Classmates discuss what I was like - back in my school days. "We used to march on Fifth Avenue during the Columbus Day Parade," Serafin said. "Donald was marching, and the officer he addressed was called Ace Castellano. He was a colonel. And Trump said, 'Ace, I'd really like to get some of this real estate some day.'
好像又要通过什么不调查背景快速引进难民的法案了。。。大家看新闻了吗?今天去超市终于看见黑袍了,怎么会来的这么快。。。。吓死宝宝了。 奥巴马真是个独裁者。。。。这都是些什么鬼。。。 The White House is placing the visa waiver program, which allows more than 20 million foreigners a year to come to the U.S. with very little screening, under review.
好像又要通过什么不调查背景快速引进难民的法案了。。。大家看新闻了吗?今天去超市终于看见黑袍了,怎么会来的这么快。。。。吓死宝宝了。 奥巴马真是个独裁者。。。。这都是些什么鬼。。。 The White House is placing the visa waiver program, which allows more than 20 million foreigners a year to come to the U.S. with very little screening, under review. cindyzz328 发表于 11/30/2015 7:06:48 PM
好像又要通过什么不调查背景快速引进难民的法案了。。。大家看新闻了吗?今天去超市终于看见黑袍了,怎么会来的这么快。。。。吓死宝宝了。 奥巴马真是个独裁者。。。。这都是些什么鬼。。。 The White House is placing the visa waiver program, which allows more than 20 million foreigners a year to come to the U.S. with very little screening, under review. cindyzz328 发表于 11/30/2015 7:06:48 PM
Rudy Giuliani: Former New York City Mayor Says There Were 'Pockets of Celebration' in City on 9/11 Giuliani said on CNN that up to 40 people were seen celebrating after the attacks in Queens and Brooklyn. His comments come after Donald Trump claimed thousands cheered the attacks in New Jersey.
GOP memo suggests Trump reality check for establishment
‘If you can’t beat him, join him’ appears to be the new directive coming from the Republican establishment, as Donald Trump maintains his lead for the 2016 the GOP nomination.
“Trump has been gaining Democrat adherents and he’s solidifying GOP cohorts who feel they’ve been totally ignored by the Washington Ruling Class. If the environment aligns properly, Trump could win,” Ward writes. “It’s not a bet most would place now, but it could happen. That’s why it’s important for our candidates to run their own races, limit the Trump criticisms (other than obvious free kicks), and grab onto the best elements of the anti-Washington populist agenda.”
Dilma Rousseff: Impeachment Proceedings Opened Against President of Brazil Rousseff is reportedly accused of violating fiscal responsibility laws. The speaker of Brazil's lower house, Eduardo Cunha, began the process Wednesday. Cunha also faces ethics charges. 为啥美国不能弹劾O8啊?
Dilma Rousseff: Impeachment Proceedings Opened Against President of Brazil Rousseff is reportedly accused of violating fiscal responsibility laws. The speaker of Brazil's lower house, Eduardo Cunha, began the process Wednesday. Cunha also faces ethics charges. 为啥美国不能弹劾O8啊? luckyso 发表于 12/3/2015 6:32:01 PM
He boasts constantly that he's at the top of the polls. I've been watching them very nervously. The main thing he's the very top of the polls for is disapproval. He beats everyone by far in disapproval and I keep telling myself that, just so I can sleep at night. People either love him rabidly or hate him bitterly, I think. MOST hate him.
Earlier today, President Barack Obama spoke about gun control after the San Bernardino shooting: “We’re going to have to, I think, search ourselves as a society to make sure that we can take basic steps that would make it harder…for individuals to get access to weapons.”
底下5千个点赞的评论: No, we need to make it harder for idiots to get in the White house.
Earlier today, President Barack Obama spoke about gun control after the San Bernardino shooting: “We’re going to have to, I think, search ourselves as a society to make sure that we can take basic steps that would make it harder…for individuals to get access to weapons.”
底下5千个点赞的评论: No, we need to make it harder for idiots to get in the White house.
.@CNN Poll just came out, amazing numbers for those who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! TRUMP 36%, a 20 point lead over 2nd place. Thanks. PositiveVibe 发表于 12/4/2015 8:39:58 AM
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO ISIS: Female shooter posted her oath to terror chieftain before massacre | 果不其然,加州那个枪杀是恐怖袭击,那个未婚妻已经投效ISIS了
BLESS America! Trump 加油!
