He was called "boring", "tiring", "irritating", and, perhaps worst of all, "finished". Ohio Governor John Kasich made few fans last night with his combative attitude
He was called "boring", "tiring", "irritating", and, perhaps worst of all, "finished". Ohio Governor John Kasich made few fans last night with his combative attitude
第五段原话,重点是最后一句 He also hit the deal as a giveaway to China. “We are giving away what ultimately is going to be a back door for China,” he said. “China will take advantage of it—all the weak points in it, more than anybody else,” said Trump, who has previously criticized China’s manipulation of currency prices. China is not part of the TPP deal, but is widely expected to join in the next few years.
而且,debate后的采访,主持人非常非常吃惊川普的表现,不打断别人讲话,而是举手 示意要提问题,表明川普已经非常自信,不需要从debate的舞台上表现了,本来就是个 show而已,他已经不用气急败坏的在辩论中表明自己的论点,也不怕被媒体玩弄从而被 激怒显得小家子气。从这次debate起,川普已经进入一种新的状态,at least looks presidential。
Monmouth University Poll surveyed 401 South Carolina voters likely to vote in the Republican presidential primary from Nov. 5 to Nov. 8 for the poll. BlueNDGold 发表于 11/9/2015 10:24:09 PM
He was called "boring", "tiring", "irritating", and, perhaps worst of all, "finished". Ohio Governor John Kasich made few fans last night with his combative attitude
Carly昨天讽刺Trump说Trump也就在greenroom见普京了,而自己是在个private meeting见的普京,但事实是Carly也是在休息室见到的普京,注意,而且是见到,而不是会见,这是她自己的原话,"I met him in Beijing. We were in sort of a green room setting, actually," 她所用的词正是greenroom,所以她就不要讽刺别人了,自己还不如别人呢,而且还是自己打自己的脸。
Carly Fiorina mocked fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday night for meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in "a green room before a show," implying that the reality TV host is not serious when it comes to foreign policy.
During the Fox Business Network GOP debate, Trump said he and Putin "were stablemates on '60 Minutes' and that went pretty well," referring to the fact that their interviews aired the same night on the CBS show.
"I have met him as well, not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting," Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, replied. "One of the reasons I've said I wouldn't be talking to Vladimir Putin right now is because we are speaking to him from a position of weakness, brought on by this administration. So I wouldn't talk to him for a while."
Fiorina, however, also met Putin in a green room, although it was before a speech at a conference rather than an appearance on a TV show. In fact, Fiorina herself has described their 2001 meeting using the exact phrase "green room."
"I met him in Beijing. We were in sort of a green room setting, actually," Fiorina said during a September appearance on "The Tonight Show." "The two of us were giving a speech -- each of us were giving a speech at a major economic conference called APEC -- and so the two of us were sitting sort of in a chair like this, about this close, for 45 minutes before his speech and before mine. I would describe him as a formidable adversary."
第五段原话,重点是最后一句 He also hit the deal as a giveaway to China. “We are giving away what ultimately is going to be a back door for China,” he said. “China will take advantage of it—all the weak points in it, more than anybody else,” said Trump, who has previously criticized China’s manipulation of currency prices. China is not part of the TPP deal, but is widely expected to join in the next few years.
而且,debate后的采访,主持人非常非常吃惊川普的表现,不打断别人讲话,而是举手 示意要提问题,表明川普已经非常自信,不需要从debate的舞台上表现了,本来就是个 show而已,他已经不用气急败坏的在辩论中表明自己的论点,也不怕被媒体玩弄从而被 激怒显得小家子气。从这次debate起,川普已经进入一种新的状态,at least looks presidential。
Carly昨天讽刺Trump说Trump也就在greenroom见普京了,而自己是在个private meeting见的普京,但事实是Carly也是在休息室见到的普京,注意,而且是见到,而不是会见,这是她自己的原话,"I met him in Beijing. We were in sort of a green room setting, actually," 她所用的词正是greenroom,所以她就不要讽刺别人了,自己还不如别人呢,而且还是自己打自己的脸。
Carly Fiorina mocked fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday night for meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in "a green room before a show," implying that the reality TV host is not serious when it comes to foreign policy.
During the Fox Business Network GOP debate, Trump said he and Putin "were stablemates on '60 Minutes' and that went pretty well," referring to the fact that their interviews aired the same night on the CBS show.
"I have met him as well, not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting," Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, replied. "One of the reasons I've said I wouldn't be talking to Vladimir Putin right now is because we are speaking to him from a position of weakness, brought on by this administration. So I wouldn't talk to him for a while."
Fiorina, however, also met Putin in a green room, although it was before a speech at a conference rather than an appearance on a TV show. In fact, Fiorina herself has described their 2001 meeting using the exact phrase "green room."
"I met him in Beijing. We were in sort of a green room setting, actually," Fiorina said during a September appearance on "The Tonight Show." "The two of us were giving a speech -- each of us were giving a speech at a major economic conference called APEC -- and so the two of us were sitting sort of in a chair like this, about this close, for 45 minutes before his speech and before mine. I would describe him as a formidable adversary." PositiveVibe 发表于 11/11/2015 1:44:35 PM
Among the topics he discussed were education, immigration and even the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA).
