不过你看看含笑的猫那种说话的劲儿,能张口就叫这个死那个死的,还往人门口扔xx,还一吨呢,这个politically correct or incorrect没关系,跟人素质有关。 如果美国的歧视不往下压一压,最后倒霉的是华人,因为黑人歧视华人,白人更加歧视华人,反华的大火只需要一个小理由,就能烧起来,黑人无论谁当总统,都赶不走的。TRUMP算是对华人会比较好的了,但打个比方说,文革如果没有下面的革命小将,能闹的起来吗?现在最重要的应该是反非法移民和接收难民吧?然后再处理国家内部的事情。
不过你看看含笑的猫那种说话的劲儿,能张口就叫这个死那个死的,还往人门口扔xx,还一吨呢,这个politically correct or incorrect没关系,跟人素质有关。 如果美国的歧视不往下压一压,最后倒霉的是华人,因为黑人歧视华人,白人更加歧视华人,反华的大火只需要一个小理由,就能烧起来,黑人无论谁当总统,都赶不走的。TRUMP算是对华人会比较好的了,但打个比方说,文革如果没有下面的革命小将,能闹的起来吗?现在最重要的应该是反非法移民和接收难民吧?然后再处理国家内部的事情。
不过你看看含笑的猫那种说话的劲儿,能张口就叫这个死那个死的,还往人门口扔xx,还一吨呢,这个politically correct or incorrect没关系,跟人素质有关。 如果美国的歧视不往下压一压,最后倒霉的是华人,因为黑人歧视华人,白人更加歧视华人,反华的大火只需要一个小理由,就能烧起来,黑人无论谁当总统,都赶不走的。TRUMP算是对华人会比较好的了,但打个比方说,文革如果没有下面的革命小将,能闹的起来吗?现在最重要的应该是反非法移民和接收难民吧?然后再处理国家内部的事情。
不过你看看含笑的猫那种说话的劲儿,能张口就叫这个死那个死的,还往人门口扔xx,还一吨呢,这个politically correct or incorrect没关系,跟人素质有关。 如果美国的歧视不往下压一压,最后倒霉的是华人,因为黑人歧视华人,白人更加歧视华人,反华的大火只需要一个小理由,就能烧起来,黑人无论谁当总统,都赶不走的。TRUMP算是对华人会比较好的了,但打个比方说,文革如果没有下面的革命小将,能闹的起来吗?现在最重要的应该是反非法移民和接收难民吧?然后再处理国家内部的事情。
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter.
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter. luckyso 发表于 3/31/2016 4:23:24 PM
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter.
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter.
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter.
Breaking:California governor says he will sign bill creating nation's highest statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour. BlackQueen 发表于 3/31/2016 6:30:03 PM
Breaking:California governor says he will sign bill creating nation's highest statewide minimum wage of $15 an hour. BlackQueen 发表于 3/31/2016 6:30:03 PM
谁来解释一下, pro life不是共和党政治正确的立场吗?为啥trump不能说? woshihuairen 发表于 3/31/2016 9:59:40 PM
是他们在与TRUMP访谈时下套,问TRUMP说你既然认为堕胎违法那你觉得要不要惩罚堕胎妇女;TRUMP犹豫了一下不知怎么说,那个访谈主持就逼问,“YES OR NO”,TRUMP有点被CORNER了,就说了个YES。然后就捅了马蜂窝了,铺天盖地说TRUMP要惩罚妇女。那个主持设下堕胎违法的前提,然后要求说在这个前提下违法者是不是要被惩罚,除非想法绕过去不回答,否则答是答否都是错的。
But that's not enough in light of what's going on...can you send help??
Here's the situation.
FIRST:The Washington Post attacked my children in a despicable cartoon that compared them to trained monkeys.
NEXT: Donald Trump attacked Heidi personally and then doubled-down on his playground antics.
NOW: A concerning culture is running rampant through the Trump campaign. People are getting hurt, charges are being filed, and no responsibility is being taken.
Friend, this must stop, but I can't do it alone -- I need you by my side to end these attacks and stop this nonsense.
There are less than 6 hours left before my biggest campaign deadline is here. Will you send immediate help before it gets here?
If you step up in the next few hours, I will have the resources to fight these attacks, win the nomination, and defeat Hillary Clinton.
But without your help -- Donald Trump will win -- and his campaign culture of attacks, insults, and violence will continue to dominate.
But that's not enough in light of what's going on...can you send help??
Here's the situation.
FIRST:The Washington Post attacked my children in a despicable cartoon that compared them to trained monkeys.
NEXT: Donald Trump attacked Heidi personally and then doubled-down on his playground antics.
NOW: A concerning culture is running rampant through the Trump campaign. People are getting hurt, charges are being filed, and no responsibility is being taken.
Friend, this must stop, but I can't do it alone -- I need you by my side to end these attacks and stop this nonsense.
There are less than 6 hours left before my biggest campaign deadline is here. Will you send immediate help before it gets here?
If you step up in the next few hours, I will have the resources to fight these attacks, win the nomination, and defeat Hillary Clinton.
But without your help -- Donald Trump will win -- and his campaign culture of attacks, insults, and violence will continue to dominate. PositiveVibe 发表于 3/31/2016 10:09:36 PM
But that's not enough in light of what's going on...can you send help??
Here's the situation.
