Ben Carson had extensive relationship to dietary supplement company despite denial. In 2009, Mannatech settled for $7 million following a lawsuit brought by the Texas attorney general over the company's claims that its products could cure cancer and autism. CNBC moderator Carl Quintanilla claimed Carson had a 10-year-long connection with the company and that it continued even after the settlement. The WSJ also cited a 2004 video of Carson speaking at a Mannatech event. In the video, he credited the company's products for his prostate cancer diagnosis symptoms disappearing. The paper points out that Carson is now "cancer-free after surgery."
一个学生问了个韩国相关的问题,Trump问了句are you from south korea, 这就要解读是歧视了。你说美国都左成了什么样子,有人关心美国的前途吗?天天跟着左媒的步伐扣帽子能让穷人有面包吗?这就是美国衰落的另外一个重要原因,用政治正确掩盖决定国家生死存亡的问题,通过狂轰滥炸让选民觉得被扣帽子的人十恶不赦,从而糊里糊涂的选择了会葬送国家人民,毁灭美国传统价值的伪君子。
一个学生问了个韩国相关的问题,Trump问了句are you from south korea, 这就要解读是歧视了。你说美国都左成了什么样子,有人关心美国的前途吗?天天跟着左媒的步伐扣帽子能让穷人有面包吗?这就是美国衰落的另外一个重要原因,用政治正确掩盖决定国家生死存亡的问题,通过狂轰滥炸让选民觉得被扣帽子的人十恶不赦,从而糊里糊涂的选择了会葬送国家人民,毁灭美国传统价值的伪君子。
John kasich,多好一conservative,说话有理有据,但共和党就是没人喜欢他,一跌再跌。 chris christie当年出于政治计算和奥巴马联手救灾,民意飙升顺利连任。共和党现在拿这个来攻击他,把自己当初讨好到老百姓的那丁点成绩全砸自己碗里了,任性不是这么任的吧? 真有点像当初国共打架,不是共党不恶,是国党实在是太笨烂泥扶不上墙 Kasich已经不行了。如果这次Rubio最终能代表共和党跟希拉里决战,我绝对投他的票。其他共和党人就不指望了 但下届总统,希拉里基本是板上钉钉
哎。。。虽然很希望很希望GOP能赢得此次大选,可是客观理性的看,GOP候选人拿出来单挑,真的没有能搞得过希拉里这个无耻老女人的!如果希拉里上台,我们就要认真的考虑回国了。。。。美国将会被吃福利的黑黑默默彻底占领。。。。实在不希望我女儿生活在这样一个国家。。。。多赚点钱,看看哪个国家好些,就移到哪个国家吧。。。sunning_1980 发表于 2015-10-30 09:23 AM
John kasich,多好一conservative,说话有理有据,但共和党就是没人喜欢他,一跌再跌。 chris christie当年出于政治计算和奥巴马联手救灾,民意飙升顺利连任。共和党现在拿这个来攻击他,把自己当初讨好到老百姓的那丁点成绩全砸自己碗里了,任性不是这么任的吧? 真有点像当初国共打架,不是共党不恶,是国党实在是太笨烂泥扶不上墙 Kasich已经不行了。如果这次Rubio最终能代表共和党跟希拉里决战,我绝对投他的票。其他共和党人就不指望了 但下届总统,希拉里基本是板上钉钉树 发表于 2015-10-30 09:24 AM
John kasich,多好一conservative,说话有理有据,但共和党就是没人喜欢他,一跌再跌。 chris christie当年出于政治计算和奥巴马联手救灾,民意飙升顺利连任。共和党现在拿这个来攻击他,把自己当初讨好到老百姓的那丁点成绩全砸自己碗里了,任性不是这么任的吧? 真有点像当初国共打架,不是共党不恶,是国党实在是太笨烂泥扶不上墙 Kasich已经不行了。如果这次Rubio最终能代表共和党跟希拉里决战,我绝对投他的票。其他共和党人就不指望了 但下届总统,希拉里基本是板上钉钉
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of immigrant families caught illegally crossing the Mexican border told U.S. immigration agents they made the dangerous journey in part because they believed they would be permitted to stay in the United States and collect public benefits, according to internal intelligence files from the Homeland Security Department.