“Nothing [is] more important than higher education and education in general,” Trump said. "It’s so important to our economy.
“It’s great,” he said of NASA. “You know, in the old days, it was great.
“Right now we have bigger problems,” the real estate tycoon added. "We’ve got to fix our potholes.” 重视教育很好啊,很多人因为共和党不重视教育不想选呢. 不过听他挺 new jersey 觉得很不爽 luckyso 发表于 11/11/2015 1:58:31 PM
Carson说它要给那些11M的非移6个月的时间,出来登记,过时不登记的都是crimial,登了记了的都是guest worker,要pay back tax,付penalty,但不具有美国国籍,想要取得国籍,必须先出国,apply from outside。又说,要eliminate非移来美的incentive,这样就切断外源了。那就是说这6个月期间是最后偷渡入境的时间,这个时间内入境的都可以变成guest worker,这之后就没这个店了,那这6个月边界还不被挤破了啊,这border又没scecured呢。合着除了国籍,绿卡,签证,现在又多了一种身份,叫guest worker。而且出来登记,还要罚款,还要收back tax,问题是你知道它们在这里工作了多久了啊,收多少back tax啊?!知道要被罚,还会有人出来登记?这不是形同虚设的办法么。
Carson说它要给那些11M的非移6个月的时间,出来登记,过时不登记的都是crimial,登了记了的都是guest worker,要pay back tax,付penalty,但不具有美国国籍,想要取得国籍,必须先出国,apply from outside。又说,要eliminate非移来美的incentive,这样就切断外源了。那就是说这6个月期间是最后偷渡入境的时间,这个时间内入境的都可以变成guest worker,这之后就没这个店了,那这6个月边界还不被挤破了啊,这border又没scecured呢。合着除了国籍,绿卡,签证,现在又多了一种身份,叫guest worker。而且出来登记,还要罚款,还要收back tax,问题是你知道它们在这里工作了多久了啊,收多少back tax啊?!知道要被罚,还会有人出来登记?这不是形同虚设的办法么。
Hillary: I Voted for Border Fence to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants At a campaign event last night, Hillary Clinton bragged about something she does not usually mention: her votes for a border fence to keep illegal immigrants out of America. "Hi Secretary Clinton, I was wondering what you think about my securing the Mexican border with some of the illegal immigrants that come in -- just wondering," asked a questioner at a town hall.
"Well look," Clinton said, "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders."
If you think a .500 batting average represents as good a performance in presidential debates as in baseball, then you’re going to be pretty pleased with Republican candidate Donald Trump’s performance on trade-related issues in the GOP Milwaukee main event last night. If you’re wondering how the Republican front-runner (co-front-runner?) could have gotten one answer so mind-bogglingly wrong, and one just as completely on target, chances are you’re more downbeat.
Of course, it also needs to be noted that apparently no one in the Mainstream Media knows enough about trade, and specifically about President Obama’s Pacific Rim trade deal, to have recognized the accuracy of Trump’s answer about China’s relation to the agreement. But in defense of the scribblers, they’re not competing for the authority to press policy buttons.
Trump’s wrong answer was his first (here’s a debate transcript), and although it came on a question concerning the minimum wage, not trade, it bears directly on America’s approach to the global economy. Explaining why he opposed government-mandated hikes in pay floors, Trump told the audience that with U.S. “taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”
What was completely weird about this response was that, as with other critics, a main reason for Trump’s opposition to current U.S. trade policies is that they benefit offshoring interests at the expense of American workers by forcing the latter into a no-win competition with much more poorly paid foreign counterparts. Indeed, although Trump never mentioned “wages” explicitly in his new China trade paper, he did charge that the status quo approach exclusively serves the interests of “Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.” And he asked how “American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, [can] possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment?”
So Trump’s position that the minimum wage can’t be raised because of this (presumably unacceptable) low-wage foreign competition amounts to a version of blaming the victim.
And it would have been so easy for Trump to have had his policy cake and eaten it, too, on this front. He could have expressed sympathy with the idea of raising minimum wages – especially because of penny-wage foreign competition. And he could have gone on to insist that a better way to raise living standards was to fix the trade policies largely responsible. Trump did suggest that his tax policy reforms would get the job done by super-charging America’s growth and job-creation. But if so, why put so much emphasis on the need to overhaul trade policy?
By contrast, Trump’s critique of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) revealed genuine mastery of typical and major U.S. trade policy failings. As he contended (inter alia), “The TPP is horrible deal. It is a deal that is going to lead to nothing but trouble. It’s a deal that was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone.”
The commentariat seemed to agree that Trump had displayed his ignorance by claiming that China is one of the TPP signatories. That’s what one of Trump’s rivals, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, claimed. So did the Associated Press.
