ABC News @abc 3分3分钟前 NEW: House Speaker Paul Ryan to endorse Donald Trump, campaign sources confirm - @JTSantucci 泡软投降了。 dingdingdddd 发表于 5/25/2016 1:32:22 AM
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
Chinese-Americans Rally with Trump in Anaheim The doctor who shook the hand of GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump on stage as he rallied supporters in Anaheim, California, is part of a 2,000-strong “Chinese-Americans for Trump” organization with 15 chapters across the country.
CHART: Green Cards Issued to Middle Eastern Migrants Skyrocket 32 Percent in One Year
The number of green cards the Obama administration granted to migrants from the Middle East increased dramatically over a single year, according to a new analysis of recently published government data. In a chart slated for release later today, the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest highlight a 32 percent increase in the number of migrants from Middle Eastern countries granted Legal Permanent Resident status from Fiscal Year 2013 to FY 2014.
Namely, in FY 2014 DHS granted green card status to 103,901 migrants from countries in the Middle East — nearly a third more than the 78,917 green cards it issued to Middle Eastern migrants in FY 2013, and more than double the 66,415 green cards it issued in FY 2001. According to the subcommittee, from FY 2001 to FY 2014 DHS granted 1,114,453 Middle Eastern migrants green cards. DHS has yet to release the statistics for FY 2015.
Chinese-Americans Rally with Trump in Anaheim The doctor who shook the hand of GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump on stage as he rallied supporters in Anaheim, California, is part of a 2,000-strong “Chinese-Americans for Trump” organization with 15 chapters across the country.
Chinese-Americans Rally with Trump in Anaheim The doctor who shook the hand of GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump on stage as he rallied supporters in Anaheim, California, is part of a 2,000-strong “Chinese-Americans for Trump” organization with 15 chapters across the country.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
NEW: House Speaker Paul Ryan to endorse Donald Trump, campaign sources confirm - @JTSantucci
顺便提个醒个选民筒子们,mail-in ballot 一定要早投出,保证早几天到county. 不能按邮戳,因为poll那天计票以后,如果结果出来了,后面收到的mail ballot很可能就不记了。所以要make sure 自己的选票count in,尽量早寄,切记切记!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
这。。。这。。妹妹好犀利,一个病人好好养着就是,总统这要职确实不适合担当 怕关键时候脑子又被堵了,电话叫不醒,到时责任算谁头上啊
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
The lawsuit was filed earlier in the day at a federal court in Texas, Mark
Berman reported for the Washington Post. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
announced the lawsuit at a press conference on Wednesday. Texas is joined by
Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah,
West Virginia, and Wisconsin in the lawsuit.
ZT: Chinese American和Trump握手,Anaheim, CA 。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
2012 大选的时候德州是 57% (R) vs 41% (D), 加州是 60% (D) vs 37% (R).
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
反正6月7日加州选完肯定够了,那些Unpledged Delegates也不重要了,突然一下88票Unpledged Delegates,他们也就是想在加州前赶紧表个忠心吧~
Chinese-Americans Rally with Trump in Anaheim
The doctor who shook the hand of GOP frontrunner Donald J. Trump on stage as he rallied supporters in Anaheim, California, is part of a 2,000-strong “Chinese-Americans for Trump” organization with 15 chapters across the country.
CHART: Green Cards Issued to Middle Eastern Migrants Skyrocket 32 Percent in One Year
The number of green cards the Obama administration granted to migrants from the Middle East increased dramatically over a single year, according to a new analysis of recently published government data.
In a chart slated for release later today, the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest highlight a 32 percent increase in the number of migrants from Middle Eastern countries granted Legal Permanent Resident status from Fiscal Year 2013 to FY 2014.
Namely, in FY 2014 DHS granted green card status to 103,901 migrants from countries in the Middle East — nearly a third more than the 78,917 green cards it issued to Middle Eastern migrants in FY 2013, and more than double the 66,415 green cards it issued in FY 2001. According to the subcommittee, from FY 2001 to FY 2014 DHS granted 1,114,453 Middle Eastern migrants green cards. DHS has yet to release the statistics for FY 2015.
软泡下台,他还说不会同意减少难民的费用, 卖国贼,这些人怎么才能搞下来?讨厌死他了
Rino ,威斯康辛本来就是蓝州,出来的东西也不可信任
那个王天天真是哪都有他啊,有人说他不好,我倒觉得不错,人无完人,至少他确实花了大量时间精力去做了很多实事,比光说不做的强多了~ 华人需要多一些愿意为群力利益抗争的人,不管是不是为了个人名利吧~
是啊,能把事儿做成, 有旺盛的精力花个人时间去组织就很不错了~ 内讧总是免不了,以前绿卡排期也有好些志愿者花业余时间为大家做事,结果也是一些人来质疑,后来志愿者觉得心凉也就放弃了,哎,希望以后这种打击人积极性的人少点~
没见过,google了下好像就是那个高个男,王湉(天天)。 之前洛杉矶Jimmy Kimmel游行、SCA5抗议的还有220peter liang游行都是他发起的~
他受争议好像就是前段时间老张性侵女童 挺了老张,不过后来说剧情确实反转了些,女童的父母在警车上用中文商量对证词被曝光,反正也不知道具体啥情况了~
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07