GOP candidates plot debate revolt against RNC The meeting, first reported by Politico, comes in the wake of Wednesday's night's CNBC primary debate, which has been widely criticized by the candidates. The RNC has not been invited to the meeting, reflecting the campaigns' frustrations with the committee's handling of the debate process. Sources with knowledge of the meeting said the plan came about after a discussion between representatives from the Ben Carson and Bobby Jindal campaigns, who then brought in aides to Donald Trump and Lindsay Graham. As of Thursday night, representatives from the Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum campaigns are also expected to attend the meeting, which is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Jeb Bush and Rand Paul's campaigns are tentative, while a spokesperson for Chris Christie confirmed that their team was not part of the discussions.
I write to inform you that pending further discussion between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and our presidential campaigns, we are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February 26, 2016. The RNC’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that our candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to lay out their vision for America’s future. We simply cannot continue with NBC without full consultation with our campaigns.
The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith. We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.
CNBC billed the debate as one that would focus on “the key issues that matter to all voters—job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy.” That was not the case. Before the debate, the candidates were promised an opening question on economic or financial matters. That was not the case. Candidates were promised that speaking time would be carefully monitored to ensure fairness. That was not the case. Questions were inaccurate or downright offensive. The first question directed to one of our candidates asked if he was running a comic book version of a presidential campaign, hardly in the spirit of how the debate was billed.
While debates are meant to include tough questions and contrast candidates’ visions and policies for the future of America, CNBC’s moderators engaged in a series of “gotcha” questions, petty and mean-spirited in tone, and designed to embarrass our candidates. What took place Wednesday night was not an attempt to give the American people a greater understanding of our candidates’ policies and ideas.
I have tremendous respect for the First Amendment and freedom of the press. However, I also expect the media to host a substantive debate on consequential issues important to Americans. CNBC did not.
While we are suspending our partnership with NBC News and its properties, we still fully intend to have a debate on that day, and will ensure that National Review remains part of it.
I will be working with our candidates to discuss how to move forward and will be in touch.
Reince Priebus Chairman, Republican National Committee
I write to inform you that pending further discussion between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and our presidential campaigns, we are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February 26, 2016. The RNC’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that our candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to lay out their vision for America’s future. We simply cannot continue with NBC without full consultation with our campaigns.
The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith. We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.
CNBC billed the debate as one that would focus on “the key issues that matter to all voters—job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy.” That was not the case. Before the debate, the candidates were promised an opening question on economic or financial matters. That was not the case. Candidates were promised that speaking time would be carefully monitored to ensure fairness. That was not the case. Questions were inaccurate or downright offensive. The first question directed to one of our candidates asked if he was running a comic book version of a presidential campaign, hardly in the spirit of how the debate was billed.
While debates are meant to include tough questions and contrast candidates’ visions and policies for the future of America, CNBC’s moderators engaged in a series of “gotcha” questions, petty and mean-spirited in tone, and designed to embarrass our candidates. What took place Wednesday night was not an attempt to give the American people a greater understanding of our candidates’ policies and ideas.
I have tremendous respect for the First Amendment and freedom of the press. However, I also expect the media to host a substantive debate on consequential issues important to Americans. CNBC did not.
While we are suspending our partnership with NBC News and its properties, we still fully intend to have a debate on that day, and will ensure that National Review remains part of it.
I will be working with our candidates to discuss how to move forward and will be in touch.