But of course, that’s not what the candidate said. He said it was designed for China to participate covertly, not that China is one of the members. And anyone who’s read the TPP’s rule of origin provisions (here, here, and here) knows that this is exactly the case. The deal would extend duty-free treatment within the new integrated market to a long list of products that could be made largely outside the TPP zone. Indeed, many goods with levels of content from TPP signatories well under 50 percent would be so favored.
Nor did these TPP features appear in the deal by accident. They reflect the clear desire of U.S., Japanese, and other multinational companies from TPP signatory countries to enjoy maximum flexibility in sourcing their production, in order to secure the lowest cost levels. Not only does such sourcing leeway greatly water down the TPP’s potential benefits for the domestic economies of the signatory countries. But it flies completely in the face ofpromises by Mr. Obama and other backers of the deal that it would both contain the rise of Chinese economic power and influence globally and in the Asia-Pacific region specifically, and that it would create powerful incentives for China to clean up its economic act and become eligible for membership.
Trump remains the only Republican candidate to mount a serious and sustained challenge to today’s American trade policies. And as his China paper made clear, his diagnoses and prescriptions are every bit as substantive as those embodied in numerous bills introduced to overhaul Washington’s longstanding approach. But Trump’s crusade faces obstacles aplenty already – including the establishment-coddling media’s determination to keep branding him an ignoramus even when this accusation is wildly off base. He can’t afford to give them any real ammunition.
"I'm not in favor of aborting anybody," the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate said Tuesday night.
Carson was asked that question by an SBNation reporter after the GOP's fourth debate.
His answer came days after Jeb Bush said that "hell yeah," he would, if he could, travel back in time and kill a baby Hitler -- though he wasn't asked about abortion. The question came from a New York Times Magazine poll in late October.
"It could have a dangerous effect on everything else, but I'd do it -- I mean, Hitler," Bush told The Huffington Post.
"I'm not in favor of aborting anybody," the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate said Tuesday night.
Carson was asked that question by an SBNation reporter after the GOP's fourth debate.
His answer came days after Jeb Bush said that "hell yeah," he would, if he could, travel back in time and kill a baby Hitler -- though he wasn't asked about abortion. The question came from a New York Times Magazine poll in late October.
"It could have a dangerous effect on everything else, but I'd do it -- I mean, Hitler," Bush told The Huffington Post. PositiveVibe 发表于 11/11/2015 7:48:06 PM
A quieter – and maybe more presidential –Donald Trump made an appearance at Tuesday night's Fox Business News/Wall Street Journal debate. If morning-after polls are any indication, the kinder, gentler Trump was a hit with voters.
A Drudge Report poll shows the business mogul turned politician was the winner of the fourth GOP debate. Trump received 36 percent of the vote, followed by Ted Cruz at 23 percent, Rand Paul at 15 percent, Marco Rubio at 13 percent and Ben Carson at 5 percent. Carly Fiorina received 4 percent of the vote, followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 2 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 1 percent.
A similar poll by Time magazine has Trump on top with 42 percent, followed by Rand Paul at 20 percent and Rubio at 16 percent. Cruz received 7 percent of the votes. None of the other candidates polled higher than 5 percent.
A poll on AL.com also shows Trump ahead following the debate. Trump received 40 percent of the vote from AL.com readers, followed by Paul at 19 percent, Rubio at 16 percent and Cruz at 11 percent. Carson just edged above 5 percent, with all the rest at 4 percent or below.
The polls aren't scientific and, as Time pointed out, may just represent which candidates have more savvy social media teams to prompt voting.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential contender Ben Carson has maintained a business relationship with a close friend convicted of defrauding insurance companies and testified on his behalf, even as the candidate has called for such crimes to be punished harshly.
Pittsburgh dentist Alfonso A. Costa pleaded guilty to a felony count of health care fraud after an FBI probe into his oral surgery practice found he had charged for procedures he never performed, according to court records.
Though the crime carries a potential sentence of up to 10 years in federal prison, Costa was able to avoid prison time after Carson helped petition a federal judge for leniency.
That’s different from the position Carson took in 2013 as he prepared to launch his presidential campaign, saying those convicted of health care fraud should go to prison for at least a decade and be forced to forfeit “all of one’s personal possessions.”
At Costa’s 2008 sentencing hearing, Carson described the dentist as “one my closest, if not my very closest friend.”
“We became friends about a decade ago because we discovered that we were so much alike and shared the same values and principles that govern our lives,” Carson told the judge, adding that their families vacationed together and that they were involved in “joint projects.”
“Next to my wife of 32 years, there is no one on this planet that I trust more than Al Costa,” Carson said.
Costa has served on the board of Carson’s charity, the Carson Scholars Fund, and continues to lead the charity’s fundraising efforts in the Pittsburgh area to provide $1,000 college scholarships to children in need.
Before his criminal conviction and the revocation of his license to practice dentistry, Costa built a multimillion-dollar fortune through commercial real estate. Investments Carson and his wife made through Costa earn the couple between $200,000 and $2 million a year, according to financial records that Carson was required to file when he declared his candidacy.
