3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具 katharinezl 发表于 4/7/2016 12:30:33 AM
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具 katharinezl 发表于 4/7/2016 12:30:33 AM
well said!!! 强调要问WHY, 要强调这次选举的重要里程碑。 还有多用例子。那些政客没有例子,都拼命编。
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具 katharinezl 发表于 4/7/2016 12:30:33 AM
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具 katharinezl 发表于 4/7/2016 12:30:33 AM
well said! 记得以前看篇心理学的文章里说到如果要让对方feel more comfortable, more involved and related,在对话或演讲时应该多用you。能够引发听众思考与共鸣的演说会更有感染力,船长现在的演说感染力已经很强了,比如那个snake的段子我就很喜欢,但还是希望船长的演说能精益求精!
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具 katharinezl 发表于 4/7/2016 12:30:33 AM
The media CNN benefits Hillary owned by saudia arabia, how Obama was elected and pushes obamas agenda like gun control! CNN AT WAR WITH TRUMP SINCE DAY ONE, Prince Alaweed in Saudia Arabia hates Trump! That’s why they bash him! THEY WILL NOT BENEFIT TRUMP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER BUT WILL TWIST HIS WORDS MAKE HIM A RACIST AND REPEAT IT OVER AND OVER UNTIL PEOPLE BELIEVE IT! FOX NEWS MURDOCK ALWAYS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHMENT NEWS, THEY WILL SUPPORT JEB NOW CRUZ! MSNBC and ABC FOLLOWS CNN!! Which is world wide that’s why at first you had Europe and Israel hating Trump! AMERICANS HAVE CAUGHT ON AND DEFINITELY EUROPE AND ISRAEL!! Trump is the only candidate not corrupted and ALL THE CORRUPTED IS FIGHTING HIM AT ONCE! Ecspecially paul ryan mitt Romney CNN!! No, they will report NOTHING THAT will benefit Trump even if it is our right to vote! SAD!
No doubt about it, fraud is being committed by Cruz, by his Campaign, and by the GOP. This has happened in Iowa, Hawaii, Utah, Maine, and now Wisconsin. We the people are being run over by the GOP, whose only wish is to stay in power and in the money. Sad to see it, but the GOP has zero integrity, and have no conscience collectively or individually. They, and Cruz tops the list, are complete sellouts.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said there's "potential" for House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to be drafted as a presidential nominee at a Republican convention because he is the one person who could unify the party.
"I think it's just natural that that speculation would happen because he's one of the great leaders here on Capitol Hill and one of the people who brings both sides, all sides together, I should say," Hatch told reporters Thursday.
Hatch said there's currently no serious effort to draft the former VP candidate, who has repeatedly said that he isn't interested in running. But Hatch's remarks reflected the high standing Ryan has with many GOP office-holders, who see him as a potential white knight who could salvage the messy GOP White House race.
"He's one of my close friends and I have absolute confidence in him as a human being and as a leader. He's a very, very fine human being," Hatch said.
A new poll released Thursday shows that Ryan would lose to Hillary Clinton by 6 percentage points and would fall 7 points short of Bernie Sanders in the general election.
Hatch had endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential run.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said there's "potential" for House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to be drafted as a presidential nominee at a Republican convention because he is the one person who could unify the party.
"I think it's just natural that that speculation would happen because he's one of the great leaders here on Capitol Hill and one of the people who brings both sides, all sides together, I should say," Hatch told reporters Thursday.
Hatch said there's currently no serious effort to draft the former VP candidate, who has repeatedly said that he isn't interested in running. But Hatch's remarks reflected the high standing Ryan has with many GOP office-holders, who see him as a potential white knight who could salvage the messy GOP White House race.
"He's one of my close friends and I have absolute confidence in him as a human being and as a leader. He's a very, very fine human being," Hatch said.
A new poll released Thursday shows that Ryan would lose to Hillary Clinton by 6 percentage points and would fall 7 points short of Bernie Sanders in the general election.
Hatch had endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential run.
1. 这个国家的传统value,entrepreneur,hard working,fight for success的spirit正在消失,最高宪法at of stake,这个是最重要的!一旦失去最高法院的提名权,美国的精神将再也无法turn back,直到下一场革命,流血的革命。我只听到trump提到过一次,super tue赢后的那一次。希望trump每次rally都提一下,从各个角度的提。最高法院的立法可不是闹着完的,关系到这个国家的大方向。从common core,到illegal immigration,到现在各种脑残的政策(男人进女人的厕所,更衣室。。。。),各种drug的abuse,对沉默大多数人的自由平等权利的侵害。。。。
2. 对于媒体的抨击,找出几大媒体各种歪曲报道,告诉大家要thinking independtly,警告媒体的brain wash,双重标准的实质
3. trump要一种建立新的党派的思维,提出自己的一种理念,就像很多伟人最后被人想起的就是那几句话,trump的理念其实和中国的传统文化很象:intelligence,hard working,honesty,fair and justice. 美国每天发生的各种例子已经表明这个国家已经朝这样的value背道而驰。
4. trump的message还是没有强大的渗透力的主要原因是基于一种战术上的讨论,build the wall,反对common core,如果提升到一种理念,一种justice,一种intelligence的讨论,包括整个社会朝着反智,反逻辑,反justice,反honesty/facts/statistics/data,反hardworking的方向走去,然后举几个powerful的例子,渗透力就来了,兵来将挡,水来土掩的气势。
5. 还有他对self funding这个事实所折射出的理念也不够高度浓缩,这个事实就是fight for the people/normal people/ poor people。
6. trump还是要在他的rally上多ask why????? 这个是非常powerful的传递message 的工具
well said!!! 强调要问WHY, 要强调这次选举的重要里程碑。
对self funding一事他以前rally上说过几次觉得didn't get(不记得any还是enough了) credit from voters我也觉得不好,那么多人投了他呀。可以结合自己为何要竞选一说感动选民。
Diebold 就是投票机的牌子,忘记是不是Soros名下公司生产的了,网上很多关于这种投票机作弊的报道,涉及许多各州不同选举的作弊,还有人评论说这个名字意味深长 - die bold.... >.<
Why Did They Kill Justice Scalia?