我觉得Trump辩论的结束语挺好的啊,不像别人都在喊口号。他说,我觉得三个小时的辩论太长了,就是电视台想多赚广告费才要延长到三小时,所以我打电话给Ben,我们达成了一致,跟CNBC电视台要求改成两小时,否则我们不参加辩论,结果就是,在大家都认为不可能的情况下,通过我提起的倡议和协商,辩论被从三小时改成了两小时,我当了总统以后,我会继续为了美国的利益negotiate,make America great again。然后那个John啥啥的,还在那儿辩解,说从来辩论都是俩小时,我心说,屁啊,CNN那场就是三个小时,Trump说,你说的不对,你说的不对。
我觉得Trump辩论的结束语挺好的啊,不像别人都在喊口号。他说,我觉得三个小时的辩论太长了,就是电视台想多赚广告费才要延长到三小时,所以我打电话给Ben,我们达成了一致,跟CNBC电视台要求改成两小时,否则我们不参加辩论,结果就是,在大家都认为不可能的情况下,通过我提起的倡议和协商,辩论被从三小时改成了两小时,我当了总统以后,我会继续为了美国的利益negotiate,make America great again。然后那个John啥啥的,还在那儿辩解,说从来辩论都是俩小时,我心说,屁啊,CNN那场就是三个小时,Trump说,你说的不对,你说的不对。 PositiveVibe 发表于 10/30/2015 3:24:43 PM
Trump总是宣称他是某某idea的创始人。实事是他之前800个人都在讲syria的safe zone/green zone/no fly zone,怎么他就成了这个计划的创始人了?他自己说他的military advice来自TV show。这点我相信他,因为他确实没搞清楚啥是库德族,根本谈不上有什么“远见。” 他就跟catch me if you can里面雷奥纳多看TV show装外科医生一样,装的像模像样有什么用,真上手术台了只会捂着鼻子说“I concur”
我觉得Trump辩论的结束语挺好的啊,不像别人都在喊口号。他说,我觉得三个小时的辩论太长了,就是电视台想多赚广告费才要延长到三小时,所以我打电话给Ben,我们达成了一致,跟CNBC电视台要求改成两小时,否则我们不参加辩论,结果就是,在大家都认为不可能的情况下,通过我提起的倡议和协商,辩论被从三小时改成了两小时,我当了总统以后,我会继续为了美国的利益negotiate,make America great again。然后那个John啥啥的,还在那儿辩解,说从来辩论都是俩小时,我心说,屁啊,CNN那场就是三个小时,Trump说,你说的不对,你说的不对。 PositiveVibe 发表于 10/30/2015 3:24:43 PM
Trump总是宣称他是某某idea的创始人。实事是他之前800个人都在讲syria的safe zone/green zone/no fly zone,怎么他就成了这个计划的创始人了?他自己说他的military advice来自TV show。这点我相信他,因为他确实没搞清楚啥是库德族,根本谈不上有什么“远见。” 他就跟catch me if you can里面雷奥纳多看TV show装外科医生一样,装的像模像样有什么用,真上手术台了只会捂着鼻子说“I concur”
我支持O8的这个决定,尽管其他他的决定我很多反对,当时我就说了,你可以翻我的帖子。俄罗斯不是好鸟谁都知道,但给ISIS增加一个敌人也是不错的,所有极端穆斯林都认为美国是最大敌人,以后别只往美国扔炸弹,给莫斯科也丢几个。这叫合纵连横,Trump说美国要打ISIS也只是伊拉克。而且退一步,美国有机会喘息,build up自己的实力,最终都是经济实力说话,没钱口号喊的再大也没用。人类历史一直如此,你看德国,不是五常,可是在欧洲绝对是老大,为啥?Rubio和HP女天天瞎嚷嚷we'll make it crystal clear to Russia...咋个crystal clear法?这和土工天天“强烈谴责”有什么区别?只是为了给GOP选民听罢了。
Trump总是宣称他是某某idea的创始人。实事是他之前800个人都在讲syria的safe zone/green zone/no fly zone,怎么他就成了这个计划的创始人了?他自己说他的military advice来自TV show。这点我相信他,因为他确实没搞清楚啥是库德族,根本谈不上有什么“远见。” 他就跟catch me if you can里面雷奥纳多看TV show装外科医生一样,装的像模像样有什么用,真上手术台了只会捂着鼻子说“I concur”
我支持O8的这个决定,尽管其他他的决定我很多反对,当时我就说了,你可以翻我的帖子。俄罗斯不是好鸟谁都知道,但给ISIS增加一个敌人也是不错的,所有极端穆斯林都认为美国是最大敌人,以后别只往美国扔炸弹,给莫斯科也丢几个。这叫合纵连横,Trump说美国要打ISIS也只是伊拉克。而且退一步,美国有机会喘息,build up自己的实力,最终都是经济实力说话,没钱口号喊的再大也没用。人类历史一直如此,你看德国,不是五常,可是在欧洲绝对是老大,为啥?Rubio和HP女天天瞎嚷嚷we'll make it crystal clear to Russia...咋个crystal clear法?这和土工天天“强烈谴责”有什么区别?只是为了给GOP选民听罢了。
luckyso 发表于 10/30/2015 4:32:41 PM
汗。。。你自己看你说的,先说Trump当时不是很熟,马上又说其实Trump很懂。怎么就从“不熟”到“很懂”的? Rubio提safe zone的逻辑我已经解释清楚了,他之前的美国一直在跟俄罗斯斗,在你眼里成了“跟土共一样喊口号”了吗? 共和党很多人都提过建safe zone Trump说只打伊拉克的ISIS是很好笑的,他不知道syria的ISIS跟伊拉克的ISIS是同一个ISIS? 我记得他说的是打了伊拉克ISIS,抢了ISIS的油井来赚钱。他不知道人家油井是人家的,不能由他来赚钱?