Costa also continues to promote his involvement with Carson’s charity as part of his real estate business, prominently featuring the logo of the Carson Scholars Fund on the company’s website. His son has worked with Carson’s presidential campaign and a political committee founded by the retired neurosurgeon.
Doug Watts, the campaign’s spokesman, said Wednesday he was unable to immediately respond to specific questions about land deals involving Carson and Costa. The AP contacted Watts on Tuesday and again Wednesday.
“I will confirm they are best friends and that they do hold business investments together,” Watts said.
Costa did not respond to messages seeking comment.
The breadth of the two men’s business ties has not been previously reported, partly because details can be obscured in property and incorporation records. Costa’s company and its affiliates own properties in at least five states and overseas.
In 2007, a few months before Costa was charged, records show that a pair of corporations was established in Pennsylvania called BenCan LLC, and INBS LLC. Carson and his wife are listed as the sole members of the companies. Though the Carsons live outside Baltimore, the mailing address on the incorporation forms was Costa’s home address in Pittsburgh.
BenCan and INBS then paid more than $3 million to purchase an office building in suburban Pittsburgh. The mailing address for the corporations listed on the deed matches the office of Costa’s real estate firm, Costa Land Co.
That September, federal prosecutors charged Costa, accusing him of fraud committed over a nearly five-year period, according to court records. Investigators determined that Costa’s dental practice charged more than 50 patients for procedures that had not been performed, resulting in a loss of more than $40,000 to insurance companies.
After Costa pleaded guilty, 40 of his family members, friends and dental patients wrote letters to the judge as character witnesses. Carson was one of three people who also testified at Costa’s 2008 sentencing hearing, stressing his friend’s charitable works and vouching for his personal integrity. Also testifying on Costa’s behalf was Jerome Bettis, a beloved former Pittsburgh Steelers running back who had helped bring home a Super Bowl trophy to the city two years earlier.
The government urged the judge to make an example of Costa.
“Reduction of a sentence based on good works by a wealthy person can create the appearance that a defendant’s financial resources and prominent connections can skew the justice system in ways not available to persons of lesser means,” a prosecutor told the judge.
In the end, Costa got no prison time. He was sentenced to one year of house arrest and 100 hours of community service, and ordered to pay more than $294,000 in fines and restitution. Costa later got 12 months shaved off his three-year probation.
Though Costa was assigned to serve his sentence in his 8,300-square-foot mansion in nearby Fox Chapel, his lawyers repeatedly returned to court to seek permission for him to travel. A few months after starting his sentence, Costa asked to travel to the White House as one of 10 invited guests at a June 2008 ceremony where President George W. Bush presented Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The judge denied that request, though Costa was later allowed to take a month-long trip to the Italian coast while on probation to handle what his lawyer described as urgent business at a resort he owns.
Carson’s appeal for leniency toward Costa contradicts the draconian criminal penalties he called for in his 2013 political treatise, “America the Beautiful.” In his book, Carson wrote that anyone found guilty of health care fraud should face what he called the “Saudi Arabian Solution.”
“Why don’t people steal very often in Saudi Arabia?” Carson asked. “Obviously because the punishment is the amputation of one or more fingers. I would not advocate chopping off people’s limbs, but there would be some very stiff penalties for this kind of fraud, such as loss of one’s medical license for life, no less than 10 years in prison, and loss of all of one’s personal possessions.”
Despite the tough-on-crime message, Carson and his wife kept their investment with Costa in the years since his conviction. Tax bills for the Pittsburgh office building owned by the couple are mailed to Costa Land Co. A recent lease for a portion of the property was signed on the Carsons’ behalf by the president of Costa’s company.
FBI expands probe of Clinton emails, launches independent classification review http://fxn.ws/1O5kj7z Fox News is told agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison.
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) declared Thursday that “people will have to be deported” before Congress can move forward on immigration reform.
Rubio, whose past support for comprehensive immigration reform has been in the spotlight as he’s risen in the GOP primary polls, said Americans would be skeptical of any attempts to revisit reform until the nation shows it’s committed to enforcing current laws
"I think it's just disgusting. I think the two people who resigned are weak, ineffective people," Donald Trump said on Fox News Thursday morning. "When they resigned, they set something in motion that's going to be a disaster for the next long period of time."
Trump also called the protestors' demands for change "crazy."
Liberals like to tell us that voter fraud doesn't exist. Even more common is the dismissal of the fear of many conservatives that illegal immigrants might illegally register to vote. Liberals not only laugh these concerns off, but they like to pretend that instances of both don't exist.
With that in mind, they'd likely prefer you pay no attention to this:
The Office of Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Sharen Wilson is working with the Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to prosecute a case of repeated voter fraud against the State.
Rosa Maria Ortega of Grand Prairie, has been indicted by a Tarrant County Grand Jury for voting illegally in regional elections.
The indictment details that Ortega, who is not a citizen and therefore not legally eligible to vote, fraudulently registered to vote in Dallas County by claiming to be a U.S. citizen.
