但是如果普通老百姓如果没有什么特别的行动的话,不是就等于默许党大会的提名人?那么就是说今天已经等于希拉里坐上了总统的位子? mangooo26 发表于 4/6/2016 1:42:15 AM
现在看来,这个党大会是无法避免了。但是船长还是要继续努力,把票数保持第一,就算不能达到1237,也能在大会上讨价还价;而且一部分党内人士也会认为,应该提名票数第一的人选,这样船长还是有优势的;当然,如果建制派无耻到底,一定要提名自己人,那么船长就可以站在道德制高点上,做出其他竞选的举动,比如独立竞选或者 write in 竞选人等backup plan,民众也会因为gop的无耻而更支持船长。
所以,船长的票数是个关键,其次,民众的特别行动也是关键,必须向gop施压,否则船长的努力就可能白费了。说到底,这是场 we the people vs. 建制派的斗争!
Suggestions: 1) Keep the temper and language under control. Don't give people a chance to doubt on Trump's presidential candidacy. 2) Apparently there is no more hope on RNC establishment. RNC is trying and will try all its power to stop Trump. 3) Don't creat any more controversial arguments. Focus on the substances and solutions. 4) Keep the campaign steady and hold rallies on the east shore States inspiring and motivating people and focusing on the solutions to issues rather than just fanning the anger. Goal is to win all remaining east shore States and hold the momentum to the western States, at where Cruz might have advantages. 5) Calling Kasich to drop out sounds a little childish. 6) No need to tweet about Megyn Kelly anymore. She is a past story. Nobody cares if her rating goes down to negative. 7) There is still room running negative ads against Cruz. We have been too nice to him. But it has to be something that won't be used by Cruz to gain his moral ground.
Suggestions: 1) Keep the temper and language under control. Don't give people a chance to doubt on Trump's presidential candidacy. 2) Apparently there is no more hope on RNC establishment. RNC is trying and will try all its power to stop Trump. 3) Don't creat any more controversial arguments. Focus on the substances and solutions. 4) Keep the campaign steady and hold rallies on the east shore States inspiring and motivating people and focusing on the solutions to issues rather than just fanning the anger. Goal is to win all remaining east shore States and hold the momentum to the western States, at where Cruz might have advantages. 5) Calling Kasich to drop out sounds a little childish. 6) No need to tweet about Megyn Kelly anymore. She is a past story. Nobody cares if her rating goes down to negative. 7) There is still room running negative ads against Cruz. We have been too nice to him. But it has to be something that won't be used by Cruz to gain his moral ground. PositiveVibe 发表于 4/6/2016 2:02:34 AM
可以披露Cruz和共和党在当地选票上作弊,不用再给他们面子。 Disclose on local voting fraud and call upon more witness and supporter to investigate and reach out to media for follow-up. Because Media definately try to put out with this. So spread word to call for action to against voting fraud. --- 这样也可以占领道德制高点,搞臭不要脸的共和党建制派!
8) Be presidential and mature all time. 9) The reason why Chris Matthew could get him is that Chris was using a fast talking speed and Trump was trying to top that, so he spoke somewhat too fast too. When he talked too fast, he might think his speech less carefully and give the sneaky reporter a chance to set up a trap. So talk on his own normal speed and avoid using simple yes or no as his answer. 10) Regarding all the voting frauds, there needs to be some strategies to punish what has happened and to prevent what could happen. 11) Prepare the answers and viewpoints on all the potential questions, so he will have less chance to be caught off guard.
8) Be presidential and mature all time. 9) The reason why Chris Matthew could get him is that Chris was using a fast talking speed and Trump was trying to top that, so he spoke somewhat too fast too. When he talked too fast, he might think his speech less carefully and give the sneaky reporter a chance to set up a trap. So talk on his own normal speed and avoid using simple yes or no as his answer. 10) Regarding all the voting frauds, there needs to be some strategies to punish what has happened and to prevent what could happen. 11) Prepare the answers and viewpoints on all the potential questions, so he will have less chance to be caught off guard. PositiveVibe 发表于 4/6/2016 2:25:52 AM
mm总结的真棒!其实我觉得最重要的是是11,很多问题要再详细一点的准备好答案。voter fraud不要过多纠缠,毕竟没有hard evidence。Focus on issue, 而不是controversy。让大家看到presidential的一面。
Suggestions: 1) Keep the temper and language under control. Don't give people a chance to doubt on Trump's presidential candidacy. 2) Apparently there is no more hope on RNC establishment. RNC is trying and will try all its power to stop Trump. 3) Don't creat any more controversial arguments. Focus on the substances and solutions. 4) Keep the campaign steady and hold rallies on the east shore States inspiring and motivating people and focusing on the solutions to issues rather than just fanning the anger. Goal is to win all remaining east shore States and hold the momentum to the western States, at where Cruz might have advantages. 5) Calling Kasich to drop out sounds a little childish. 6) No need to tweet about Megyn Kelly anymore. She is a past story. Nobody cares if her rating goes down to negative. 7) There is still room running negative ads against Cruz. We have been too nice to him. But it has to be something that won't be used by Cruz to gain his moral ground. PositiveVibe 发表于 4/6/2016 2:02:34 AM
The USA has now long been a plutocracy, not a democracy or republic. Like you said, the ONLY chance for change is Trump or Sanders. Neither is bought and paid for by the "establishment". That is why the corrupt media will not support them. We have a chance in this election to fix our country. Stupid voters, like those in Wisconsin that voted for Cruz, will get the government they deserve if Cruz is elected. Problem is, the rest of the country will suffer. People are sooooooooo ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, and stupid.
