分享在NYT一个帖子中看到的评论,写得太好了:Bruce StoverWashington, DC There are three distinct types of non-Trump people. Those who don't like his style and they aren't interested in looking further for substance, those who are genuinely afraid that his election will make them lose power within their sphere of influence or face with their friends and those who are jealous of anyone more successful. People within the media have at least some of all 3 and show it regardless that they learned to report the story, not make it. They are so vested in trying to make early statements that Trump wouldn't get very far, come true, that they won't allow any positive statements. The pollsters can't figure out that their numbers are off because they are not polling the people who show up to vote for Trump. They are not in their database. It is obvious to many Trump voters that supporting him isn't cool in their circle of friends, but they have the ability to see past the crass comments into the substance and are looking forward to someone who will change the system for the better. Trump will demonstrate his ability to assemble amazing teams of the best minds based on the areas of focus and manage them into bringing the desired results. People (including most of the media) who haven't been in leadership positions, don't understand that as a leader, it isn't necessary to be the smartest guy in the room on all issues, but you have to be smart enough to put together the right teams and direct them toward success. Trump has been doing that his entire career. March 27, 2016 at 10:01 p.m. Reply Recommend Flag
分享在NYT一个帖子中看到的评论,写得太好了:Bruce StoverWashington, DC There are three distinct types of non-Trump people. Those who don't like his style and they aren't interested in looking further for substance, those who are genuinely afraid that his election will make them lose power within their sphere of influence or face with their friends and those who are jealous of anyone more successful. People within the media have at least some of all 3 and show it regardless that they learned to report the story, not make it. They are so vested in trying to make early statements that Trump wouldn't get very far, come true, that they won't allow any positive statements. The pollsters can't figure out that their numbers are off because they are not polling the people who show up to vote for Trump. They are not in their database. It is obvious to many Trump voters that supporting him isn't cool in their circle of friends, but they have the ability to see past the crass comments into the substance and are looking forward to someone who will change the system for the better. Trump will demonstrate his ability to assemble amazing teams of the best minds based on the areas of focus and manage them into bringing the desired results. People (including most of the media) who haven't been in leadership positions, don't understand that as a leader, it isn't necessary to be the smartest guy in the room on all issues, but you have to be smart enough to put together the right teams and direct them toward success. Trump has been doing that his entire career. March 27, 2016 at 10:01 p.m. Reply Recommend Flag Bigtiger0102 发表于 3/27/2016 11:19:18 PM
其实不用把孩子牵扯进来也可以搞臭奸臣,拉他下马的。只要把那个召妓的证据拿出来,把他和情人约会的录像等solid证据拿出来,奸臣就完了!反而把孩子牵连进来后,奸臣会得到一定的同情牌,有些人会觉得川爷搞奸臣不择手段,人品低下。现在主流媒体已经是整天抹黑川爷,这件事情川爷要谨慎,不能让臭狗屎沾在身上。再说这件事本来不会是川爷的主意。含笑的猫 发表于 2016-03-28 01:47 AM
今天另一个朋友问我是真support trump还是facebook出现啥glitch了……我实在不知道该不该回答她
哈哈good one
There are three distinct types of non-Trump people. Those who don't like his style and they aren't interested in looking further for substance, those who are genuinely afraid that his election will make them lose power within their sphere of influence or face with their friends and those who are jealous of anyone more successful.
People within the media have at least some of all 3 and show it regardless that they learned to report the story, not make it. They are so vested in trying to make early statements that Trump wouldn't get very far, come true, that they won't allow any positive statements.
The pollsters can't figure out that their numbers are off because they are not polling the people who show up to vote for Trump. They are not in their database. It is obvious to many Trump voters that supporting him isn't cool in their circle of friends, but they have the ability to see past the crass comments into the substance and are looking forward to someone who will change the system for the better.
Trump will demonstrate his ability to assemble amazing teams of the best minds based on the areas of focus and manage them into bringing the desired results. People (including most of the media) who haven't been in leadership positions, don't understand that as a leader, it isn't necessary to be the smartest guy in the room on all issues, but you have to be smart enough to put together the right teams and direct them toward success. Trump has been doing that his entire career.
March 27, 2016 at 10:01 p.m.
葡萄园用的是vector security。
比如NATO ,实际上真的作用不大,总部就在布鲁塞尔,人家就在你门口搞恐袭,你能怎么样,还得求russia帮忙,白花钱养着个NATO,只不过美国这么朵年形成的冷战思维,没人敢提
成为继rubio,jeb之后的新秀,establishment 的最后一根稻草
加州哪有这么多神棍啊,不是用poll打压Trump, 就是准备作弊,提前做舆论准备。希望是前者。
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
同意。 上次washington post 把 cruz 的女儿画成小猴子, Trump 还骂 邮报 nasty 呢。
太好玩了,测量观众的脑电波,看见听见Trump的时候,brain engagement最强
可不可以从另一个角度来看,到了这个阶段大家都有自己的opinion,所以ground game的效果实际上没有那么大?除非是那种被church同一车拉去,让选谁就不好意思选别人的caucus
我心说美国人真特么矫情,要办个ID很难么? 想投票又不肯事先做功课算什么?
我说我也不想相信NE的报道,让CRUZ去sue他们啊,这是最好的证明清白的办法,否则我只好相信,因为当初John Edwards 也是这么否认的
记得我以前跟博士导师讨论过大选支持谁的问题,他的回答很策略,他说I am voting against XXX(yes,教授也有支持共和党的,虽然我那时觉得GOP的观点都比较蠢,不太理解他为什么会支持共和党),我决定以后如果需要跟好朋友谈论大选话题就这么说,不伤感情。。。
Breaking, "SexTape" of #AmandaCarpenter & #TedCruz2016 will be released today 9pm Eastern! #CruzSexScandal #TRUMP2016 #PerverTed #Cruz2016
这个楼好高啊!! 爬上来看看风景
媒体把Amanda那么露骨的Tweet都视而不见, 如果有人这么说Trump, 早就上头条了!