Barbara Walters interviewed the people that she and Hollywood value as the 10 most fascinating people of 2015: Jeff Bezos Bradley Cooper Misty Copeland Caitlyn Jenner Donna Karan Tracy Morgan Ronda Rousa Bernie Sanders Amy Schumer Donald Trump
Blaine, Minnesota: Inclusion of Ramadan Song at High School's Holiday Concert Prompts Complaints Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert
Lawmakers: Remove Donald Trump’s name from NY state park
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An undeveloped, languishing New York state park named after Donald Trump should be renamed, two state legislators said Thursday, citing what they say are discriminatory proposals from the Republican presidential candidate.
Sen. Daniel Squadron and Assemblyman Charles Lavine, both Democrats, said they will introduce legislation they’re calling the “Anything but Trump Act” and want Gov. Andrew Cuomo to remove signs for the 440-acre site in Westchester County. The legislation comes after Trump proposed banning Muslim immigrants from the U.S.
Trump donated the land to the state in 2006 after plans for a golf course fell through. Budget cuts prompted the state to close the park in 2010, though signs for it remain.
Lavine, of Long Island, suggests the state rename the park for Peter Salem, a Muslim Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts who fought in battles in New York state. Other suggestions include folk singer and activist Pete Seeger.
“The rhetoric and discriminatory proposals we’ve seen from Mr. Trump don’t belong in the presidential election, and don’t belong in New York state parks,” said Squadron, of Brooklyn. “He has dishonored the state, and should not be honored with a state park named for him.”
A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign responded by calling the park “a $100 million gift to the state.”
“Mr. Trump is the front-runner for president of the United States of the Republican Party,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks said. “He is a proud resident of New York who employs thousands of people. The state cannot remove his name.”
Hicks also provided a statement from Trump in which he said, “If they want, they can give me the land back.”
Lawmakers: Remove Donald Trump’s name from NY state park
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An undeveloped, languishing New York state park named after Donald Trump should be renamed, two state legislators said Thursday, citing what they say are discriminatory proposals from the Republican presidential candidate.
Sen. Daniel Squadron and Assemblyman Charles Lavine, both Democrats, said they will introduce legislation they’re calling the “Anything but Trump Act” and want Gov. Andrew Cuomo to remove signs for the 440-acre site in Westchester County. The legislation comes after Trump proposed banning Muslim immigrants from the U.S.
Trump donated the land to the state in 2006 after plans for a golf course fell through. Budget cuts prompted the state to close the park in 2010, though signs for it remain.
Lavine, of Long Island, suggests the state rename the park for Peter Salem, a Muslim Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts who fought in battles in New York state. Other suggestions include folk singer and activist Pete Seeger.
“The rhetoric and discriminatory proposals we’ve seen from Mr. Trump don’t belong in the presidential election, and don’t belong in New York state parks,” said Squadron, of Brooklyn. “He has dishonored the state, and should not be honored with a state park named for him.”
A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign responded by calling the park “a $100 million gift to the state.”
“Mr. Trump is the front-runner for president of the United States of the Republican Party,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks said. “He is a proud resident of New York who employs thousands of people. The state cannot remove his name.”
Hicks also provided a statement from Trump in which he said, “If they want, they can give me the land back.” luckyso 发表于 12/18/2015 1:01:18 PM
"It is very difficult for us to detect lone wolf plots or plots involving a husband and wife, in this case, because despite the incredible vigilance of our law enforcement and homeland security, it's not that different from us trying to detect the next mass shooter. You don't always see it," he said.
There are limits, the President said, to the government's ability to monitor private communications between individuals, including those looking to commit terror attacks against the U.S.
"If you have a private communications between two individuals, that's harder to discern, by definition," Obama said, emphasizing that law enforcement and intelligence professionals are "constantly monitoring" public posts, and that such probes are part of the visa review process.
But, he added, "We're going to have to recognize that no government is going to have the capacity to read every single person's texts or emails or social media."
