to Cameron asking him to press U.S. officials for an explanation for refusing to allow a British Muslim family of 11 to board a flight to visit Disneyland.
UK小清新又发病了,美国DHS你英国管的着吗?还要国家干什么?每年在机场turn away的不知道有多少,也不知道有多少穆斯林进入了美国没问题。又拿出children来说事,干涉别国内政啊?
不厚道的说一句,英国就是欠炸,自己的穆斯林聚居区警察都不敢去,跑到这来屁屁美国。DHS好歹还是干活的,如果他们放进来恐怖分子就被骂,丢工作。你当恐怖分子都把标志贴在脑门上啊,可不就是有疑虑就不让进吗。所有移民事务的原则都是guilty until proven innocent。圣母不懂法律真可笑。
https://t.co/kW4pnXqi2T https://t.co/PeDylRXavW
哪有说话大喘气,一个礼拜以后才解释清楚自己想说的是什么?即便一次说不清楚, 给2,3次机会也能说清楚了吧? 尤其是在自己的Rally, 就他一个人说,没人插口,没人打断,一口气说清楚很难么?
从说在电视上看到Jersey City有上千人庆祝,转变为”fairly large number celebrating in NJ“,再转口到“all over the world",这也就是骗骗那些没有短性记忆的人。
第二次,电话采访,主持人问他有看到在庆祝?他说,有,在电视上,你看看前面发的youtube链接就是当时一段播报庆祝的新闻。但是,他所说的在电视上,是说确实在电视上看到有人庆祝了,而有些人却非要把thousands以及on TV连在同一句话里。
我已经说了,我觉得跟你说话,非常浪费时间,因为你这人没有common sense,没有逻辑性,没有决策能力,没有前瞻性,没有战略性,就会胡搅蛮缠,没礼搅理,钻牛角尖,从你说没有记录,就证明没有说过,我就知道没有再跟你讨论的必要了,有些话别人说得很清楚,但是有些人缺乏理解能力,缺乏判断能力,那就不用跟这些人白费口舌了。
如果最后是希拉里和TRUMP对阵,那就只能选lesser of two evils。目前看来是Trump。不过我们州我投不投票无所谓。早就定了要选谁了。
actually don't judge
去看看左媒新闻下面的评论就知道讨厌trump的人不少,因为他们关注点真的不同。这些更在乎PC, "大爱"之类的,而不是客观去衡量一个人的做事能力。trump有些红脖子支持者也不给他长脸,我不是指这个论坛,而是那些真正的美国红脖子白人
New York Post: You hear radio news reports about Muslims celebrations. MTV runs a news report about Muslim celebrations. Retired police captain, Peter Gallagher, said he cleared a rooftop celebration of 20 to 30 people at 6 Tonnele Ave., a four-story apartment building with an unobstructed view of Lower Manhattan, in the hours after the second tower fell. … Knight was one of two Tonnele Avenue residents who said they witnessed a crowd celebrating on John F. Kennedy Boulevard not far from Masjid Al-Salam, the mosque where Omar Abdel-Rahman, known as the “blind sheikh,” preached before the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. … Numerous people called police to report an exultant crowd on the roof of 2801 John F. Kennedy Blvd., a distinctive, five-story apartment building at the intersection of Sip Avenue, said retired officer Arthur Teeter, who worked in the radio room at police headquarters on Sept. 11. … Three additional officers who remain on the Jersey City force said they witnessed small groups of Muslim celebrants on Sept. 11, but they would not speak for attribution, citing a department policy that prohibits media interviews. … Eleven other officers claimed to have been witnesses to celebrations in postings on Facebook after Trump resurrected the issue, but they either declined to speak for attribution or did not return calls seeking comment. From all of those news reports, it is perfectly reasonable and nothing close to lying to put together a picture of “thousands”. 最后一次反驳了,如果你还认为Trump是撒谎胡编,那就随你了。你如果认为基本事实正确,不排除有所夸大,那你和很多人想法一致。
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Hillary said "I really deplore the tone and inflammatory rhetoric of his campaign." I deplore the death and destruction she caused-stupidity
The officials said they are concerned at the way the denied boarding is being portrayed as an anti-Muslim move, and they denied that religion played any part in the decision.
A check by CNN on Wednesday of traveling family members on the UK Electoral Roll showed an email address associated with 18-year-old Hamza Mahmood that links to a suspicious Facebook page.
The page appears to belong to a Birmingham resident with a similar name, whose occupation is listed as Supervisor at Taliban and Leader at al-Qaeda.
When asked by reporters about the Facebook link, the family said the email listed on the electoral roll is incorrect, missing some characters, and that the son lives in London, not Birmingham.
Mohammad Mahmood confirmed his son Hamza was part of the trip, and he told CNN the family had no knowledge of the Facebook page until asked about it by a reporter.
这个社会主义候选人倡议这也免费那也免费, 谁还想工作呢?
Bernie Sanders says Donald J. Trump makes "bombastic" and "silly" remarks because they get media coverage. Hear his interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." More: http://cnn.it/1Se7hId
最新捷径,包头信阿拉,先飞去叙利亚再徒步土耳其,跨过爱琴海到希腊,那么多左 a&c之间的国家任选人挑还包食宿,偷砸暴抢警察不抓。
还有一点就是那些国家都移民难,是个封闭系统。美国是open border, 墨墨中美洲随便进,根本承受不起。
Sanders says he’s "very disturbed" by deportation reports http://bloom.bg/1YAvLR3
wait, 你可能就是吃福利的吧,人家根本不要你。
出发点不相同没关系,这属于valid point,聆听不同观点,但是只要不睁眼说瞎话,黑的说成白的,还死不认,put words in other's mouth,就还可以继续讨论,不管是红脖子蓝脖子还是金脖子
As negative ads pile up in Iowa, @tedcruz plots a bigger footprint http://cnn.it/1MywqWI
审查老巫婆的邮件门有没有个due date啊?不能就这么着脚踩西瓜皮滑到哪是哪的无限期的查下去让她逍遥法外吧?