ZT: Delegate Deception I was recently chosen to be a State Delegate, for the great State of Texas. I remember watching the 1972 Republican Convention with my Mom. I was fascinated by the Delegates. I wanted to know who these people were, and, how they were chosen. My Mom explained it all to me. She said, the Delegates represent the voice of THE PEOPLE. Over the years, my Mom and I had great political discussions. She was a staunch Republican and an avid Rush listener. We had a special bond over our political passions. My Mom passed away July 13, 2014.
After the passing of my Mom, and with the upcoming 2016 Presidential election on the horizon, I decided to attempt to become a Delegate. I began doing research on how one becomes a Texas Delegate. You would think this would require only a simple Google and all the answers would be at your finger tips. Well, that is not at all the case. The Delegate selection process is not widely known or understood. I called my county voter registration office only to be told all Delegates had already been selected. This occurred in December 2015. I was fairly certain that could not be the case, but I believed the voter registration officer would be far more educated on the topic than myself.
I had all but given up on my dream of being a Delegate when I received an email from the Trump campaign outlining the process of how to become a Delegate. I was so excited to have an actual map of how to accomplish my goal. I followed each step, and sure enough, I was elected to become a Texas State Delegate. I was incredibly proud. I knew how much this would have meant to my Mom. My excitement about representing THE PEOPLE of my state could not have been stronger.
That brings us to today. I am learning that not all Delegates believe they represent THE PEOPLE. I am learning that many believe they are there to fulfill their own agenda or that of the Republican Party. These are not just YOUR Delegates, but they are in fact some of YOUR leaders in the Republican Party.
In my district, Donald Trump won 1 of the 3 Delegates. You can see for yourself from the snapshots below taken from a FaceBook group just how YOUR Delegates are plotting to prevent Mr. Trump from actually receiving his earned Delegates. He earned those Delegates through the voting process. To deny him his Delegates, is to deny the VOTER a voice.
I am writing this blog not as a Trump supporter, but as an American voter. I believe it is our right and our duty to vote. I believe YOUR vote should be respected and not be discarded so as to fulfill the personal agenda of a Delegate, or the political agenda of a Party. So today, after much consideration, I am sharing with you some of the comments made by YOUR Texas Delegates. These are only the first 5 posts that were brought to my attention. I have many many more. I share these to inform, not to attack. As it should be, YOU be the judge!
Trump: "People you see excoriating me on TV ... are calling my office wanting to get on the team. I actually asked a couple of them, ‘How can you do this after what you said?’ And they said, ‘No problem.’ ”
Trump: "People you see excoriating me on TV ... are calling my office wanting to get on the team. I actually asked a couple of them, ‘How can you do this after what you said?’ And they said, ‘No problem.’ ”
Trump: "People you see excoriating me on TV ... are calling my office wanting to get on the team. I actually asked a couple of them, ‘How can you do this after what you said?’ And they said, ‘No problem.’ ”
You may not like or want a Trump president, or a Cruz either. Yet one thing Trumps campaign is teaching us, the rules and system is so rigged even being a billionaire is not enough. So how could a real common everyday worker or farmer run for office today? It also shows all the other candidates are all such insiders of the system, they know the game well.
So this post is not about whom to support, it is about an outrage all of us should have over the methods. When the rules can be manipulated and voters ignored, and even someone put in the office voters didn't even vote for, we have huge issue. For if the primary delegates may he bought off by gifts, which is legal, then even the electoral college may also be manipulated. This makes us no better than countries ran by dictators. One might even argue we are ran by a legal one. This was not the intention of those which died to give us Liberty.
You may not like or want a Trump president, or a Cruz either. Yet one thing Trumps campaign is teaching us, the rules and system is so rigged even being a billionaire is not enough. So how could a real common everyday worker or farmer run for office today? It also shows all the other candidates are all such insiders of the system, they know the game well.
So this post is not about whom to support, it is about an outrage all of us should have over the methods. When the rules can be manipulated and voters ignored, and even someone put in the office voters didn't even vote for, we have huge issue. For if the primary delegates may he bought off by gifts, which is legal, then even the electoral college may also be manipulated. This makes us no better than countries ran by dictators. One might even argue we are ran by a legal one. This was not the intention of those which died to give us Liberty. luyi99 发表于 4/12/2016 9:09:50 PM
Oregon Republican Party reins in superdelegates' power to pick their own presidential candidates
Oregon's Republican Party has changed its rules to eliminate superdelegates, meaning more delegates could go to the winner of the state's May 17 primary.
Until now, the state party's top three leaders were able to support any candidate at national conventions, regardless of the primary results, reported The Bend Bulletin. But the party approved a rule change during a Medford meeting last week that will require its leaders to vote according to the primary results.
If there is a contested convention, Oregon's Republican leaders will have to vote according to the peoples' wishes during the first two rounds of voting.
"Whoever gets the most votes will probably get the three of us," said Bill Currier, one of the three formerly unbound delegates and the chairman of the Oregon Republican Party.
Oregon Republican Party reins in superdelegates' power to pick their own presidential candidates
Oregon's Republican Party has changed its rules to eliminate superdelegates, meaning more delegates could go to the winner of the state's May 17 primary.
Until now, the state party's top three leaders were able to support any candidate at national conventions, regardless of the primary results, reported The Bend Bulletin. But the party approved a rule change during a Medford meeting last week that will require its leaders to vote according to the primary results.
If there is a contested convention, Oregon's Republican leaders will have to vote according to the peoples' wishes during the first two rounds of voting.
"Whoever gets the most votes will probably get the three of us," said Bill Currier, one of the three formerly unbound delegates and the chairman of the Oregon Republican Party.