昨天Trump在Iowa讲了一个半小时,本来一开始说可以提问,后来也没。期间,mock了半天Carson,骂得很爽。今天媒体都在大做文章。 PositiveVibe 发表于 11/13/2015 11:58:44 AM
"I had what I only can label a pathological temper - a disease - and this sickness controlled me, making me totally irrational," Carson said in describing the incident with his mother. He referred to "pathological anger" again in telling about lunging at his friend, the knife blade breaking off when it hit the boy's belt buckle. Carson describes in "Gifted Hands" racing to the bathroom in his house after the near-stabbing incident and in time began to pray for God's help in dealing with his temper. "During those hours alone in the bathroom, something happened to me," he wrote. "God heard my deep cries of anguish. A feeling of lightness flowed over me, and I knew a change of heart had taken place. I felt different. I was different." In questioning Carson's religious awakening, Trump said in Fort Dodge that Carson went into the bathroom and came out and "now he's religious." "And the people of Iowa believe him. Give me a break. Give me a break. It doesn't happen that way," he said. "Don't be fools."
"I had what I only can label a pathological temper - a disease - and this sickness controlled me, making me totally irrational," Carson said in describing the incident with his mother. He referred to "pathological anger" again in telling about lunging at his friend, the knife blade breaking off when it hit the boy's belt buckle. Carson describes in "Gifted Hands" racing to the bathroom in his house after the near-stabbing incident and in time began to pray for God's help in dealing with his temper. "During those hours alone in the bathroom, something happened to me," he wrote. "God heard my deep cries of anguish. A feeling of lightness flowed over me, and I knew a change of heart had taken place. I felt different. I was different." In questioning Carson's religious awakening, Trump said in Fort Dodge that Carson went into the bathroom and came out and "now he's religious." "And the people of Iowa believe him. Give me a break. Give me a break. It doesn't happen that way," he said. "Don't be fools." luckyso 发表于 11/13/2015 12:31:37 PM
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said Friday that he has better sources than the White House about the situation in Syria, sticking by his claim that China is involved in the fighting there.
Carson previously said that the Chinese were involved in Syria in Tuesday's GOP debate, which the White House rejected.
National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Thursday she has "not seen any evidence of Chinese military involvement in Syria" when asked about Carson's suggestions at a White House briefing.
On Friday in South Carolina, Carson was pressed by CNN on whether he wanted to revise his earlier comments.
"I have several sources that I've gotten material from," said the retired neurosurgeon. "I'm surprised that my material is better than theirs."
He pledged to make public the information backing his position in the next few days.
"We actually will be releasing some material on that before the weekend is over," he said. 中国involve syria啦?
GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said Friday that he has better sources than the White House about the situation in Syria, sticking by his claim that China is involved in the fighting there.
Carson previously said that the Chinese were involved in Syria in Tuesday's GOP debate, which the White House rejected.
National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Thursday she has "not seen any evidence of Chinese military involvement in Syria" when asked about Carson's suggestions at a White House briefing.
On Friday in South Carolina, Carson was pressed by CNN on whether he wanted to revise his earlier comments.
"I have several sources that I've gotten material from," said the retired neurosurgeon. "I'm surprised that my material is better than theirs."
He pledged to make public the information backing his position in the next few days.
"We actually will be releasing some material on that before the weekend is over," he said. 中国involve syria啦? luckyso 发表于 11/13/2015 12:48:52 PM
Cruz我快被它给弄得哭笑不得,一来就是,let me tell you a story,然后就是各种深情款款,娓娓道来,目送秋波。。。然后正抒情呢,猛然间就听,叮叮叮,时间到,可这情才抒了一半啊,然后不甘心的再说两句
在辩论的同时,Trump的团队retweet了一条,就是针对Ohio说的law-abiding,那条tweet说,这些非移偷渡到美国就已经break law了,还谈什么law-abiding啊
那有驾照的留学生能投吗? 不过就是能投也不会投, 害怕丢身份。光脚的不怕穿鞋的,只有没身份的才会投。
转自 mit
连wall street journal的人都没提出反驳意见,倒是Rand Paul提出来,说明其短视的
He also hit the deal as a giveaway to China. “We are giving away what
ultimately is going to be a back door for China,” he said. “China will
take advantage of it—all the weak points in it, more than anybody else,”
said Trump, who has previously criticized China’s manipulation of currency
prices. China is not part of the TPP deal, but is widely expected to join in
the next few years.
激怒显得小家子气。从这次debate起,川普已经进入一种新的状态,at least looks
kasich 说话比较普世 他去参加民主党的primary似乎更合适?
Carly Fiorina mocked fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday night for meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in "a green room before a show," implying that the reality TV host is not serious when it comes to foreign policy.
During the Fox Business Network GOP debate, Trump said he and Putin "were stablemates on '60 Minutes' and that went pretty well," referring to the fact that their interviews aired the same night on the CBS show.