FIRST:The Washington Post attacked my children in a despicable cartoon that compared them to trained monkeys.
NEXT: Donald Trump attacked Heidi personally and then doubled-down on his playground antics.
NOW: A concerning culture is running rampant through the Trump campaign. People are getting hurt, charges are being filed, and no responsibility is being taken.
Friend, this must stop, but I can't do it alone -- I need you by my side to end these attacks and stop this nonsense.
There are less than 6 hours left before my biggest campaign deadline is here. Will you send immediate help before it gets here?
If you step up in the next few hours, I will have the resources to fight these attacks, win the nomination, and defeat Hillary Clinton.
But without your help -- Donald Trump will win -- and his campaign culture of attacks, insults, and violence will continue to dominate. PositiveVibe 发表于 3/31/2016 10:09:36 PM
But that's not enough in light of what's going on...can you send help??
Here's the situation.
FIRST:The Washington Post attacked my children in a despicable cartoon that compared them to trained monkeys.
NEXT: Donald Trump attacked Heidi personally and then doubled-down on his playground antics.
NOW: A concerning culture is running rampant through the Trump campaign. People are getting hurt, charges are being filed, and no responsibility is being taken.
Friend, this must stop, but I can't do it alone -- I need you by my side to end these attacks and stop this nonsense.
There are less than 6 hours left before my biggest campaign deadline is here. Will you send immediate help before it gets here?
If you step up in the next few hours, I will have the resources to fight these attacks, win the nomination, and defeat Hillary Clinton.
But without your help -- Donald Trump will win -- and his campaign culture of attacks, insults, and violence will continue to dominate. PositiveVibe 发表于 3/31/2016 10:09:36 PM
正常的社会不应该是这样的,应该color blind, 就事论事。民主党喜欢按族裔把人化成三六九等,挑拨种族矛盾。华裔在过去八年内受歧视越来越严重,而且歧视来源恰恰是民主党的教育政策和极左的Chris Rock之流的对整个族裔的公开嘲讽。
95%黑人选择投票给OB,黑人在白人的集会打砸抢,只有黑人lives matter,连trump说all lives matter 都要抗议,哪来的结论白人比黑人更歧视华人?OB要是白的早被弹劾了,黑人现在是在黑8的鼓励下贪得无厌要享有特权,trump有说过 white lives matter 吗?虽然你代表自己的观点,但是乱给人扣帽子也不能怪人说话难听,俗话说公道自在人心
不过你看看含笑的猫那种说话的劲儿,能张口就叫这个死那个死的,还往人门口扔xx,还一吨呢,这个politically correct or incorrect没关系,跟人素质有关。
tuer 发表于 3/31/2016 12:29:35 PM
你早在楼里发这么一贴不就完了,非发一跟trump也没啥关系却以trump为主题的楼,你是不回了,你没看那些每逢trump楼必来的id们不都陆续到齐了么,把之前说过N遍的话又都说一遍,我是没热情跟她们辩了~ 我希望trump赢,但是如果他输了 我也会投给共和党提名者 即使我不喜欢cruz,因为更不想让民主党上台,我是不会开任何楼制造任何抹黑共和党的机会。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
cruz的恶心程度难以复加: When Jimmy Kimmel asked the Texas Senator who he disliked more, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, Cruz said: “If I were in my car and getting ready to reverse and saw Donald in the backup camera, I’m not confident which pedal I’d push,” going on to call him “unique” as Cruz and Kimmel shared a laugh or three at the front runner’s expense. “I dislike Obama’s policies more. Donald is a unique individual,” Cruz said, trailing off to laughter.
以前是西安交大日语系毕业的;后来读了明尼苏达双城的MBA, 去了卡特比勒就觉得自己是受过良好教育的精英了;动不动就说人家文化低,英语差,简直是奇葩
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
对GE 不利。不过Trump现在出线很大的阻力。两党加媒体都要把他赶下去。不是他说了什么,而是不管他说什么这些人都往负面宣传。
是他们在与TRUMP访谈时下套,问TRUMP说你既然认为堕胎违法那你觉得要不要惩罚堕胎妇女;TRUMP犹豫了一下不知怎么说,那个访谈主持就逼问,“YES OR NO”,TRUMP有点被CORNER了,就说了个YES。然后就捅了马蜂窝了,铺天盖地说TRUMP要惩罚妇女。那个主持设下堕胎违法的前提,然后要求说在这个前提下违法者是不是要被惩罚,除非想法绕过去不回答,否则答是答否都是错的。
Friend, we're very close.
But that's not enough in light of what's going on...can you send help??
Here's the situation.
FIRST:The Washington Post attacked my children in a despicable cartoon that compared them to trained monkeys.
NEXT: Donald Trump attacked Heidi personally and then doubled-down on his playground antics.
NOW: A concerning culture is running rampant through the Trump campaign. People are getting hurt, charges are being filed, and no responsibility is being taken.
Friend, this must stop, but I can't do it alone -- I need you by my side to end these attacks and stop this nonsense.
There are less than 6 hours left before my biggest campaign deadline is here. Will you send immediate help before it gets here?
If you step up in the next few hours, I will have the resources to fight these attacks, win the nomination, and defeat Hillary Clinton.
But without your help -- Donald Trump will win -- and his campaign culture of attacks, insults, and violence will continue to dominate.
这种问题以后就no comments算了,很多记者故意把他往套里引