I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it. Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz. I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great Again. - Donald J. Trump
Ted Cruz Gains in Louisiana After Loss There to Donald Trump Despite coming up short in state’s Republican presidential primary, Texan controls key convention roles
While Mr. Trump leads in winning primary and caucus elections, and has won more delegates, the Cruz campaign is proving superior at the arcane game of picking the people who will be the actual delegates to the convention, where they will help write the rules and ultimately choose the nominee.
That means that if Mr. Trump fails to reach the delegate threshold to claim the GOP nomination on the convention’s first ballot, committees dominated by Cruz supporters could work to block him from winning enough delegates to claim the nomination on any subsequent ballots.
The Trump campaign’s..[other] problem is in the overall delegate count from Louisiana. Messrs. Trump and Cruz each won 18 delegates apiece based on the Louisiana results in the primary on March 5. But the five delegates awarded to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are now free agents because he ended his campaign, and Louisiana Republicans expect them to swing behind Mr. Cruz.
Ted Cruz Gains in Louisiana After Loss There to Donald Trump Despite coming up short in state’s Republican presidential primary, Texan controls key convention roles
While Mr. Trump leads in winning primary and caucus elections, and has won more delegates, the Cruz campaign is proving superior at the arcane game of picking the people who will be the actual delegates to the convention, where they will help write the rules and ultimately choose the nominee.
That means that if Mr. Trump fails to reach the delegate threshold to claim the GOP nomination on the convention’s first ballot, committees dominated by Cruz supporters could work to block him from winning enough delegates to claim the nomination on any subsequent ballots.
The Trump campaign’s..[other] problem is in the overall delegate count from Louisiana. Messrs. Trump and Cruz each won 18 delegates apiece based on the Louisiana results in the primary on March 5. But the five delegates awarded to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are now free agents because he ended his campaign, and Louisiana Republicans expect them to swing behind Mr. Cruz.
These Survey Polls On Trump are BULL CRAP!! These Same Poll Dancers Missed the Senate Elections in 2014 BY 10 to 15% and One was OFF 22%!!! The moveon. org group and mediamatters.org group are PAYING these democrat Protestors to Be Belligerent (INCITE RIOTS) at Trump Rallys!! These are the same Jerks Protesting Wall Street and The BIG BANKS Where By The Way Hillary Clinton was Paid $250,000 per Speech For the Big Banks Like Goldman Sachs for a 20 Minute Talk!!! Hillary Will Not Disclosed the Words of her Speeches!!! WHY NOT??? SHE is Saying one thing in public and Hiding It in Private... JUS' SAYIN'!!
This is what I heard. It makes sense in some way.
Establishment hates Trump, and they even prefer Hillary over Trump. But if they go support Hillary directly, they are called "traitors" and more people will join Trump.
So they come up with a new strategy. They help Cruz, even though they don't like Cruz either. They know Cruz would most likely lose to Hillary, which is what they want.
Sex scandal update: ‘Anonymous’ sent Cruz BRUTAL warning; source linked to Rubio, not Trump http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/03/26/sex-scandal-update-anonymous-sent-cruz-brutal-warning-source-linked-to-rubio-not-trump-321535 Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding you exit this race immediately or Anonymous will release all of the information that we have found,” the group said in a video statement. “Your so-called underground acts that you think were done in the dark, will be brought out for all the public to see. It will be sent to every media outlet to publicize your disgusting behavior. We assure you it will go viral on every social media platforms in a matter of minutes.”
it's funny. Talk to my lawyer. 看来谣言是遥远的预言!
Super Pac攻击Trump,不是你。NE抖出的料就是Trump了。
Trump's response
I have no idea whether or not the cover story about Ted Cruz in this week’s
issue of the National Enquirer is true or not, but I had absolutely nothing
to do with it, did not know about it, and have not, as yet, read it.
Likewise, I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’
Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then
pretend total innocence. Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is
his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John
Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’
Ted Cruz.