我不信你看了这么多书就看出一个“种族优劣”的结论? 不一一反驳了。就你那个“如果中国13亿人的构成比例是由维族藏族彝族为主体,就是有10000个邓小平给出的改革开放政策,1000年后还是会穷的一塌胡糊”就非常的不科学。按你的说法,毛泽东邓小平应该出生在河南才对。近代中国的领袖全部产生在当初瘴气毒虫蛮夷之地。河南陕西那才是中原文明 前段时间华人一个ID特别复杂的mm讲过世界人口迁徙。黑白黄种本来就是一种人。你说人种差异,不如说地域差异还有说服力一些。Lucy的后代到了北欧就变白,到了黄河就变黄。没过白令海峡就是亚裔,过了人家就成玛雅人了。本来就是经济教育造成的区别,确实也有“历史原因”。对这部分“暂时落后”人类,你不跑到火星恐怕是甩不掉的,只能deal with it
我不信你看了这么多书就看出一个“种族优劣”的结论? 不一一反驳了。就你那个“如果中国13亿人的构成比例是由维族藏族彝族为主体,就是有10000个邓小平给出的改革开放政策,1000年后还是会穷的一塌胡糊”就非常的不科学。按你的说法,毛泽东邓小平应该出生在河南才对。近代中国的领袖全部产生在当初瘴气毒虫蛮夷之地。河南陕西那才是中原文明 前段时间华人一个ID特别复杂的mm讲过世界人口迁徙。黑白黄种本来就是一种人。你说人种差异,不如说地域差异还有说服力一些。Lucy的后代到了北欧就变白,到了黄河就变黄。没过白令海峡就是亚裔,过了人家就成玛雅人了。本来就是经济教育造成的区别,确实也有“历史原因”。对这部分“暂时落后”人类,你不跑到火星恐怕是甩不掉的,只能deal with it
树 发表于 10/30/2015 11:49:01 PM
deal with it的方式是宠着,惯着,养着,有错也不能说吗?有些人因为人种也好,历史也好,可能需要外力来推才能进步,我觉得也没什么大不了的,但关键现在推的方向完全是错误的,宠溺纵容是害不是爱。
Trump没说,是我说的,在实验和做出来还是有区别的,至少我这么认为,你可以不同意。我不同意O8在伊拉克撤军,当初打伊拉克是个错误,但小布什后期已经取得了有利形势,不该全部放弃。但问题现在已经这样了,又不能推到重来。支持反对派也是一样,你要支持就好好支持,三天打鱼两天晒网是怎么回事,信心已经丢了,而且俄罗斯已经先发制人,美国难道要硬上吗?还是要再寻找机会吧,奥巴这一步没有错上加错。关键奥巴把国内也弄的一团糟,经济不行,债台高筑,左倾民众反战,和九十年代全盛时期不可同日而语,你让他怎么办?只能把烂摊子留给下一任了。luckyso 发表于 2015-10-31 00:57 AM
Donald Trump on Saturday knocked President Barack Obama's decision to deploy fewer than 50 Special Operations forces on the ground in Syria, suggesting the strategy is a half-measure.