刚在脸书上看到一个好朋友(中国mm)强烈支持Bernie sanders,发现已经share了好多演讲视频,突然感觉无法好好玩耍了
肯定不是。她已经婚了好几年了。 不过她老公全家都是铁杆dem,也不难理解。
就是一般的白左家庭。东北部这样的大概是多数。 我同事有五十多岁的都还说肯定是选希拉里。政治这个话题太敏感,我好奇的说我对政治不了解但为什么这么支持民主党呢? 反正得到的回答基本上都是说同性恋权益女性堕胎权之类的,大概他们其实也不关心到底哪个候选人的竞选核心是什么,因为政客都是画大饼的。但是媒体攻击什么能记住就拿来用了。 我个人觉得吧,媒体如果不支持谁,想要扭转局面真的蛮难的。
看这个视屏, 年纪大的支持的不少!
川普这种又不提倡减税又不反对印钱又不给出明确简单的支持简化合法移民过程的人为啥这么受华人中上产欢迎, 难不成就是因为他嘴炮厉害敢骂老黑老墨和穆斯林?
"We used to march on Fifth Avenue during the Columbus Day Parade," Serafin said. "Donald was marching, and the officer he addressed was called Ace Castellano. He was a colonel. And Trump said, 'Ace, I'd really like to get some of this real estate some day.'
The White House is placing the visa waiver program, which allows more than 20 million foreigners a year to come to the U.S. with very little screening, under review.
一面抱怨奥巴马要通过什么不调查背景快速引进难民的法案, 一面提到白宫要审查免签政策。
大过节的好暖心, 大叔加油!
30多年的老政策楼上那位同学还在感叹"要能通过", 你说应该怎么评论?
没听说过 Visa Waiver Program 不是问题,但是没听说过就不能稍微科普一下再来发言么?
你问大家看没看新闻,如果你自己看了,那么你就不会只引用一句 Fox News 在 Facebook 上的发言。
我读的书不多。Reagan 的 An American Life 恰巧我读过,是他自己写的。绝对没有这段。你读的哪本书?谁写的?
看来global warming不是唯一的原因
Giuliani said on CNN that up to 40 people were seen celebrating after the attacks in Queens and Brooklyn. His comments come after Donald Trump claimed thousands cheered the attacks in New Jersey.
‘If you can’t beat him, join him’ appears to be the new directive coming from the Republican establishment, as Donald Trump maintains his lead for the 2016 the GOP nomination.
“Trump has been gaining Democrat adherents and he’s solidifying
GOP cohorts who feel they’ve been totally ignored by the Washington Ruling Class. If the environment aligns properly, Trump could win,” Ward writes. “It’s not a bet most would place now, but it could happen. That’s why it’s important for our candidates to run their own races, limit the Trump criticisms (other than obvious free kicks), and grab onto the best elements of the anti-Washington populist agenda.”
Rousseff is reportedly accused of violating fiscal responsibility laws. The speaker of Brazil's lower house, Eduardo Cunha, began the process Wednesday. Cunha also faces ethics charges.
npr 这里主要是反对他的。倒是挺有意思看看另一面的意见。
我看了这些人的留言,都觉得开始不认识这个世界了。感觉这些人完全不用common sense。举例,他们跑到动物园里去,跳到老虎园里面去,傍边人叫不要啊,危险啊,你要被吃掉啊。然后这些人就说,你不能profile老虎,你见到老虎吃人了吗?你有证据老虎吃人吗。你歧视老虎,这样不公平。正好那天老虎吃饱了,他安然无恙出来了,一点事没有。这下好了,他们更坚信自己必须解放老虎。你们怎么能把老虎关起来呢,老虎也要自由民主。于是,别的人也学他们去看老虎,终于有一天,有人被吃掉了。这些人一开始还说,你有啥证据是老虎吃的,没有证据不能污蔑老虎。当证据也出来了,他们大部分不吭声了,但是还是有小部分说,老虎肯定是收到了精神孽待,长期被关在院子里,吃人不是他的错,是把它关在园子里的人的错。
总而言之,没有办法跟没有common sense 的人交流了。
Exactly. 脑回路完全不一样,简直没法交流
No, we need to make it harder for idiots to get in the White house.
这个 poll 的数据我咋几天前就看到了.....
而且所有百分比加起来 不到 100%,差不少呢。 是参加poll的很多人根本没选任何人吗? 还是我哪理解错了?
CNN 黑 Trump 黑出花样啦?