Donald Trump holds a 15-point lead over Ted Cruz in the potentially decisive May 3 presidential primary race in Indiana, according to results from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.
Trump gets support from 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters — followed by Cruz at 34 percent and John Kasich at 13 percent. If that margin in Indiana holds on Tuesday, Trump would be on a glide path towards obtaining the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination on a first ballot at the GOP convention in July.
"In Indiana, Trump is positioned to corral all the [state's 57] delegates, which will be a big prize toward winning the nomination outright," says Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. "Clinton and Sanders are more likely to divide the delegate pool, which will do little to change the narrative on the Democratic side."
Fifty Eight Percent Disapprove of Cruz-Kasich Alliance The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted April 26-28 — so mostly after Trump's six-consecutive primary victories in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, as well as after Cruz and Kasich announced an alliance/truce, whereby Kasich wouldn't campaign in Indiana to help Cruz (in exchange for Cruz not campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico).
But 58 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Indiana say they disapprove of Cruz and Kasich teaming up to beat Trump in the Hoosier State, while 34 percent say they approve of the move.
What's more, only 22 percent consider the Cruz-Kasich alliance a major factor in deciding their vote, 15 percent say it's a minor factor and 63 percent say it would play no factor at all.
Trump Leads Clinton in Hypothetical Hoosier State Match-Up In a hypothetical general-election matchup, Trump is ahead of Clinton by seven points among registered voters in this traditionally Republican state, 48 41 percent.
But Trump's lead is just one point when matched up against Bernie Sanders, 47 46 percent.
Meanwhile, Cruz also is ahead of Clinton by seven points (50 43 percent), while Kasich leads the former secretary of state by 19 (56 37 percent).
Kasich beats Sanders by one point (47 46 percent), but Sanders leads Cruz by three (48 45 percent).
The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll of Indiana was conducted by live-caller interviews (via landline and cell phone) among 2,149 registered voters (which has a margin of error of plus-minus 2.1 percent
Today, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr., one of the most senior Republicans in the House and the only Republican remaining in Congress who voted against the Iraq War today endorsed Donald Trump for President.
“With only four percent of the world’s population, we buy 25 percent of the world’s goods. Every country wants into our markets. We have tremendous leverage on trade we have not used. Donald Trump will do that.”
“With 58 percent of the people in this world having to get by on less than $4.00 a day, hundreds of millions come here. Our economy and infrastructure could not handle all these people, and this means our immigration laws must be enforced. Donald Trump will do that.”
“Finally, almost all Americans now believe it has been a horrible mistake to spend trillions fighting no-win wars in the Middle East. We must start rebuilding our own Country. Donald Trump will do that.”
“For all these reasons, I enthusiastically endorse Donald Trump for President.”
"I am pleased to have the support of Representative Duncan (TN) who is one of the most fiscally conservative Members of the House. If more Members voted like Rep. Duncan, we wouldn't be wasting trillions of the taxpayer dollars in foreign countries," said Trump.
'A Ton of Democrats are Going to Vote for Trump': Democratic Strategist Says Trump Will Beat Hillary
加州的民主党参议员德里昂(Kevin de Leon)起草了一个提案,编号是SB1050,别名 叫做“大学储才提案”。这个提案表面上用天花乱坠的花言巧语和巧妙伪装的前后次序 掩护着一个难以启齿的目标——排斥打压华人家庭孩子上大学的比例,同时扶持和提高 其他族裔家庭孩子上大学的比例。
加州参议会副主席Kevin de Leon凯文·德里昂(加州第24选区参议员)于2016年4月8 日在圣盖博高中正式宣布提案SB1050(德里)大学储才法案。支持要员有圣盖博高中校 长Debbie Stone,圣盖博市议员卜君毅、加州参议员赫南德兹(Ed Hernandez)、Dr. Richard Pan、Ricardo Lara、Michelle King、LAUSD Superintendent、学生代表Leo Liu、Trista Rios、Michele Siqueiros-Campsign for College Opportinity、伍国庆 、郭志明、Linda Wah、嘉伟学区教委罗霈霆。
Just posted on the NY Times site, a report that Cruz's support is softening, among the delegates that Cruz has courted. The allegiance of those delegates is shifting to Trump.
one of the interesting developments, in the NY primary and in the five last week, was that Trump has been winning by considerably more than the pre-election polls had predicted.