The internal warfare exploded after the DNC cut off Sanders from the database and said the Vermont senator's presidential campaign exploited a software error to improperly access confidential voter information collected by Hillary Clinton's team.
The internal warfare exploded after the DNC cut off Sanders from the database and said the Vermont senator's presidential campaign exploited a software error to improperly access confidential voter information collected by Hillary Clinton's team.
JUST IN: Bernie Sanders' campaign has filed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee over a "breach of contract," in attempt to regain access to Democratic voter data. 老头加油!
JUST IN: Bernie Sanders' campaign has filed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee over a "breach of contract," in attempt to regain access to Democratic voter data. 老头加油! luckyso 发表于 12/18/2015 5:48:20 PM
Lawmakers: Remove Donald Trump’s name from NY state park
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An undeveloped, languishing New York state park named after Donald Trump should be renamed, two state legislators said Thursday, citing what they say are discriminatory proposals from the Republican presidential candidate.
Sen. Daniel Squadron and Assemblyman Charles Lavine, both Democrats, said they will introduce legislation they’re calling the “Anything but Trump Act” and want Gov. Andrew Cuomo to remove signs for the 440-acre site in Westchester County. The legislation comes after Trump proposed banning Muslim immigrants from the U.S.
Trump donated the land to the state in 2006 after plans for a golf course fell through. Budget cuts prompted the state to close the park in 2010, though signs for it remain.
Lavine, of Long Island, suggests the state rename the park for Peter Salem, a Muslim Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts who fought in battles in New York state. Other suggestions include folk singer and activist Pete Seeger.
“The rhetoric and discriminatory proposals we’ve seen from Mr. Trump don’t belong in the presidential election, and don’t belong in New York state parks,” said Squadron, of Brooklyn. “He has dishonored the state, and should not be honored with a state park named for him.”
A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign responded by calling the park “a $100 million gift to the state.”
“Mr. Trump is the front-runner for president of the United States of the Republican Party,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks said. “He is a proud resident of New York who employs thousands of people. The state cannot remove his name.”
Hicks also provided a statement from Trump in which he said, “If they want, they can give me the land back.” luckyso 发表于 12/18/2015 1:01:18 PM
已经解决了。。。这是在一起演戏吗? Washington (CNN)[Breaking news update, Saturday 12:10 a.m. ET] A deal has been reached between the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Democratic National Committee to allow the campaign to regain access to voter files, Sanders' spokesman Michael Briggs told CNN.
@MichaelCohen212: Do you think it is right that the #POTUS Is taking off for vacation on the #USA $ when the country and world is in turmoil? #disgraceful
@MichaelCohen212: Do you think it is right that the #POTUS Is taking off for vacation on the #USA $ when the country and world is in turmoil? #disgraceful 唐伯虎点蚊香 发表于 12/19/2015 11:35:53 AM
Hillary Clinton Calls for Tech Partnership Similar to World War II Initiative in Debate During the Democratic debate Saturday night, Clinton said tech companies need to work closely with government to create a "Manhattan-like project” to combat terrorist encryption. Manhattan project是造nuclear weapon的。。。无语了。。。
Hillary Clinton Says She Wants a Manhattan Project for Encryption. The Fuck? Hillary Clinton suggested that tech companies work together with the government to create a “a Manhattan-like project” at tonight’s Democratic national debate. The Manhattan Project, if you a need a refresher, was a research and development collaboration between the US, UK, and Canada to develop weapons during World War II, culminating in the development of the atomic bomb. It was initially a secret military project. Over a hundred civilians died working on it. Uh. Clinton also said that she did not want to force tech companies to provide back doors. “I would not want to go to that point,” Clinton said. “Maybe the backdoor isn’t the right door,” she continued, emphasizing that she trusted Apple and other companies on the problem with the idea of encrypted tech. “I don’t know enough about the technology to say what it is,” Clinton said. “But I have a lot of confidence.” “I believe we should never give up our privacy,” O’Malley said, before proposing more or less exactly what Clinton said.