"I think we have a president who just doesn't know what he's doing," Trump told CNN. "You either do it or you don't do it. Fifty people. He puts 50 people."
Swedish Foreign Minister: Margot Wallström Says Country Is Facing 'Collapse' Due to Refugee Influx "I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year - in the long run, our system will collapse," Wallström told Dagens Nyheter. As 190,000 migrants this year alone pour into the country, law and order is beginning to break down as the country plays witness to numerous arson attacks, stabbings and gang rapes.
Mother of Officer Killed by Illegal Drunk Driver Says White House Won't Meet Her The mother of a police sergeant who was killed by an illegal alien appeared on "Fox and Friends" to honor her son's memory, and express some of her frustrations with Washington and the state of the country.
Her son Brandon Mendoza was killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver with a criminal record who'd been in the country illegally for two decades.
Mary Anne Mendoza has been trying to turn the tragedy into legislative action that would prohibit illegal immigrants from obtaining drivers licenses, and she said she has learned a lot from meetings with lawmakers and other families.
"I had no idea what a huge problem this was until it happened to me," Mendoza said. "I don't want any other American family to go through what I've gone through the last year and a half of my life."
Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the issue has made it hard to get firm pledges of support from politicians, let alone a meeting at the White House.
"I've written three letters to the President," Mendoza said. "It's disheartening to see the people he does have at the White House.
"We had been pleading with them to meet with us, to see our faces, to feel our pain and to hear our stories. And maybe understand this problem a little better and do something about it for Americans."
She also credited Donald Trump with opening "the door for us and for our stories to be heard."
In 2009, Mannatech settled for $7 million following a lawsuit brought by the Texas attorney general over the company's claims that its products could cure cancer and autism. CNBC moderator Carl Quintanilla claimed Carson had a 10-year-long connection with the company and that it continued even after the settlement.
The WSJ also cited a 2004 video of Carson speaking at a Mannatech event. In the video, he credited the company's products for his prostate cancer diagnosis symptoms disappearing. The paper points out that Carson is now "cancer-free after surgery."
说的一针见血。是选民base的变化,而不是民主党的候选人多牛。而且依赖政府和福利的人无论是谁都会去投票,而不管这个人有多不诚实,多么功利。民主党可以继续扩大福利加税,中产萎缩,引入更多非移票蛆,依赖政府的人越来越多,这是个death spiral, 一旦进去了很难出来。希腊就是个例子。可怜美国强盛了这么多年,我们这代就是见证衰落的开始。
一个学生问了个韩国相关的问题,Trump问了句are you from south korea, 这就要解读是歧视了。你说美国都左成了什么样子,有人关心美国的前途吗?天天跟着左媒的步伐扣帽子能让穷人有面包吗?这就是美国衰落的另外一个重要原因,用政治正确掩盖决定国家生死存亡的问题,通过狂轰滥炸让选民觉得被扣帽子的人十恶不赦,从而糊里糊涂的选择了会葬送国家人民,毁灭美国传统价值的伪君子。
吃福利多的人就一定会选民主党?那为什么按人口比例来说领food stamps最多的州几乎都是红州?
Trump 为什么问?不是因为他本身就知道他说错了话而企图转移话题?问者来自何方重要么?
真不知道你都看了什么报道说Trump十恶不赦了。毁灭美国传统价值的是现在流行的垃圾pop culture. 跟谁是总统无关。
而且Trump一直很真实,可是一直明显的是个egotistical narcissist, 真小人。
[color=#999999]树 发表于 10/30/2015 1:57:16 AM [/color][url=][img] back.gif[/img][/url][/quote]
chris christie当年出于政治计算和奥巴马联手救灾,民意飙升顺利连任。共和党现在拿这个来攻击他,把自己当初讨好到老百姓的那丁点成绩全砸自己碗里了,任性不是这么任的吧?
univision啊。egotistical narcissist就是小人?这两个词的含义根本不沾边。撒谎的人才是小人。
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hundreds of immigrant families caught illegally crossing
the Mexican border told U.S. immigration agents they made the dangerous
journey in part because they believed they would be permitted to stay in the
United States and collect public benefits, according to internal
intelligence files from the Homeland Security Department.