There is every reason to assume that that pattern will continue, with Trump winning with an even greater lead than in the WSJ/Marist poll announced today.
At a campaign stop just days before the critical Indiana primary, Heidi Cruz, wife of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, said one of her husband's strengths in the campaign is that he "is an immigrant."
"Ted is an immigrant," Mrs. Cruz said, emphasizing the word "is." "He is Hispanic."
Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada but who is an American citizen by birth, has come under withering fire from rival Donald Trump over his Canadian birth. Trump has questioned whether Cruz is constitutionally eligible to be president. (Most legal experts believe there is no question that Cruz is, but the matter has not been litigated.) And Trump has mocked Cruz, whose given name is Rafael Edward Cruz and whose mother is American and whose father is Cuban, over the circumstances of his birth.
"Rafael! Straight outta the hills of Canada," Trump said at a rally in Connecticut last week. "Was a Canadian citizen until 14, 15 months ago. And then he ran for the Senate. You know, you're registered as a Canadian citizen. He says, 'Oh, I'd never do that.' He never knew he was a Canadian! I can't believe that."
In 2012, women made up 53 percent of the vote — a majority of the electorate — but will they turn out in the same way in 2016, despite a lack of interest? A new Gallup survey has found that just 30 percent of Democratic women are paying attention to the presidential race, a shocking statistic. Women are supposed to be the core base of Clinton’s supporters, but she just hasn’t been able to cultivate enthusiasm among them for her campaign.
Gravis Poll: Trump Leads in Indiana by 17 Points, Cruz’s Support Continues to Collapse
Yesterday,NBC showed Donald Trump extending his lead over Teddy in Indiana, up 15. Today a new poll shows Trump extending the lead further, now up 17. People are already lining up for the 7PM Donald Trump rally in South Bend. We The People are choosing the next POTUS
One Facebook comment said: "That's disgusting. And it is more than my mother gets in social security after working for 50 years. Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republicans want to cut social security even further, while Obama wants to spend money on illegals!!! There is nobody for the middle class in this country BUT Donald Trump."
那个CRUZ 领先的POLL根本不能信的啦,4/13就开始做了,NY PRIMARY之前,和KAISICH DIRTY DEAL之前的了,而且APR. 13-27,2个星期才400人的POLL。别家的POLL 一天就是400人,都是最近2天,4/27-28才做的。那个OUTLIER网上就连CRUZ SUPPORTER都不信呢。
不要太自恨好吗。我的孩子是还上中学,我从心眼里也没有刻意的对什么融入不融入有什么感觉。我的孩子非常自信,也很骄傲自己的中国背景。他的好朋友里有父母是大公司 CEO, federal judge, 还有大的家族企业。他的好朋友的父母们也很喜欢我的小孩。我们亚裔小孩一般家教严,勤奋,也没有一些坏习惯,这里很多父母其实很支持和放心自己的小孩和我们做朋友。最重要的是不要自己看不起自己。你那样的心态好像对小孩的成长不是很好,但我也不了解你周围的环境就是了。 对不起,好像把楼主的楼盖偏了
Donald Trump holds a 15-point lead over Ted Cruz in the potentially decisive May 3 presidential primary race in Indiana, according to results from a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.
Trump gets support from 49 percent of likely Republican primary voters — followed by Cruz at 34 percent and John Kasich at 13 percent. If that margin in Indiana holds on Tuesday, Trump would be on a glide path towards obtaining the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the Republican nomination on a first ballot at the GOP convention in July.
"In Indiana, Trump is positioned to corral all the [state's 57] delegates, which will be a big prize toward winning the nomination outright," says Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. "Clinton and Sanders are more likely to divide the delegate pool, which will do little to change the narrative on the Democratic side."