"I have met him as well, not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting," Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, replied. "One of the reasons I've said I wouldn't be talking to Vladimir Putin right now is because we are speaking to him from a position of weakness, brought on by this administration. So I wouldn't talk to him for a while."
Fiorina, however, also met Putin in a green room, although it was before a speech at a conference rather than an appearance on a TV show. In fact, Fiorina herself has described their 2001 meeting using the exact phrase "green room."
"I met him in Beijing. We were in sort of a green room setting, actually," Fiorina said during a September appearance on "The Tonight Show." "The two of us were giving a speech -- each of us were giving a speech at a major economic conference called APEC -- and so the two of us were sitting sort of in a chair like this, about this close, for 45 minutes before his speech and before mine. I would describe him as a formidable adversary."
Among the topics he discussed were education, immigration and even the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA).
“Nothing [is] more important than higher education and education in general,” Trump said. "It’s so important to our economy.
“It’s great,” he said of NASA. “You know, in the old days, it was great.
“Right now we have bigger problems,” the real estate tycoon added. "We’ve got to fix our potholes.”
虽然现在 Trump 说的 不多, 但是 态度很明确了, 重视教育。
对于教育,他自己是好学校出来的,子女也是,和scott walker这种大学都没上过的肯定观点有差异,他应该是GOP里面最pro education的了。
At a campaign event last night, Hillary Clinton bragged about something she does not usually mention: her votes for a border fence to keep illegal immigrants out of America.
"Hi Secretary Clinton, I was wondering what you think about my securing the Mexican border with some of the illegal immigrants that come in -- just wondering," asked a questioner at a town hall.
"Well look," Clinton said, "I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders."
If you think a .500 batting average represents as good a performance in presidential debates as in baseball, then you’re going to be pretty pleased with Republican candidate Donald Trump’s performance on trade-related issues in the GOP Milwaukee main event last night. If you’re wondering how the Republican front-runner (co-front-runner?) could have gotten one answer so mind-bogglingly wrong, and one just as completely on target, chances are you’re more downbeat.
Of course, it also needs to be noted that apparently no one in the Mainstream Media knows enough about trade, and specifically about President Obama’s Pacific Rim trade deal, to have recognized the accuracy of Trump’s answer about China’s relation to the agreement. But in defense of the scribblers, they’re not competing for the authority to press policy buttons.
Trump’s wrong answer was his first (here’s a debate transcript), and although it came on a question concerning the minimum wage, not trade, it bears directly on America’s approach to the global economy. Explaining why he opposed government-mandated hikes in pay floors, Trump told the audience that with U.S. “taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”
What was completely weird about this response was that, as with other critics, a main reason for Trump’s opposition to current U.S. trade policies is that they benefit offshoring interests at the expense of American workers by forcing the latter into a no-win competition with much more poorly paid foreign counterparts. Indeed, although Trump never mentioned “wages” explicitly in his new China trade paper, he did charge that the status quo approach exclusively serves the interests of “Wall Street insiders that want to move U.S. manufacturing and investment offshore.” And he asked how “American manufacturers, who must meet very high standards, [can] possibly compete with Chinese companies that care nothing about their workers or the environment?”
So Trump’s position that the minimum wage can’t be raised because of this (presumably unacceptable) low-wage foreign competition amounts to a version of blaming the victim.
And it would have been so easy for Trump to have had his policy cake and eaten it, too, on this front. He could have expressed sympathy with the idea of raising minimum wages – especially because of penny-wage foreign competition. And he could have gone on to insist that a better way to raise living standards was to fix the trade policies largely responsible. Trump did suggest that his tax policy reforms would get the job done by super-charging America’s growth and job-creation. But if so, why put so much emphasis on the need to overhaul trade policy?
By contrast, Trump’s critique of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) revealed genuine mastery of typical and major U.S. trade policy failings. As he contended (inter alia), “The TPP is horrible deal. It is a deal that is going to lead to nothing but trouble. It’s a deal that was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone.”
The commentariat seemed to agree that Trump had displayed his ignorance by claiming that China is one of the TPP signatories. That’s what one of Trump’s rivals, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, claimed. So did the Associated Press.
But of course, that’s not what the candidate said. He said it was designed for China to participate covertly, not that China is one of the members. And anyone who’s read the TPP’s rule of origin provisions (here, here, and here) knows that this is exactly the case. The deal would extend duty-free treatment within the new integrated market to a long list of products that could be made largely outside the TPP zone. Indeed, many goods with levels of content from TPP signatories well under 50 percent would be so favored.
Nor did these TPP features appear in the deal by accident. They reflect the clear desire of U.S., Japanese, and other multinational companies from TPP signatory countries to enjoy maximum flexibility in sourcing their production, in order to secure the lowest cost levels. Not only does such sourcing leeway greatly water down the TPP’s potential benefits for the domestic economies of the signatory countries. But it flies completely in the face ofpromises by Mr. Obama and other backers of the deal that it would both contain the rise of Chinese economic power and influence globally and in the Asia-Pacific region specifically, and that it would create powerful incentives for China to clean up its economic act and become eligible for membership.