The meeting, first reported by Politico, comes in the wake of Wednesday's night's CNBC primary debate, which has been widely criticized by the candidates. The RNC has not been invited to the meeting, reflecting the campaigns' frustrations with the committee's handling of the debate process.
Sources with knowledge of the meeting said the plan came about after a discussion between representatives from the Ben Carson and Bobby Jindal campaigns, who then brought in aides to Donald Trump and Lindsay Graham.
As of Thursday night, representatives from the Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum campaigns are also expected to attend the meeting, which is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Sunday. The Jeb Bush and Rand Paul's campaigns are tentative, while a spokesperson for Chris Christie confirmed that their team was not part of the discussions.
re 每一个字, 至少还有退路回国,反正社会主义简直是贬义词中的贬义词,在oregon那样的州看见好多好多包头巾的,对它们的宗教最没有好感,希望到时候国内产业升级完成,污染能小点。。。。
Trump亲俄罗斯,不喜欢中国。虽然他现在跟普京眉来眼去,但我觉得基本是假象。Trump对别人的忍耐度只表现在一切以show为层面的“开玩笑”上,但凡面对稍微严肃触及他个人利益反面意见,他的表现是睚眦必报,非常predictable. 而且他有在“自己人”中分化出一小部分进行攻击的坏习惯。就这作风,某天普京如果发神经刺激他一下,他可能一颗核弹就给人甩过去了。另外中东问题他根本搞不懂。跟着共和党一起反伊朗吧,却连死敌的名字都不熟,库德跟quds分不清,让人怀疑他国际问题全在胡蒙。总的来说他对“国际形势”,他走的是抽象艺术路线,只给你一种“感觉”,半年下来从不谈具体怎么做,反正就是你相信我到时候肯定会有办法。大家选个总统上去是指望他立即能干活的,难道端碗茶旁边等着看他慢慢学?
Rubio完全相反。他对中东、欧亚局势的理解非常精准,分析的非常具体又切中要害,看的出是做了大量功课。他非常重视国际局势问题,可以说在各候选人中对美国foreign policy的重要程度关注最高。大方向基本是传统右派风:强势参与,绝不妥协。凭他的信息处理能力和判断力,假如他上台,我相信他搞不出小布什那种解散伊拉克政府军的傻x行为,也搞不出奥巴马为了反战而反战、让布什后期刚见起色的补救措施全部泡汤的傻x行为(这是我非常反感奥巴马的地方)。在中东美国打的几仗本身都很漂亮但架不住后续手段的混乱。攻城容易,却守不住。也因为foreign policy的不连贯。指望rubio上台可以改变/改进
Trump + Huckabee 不错
Huckabee 立场/三观正确,言之有物,我还挺喜欢他的。
Trump + Cruz也可以。
现在我也理解他为什么对donald trump发飙,反正他也没戏了。他肯定无比忿懑现在情形。现在的情形就是两党的差别之大,党内选人都往左右两级选,语不惊人不能显示跟对方不同,为了两党斗争可以完全不顾实事。极左sanders当道也就罢了,右派也是谁比谁更极右秀下限。温和的中间派根本无法在党内出头
不过现在Kasich不行了。又考虑到foreign policy这一块,候选人都不同程度轻视或者能力不足,所以共和党内只能考虑他。
I write to inform you that pending further discussion between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and our presidential campaigns, we are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February 26, 2016. The RNC’s sole role in the primary debate process is to ensure that our candidates are given a full and fair opportunity to lay out their vision for America’s future. We simply cannot continue with NBC without full consultation with our campaigns.
The CNBC network is one of your media properties, and its handling of the debate was conducted in bad faith. We understand that NBC does not exercise full editorial control over CNBC’s journalistic approach. However, the network is an arm of your organization, and we need to ensure there is not a repeat performance.