Fifty Eight Percent Disapprove of Cruz-Kasich Alliance
The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll was conducted April 26-28 — so mostly after Trump's six-consecutive primary victories in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, as well as after Cruz and Kasich announced an alliance/truce, whereby Kasich wouldn't campaign in Indiana to help Cruz (in exchange for Cruz not campaigning in Oregon and New Mexico).
But 58 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Indiana say they disapprove of Cruz and Kasich teaming up to beat Trump in the Hoosier State, while 34 percent say they approve of the move.
What's more, only 22 percent consider the Cruz-Kasich alliance a major factor in deciding their vote, 15 percent say it's a minor factor and 63 percent say it would play no factor at all.
Trump Leads Clinton in Hypothetical Hoosier State Match-Up
In a hypothetical general-election matchup, Trump is ahead of Clinton by seven points among registered voters in this traditionally Republican state, 48 41 percent.
But Trump's lead is just one point when matched up against Bernie Sanders, 47 46 percent.
Meanwhile, Cruz also is ahead of Clinton by seven points (50 43 percent), while Kasich leads the former secretary of state by 19 (56 37 percent).
Kasich beats Sanders by one point (47 46 percent), but Sanders leads Cruz by three (48 45 percent).
The NBC/WSJ/Marist poll of Indiana was conducted by live-caller interviews (via landline and cell phone) among 2,149 registered voters (which has a margin of error of plus-minus 2.1 percent
Trump is also up 17% in Oregon and 27% in California...or Cruz is down 17% in Oregon and 27% in California.
Today, Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr., one of the most senior Republicans in the House and the only Republican remaining in Congress who voted against the Iraq War today endorsed Donald Trump for President.
“With only four percent of the world’s population, we buy 25 percent of the world’s goods. Every country wants into our markets. We have tremendous leverage on trade we have not used. Donald Trump will do that.”
“With 58 percent of the people in this world having to get by on less than $4.00 a day, hundreds of millions come here. Our economy and infrastructure could not handle all these people, and this means our immigration laws must be enforced. Donald Trump will do that.”
“Finally, almost all Americans now believe it has been a horrible mistake to spend trillions fighting no-win wars in the Middle East. We must start rebuilding our own Country. Donald Trump will do that.”
“For all these reasons, I enthusiastically endorse Donald Trump for President.”
"I am pleased to have the support of Representative Duncan (TN) who is one of the most fiscally conservative Members of the House. If more Members voted like Rep. Duncan, we wouldn't be wasting trillions of the taxpayer dollars in foreign countries," said Trump.
IN 92:10
NE 69:35
WV 98:2
OR 96:6
WA 89:12
加州的民主党参议员德里昂(Kevin de Leon)起草了一个提案,编号是SB1050,别名
加州参议会副主席Kevin de Leon凯文·德里昂(加州第24选区参议员)于2016年4月8
长Debbie Stone,圣盖博市议员卜君毅、加州参议员赫南德兹(Ed Hernandez)、Dr.
Richard Pan、Ricardo Lara、Michelle King、LAUSD Superintendent、学生代表Leo
Liu、Trista Rios、Michele Siqueiros-Campsign for College Opportinity、伍国庆
、郭志明、Linda Wah、嘉伟学区教委罗霈霆。
2014年春季,加州民主党参议员赫南德兹(Ed Hernandez)起草的SCA5提案,之所以遭
记得当时加州众议会的民主党华人众议员周本立(Ed Chau)在被媒体围住逼着他对
Ted Cruz’s Support Softens Among the Delegates He Courted®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
There is every reason to assume that that pattern will continue, with Trump winning with an even greater lead than in the WSJ/Marist poll announced today.
At a campaign stop just days before the critical Indiana primary, Heidi Cruz, wife of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, said one of her husband's strengths in the campaign is that he "is an immigrant."
"Ted is an immigrant," Mrs. Cruz said, emphasizing the word "is." "He is Hispanic."