Trump remains the only Republican candidate to mount a serious and sustained challenge to today’s American trade policies. And as his China paper made clear, his diagnoses and prescriptions are every bit as substantive as those embodied in numerous bills introduced to overhaul Washington’s longstanding approach. But Trump’s crusade faces obstacles aplenty already – including the establishment-coddling media’s determination to keep branding him an ignoramus even when this accusation is wildly off base. He can’t afford to give them any real ammunition.
Washington (CNN)No, Ben Carson would not travel back in time to abort baby Adolf Hitler.
"I'm not in favor of aborting anybody," the retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate said Tuesday night.
Carson was asked that question by an SBNation reporter after the GOP's fourth debate.
His answer came days after Jeb Bush said that "hell yeah," he would, if he could, travel back in time and kill a baby Hitler -- though he wasn't asked about abortion. The question came from a New York Times Magazine poll in late October.
"It could have a dangerous effect on everything else, but I'd do it -- I mean, Hitler," Bush told The Huffington Post.
A quieter – and maybe more presidential –Donald Trump made an appearance at Tuesday night's Fox Business News/Wall Street Journal debate. If morning-after polls are any indication, the kinder, gentler Trump was a hit with voters.
A Drudge Report poll shows the business mogul turned politician was the winner of the fourth GOP debate. Trump received 36 percent of the vote, followed by Ted Cruz at 23 percent, Rand Paul at 15 percent, Marco Rubio at 13 percent and Ben Carson at 5 percent. Carly Fiorina received 4 percent of the vote, followed by Ohio Gov. John Kasich at 2 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 1 percent.
A similar poll by Time magazine has Trump on top with 42 percent, followed by Rand Paul at 20 percent and Rubio at 16 percent. Cruz received 7 percent of the votes. None of the other candidates polled higher than 5 percent.
A poll on AL.com also shows Trump ahead following the debate. Trump received 40 percent of the vote from AL.com readers, followed by Paul at 19 percent, Rubio at 16 percent and Cruz at 11 percent. Carson just edged above 5 percent, with all the rest at 4 percent or below.
The polls aren't scientific and, as Time pointed out, may just represent which candidates have more savvy social media teams to prompt voting.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential contender Ben Carson has maintained a business relationship with a close friend convicted of defrauding insurance companies and testified on his behalf, even as the candidate has called for such crimes to be punished harshly.
Pittsburgh dentist Alfonso A. Costa pleaded guilty to a felony count of health care fraud after an FBI probe into his oral surgery practice found he had charged for procedures he never performed, according to court records.
Though the crime carries a potential sentence of up to 10 years in federal prison, Costa was able to avoid prison time after Carson helped petition a federal judge for leniency.
That’s different from the position Carson took in 2013 as he prepared to launch his presidential campaign, saying those convicted of health care fraud should go to prison for at least a decade and be forced to forfeit “all of one’s personal possessions.”
At Costa’s 2008 sentencing hearing, Carson described the dentist as “one my closest, if not my very closest friend.”
“We became friends about a decade ago because we discovered that we were so much alike and shared the same values and principles that govern our lives,” Carson told the judge, adding that their families vacationed together and that they were involved in “joint projects.”
“Next to my wife of 32 years, there is no one on this planet that I trust more than Al Costa,” Carson said.
Costa has served on the board of Carson’s charity, the Carson Scholars Fund, and continues to lead the charity’s fundraising efforts in the Pittsburgh area to provide $1,000 college scholarships to children in need.
Before his criminal conviction and the revocation of his license to practice dentistry, Costa built a multimillion-dollar fortune through commercial real estate. Investments Carson and his wife made through Costa earn the couple between $200,000 and $2 million a year, according to financial records that Carson was required to file when he declared his candidacy.
Costa also continues to promote his involvement with Carson’s charity as part of his real estate business, prominently featuring the logo of the Carson Scholars Fund on the company’s website. His son has worked with Carson’s presidential campaign and a political committee founded by the retired neurosurgeon.
Doug Watts, the campaign’s spokesman, said Wednesday he was unable to immediately respond to specific questions about land deals involving Carson and Costa. The AP contacted Watts on Tuesday and again Wednesday.
“I will confirm they are best friends and that they do hold business investments together,” Watts said.
Costa did not respond to messages seeking comment.
The breadth of the two men’s business ties has not been previously reported, partly because details can be obscured in property and incorporation records. Costa’s company and its affiliates own properties in at least five states and overseas.
In 2007, a few months before Costa was charged, records show that a pair of corporations was established in Pennsylvania called BenCan LLC, and INBS LLC. Carson and his wife are listed as the sole members of the companies. Though the Carsons live outside Baltimore, the mailing address on the incorporation forms was Costa’s home address in Pittsburgh.
BenCan and INBS then paid more than $3 million to purchase an office building in suburban Pittsburgh. The mailing address for the corporations listed on the deed matches the office of Costa’s real estate firm, Costa Land Co.