I look forward to spending the week in Wisconsin, winning the Republican
nomination and ultimately the Presidency in order to Make America Great
- Donald J. Trump
大家注意到吗 - Cruz其实没有否认他有婚外情, 他只说这是Trump的攻击是garbage. 奸臣的目的是声东击西. 奸臣说话很小心, 所以他应该是guilty的.
希望national enquirer没有大放厥词,毕竟影响到6个人的名声和家庭和谐
谢谢,面部表情出卖了她 ,呵呵
Ted Cruz ‘Affair’ Rumors Peddled by Marco Rubio’s Allies
Ted Cruz Gains in Louisiana After Loss There to Donald Trump
Despite coming up short in state’s Republican presidential primary, Texan controls key convention roles
While Mr. Trump leads in winning primary and caucus elections, and has won more delegates, the Cruz campaign is proving superior at the arcane game of picking the people who will be the actual delegates to the convention, where they will help write the rules and ultimately choose the nominee.
That means that if Mr. Trump fails to reach the delegate threshold to claim the GOP nomination on the convention’s first ballot, committees dominated by Cruz supporters could work to block him from winning enough delegates to claim the nomination on any subsequent ballots.
The Trump campaign’s..[other] problem is in the overall delegate count from Louisiana. Messrs. Trump and Cruz each won 18 delegates apiece based on the Louisiana results in the primary on March 5. But the five delegates awarded to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are now free agents because he ended his campaign, and Louisiana Republicans expect them to swing behind Mr. Cruz.
National Enquirer: 3 More #Cruz Babes - Now thats total of 8! Watch VIDEO
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
查了一下NE, 貌似小新闻很多胡编乱造,但是大新闻确实会做fact-checking。。。看家事先没法判断真假。。。
Ps not sure if the content is true though. I couldnt find his source on the 3 new mistresses, even from ne
一开始还被他老实巴交的样子给蒙了,居然接受了索罗斯那么多献金,还说如果当选100天之内大赦非移,真是DEM, GOP一堆烂人狗腿,除了船长没人可以选
那个Amanda的sister in law,大姑姐爆料,说他们家人都知道,她被cruz迷住了,Cruz到DC两人就在一起
不知道curz 的老婆会怎么样呢?哈哈哈,估计正在家撕着呢
NATIONAL POLL: Are You Willing To Leave The GOP To Save America?
These Survey Polls On Trump are BULL CRAP!! These Same Poll Dancers Missed
the Senate Elections in 2014 BY 10 to 15% and One was OFF 22%!!! The moveon.
org group and mediamatters.org group are PAYING these democrat Protestors to
Be Belligerent (INCITE RIOTS) at Trump Rallys!! These are the same Jerks
Protesting Wall Street and The BIG BANKS Where By The Way Hillary Clinton
was Paid $250,000 per Speech For the Big Banks Like Goldman Sachs for a 20
Minute Talk!!! Hillary Will Not Disclosed the Words of her Speeches!!! WHY
NOT??? SHE is Saying one thing in public and Hiding It in Private... JUS'
This is what I heard. It makes sense in some way.
Establishment hates Trump, and they even prefer Hillary over Trump. But if
they go support Hillary directly, they are called "traitors" and more people
will join Trump.
So they come up with a new strategy. They help Cruz, even though they don't
like Cruz either. They know Cruz would most likely lose to Hillary, which is
what they want.
Mr. Cruz, we are now demanding you exit this race immediately or Anonymous will release all of the information that we have found,” the group said in a video statement. “Your so-called underground acts that you think were done in the dark, will be brought out for all the public to see. It will be sent to every media outlet to publicize your disgusting behavior. We assure you it will go viral on every social media platforms in a matter of minutes.”
我觉得五个中如果一个是真的, 肯定是Amanda. 据说Amanda的小女儿和Cruz长得一模一样.
哇,真的啊?谢谢版主! !!
我本想开个新帖,多占几楼, 现在只有一楼太挤了,这下纠结了
Amanda结婚了, 有两个孩子. 照片在Link里.
搞笑的是他抱怨媒体不关注他,太关注trump ,结果媒体开始关注他了,他一张口就是"Donald Trump...what what.."