Ted Cruz, who was born in Canada but who is an American citizen by birth, has come under withering fire from rival Donald Trump over his Canadian birth. Trump has questioned whether Cruz is constitutionally eligible to be president. (Most legal experts believe there is no question that Cruz is, but the matter has not been litigated.) And Trump has mocked Cruz, whose given name is Rafael Edward Cruz and whose mother is American and whose father is Cuban, over the circumstances of his birth.
"Rafael! Straight outta the hills of Canada," Trump said at a rally in Connecticut last week. "Was a Canadian citizen until 14, 15 months ago. And then he ran for the Senate. You know, you're registered as a Canadian citizen. He says, 'Oh, I'd never do that.' He never knew he was a Canadian! I can't believe that."
CRUZ POACHES NEARLY ALL AZ DELEGATES=> Former Gov. Jan Brewer Screams “I Got CheaTED!”
这难道不是TRUMP说的play women's card? 我觉得美国媒体不是脑残, 而是真正地邪恶.
Women Giving Clinton the Cold Shoulder
In 2012, women made up 53 percent of the vote — a majority of the electorate — but will they turn out in the same way in 2016, despite a lack of interest?
A new Gallup survey has found that just 30 percent of Democratic women are paying attention to the presidential race, a shocking statistic. Women are supposed to be the core base of Clinton’s supporters, but she just hasn’t been able to cultivate enthusiasm among them for her campaign.
Trump 41%, Clinton 39%
前一周的调查结果还是38%--38%持平,再往前一个月时,Hillary 41% 对川普的38%。
2012年,GOP 初选选完了 一共才得到18 M票.
而2016截至到今天,还有好几个州没选,已经得到25 M票 现在已经比2012年多了7 M,等剩.下几个州都选完,估计能多个10M.
2016年, DEM目前一共得到21M多点, GOP 要比DEM 多了近4M 选票
GOP Turnout, Already Strong, Is Getting Stronger
这就是所谓的 我还没动手你就倒了。期待大选辩论上川普对希拉里一声吼,You are criminal! 画面大太美。
激动一下,如果不是这个歪曲的制度,船长早都拿到1237了,被lying ted偷和欺诈了好多delegates。
Yesterday,NBC showed Donald Trump extending his lead over Teddy in Indiana, up 15. Today a new poll shows Trump extending the lead further, now up 17. People are already lining up for the 7PM Donald Trump rally in South Bend. We The People are choosing the next POTUS
One Facebook comment said:
"That's disgusting. And it is more than my mother gets in social security after working for 50 years. Paul Ryan and the rest of the Republicans want to cut social security even further, while Obama wants to spend money on illegals!!! There is nobody for the middle class in this country BUT Donald Trump."
据我所知是要的,因为加州GOP党内初选是所谓closed primary, 每次初选前要专门注册才会收到GOP的选票,不然收到的初选选票根本连GOP的选项都没有。好像到了11月的总统大选就没有这个限制。所以还是去你们县的网上登记下吧!
是这样啊,那就double check一下吧。
Donald Trump supporter confronts Ted Cruz: We don't want you
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.07
最搞笑的就是有人问“Are you Canadian?” Cruz完全忽略这个问题
他老婆最近公开说"Cruz is immigrant"
船长又没有放68万难民进美国,又没有搞的财政赤字,food stamp,失业率三高,也没有邮件丑闻,又没有收到花街大笔说不清的演讲费,loan和钱,也没有招妓,也没有5个情人,吃相也不难看,只好把人儿子打猎的照片拿出来攻击一番了。
找到CA Primary的指南手册了:
如果您登記為無政黨歸屬,而且想在總統初選中投給以下政黨之一: • 共和黨• 綠黨• 和平自由黨
Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.
谢谢提醒,去 register 了。
Cruze: "America is a better place..."
Trump supporter:"without you". Cruze: Everyone here should ask a question
Trump supporter: are you a Canadian?
lying ted的女儿只是他的工具,平时孩子都是跟祖父母关系更好,当cruz要求亲亲被孩子拒绝,他硬是亲了一口,这个loser,我都有点可怜他了。
很感人的小视频:Lynne Patton "The Trump Family That I Know" - A Black Female Trump Executive Speaks