几个有搞笑的评论: Hillary wants a Manhattan project to break encryption and everyone‘s privacy and secure transactions... Scary!
Crazy asshole running for President declares nuclear war on the internet. And this time the crazy asshole isn't Donald Trump. Classy, Shillary. And this coming from someone who "wipes servers" with a cloth. Way to set the bar even lower than the GOP.
Security hackers, this might be a good opportunity for you if you are looking for a job.
@MichaelCohen212: Do you think it is right that the #POTUS Is taking off for vacation on the #USA $ when the country and world is in turmoil? #disgraceful 唐伯虎点蚊香 发表于 12/19/2015 11:35:53 AM
dem debate看了看Twitter,好无聊 luckyso 发表于 12/19/2015 11:57:52 PM
是的,陈词滥调,我都想不出希拉里的脸皮怎么能那么厚,评论里被骂的妈都没脸认,还好意思攻击Trump是ISIS ‘s best recruiter 真是人至贱则无敌!Were you born this stupid or did it require graduate courses? either way, you win.
@realDonaldTrump: Hillary Clinton lied when she said that "ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool." This was fact checked by @FoxNews: FALSE
Trump's tweet: President Obama spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747.
@realDonaldTrump: Hillary Clinton lied when she said that "ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool." This was fact checked by @FoxNews: FALSE
唐伯虎点蚊香 发表于 12/20/2015 9:14:54 AM
像她说Benghazi是由video引起的一样,穆斯林都是因为一个视频或一句话就极端化去杀人了, that's an insult to regular muslims
Trump's tweet: President Obama spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747.
12.4 k likes PositiveVibe 发表于 12/20/2015 10:00:28 AM
lol。so true, he should have biked to LA to do the interview. Oh wait, walking may be even healthier.
Hollywood value as the 10 most fascinating people of 2015:
Jeff Bezos
Bradley Cooper
Misty Copeland
Caitlyn Jenner
Donna Karan
Tracy Morgan
Ronda Rousa
Bernie Sanders
Amy Schumer
Donald Trump
最后选了Caitlyn Jenner!
Parents Question Choice To Sing 'Allahu Akbar' At Holiday Concert
穆斯林多了,大家节日歌会都要唱 'Allahu Akbar' 了。。。
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — An undeveloped, languishing New York state park named after Donald Trump should be renamed, two state legislators said Thursday, citing what they say are discriminatory proposals from the Republican presidential candidate.
Sen. Daniel Squadron and Assemblyman Charles Lavine, both Democrats, said they will introduce legislation they’re calling the “Anything but Trump Act” and want Gov. Andrew Cuomo to remove signs for the 440-acre site in Westchester County. The legislation comes after Trump proposed banning Muslim immigrants from the U.S.
Trump donated the land to the state in 2006 after plans for a golf course fell through. Budget cuts prompted the state to close the park in 2010, though signs for it remain.
Lavine, of Long Island, suggests the state rename the park for Peter Salem, a Muslim Revolutionary War soldier from Massachusetts who fought in battles in New York state. Other suggestions include folk singer and activist Pete Seeger.
“The rhetoric and discriminatory proposals we’ve seen from Mr. Trump don’t belong in the presidential election, and don’t belong in New York state parks,” said Squadron, of Brooklyn. “He has dishonored the state, and should not be honored with a state park named for him.”
A spokeswoman for Trump’s campaign responded by calling the park “a $100 million gift to the state.”
“Mr. Trump is the front-runner for president of the United States of the Republican Party,” spokeswoman Hope Hicks said. “He is a proud resident of New York who employs thousands of people. The state cannot remove his name.”
Hicks also provided a statement from Trump in which he said, “If they want, they can give me the land back.”
@POTUS says closing Gitmo is part of counter terrorism strategy.
