观感团说,1)因为Trump太mean,是指他说megan和rosie那段(megan节目后说,她认为女人对他这样的说法会鄙夷的,我倒没觉得,我倒觉得挺hot的,哈哈) 2)说他不pledge,然后如果作为independent候选,相当于把其他GOP候选人的选民都给拉跑了,这样削弱了GOP的力量,到时候他的选民量跟希拉里肯定没的比,但是由于他造成GOP的选民比Hilary低,实际就相当于把总统交给希拉里了(这些人这么说是站在GOP的立场上说的,不是站在整个美国人利益的角度说的,我倒是觉得,他当独立候选人,可能还能把希拉里的选民拉到他那边,相当于帮了GOP呢,这些人真不会think outside the box啊)3)说他就是一个casino的老板而已,实际上对问题没有任何解决办法(我还觉得他挺有一套的)
Carson对本次debate的评论: A leader listens when the American people speak. Unfortunately, our stage was filled with plenty of rhetoric and shouting politicians. I want We the People to know I hear you. Although I didn’t have much time to share my common sense solutions with you on stage, I look forward to continuing my clear, concise vision with the American people as I did tonight. Even more, it’s clear that the people were listening – we gained over 100,000 friends and patriots on Facebook during the debate. I am humbled by our over 400,000 Twitter followers that made us the Most Mentioned candidate on Twitter during the debate. We the People are fighting for freedom, and tonight is proof that the American people are winning.
bush人看着老实,但是我觉的做总统还是缺少气场和幽默,总统还是需要很幽默的,有气场,站在哪里不说话,就能够感觉到一种煽动性,影响力,bush没有。Trump 表现挺好的,说话sharp,也有幽默感,他评价很到位,说bush是个unhappy man,说rand having a hard time,虽然简短,但是观众就会对这些竞争对手有这样的impression,我相信老妖婆在trump面前,形象只会不这些更加糟糕
bush人看着老实,但是我觉的做总统还是缺少气场和幽默,总统还是需要很幽默的,有气场,站在哪里不说话,就能够感觉到一种煽动性,影响力,bush没有。Trump 表现挺好的,说话sharp,也有幽默感,他评价很到位,说bush是个unhappy man,说rand having a hard time,虽然简短,但是观众就会对这些竞争对手有这样的impression,我相信老妖婆在trump面前,形象只会不这些更加糟糕
trump 不是回答了吗,"I want to tell you that. Very, very proud of it," he added. "By the way, this country, right now, owes $19 trillion, and they need somebody like me to straighten out that mess."
trump 结过3次婚,公司都bankcrupt N次,你们竟然希望这种人当总统,这么恨黑人墨墨阿?stacych8008 发表于 2015-08-07 08:00 AM
大家看的就是这个撕法啊,我还嫌撕的不够呢,现在谁go after trump谁就得到关注,然后trump自己人气再上升。。。上次他说了mccain, 现在他在Veteran里支持第一,还说了老莫,他现在hispanics支持率也是GOP里面最高的。。。事情的结果很难预测,这次看对women的效果如何了
大家看的就是这个撕法啊,我还嫌撕的不够呢,现在谁go after trump谁就得到关注,然后trump自己人气再上升。。。上次他说了mccain, 现在他在Veteran里支持第一,还说了老莫,他现在hispanics支持率也是GOP里面最高的。。。事情的结果很难预测,这次看对women的效果如何了
就像你说的Columba 是被搬运过来的。但她几个亲人,包括她抛妻弃女的渣爹都是非法移民。trump的话对她来说应该很难听 washington post 报道过父女关系 http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/columba-bushs-painful-unlikely-road-toward-the-white-house/2015/03/21/5918fe20-c7fd-11e4-a199-6cb5e63819d2_story.html
At the Fox News-Facebook GOP debate on Thursday, moderator Megyn Kelly questioned Donald Trump's history of inappropriate comments about women. "You’ve called women you don’t like 'fat pigs,' 'dogs,' 'slobs,' and 'disgusting animals'" Kelly chided Trump, who quipped in response: "Only Rosie O'Donnell."
The duo's longstanding feud dates back to 2006, when O’Donnell, speaking on The View, questioned Trump’s decisionnot to fire controversial Miss USA Tara Conner over drug abuse, calling him "a snake-oil salesman." O’Donnell also said of Trump: "[He] left the first wife—had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend." Trump wasn’t pleased. He told People that O’Donnell was "a woman out of control," and that "Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice, fat little Rosie."
这个megyn好像一直和trump不对付: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-08-07/fox-news-couldn-t-kill-trump-s-momentum-and-may-have-only-made-it-stronger A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition—he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly. She’d been hammering him all week on her show, and he was certain she was out to get him. He’d canceled a Fox News appearance on Monday night, the friend said, in order to avoid her. (Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm or deny this.)