十万年薪还在吗? 看看这个。。。 the donald 这个地方确实非常好玩!推荐大家没事去看看!愚人节那天改头换面,把版头改正“Cucks for Sanders”, 版主头条说“川普不行了,本版要改为支持三德子“,接下一贴标题是这样的”15 years old here, how to convince my father, a small business owner, life-long republican, to vote Sanders“ 。 很多讽刺三德子粉丝的创作!
你还收了anti trump的钱呢
GO POTUS TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was recently chosen to be a State Delegate, for the great State of Texas. I remember watching the 1972 Republican Convention with my Mom. I was fascinated by the Delegates. I wanted to know who these people were, and, how they were chosen. My Mom explained it all to me. She said, the Delegates represent the voice of THE PEOPLE. Over the years, my Mom and I had great political discussions. She was a staunch Republican and an avid Rush listener. We had a special bond over our political passions. My Mom passed away July 13, 2014.
After the passing of my Mom, and with the upcoming 2016 Presidential election on the horizon, I decided to attempt to become a Delegate. I began doing research on how one becomes a Texas Delegate. You would think this would require only a simple Google and all the answers would be at your finger tips. Well, that is not at all the case. The Delegate selection process is not widely known or understood. I called my county voter registration office only to be told all Delegates had already been selected. This occurred in December 2015. I was fairly certain that could not be the case, but I believed the voter registration officer would be far more educated on the topic than myself.
I had all but given up on my dream of being a Delegate when I received an email from the Trump campaign outlining the process of how to become a Delegate. I was so excited to have an actual map of how to accomplish my goal. I followed each step, and sure enough, I was elected to become a Texas State Delegate. I was incredibly proud. I knew how much this would have meant to my Mom. My excitement about representing THE PEOPLE of my state could not have been stronger.
That brings us to today. I am learning that not all Delegates believe they represent THE PEOPLE. I am learning that many believe they are there to fulfill their own agenda or that of the Republican Party. These are not just YOUR Delegates, but they are in fact some of YOUR leaders in the Republican Party.
In my district, Donald Trump won 1 of the 3 Delegates. You can see for yourself from the snapshots below taken from a FaceBook group just how YOUR Delegates are plotting to prevent Mr. Trump from actually receiving his earned Delegates. He earned those Delegates through the voting process. To deny him his Delegates, is to deny the VOTER a voice.
I am writing this blog not as a Trump supporter, but as an American voter. I believe it is our right and our duty to vote. I believe YOUR vote should be respected and not be discarded so as to fulfill the personal agenda of a Delegate, or the political agenda of a Party. So today, after much consideration, I am sharing with you some of the comments made by YOUR Texas Delegates. These are only the first 5 posts that were brought to my attention. I have many many more. I share these to inform, not to attack. As it should be, YOU be the judge!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump: "People you see excoriating me on TV ... are calling my office wanting to get on the team. I actually asked a couple of them, ‘How can you do this after what you said?’ And they said, ‘No problem.’ ”
You may not like or want a Trump president, or a Cruz either. Yet one thing Trumps campaign is teaching us, the rules and system is so rigged even being a billionaire is not enough. So how could a real common everyday worker or farmer run for office today? It also shows all the other candidates are all such insiders of the system, they know the game well.
So this post is not about whom to support, it is about an outrage all of us should have over the methods. When the rules can be manipulated and voters ignored, and even someone put in the office voters didn't even vote for, we have huge issue. For if the primary delegates may he bought off by gifts, which is legal, then even the electoral college may also be manipulated. This makes us no better than countries ran by dictators. One might even argue we are ran by a legal one. This was not the intention of those which died to give us Liberty.
不仅primary要这样,contested convention也要跟民意走。Oregon共和党,好样的!
Oregon Republican Party reins in superdelegates' power to pick their own
presidential candidates
Oregon's Republican Party has changed its rules to eliminate superdelegates,
meaning more delegates could go to the winner of the state's May 17 primary.
Until now, the state party's top three leaders were able to support any
candidate at national conventions, regardless of the primary results,
reported The Bend Bulletin. But the party approved a rule change during a
Medford meeting last week that will require its leaders to vote according to
the primary results.
If there is a contested convention, Oregon's Republican leaders will have to
vote according to the peoples' wishes during the first two rounds of voting.
"Whoever gets the most votes will probably get the three of us," said Bill
Currier, one of the three formerly unbound delegates and the chairman of the
Oregon Republican Party.
发现这个民主党中brain -dead的不少,这话大大地politically wrong了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Trump的新任convention manager好帅,打眼一看以为是欲望都市里的Big
Attention seeker典型美国bitch
还有trump的 ampain manager 被免于起诉了,那个新闻记者Michelle field失算了,bitch!
List of Donald Trump presidential campaign endorsements, 2016
317 Leaders from across the United States have Endorsed Donald Trump for President
List of Donald Trump presidential campaign endorsements, 2016
the donald 这个地方确实非常好玩!推荐大家没事去看看!愚人节那天改头换面,把版头改正“Cucks for Sanders”, 版主头条说“川普不行了,本版要改为支持三德子“,接下一贴标题是这样的”15 years old here, how to convince my father, a small business owner, life-long republican, to vote Sanders“ 。 很多讽刺三德子粉丝的创作!
肯定是搞清的,他不懂手下的manager还不懂啊。co临时替换掉支持trump的党代表是bush家族在后面搞的鬼。只能在吃亏之后大做文章争取back fire。
这不是关键,关键是RULE 他们能随便改,不代表选民意愿,这件事反而让选民看清楚了ESTABLISHMENT的嘴脸。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Is There Another Colorado Coming? Wyoming also selects delegates without voter input, leaving decision up to political insiders