"The speaker is grateful for the support, but he is not interested. He will not accept a nomination and believes our nominee should be someone who ran this year,"
I don't think so if he dares to mess up Trump's campaign.
goldengate 发表于 3/16/2016 4:30:11 PM
The Republican Party has been practicing obstructionism for 8 years now. Another 4 years won't hurt him that much. Plus, the Democrats will join him if Trump is President. Ryan can claim he united the Democrats and Republicans.
The Republican Party has been practicing obstructionism for 8 years now. Another 4 years won't hurt him that much. Plus, the Democrats will join him if Trump is President. Ryan can claim he united the Democrats and Republicans.
BlueNDGold 发表于 3/16/2016 4:36:16 PM
The past 8 years is nothing compared to today's situation. Trump's supporters are tough, strong and royal. Everyone attack was doomed and went to hell. Look at Romney, look at Rubio, look at Sanders. That is why Paul Ryan has been nice to Trump at least above the table. He dares not go against so many voters.
The past 8 years is nothing compared to today's situation. Trump's supporters are tough, strong and royal. Everyone attack was doomed and went to hell. Look at Romney, look at Rubio, look at Sanders. That is why Paul Ryan has been nice to Trump at least above the table. He dares not go against so many voters.
goldengate 发表于 3/16/2016 4:39:41 PM
I doubt it. Even if Trump is elected President, the political system is still set up to depend on party loyalty. Congressional members are not going to work with Trump simply because he's the President.
I doubt it. Even if Trump is elected President, the political system is still set up to depend on party loyalty. Congressional members are not going to work with Trump simply because he's the President.
BlueNDGold 发表于 3/16/2016 4:46:46 PM
Well, looked at how Regan dealt with that. He was not the party wanted but now they think he is the best president ever. I think Trump is smart enough to deal with the system.
I doubt it. Even if Trump is elected President, the political system is still set up to depend on party loyalty. Congressional members are not going to work with Trump simply because he's the President.
BlueNDGold 发表于 3/16/2016 4:46:46 PM
为什么一定要WORK WITH WITH TRUMP呢。奥巴马在台上的时候共和党也不见得就配合啊。你难道不知道CHECKS AND BALANCES是为了制衡而不是配合啊,这是美国体制的优越性啊。
I doubt it. Even if Trump is elected President, the political system is still set up to depend on party loyalty. Congressional members are not going to work with Trump simply because he's the President.
Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.
看最后结果发现cruz 居然咬的很紧呐。民主党那边也很接近。
对啊,简直了。。。先take好care of美国人再拉拢外国好吗!好像外国领导人能给她选票
但是轻信媒体的也还真不少~ 好些就跟选圣人似的,自己选老公都没这么严格。
发信人: Milanol (Milanol), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 商人真不适合出任美国这种国家的元首
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 16 11:21:48 2016, 美东)
是啊,这种人不能客观的分析的,没必要多争,楼外头那些除了造谣的我也难得去理了。选总统的原则就是less evil, 大方向认定都认定不了、非纠结小节的都没啥争的,而且她们反对的真正理由也并不一定是她们嘴上强调的那些,之前有个反trump奋力发帖的我就去考古了下,明明是有别的原因,呵呵。
是明明有私心,却打着大义凌然的旗帜讨伐的。 后来我几个贴都提到了这类人的理由没指明id,她心虚的话知道我说的她,后来也的确再没见她发反trump的帖了。
GOP presidential primary debate in SLC canceled http://fox13now.com/2016/03/16/gop-presidential-primary-debate-scheduled-for-next-week-has-been-canceled/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
"Let Cruz debate himself…he has enough material"
ha ha ha
后来exit poll更新了,两个人tie的
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
无外乎家人的身份和福利, 有点太惊弓之鸟了~
Fox News Cancels GOP Debate After Donald Trump Says He Won’t Attend
昨天的5个州里只有OH, FL是通吃。这楼里的别人没意识到也罢了,怎么你也被忽悠了?
MO类似赢者通吃吧,本来TRUMP没把握赢,赢了当然是OFFSET。我觉得现在很难挡住TRUMP了, ESTABLISHMENT不占理啊,TRUMP说了要是就差个几票,你非不让上,选民可能会RIOT.
IL: 51
MO: 25 (but will get as many as 47)
NC: 29
Trump will eventually get about 226
not accept a nomination and believes our nominee should be someone who ran
this year,"
I don't think so if he dares to mess up Trump's campaign.
Well, looked at how Regan dealt with that. He was not the party wanted but now they think he is the best president ever. I think Trump is smart enough to deal with the system.
为什么一定要WORK WITH WITH TRUMP呢。奥巴马在台上的时候共和党也不见得就配合啊。你难道不知道CHECKS AND BALANCES是为了制衡而不是配合啊,这是美国体制的优越性啊。
Political parties, not voters, choose their presidential nominees, a Republican convention rules member told CNBC, a day after GOP front-runner Donald Trump rolled up more big primary victories.