That September, federal prosecutors charged Costa, accusing him of fraud committed over a nearly five-year period, according to court records. Investigators determined that Costa’s dental practice charged more than 50 patients for procedures that had not been performed, resulting in a loss of more than $40,000 to insurance companies.
After Costa pleaded guilty, 40 of his family members, friends and dental patients wrote letters to the judge as character witnesses. Carson was one of three people who also testified at Costa’s 2008 sentencing hearing, stressing his friend’s charitable works and vouching for his personal integrity. Also testifying on Costa’s behalf was Jerome Bettis, a beloved former Pittsburgh Steelers running back who had helped bring home a Super Bowl trophy to the city two years earlier.
The government urged the judge to make an example of Costa.
“Reduction of a sentence based on good works by a wealthy person can create the appearance that a defendant’s financial resources and prominent connections can skew the justice system in ways not available to persons of lesser means,” a prosecutor told the judge.
In the end, Costa got no prison time. He was sentenced to one year of house arrest and 100 hours of community service, and ordered to pay more than $294,000 in fines and restitution. Costa later got 12 months shaved off his three-year probation.
Though Costa was assigned to serve his sentence in his 8,300-square-foot mansion in nearby Fox Chapel, his lawyers repeatedly returned to court to seek permission for him to travel. A few months after starting his sentence, Costa asked to travel to the White House as one of 10 invited guests at a June 2008 ceremony where President George W. Bush presented Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The judge denied that request, though Costa was later allowed to take a month-long trip to the Italian coast while on probation to handle what his lawyer described as urgent business at a resort he owns.
Carson’s appeal for leniency toward Costa contradicts the draconian criminal penalties he called for in his 2013 political treatise, “America the Beautiful.” In his book, Carson wrote that anyone found guilty of health care fraud should face what he called the “Saudi Arabian Solution.”
“Why don’t people steal very often in Saudi Arabia?” Carson asked. “Obviously because the punishment is the amputation of one or more fingers. I would not advocate chopping off people’s limbs, but there would be some very stiff penalties for this kind of fraud, such as loss of one’s medical license for life, no less than 10 years in prison, and loss of all of one’s personal possessions.”
Despite the tough-on-crime message, Carson and his wife kept their investment with Costa in the years since his conviction. Tax bills for the Pittsburgh office building owned by the couple are mailed to Costa Land Co. A recent lease for a portion of the property was signed on the Carsons’ behalf by the president of Costa’s company.
它这叫啥表情啊,perfect suicide booming attack结果被这个sucker给毁了,还得给他发奖章
Fox News is told agents are looking at U.S. Code 18, Section 1001, which pertains to "materially false" statements given either in writing, orally or through a third party. Violations also include pressuring a third party to conspire in a cover-up. Each felony violation is subject to five years in prison.
Rubio, whose past support for comprehensive immigration reform has been in the spotlight as he’s risen in the GOP primary polls, said Americans would be skeptical of any attempts to revisit reform until the nation shows it’s committed to enforcing current laws
Trump blasts 'weak, ineffective' Univ. of Missouri heads, Sanders wants racism addressed
"I think it's just disgusting. I think the two people who resigned are weak, ineffective people," Donald Trump said on Fox News Thursday morning. "When they resigned, they set something in motion that's going to be a disaster for the next long period of time."
Trump also called the protestors' demands for change "crazy."
Read more: http://www.hannity.com/articles/hanpr-economy-487306/watch-neil-cavuto-calmly-destroys-liberal-14119780/#ixzz3rJM1ojpN
SNL没播的video,关于protect Trump's hair
Another Day, Another Illegal Committing Fraud
Nov 12, 2015 Source: AAN by: AAN Staff
Liberals like to tell us that voter fraud doesn't exist. Even more common is the dismissal of the fear of many conservatives that illegal immigrants might illegally register to vote. Liberals not only laugh these concerns off, but they like to pretend that instances of both don't exist.
With that in mind, they'd likely prefer you pay no attention to this:
The Office of Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney Sharen Wilson is working with the Office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to prosecute a case of repeated voter fraud against the State.
Rosa Maria Ortega of Grand Prairie, has been indicted by a Tarrant County Grand Jury for voting illegally in regional elections.
The indictment details that Ortega, who is not a citizen and therefore not legally eligible to vote, fraudulently registered to vote in Dallas County by claiming to be a U.S. citizen.
FULL Speech HD: Donald Trump BEST Speech EVER in Fort Dodge, IA (11-12-15)
Trump attacks Carson ads.
Carson previously said that the Chinese were involved in Syria in Tuesday's GOP debate, which the White House rejected.
National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Thursday she has "not seen any evidence of Chinese military involvement in Syria" when asked about Carson's suggestions at a White House briefing.
On Friday in South Carolina, Carson was pressed by CNN on whether he wanted to revise his earlier comments.
"I have several sources that I've gotten material from," said the retired neurosurgeon. "I'm surprised that my material is better than theirs."
He pledged to make public the information backing his position in the next few days.
"We actually will be releasing some material on that before the weekend is over," he said.
中国involve syria啦?