这个megyn好像一直和trump不对付: http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-08-07/fox-news-couldn-t-kill-trump-s-momentum-and-may-have-only-made-it-stronger A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition—he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly. She’d been hammering him all week on her show, and he was certain she was out to get him. He’d canceled a Fox News appearance on Monday night, the friend said, in order to avoid her. (Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm or deny this.) luckyso 发表于 8/7/2015 2:13:04 PM
A leader listens when the American people speak. Unfortunately, our stage was filled with plenty of rhetoric and shouting politicians. I want We the People to know I hear you. Although I didn’t have much time to share my common sense solutions with you on stage, I look forward to continuing my clear, concise vision with the American people as I did tonight.
Even more, it’s clear that the people were listening – we gained over 100,000 friends and patriots on Facebook during the debate. I am humbled by our over 400,000 Twitter followers that made us the Most Mentioned candidate on Twitter during the debate.
We the People are fighting for freedom, and tonight is proof that the American people are winning.
that's very true he is a man of his word lol
i feel most of the candidates did well, except christie, rand paul, and jeb bush
这次总统选举太精彩了。说说映像比较好的吧:scott walker 很厉害,思路敏捷,是个执行能力很强的人。trump 还是gop里唯一能够击败老妖婆的人,他就拿“我让你来参加wedding,你就来”这一点,所有的politician 就是傀儡,后面都是财团,就这一点就能够完败老女人。bush连赢的chance都没有。
bush人看着老实,但是我觉的做总统还是缺少气场和幽默,总统还是需要很幽默的,有气场,站在哪里不说话,就能够感觉到一种煽动性,影响力,bush没有。Trump 表现挺好的,说话sharp,也有幽默感,他评价很到位,说bush是个unhappy man,说rand having a hard time,虽然简短,但是观众就会对这些竞争对手有这样的impression,我相信老妖婆在trump面前,形象只会不这些更加糟糕
support trump
here is another one. drudge report's poll: http://www.drudgereport.com/now.htm
我太期望trump作为candidate出现了,walker和trump 非常合适(10个人里就他两我觉的能够合作),两人都有执行能力,表述能力很精练,很sharp
其实ted cruz第二,carson第三。
没搞懂ted cruz怎么混进来的,我记得总统竞选人必须是土生土长的美国人?
很有意思的一个case study
好像cruz的爸当时外派。 trump认为Cruz 没权利竞选的。
支持trump! 不过也喜欢carson。anyway, 只要明年打败老巫婆,谁都行。别让民猪党在糟蹋这个国家纳税人的血汗钱养黑墨了。
不过John McCain也是类似情况,被批准了
john mccain出生在美国军事基地,祖父、父亲好像都曾是美军上将,人家苗正根红。ted cruz父亲2005年才加入美国国籍,再说加拿大怎么看都不算美国领土呀,到时候肯定有人拿他的出生地做文章。
他的存在,就好比,every movie needs to have a black character in it
和一个news anchor计较什么呀. 就问你个tough question而已,至于么?就这点气量,是男人么?还想当总统的男人。 以为高中女生jersey shore呢。
我非常欣赏Ron Paul,儿子不及老爸啊
没觉得。focus group的讨论点/结论和我的都比较一致。
大家看的就是这个撕法啊,我还嫌撕的不够呢,现在谁go after trump谁就得到关注,然后trump自己人气再上升。。。上次他说了mccain, 现在他在Veteran里支持第一,还说了老莫,他现在hispanics支持率也是GOP里面最高的。。。事情的结果很难预测,这次看对women的效果如何了
忘了说kasich, 出身蓝领,在fox news 花街都混过,信仰坚定,还相当有慈悯心,选民又不爽了,觉得人家并没有正确领悟上帝的旨意。
就像你说的Columba 是被搬运过来的。但她几个亲人,包括她抛妻弃女的渣爹都是非法移民。trump的话对她来说应该很难听
washington post 报道过父女关系 http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/columba-bushs-painful-unlikely-road-toward-the-white-house/2015/03/21/5918fe20-c7fd-11e4-a199-6cb5e63819d2_story.html
The duo's longstanding feud dates back to 2006, when O’Donnell, speaking on The View, questioned Trump’s decisionnot to fire controversial Miss USA Tara Conner over drug abuse, calling him "a snake-oil salesman." O’Donnell also said of Trump: "[He] left the first wife—had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he's the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend." Trump wasn’t pleased. He told People that O’Donnell was "a woman out of control," and that "Rosie's a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice, fat little Rosie."
A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition—he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly. She’d been hammering him all week on her show, and he was certain she was out to get him. He’d canceled a Fox News appearance on Monday night, the friend said, in order to avoid her. (Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm or deny this.)
re 同看同看~~~~