CNBC billed the debate as one that would focus on “the key issues that matter to all voters—job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy.” That was not the case. Before the debate, the candidates were promised an opening question on economic or financial matters. That was not the case. Candidates were promised that speaking time would be carefully monitored to ensure fairness. That was not the case. Questions were inaccurate or downright offensive. The first question directed to one of our candidates asked if he was running a comic book version of a presidential campaign, hardly in the spirit of how the debate was billed.
While debates are meant to include tough questions and contrast candidates’ visions and policies for the future of America, CNBC’s moderators engaged in a series of “gotcha” questions, petty and mean-spirited in tone, and designed to embarrass our candidates. What took place Wednesday night was not an attempt to give the American people a greater understanding of our candidates’ policies and ideas.
I have tremendous respect for the First Amendment and freedom of the press. However, I also expect the media to host a substantive debate on consequential issues important to Americans. CNBC did not.
While we are suspending our partnership with NBC News and its properties, we still fully intend to have a debate on that day, and will ensure that National Review remains part of it.
I will be working with our candidates to discuss how to move forward and will be in touch.
Reince Priebus
Chairman, Republican National Committee
Rubio这方面其实道行很浅,举个例子,Syria问题, Trump最早提出的safe zone的概念: 在syria划一个区域给难民,UN和美国负责安全;Rubio copy了不说,为了显示自己不同还转变了一下: safe zone里还要包括rebel。可这样一来,Assad要打rebel,safe zone如何维持?美国正面去与Assad和俄罗斯交锋吗?safe zone主要是解决难民潮,他这样一混淆,safe zone根本变成了war zone,什么也解决不了。所以他空会一些名词,真正到了solution上一点也不make sense, 是学院派。当然他还年轻,以后有前途,但现在就当总统道行还是太浅。
可惜Jeb没有接下去, 让他逮空溜过去还倒打一耙说别人人生攻击
而且如果你现在还认为Trump会随便扔核弹头的话,你可能需要更多的follow竞选进展,Trump很明确的说要build up military, 但我们use it smart, 他的进退分寸还是掌握很好的,开始认为他hotheaded的人都已经逐渐转变了观点。如果Trump输了,是因为他不够conservative,而不是因为人们怀疑他会随便丢核弹。
Trump总是宣称他是某某idea的创始人。实事是他之前800个人都在讲syria的safe zone/green zone/no fly zone,怎么他就成了这个计划的创始人了?他自己说他的military advice来自TV show。这点我相信他,因为他确实没搞清楚啥是库德族,根本谈不上有什么“远见。”
他就跟catch me if you can里面雷奥纳多看TV show装外科医生一样,装的像模像样有什么用,真上手术台了只会捂着鼻子说“I concur”
CNN那场结束之后第一个采访Trump,Trump立马就说这么长时间我看你们cnn是收足了广告费,Chris Cuomo假装没听到就是不接话,哈哈哈
共和党倾向推自己的极右派,极右会在pro life,global warming,gun control,gay,移民问题上完败。
Rubio那次debate是念写好的东西,也没人问他gotcha question,这就说明懂了?他的safe zone是他自己说的,毫无逻辑,说明他除了背诵,真到了实际运用就一点也不懂。这才是最危险的好不好?
我支持O8的这个决定,尽管其他他的决定我很多反对,当时我就说了,你可以翻我的帖子。俄罗斯不是好鸟谁都知道,但给ISIS增加一个敌人也是不错的,所有极端穆斯林都认为美国是最大敌人,以后别只往美国扔炸弹,给莫斯科也丢几个。这叫合纵连横,Trump说美国要打ISIS也只是伊拉克。而且退一步,美国有机会喘息,build up自己的实力,最终都是经济实力说话,没钱口号喊的再大也没用。人类历史一直如此,你看德国,不是五常,可是在欧洲绝对是老大,为啥?Rubio和HP女天天瞎嚷嚷we'll make it crystal clear to Russia...咋个crystal clear法?这和土工天天“强烈谴责”有什么区别?只是为了给GOP选民听罢了。
Rubio提safe zone的逻辑我已经解释清楚了,他之前的美国一直在跟俄罗斯斗,在你眼里成了“跟土共一样喊口号”了吗?