The USA has now long been a plutocracy, not a democracy or republic. Like you said, the ONLY chance for change is Trump or Sanders. Neither is bought and paid for by the "establishment". That is why the corrupt media will not support them. We have a chance in this election to fix our country. Stupid voters, like those in Wisconsin that voted for Cruz, will get the government they deserve if Cruz is elected. Problem is, the rest of the country will suffer. People are sooooooooo ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, and stupid. goldengate 发表于 4/6/2016 2:55:22 AM
8) Be presidential and mature all time. 9) The reason why Chris Matthew could get him is that Chris was using a fast talking speed and Trump was trying to top that, so he spoke somewhat too fast too. When he talked too fast, he might think his speech less carefully and give the sneaky reporter a chance to set up a trap. So talk on his own normal speed and avoid using simple yes or no as his answer. 10) Regarding all the voting frauds, there needs to be some strategies to punish what has happened and to prevent what could happen. 11) Prepare the answers and viewpoints on all the potential questions, so he will have less chance to be caught off guard. PositiveVibe 发表于 4/6/2016 2:25:52 AM
11很重要。he has to prepare and rehearse answers to the garden variety of questions; equally important is to prepare certain ways to dodge questions that he doesn't have an answer yet. it's good to speak things on his mind instantly, but it is not a shame to have tactics; one should not fight with bare fists against enemies with modern weapons.
船长现在就是要稳扎稳打,把东部几个优势州搞定,在党大会之前,把票数继续保持第一,就算达不到1237,也能和gop讨价还价,因为党内一些人士也会希望提名票数第一的候选人入围,如果gop负隅顽抗,死活不肯达成协议,那么船长完全有理由和权利,独立竞选,不必成立新党,因为那时候成立新党的期限已过,既然船长可以借gop的壳上市,那么他也可以借其他现成的小党派的壳独立竞选;或者以write in 竞选人参选。
我觉得他对cruz攻击不够。Cruz那些donor啊,他老婆因为他的原因升职啊,这些他也不攻击,留着干嘛?而且他为什么不做negative ad?
所以,船长的票数是个关键,其次,民众的特别行动也是关键,必须向gop施压,否则船长的努力就可能白费了。说到底,这是场 we the people vs. 建制派的斗争!
1) Keep the temper and language under control. Don't give people a chance to doubt on Trump's presidential candidacy.
2) Apparently there is no more hope on RNC establishment. RNC is trying and will try all its power to stop Trump.
3) Don't creat any more controversial arguments. Focus on the substances and solutions.
4) Keep the campaign steady and hold rallies on the east shore States inspiring and motivating people and focusing on the solutions to issues rather than just fanning the anger. Goal is to win all remaining east shore States and hold the momentum to the western States, at where Cruz might have advantages.
5) Calling Kasich to drop out sounds a little childish.
6) No need to tweet about Megyn Kelly anymore. She is a past story. Nobody cares if her rating goes down to negative.
7) There is still room running negative ads against Cruz. We have been too nice to him. But it has to be something that won't be used by Cruz to gain his moral ground.
今年共和党建制派彻底让我对共和党(除加州系统)死心, 只会内斗搞政治的loser!!!
Disclose on local voting fraud and call upon more witness and supporter to investigate and reach out to media for follow-up. Because Media definately try to put out with this. So spread word to call for action to against voting fraud. --- 这样也可以占领道德制高点,搞臭不要脸的共和党建制派!
8) Be presidential and mature all time.
9) The reason why Chris Matthew could get him is that Chris was using a fast talking speed and Trump was trying to top that, so he spoke somewhat too fast too. When he talked too fast, he might think his speech less carefully and give the sneaky reporter a chance to set up a trap. So talk on his own normal speed and avoid using simple yes or no as his answer.
10) Regarding all the voting frauds, there needs to be some strategies to punish what has happened and to prevent what could happen.
11) Prepare the answers and viewpoints on all the potential questions, so he will have less chance to be caught off guard.
mm写的很好,但是船长面对那么多的反对者,就算再威武,也难防那么多的暗箭,人无完人,看看剩下几个候选的小丑们,cruz 和Hillary的丑闻满天飞了好不好?三德子老头的政策连高中毕业生都知道站不住脚,扮老好人的kasich也就是主人的puppy而已,可是人家各个都有背后金主和体制内撑腰,天大的事都不是事
所以船长再怎么做的好也没有用,自古 “欲加之罪何患无辞”, 我只想MM提醒船长以后讲话,回答问题不要太过激动,上了体制内的当,避开敏感问题,为自己和家里人的安全着想,既然已经要convention了,也不必抢过半的delegates,不得已的时候讲讲政治正确吧,他得罪的人太多,担心他的安全。
The USA has now long been a plutocracy, not a democracy or republic. Like you said, the ONLY chance for change is Trump or Sanders. Neither is bought and paid for by the "establishment". That is why the corrupt media will not support them. We have a chance in this election to fix our country. Stupid voters, like those in Wisconsin that voted for Cruz, will get the government they deserve if Cruz is elected. Problem is, the rest of the country will suffer. People are sooooooooo ignorant, uneducated, uninformed, and stupid.
我是担心媒体这么反Trump,搞不好就会backfire。WI本来希望就不大,又不是该赢的州输了,集中力量搞后面的可能更划算。当然还是可以找些人在网上散播一下的,Trump自己不宜在没有hard evidence的情况下出面。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
投不投都不关键了。历数那些摇摆州,他哪个有希望拿下来? 会输得很惨
媒体开始整Sanders了: http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/05/politics/bernie-sanders-interview-new-york-daily-news/index.html