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
Texas,Winsconsin 的投票机用的都是这个牌子
Sign the Petition and #StopTheSteal http://rncpetition.com/
The media CNN benefits Hillary owned by saudia arabia, how Obama was elected and pushes obamas agenda like gun control! CNN AT WAR WITH TRUMP SINCE DAY ONE, Prince Alaweed in Saudia Arabia hates Trump! That’s why they bash him! THEY WILL NOT BENEFIT TRUMP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER BUT WILL TWIST HIS WORDS MAKE HIM A RACIST AND REPEAT IT OVER AND OVER UNTIL PEOPLE BELIEVE IT! FOX NEWS MURDOCK ALWAYS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHMENT NEWS, THEY WILL SUPPORT JEB NOW CRUZ! MSNBC and ABC FOLLOWS CNN!! Which is world wide that’s why at first you had Europe and Israel hating Trump! AMERICANS HAVE CAUGHT ON AND DEFINITELY EUROPE AND ISRAEL!! Trump is the only candidate not corrupted and ALL THE CORRUPTED IS FIGHTING HIM AT ONCE! Ecspecially paul ryan mitt Romney CNN!! No, they will report NOTHING THAT will benefit Trump even if it is our right to vote! SAD!
No doubt about it, fraud is being committed by Cruz, by his Campaign, and by the GOP. This has happened in Iowa, Hawaii, Utah, Maine, and now Wisconsin. We the people are being run over by the GOP, whose only wish is to stay in power and in the money. Sad to see it, but the GOP has zero integrity, and have no conscience collectively or individually. They, and Cruz tops the list, are complete sellouts.
Trump的现场工作人员也要提醒 选民注意。
能不能让positive mm转达给船长的campaign啊!这次一定要多征集志愿者争取在每个投票点都有人在那里提醒船长的supporter啊!!船长是不是也能公开召集一下呢?
Bombshell! GOP Caught Changing Voter Rolls- They Wanted To Get Rid Of…
NY(95)+delaware (16) + Maryland (38)+ Rhode island (19) + Oregan (28) + washington (44) + california (172)+ new yersey (51) + south dakota (29) = 492
我知道有的州不是winner take all的,但他应该能拿到绝大部分,那些我没算的州,他也有可能能拿一些。
Polling Data
加州的情况和WI差不多,每个District的winner得3delegates,州层面的winner得10 delegates。这种不能体现每个district情况的poll都是没意义的,比如,有些district的人口可能是其他district的人口的几倍,如果那些多人口的district抽样调查大部分选Trump,表面上Trump在poll上领先,但就算赢了也只有3个delegates。
Ivanka Trump scarves recalled over 'burn risk'
Ryan could be drafted at convention
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said there's "potential" for House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to be drafted as a presidential nominee at a Republican convention because he is the one person who could unify the party.
"I think it's just natural that that speculation would happen because he's one of the great leaders here on Capitol Hill and one of the people who brings both sides, all sides together, I should say," Hatch told reporters Thursday.
Hatch said there's currently no serious effort to draft the former VP candidate, who has repeatedly said that he isn't interested in running. But Hatch's remarks reflected the high standing Ryan has with many GOP office-holders, who see him as a potential white knight who could salvage the messy GOP White House race.
"He's one of my close friends and I have absolute confidence in him as a human being and as a leader. He's a very, very fine human being," Hatch said.
A new poll released Thursday shows that Ryan would lose to Hillary Clinton by 6 percentage points and would fall 7 points short of Bernie Sanders in the general election.
Hatch had endorsed Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential run.
我是无党派Voter in NJ。 这次我想去Vote Trump,我还需要去注册共和党才能选吗?
急死人了 >.< 不能眼睁睁看着奸臣用ground game偷走那些delegates啊,特别是还有好多unbounded的>.<
Trump本来以为他会赢Wisconsin的。他最后在Wisconsin加了那么多次rally, 看得出还是下了点功夫的。
人事当然要尽拉,但是他没有砸大钱,我是这个意思。WI 不可能赢,其他人没有退出的时候是可以的,但是只剩下三个人就很难了。建制派的老巢,他们要是让Trump
赢了WI. 基本上Game over.
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06