今天去了Hicktory, NC,6点多出门,到了那里8点多,以为能够看到Trump,但是人实在太多了,我到那以后至少排在离会场至少有1mile的地方,在我周围的人都叹气着说,估计我们进不去了,但大家都还抱着希望,慢慢等慢慢聊天。不得不说,Trump的支持者们,都很理性,我想是跟我们这个论坛中大多数人一样,自食其力,辛苦工作的人。我前后左右几个人,都说如果Trump最后决定要走Independent参加GE,他们也一定会支持。这些人中,都对于GOP这么反对Trump非常痛恨,不停地说,在推举候选人方面,DEM比GOP做得好很多。总体给我的感觉是,Trump支持者对于GOP都非常失望,他们都说如果GOP硬把Trump挤下来,他们就会转为independent,对于GOP实在是太失望了。等了两个多小时,也跟他们聊了两个多小时,收获非常大。最欣慰的是,那些参加rally的人,对Trump从心底的支持和loyal,他们中许多人,都像我一样,一大早开了一两个小时的车赶到那里的。但遗憾的是,最终还是被通知,里面已经满了,我们包括后面至少还有几千人就不能进去了。失望中我们就在会场前面转转,发现很多protesters,有些居然还举着墨西哥的国旗!我分享一下在现场照的照片吧:A lot of protesters in front of the rally site Bigtiger0102 发表于 3/15/2016 12:42:35 AM
Trump wins 9 delegates in Northern Mariana Islands By ELIZA COLLINS 03/15/16 07:49 AM EDT Donald Trump has won the Republican caucus in the Northern Mariana Islands, a remote U.S. territory that consists of 15 islands in the Pacific Ocean. Trump took home 73 percent of the vote and will win all nine delegates, according to Jason Osborne, who was the executive director of the local Republican Party. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz followed behind with 24 percent. Both Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio made barely a blip -- Kasich took .02 percent and Rubio .01 percent of 471 total votes. Osborne previously worked as a senior communications adviser to retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump last week. Last week, the governor of the Northern Mariana Islands, Ralph Torres, threw his support behind Trump. “I encouraged CNMI GOP voters to come out and exercise their right and vote for their preferred presidential nominee. I am overwhelmed by the turnout and their support for my endorsement of Mr. Donald Trump. I thank all the voters for participating in this important process. The attention the CNMI has received this presidential cycle from all the candidates has truly shown that our votes matter," Torres said in a statement.
Anonymous has declared 'total war' on Donald Trump, threatening to 'dismantle his campaign'
Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacktivist collective have vowed to relaunch cyber-operations against US presidential candidate Donald Trump from 1 April. They threaten to 'dismantle his campaign' by taking his election websites offline in a large-scale and orchestrated distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.
In December 2015, Anonymous officially 'declared war' on Trump after a radical speech in which he said Muslims should be banned from entering the United States. The operation at the time resulted in a number of websites being targeted by hackers, but failed to have lasting impact.
A new video statement has been posted to YouTube which claims the 'loyalists and veterans' of Anonymous have decided to ramp up cyber-operations against Trump – dubbed #OpTrump – on a far larger scale than ever before.
"Dear Donald Trump, we have been watching you for a long time and what we see is deeply disturbing. Your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States of America [but] you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas. You say what your audience wants to hear but in reality you don't stand for anything except for your personal greed and power."
The video, which features the traditional Guy Fawkes mask-wearing spokesperson speaking directly to camera, called the operation a "call to arms" for hacktivists across the globe.
"We need you to shut down his websites, to research and expose what he doesn't want the public to know. We need to dismantle his campaign and sabotage his brand. We are encouraging every able person with a computer to participate in this operation. This is not a warning, this is a declaration of total war. Donald Trump – it is too late to expect us."
In a separate written message posted online, Anonymous listed a number of websites chosen to be the initial targets in the attack including trump.com, donaldjtrump.com andtrumphotelcollection.com.
Alongside these chosen targets, the post lists a slew of unverified personal information purporting to belong to Donald Trump, including a social security number, personal phone number and the contact details of his agent and legal representation.
This is not the first time a hacking group has attempted to take on Donald Trump. In January 2016 a separate group called the New World Hackers carried out multiple DDoS attacks on his official election campaign website – effectively taking it offline for a short period of time. Recently, Anonymous leaked messages from his phone's voicemail account which included personal communications from journalists, sports stars and boxing promotors.
Anonymous, which is a loose collective of hacktivists, routinely engages high-profile targets as part of its cyber-campaigns. Previous subjects have included the Islamic State (IS), the Vatican and most recently the Turkish government.
"If Republicans are going to slow Donald Trump's march to the nomination, Tuesday's contests could be their last chance to do so at the ballot box, rather than in a contested convention. "
加州比较晚通常到加州这大局已定,再次加州深蓝州,猪党多共和党的少,captain 不一定来啊
Fox News to host March 21 Republican presidential debate http://fxn.ws/1UbEVAr #FNPolitics
明天顺利拿下OH, sweep FL, NC and IL!!!
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
2 hrs ·
Good morning America! It's Super Tuesday 2! Get out & VOTE TRUMP!
Remember- we want people to come into this country- but we want them to come in LEGALLY!
By ELIZA COLLINS 03/15/16 07:49 AM EDT
Donald Trump has won the Republican caucus in the Northern Mariana Islands, a remote U.S. territory that consists of 15 islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Trump took home 73 percent of the vote and will win all nine delegates, according to Jason Osborne, who was the executive director of the local Republican Party.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz followed behind with 24 percent. Both Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio made barely a blip -- Kasich took .02 percent and Rubio .01 percent of 471 total votes.
Osborne previously worked as a senior communications adviser to retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump last week.
Last week, the governor of the Northern Mariana Islands, Ralph Torres, threw his support behind Trump.
“I encouraged CNMI GOP voters to come out and exercise their right and vote for their preferred presidential nominee. I am overwhelmed by the turnout and their support for my endorsement of Mr. Donald Trump. I thank all the voters for participating in this important process. The attention the CNMI has received this presidential cycle from all the candidates has truly shown that our votes matter," Torres said in a statement.
Northern Mariana Islands
可不,所以我在这楼里也发一遍就是让其看见, 每逢Trump的楼都没少看见其身影,自封‘中立’真以为能影响真正中立的人呢~
这楼看你盖的也不容易,就这么放弃了? 话说你也是有清华头衔的,应该不会就这么放弃吧,要不你再加把力去顶顶?
你直接在这说如果 centerr16 也是你马甲就让版主封你所有id、ip,如何 ,我会向版主申请的。
你以为你用iphone 发centerr16 的贴别人就不知道了
你也不是第一次否认了,当时否认daluren1这个不就很快被打脸了么。只要有任一一个马甲违规其他一样会被连坐,你之前也体会过很多次了的,之前用T mobile iphone 发centerr16 ,左右互搏了几次,我揪出来你又用daluren1回我, 可惜我这人就是记性太好,你最好注意点别被我见着你违规。
你自己都不把你生命当回事还好意思发誓, 别恶心别人了
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
daluren1 发表于 3/14/2016 4:10:02 PM
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06
☆ 发自 iPhone 华人一网 1.11.06