共和党很多人都提过建safe zone
不太熟的是那个名字,很懂的是其他问题,难道一个问题还要反复问,后来讨论的自然是别的问题。这也要我spell out? 有什么可“汗”的?
Safe zone我是指GOP候选人里面的先后,Trump比rubio说的早,Rubio manipulate一通还还瞎说。不是喊口号是什么?你建个包括反对派的safe zone, Assad/俄罗斯打了呢?美国就上?开启第三次世界大战?
ISIS是一个,就不能两面夹击分着打吗,俄罗斯不也是从一边打起的吗?只有核弹才能把它们同时take out.
Rubio说的就是共和党传统派提出的safe zone,他那三点可以说是重复前辈们说过800遍的话
前段时间华人一个ID特别复杂的mm讲过世界人口迁徙。黑白黄种本来就是一种人。你说人种差异,不如说地域差异还有说服力一些。Lucy的后代到了北欧就变白,到了黄河就变黄。没过白令海峡就是亚裔,过了人家就成玛雅人了。本来就是经济教育造成的区别,确实也有“历史原因”。对这部分“暂时落后”人类,你不跑到火星恐怕是甩不掉的,只能deal with it
deal with it的方式是宠着,惯着,养着,有错也不能说吗?有些人因为人种也好,历史也好,可能需要外力来推才能进步,我觉得也没什么大不了的,但关键现在推的方向完全是错误的,宠溺纵容是害不是爱。
SC高中有大概150个学生周五抗议那个tossed a student的警察被解雇,看来还是有正义感的学生
说Carson撒谎,这回IOWA人民该重新考虑一下了吧,基督徒不喜欢撒谎的人吧,而且选它的人都是说它是个good man,然后就没了。采访了几个观众,听了周三辩论前有7个支持Carson,听完了,5个都转别人了,没一一采访都转为支持谁了,但是说明其实支持Carson的人挺盲目的。
是想打完谈判时有张桌子? 不过这么点人能不能算数存疑。这50人也够倒霉的。
Carson的主要定位是我是个好人,具有很高的道德水平,这个定位很危险的,非常好攻击,只要找到一个反例圣人形象一坍塌,打击是致命的。这次辩论他是最大的输家。估计他的票会下滑,一部分给Trump,还有一部分给Cruz. Cruz最近在Iowa很卖力气。
"I think we have a president who just doesn't know what he's doing," Trump told CNN. "You either do it or you don't do it. Fifty people. He puts 50 people."
"I think most people feel that we cannot maintain a system where perhaps 190,000 people will arrive every year - in the long run, our system will collapse," Wallström told Dagens Nyheter.
As 190,000 migrants this year alone pour into the country, law and order is beginning to break down as the country plays witness to numerous arson attacks, stabbings and gang rapes.
The mother of a police sergeant who was killed by an illegal alien appeared on "Fox and Friends" to honor her son's memory, and express some of her frustrations with Washington and the state of the country.
Her son Brandon Mendoza was killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver with a criminal record who'd been in the country illegally for two decades.
Mary Anne Mendoza has been trying to turn the tragedy into legislative action that would prohibit illegal immigrants from obtaining drivers licenses, and she said she has learned a lot from meetings with lawmakers and other families.
"I had no idea what a huge problem this was until it happened to me," Mendoza said. "I don't want any other American family to go through what I've gone through the last year and a half of my life."
Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the issue has made it hard to get firm pledges of support from politicians, let alone a meeting at the White House.
"I've written three letters to the President," Mendoza said. "It's disheartening to see the people he does have at the White House.
"We had been pleading with them to meet with us, to see our faces, to feel our pain and to hear our stories. And maybe understand this problem a little better and do something about it for Americans."
She also credited Donald Trump with opening "the door for us and for our stories to be heard."
trump 老早就看出这个人的本性了,也很早就预测jeb bush和rubio狗咬狗。多准呀
我现在的rank是trump >> kasich >> bush >> cruz, 其他人赶紧消散吧
New Mexico因为给非移发驾照,现在所有人坐飞机不能用驾照当身份证明了,因为非移的驾照不能确认他们的身份,也无法查是不是在什么watch list上。不明白为何非移的权利能凌驾在所有人之上。