民主党阵营出了啥事了?刚才看了一眼CNN, 好像Sanders那边发言人说什么DNC数据泄露,指责希拉里那边人运用了不法手段,扬言要诉诸法律。
What's wrong?
"It is very difficult for us to detect lone wolf plots or plots involving a husband and wife, in this case, because despite the incredible vigilance of our law enforcement and homeland security, it's not that different from us trying to detect the next mass shooter. You don't always see it," he said.
There are limits, the President said, to the government's ability to monitor private communications between individuals, including those looking to commit terror attacks against the U.S.
"If you have a private communications between two individuals, that's harder to discern, by definition," Obama said, emphasizing that law enforcement and intelligence professionals are "constantly monitoring" public posts, and that such probes are part of the visa review process.
But, he added, "We're going to have to recognize that no government is going to have the capacity to read every single person's texts or emails or social media."
DNC不让Sanders 获得数据。说是他的人偷看希拉里的数据。
The internal warfare exploded after the DNC cut off Sanders from the database and said the Vermont senator's presidential campaign exploited a software error to improperly access confidential voter information collected by Hillary Clinton's team.
这事。。十有八九是桑德斯被希拉里set up 了。桑德斯这老头是个理想主义者,老实人,他玩不过希拉里的
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.
做过lucent的CEO, 一样的disater
A deal has been reached between the Bernie Sanders campaign and the Democratic National Committee to allow the campaign to regain access to voter files, Sanders' spokesman Michael Briggs told CNN.
During the Democratic debate Saturday night, Clinton said tech companies need to work closely with government to create a "Manhattan-like project” to combat terrorist encryption.
Manhattan project是造nuclear weapon的。。。无语了。。。
Hillary Clinton suggested that tech companies work together with the government to create a “a Manhattan-like project” at tonight’s Democratic national debate.
The Manhattan Project, if you a need a refresher, was a research and development collaboration between the US, UK, and Canada to develop weapons during World War II, culminating in the development of the atomic bomb. It was initially a secret military project. Over a hundred civilians died working on it.
Clinton also said that she did not want to force tech companies to provide back doors. “I would not want to go to that point,” Clinton said.
“Maybe the backdoor isn’t the right door,” she continued, emphasizing that she trusted Apple and other companies on the problem with the idea of encrypted tech.
“I don’t know enough about the technology to say what it is,” Clinton said. “But I have a lot of confidence.”
“I believe we should never give up our privacy,” O’Malley said, before proposing more or less exactly what Clinton said.
Crazy asshole running for President declares nuclear war on the internet. And this time the crazy asshole isn't Donald Trump. Classy, Shillary. And this coming from someone who "wipes servers" with a cloth. Way to set the bar even lower than the GOP.
Security hackers, this might be a good opportunity for you if you are looking for a job.
是的,陈词滥调,我都想不出希拉里的脸皮怎么能那么厚,评论里被骂的妈都没脸认,还好意思攻击Trump是ISIS ‘s best recruiter 真是人至贱则无敌!Were you born this stupid or did it require graduate courses? either way, you win.
@realDonaldTrump: Hillary Clinton lied when she said that "ISIS is using video of Donald Trump as a recruiting tool." This was fact checked by @FoxNews: FALSE
12.4 k likes
像她说Benghazi是由video引起的一样,穆斯林都是因为一个视频或一句话就极端化去杀人了, that's an insult to regular muslims
Trump 表现太精彩了,主持人George Stephanopoulos 被废了。
lol。so true, he should have biked to LA to do the interview. Oh wait, walking may be even healthier.
Reply · 10
+Vik W. He's such a little fag, he probably secretly loved it.
Reply · 4
+dondeg1 LOL!!!
youtube 的这个留言,笑死我了。
。两个电视访谈是同一天,2015年3月12日,星期四。奥巴马的访谈是Jimmy Kimmel
Live,星期四晚上,蜜雪儿的访谈是Ellen Degeneres‘ show,也是晚上,不过两个访